87-1018 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L Council (//� N/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. V � /D/V � BLUE - MAVOR � , Co ncil Resolution ���: Presented By � . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#14052) for a Cigarette License by James Guertin DBA Jim's Tobacco Shop at 483 W. Lynnhurst be and the same is hereby denied for the following reason: Business requires a Special Condition Use Permit COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dr�w � '�°"�' ��� In Favor Nicosia � scn�'be' Against BY Sonnen -�a9asee—L�IOH� W+laon JUL � � '�$7 Form Approv d y City At orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe i o cil Secr y BY By , A► by 1Aavor: Date � � Approved Mayor fo ubmission to Council By pU9lISHfD �U L 2 5 1987 • �r,�-'�-i o��� • DI1'�ISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST Applicant �Ln.,,t p� �� ..o n�i v� Home Address �L_ � Business Name ��,o �p�n S�'1dD Home Phone Business Address �' � '3 (�.. ��,�� Type of License(s) CA�,��.c . I..i�o ,,,�,.a , Business Phone � D c.�'�%-0� 0(�a Public Hearing Date License I.D. #` 1�' O'rja at 10:00 a.m. in the Counci Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. � 3C1�3�'1 REVIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER) COrIl�tENTS �oved Not ed Housing & Bldg � Code Enforcement � ' � � 1 � � � l � " 1,i.0e- • ��.,� Public Health � � I � �:, � � � Fire Prevention � � 4 l � I I Police � n��+- , City Attorney � Cp(3a , � ENS � � ��, � � 300 Foot Notice ,� I A � i License Inspector's Comment I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRED. . n�.�..�� . . . - -x .. . .. . - � . . .. . .. . ... . - . CORRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: ���- �--� �� �:� � • � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,* . •'�� � =;� DEPAR�(�clF�1�-tJF ,F'i,QMMUNITY SERV(CES . Itli :' .,� �, rt ;.1; � �,,,.,:, �, . ; ri -� BU�{1:DTN'G INSPECTI N�O OESiGN DIVISION ' � ���}iall,-5aint Paul.Minnesota 55102 � •••• 1�$( ���, �� ' 612-298�212 GEORGE IATIMER M/�YOR June 19, 1987 James Guertin 483 W. Lynnhurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 RE: Cigarette License Applicatioa 1�14052 at 483 W. Lynnhurst Dear Mr. Guertin: . The referenced property is located in an RM-Z, Multi-family Residential, _ zoning district. Retail service uses are permitted subject to certain conditions and require a special condition use permit from the Planning - Commission. Enclosed is a list of the required conditions. . . _ . _. . _ For further iaformation oa the procedure for obtaining a special condi- tion use permit, you may contact Donna Datsko at 228-3395. - ` �-`" � We� cannot gra.nt zoniag approval of your Ticense applicatian unless the - � rec}uired permit is obtained. - �: _ . _ If qou have anp questions regarding this matter, you may� contact me at � 298-42I5. Sincerely, _ _ ��.;-�..����:� . . . .� <. 1 . � Joh ardwick . l. ''� • . '_ . _ _ __ - _ . ' Zoaing Inspector - JH:krz cc: Joseph Carchedi Donna Datsko Pat Fish �� _ .. ,. ' . CI,T",��--/D�� . �.- ., � . ' �,�v�t,:;r, :\� +-�YL� `�� ,, ��� . . ^ ~ ,S`�` �. �� �Y..: _ (Z) Accessory buildings, structures, and uses as defincd ia Section 60. Ol. j , .� �, .. �' i��� ���'� - ' �� (Code 1956, as amended, Sec. 60.452; further amended: Ord. 17204, Jan. 15, 1985.) 60.453. riacipii uses permttted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses s a 1 be penaitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposad for each use, aad subject to the review aad approval of the planning commission: (1) AlI uses as permitted and as regulatcd ia the R-1 through R-4, RT-1, RT-2, aad RM! Resideatial Districts under principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. (2) Hospitals, aad other health and medical institutions qualifying as non-profit institutions under the laws of the state of Minnesota, all subject to thc . following conditions (a) All such hospitals shall be developed only on sites consisting of at least r�•�=°��: ` - � five acres in area. There shall be no height limitations placed on the - ��� - principal.structure. (b) The proposed site shall have at least one property line abutting a ma jor ._� .� _ _ -.TM _ . : thoroughfare as designated on the major thoroughfare plan. All access to - � �l any off-strcet parking area shall be directly from a major thoroughfare. - - � (c) Tbe minimum distance of any main or accessory buiiding from bounding - : � lot lines or streets shall be at least 50 feet for froat, rear, and side yards ��- for all two story structure� For every stary above two tha minimum yard '`�� �� distaace shall be increased by at least ZU feet . -� � (3) Nursing homes and boarding care homes which are not community residential �' facilities, provided the yard requirements for multiple-family use in this � districi are applied. � - (4) . Retail servica uses only, subjcct to the following conditions: _- _ •- - --� -� - . (a) Any retail.servica use on the zoning lot shall be ciearly incident to the,__ _ _r. _ - _.. - -� -�` � � �- ' principal use aad dosigned to service oaly residents of the principal•us�:., (b) Such use shall be provided either totally within the walls of the principal structure, or as an accessory building situated so as to provide access to Yhe residents of the pri�ncipal use only. (c) No access to such use shall be available to the general public from any � exterior entranceways. No identification sign shall be visible from any . exterior view. . , (d) Such uses shall not exceed 25 percent of the floor area at grade level, or 50 percent of the floor area,of a subgrade level, and shall be prohibited on all floors above tha first floor or grade level_ -- . (e) Each 1,000 square feet of floor area devoted to such use shall be counted - as one dwelling uait in the computation of allowed dwelling units on the :_' lot G�� " � Gl�-�-2 � 29 V t ����i�;�_/��,/�, � , . . _ " (f) The principal structures shall not be lcss than 150 dwelling units notwithstanding paragraph (e) of this subsection. ,,, (5) Accessory buildings, structures, and uses as defined in Section 60.201. � (Code 1956, as amended, Se� 60.453; further amended: Ord. 17039, July 7, 1983; Ord. 17204, Jan. 15, 1985.) 60.454. Area, Bulk, and yird setback requiremeats. See Chapter 61, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS," limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the caaximum density permitted, and providing minimum yard setbacic requirements. (Code 1956, as amended, Sec. 60.454.) 60.460. Rb1-3 Hi�h-Deasity, High-Rise Multiple-Family Resideatial District. 60.461. Inteat. The RM-3 Multiple-Family Residential District is designed to provide sites for high-density multiple dwelling structures adjacent to high traffic generators commonly found in the proximity of major shopping centers and areas abutting major ' `- - thoroughfares and expressways. This district is further provided.to serve the_residential . ,., . -,. needs of persons desiring the apartment type of accommodation with central serviccs as � opposcd to the residential pattcrns found in the RM-1 and RM-2 Multiplc-Family Rcsidential District. The high rise nature of tho district is provid�d to allow for greater density with lower coverage, which will in turn result in more open space on lands which - � would normally requirc more intensive development. (Code 1956, as amended, Sec.60.46I.)--- . 60.462. Priacipal uses permitted. In an RM-3 Multiple-Family Residential Disuict the ust of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures,.and the alteration, . . - .--- = enlargement, and.moving of existing buildings or struciures from other locations or_ _ _ _,:._� districts shall conform to the following specified uses,.unless otherwisc prov,ided ia this :•=�.:`�� code. � (1) Multiple-family dwelling� (Z) Family day care, group family day care, and group day care. (3) Foster homes serving six or fewer facility residents. - ��-- � = ' (4) Churches, chapels. synagogaes,temples, and otHer similar houses of.worship..:�-.-- - -� :: : (5) Accessory buildings, structures, and uses as defined in Section 60.201. (Code i956, as amended, Sec. 60.462; further amended: Ord. 17204, Jan. 15, 1985.) 60.463. Principal uses permitted subjeci to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use, and subject to the review and approval of the planning commission: (1) Retail service and office uses, alI subject to the following conditions: (a) Any retail or office use on the zoning lot shall be clearly incident to the ,. principal use and designed to servict only the residents of the principal � ase. (b) Such use shalI be provided totally within the walls of the main building, and shall bc totally obscurcd from any exterior view. No identification � 30