87-993 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA iT L Council . CANqRY- DEPARTMEN 7 ) �OLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. �_� � F � ncil Resolution , Presented By Re erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A Resolution Establishing The Youth And Athletic Sports Fund, Establishing A Board And Adopting Rules And Regulations WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council has adopted ordinance amendments to Chapters 404 and 409 of the Legislative Code allowing charitable gambling in private clubs and licensed on-sale liquor establishments and establishing rules and regulations therein; and WHEREAS, the adopted ordinance establishes a special fund for the administration, and distribution of the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments and private clubs ; and WHEREAS , organizations selling pulltabs and tipboards in on-sale liquor establishments and private clubs contribute 10% of the net profit to �he special youth fund; and WHEREAS , over $10,000 has already been contributed to the special youth fund by organizations selling pulltabs and tipboards under the ordinances ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council names this special fund the Youth Athletic and Sports Fund and establishes the Youth Athletic and Sports Fund Board, to be made up of one youth and one adult from each council district, and to be staffed by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that �he attached rules and regulations are adopted to provide for a fair and equitable distribution o� the funds ; and, be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� � • �u���-l� �- C-8� g�, A►pproved by �Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 GI�_� �BLUER� -MAVORTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL V 3 � , File N 0. ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED, that funding recommendations be submitted to the City Council for final approval ; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that staff shall submit a report to the Couricil one year from the date of appointment of the Board. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew -"-�� I��TTrI�'✓ [n Favor Nicos+a � s�he�t�.e+ Against BY Sonne� ;�e W�1D P w�i�on JUL — � 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe y cil Secre ar By ✓�- ! " ' ���'�C.l' eG<.�L ��D�8� gy, A►pproved by � vor: at � � �� /JU�- " � ��PProved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pt�.iSl�D J U L 1 8 198 7, . � (�-�� ��.� >_�_ � `�� DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION YOIITH ATBLETICS AND SPORTS FIIND (CHARITABLE GAMBLING) Saint Paul City Council has recognized youth athletic organizations as being vital to the provision of athletic and recreation programs in the City; On March 2, 1986 the Saint Paul City Council established a special fund for the administration and distribution of the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments as specified in Chapter 409 of the Legislative Code. Mone� from this fund may only be expended to assist youth athletic organizations which are not sellinc� tipboards and pull-tabs. The program will be administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation. PIIRPOSE The Saint Paul City Council in a Resolution dated July 1, 1987 has established a fund to provide money for c�rants to nonprofit athletic and sports groups or organizations desiring to provide better youth athletics and sports programs in Saint Paul neighborhoods. �LIGIBILITY 1. Funds will be awarded and contracts made only with community based, incorporated, nonprofit organizations with the principal purpose of providing youth athletic and sport programs. Schools are not eligible. 2. Use of funds must benefit the public and not duplicate other athletic programs in the area being served. 3. The submitting organization must provide at the time of application: a. Verification of nonprofit status and copy of organizational bx-laws b. List of Officers or Directors c. Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposal d. Previous year's budget and financial statement e. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable f. Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity g. Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization h. Area served, number of participants served, and reasons why funds are needed. 4. The financial information must demonstrate that the majority of the organization's funding is used for the benefit of the public in providing youth athletics, sports and recreational programs for youth 18 and under. - 5. Oc�anizations operating charitable gambling in the State of Minnesota are not eligible for funds. 1 ����� ��3 6. Organizations receiving funds shall file with the City financial reports within sixty days showing how the funds were expended and for what �urpose. No additional funds will be awarded until the organization has filed such reports of previous expenditures. 7. Organizations must demonstrate ability to match funds granted to them from this fund. DBFINITIONS Athletic and Sports Groups or Organizations - must be representative of or be active in the neighborhood served - must have a plan for providing athletic, sports and recreational programs - must have a set of adopted by-laws. Bliqible eupenses include: Insurance coverage Promotion and publicit� costs Rental of sports facilities Leac�ue entry fees Officiating expenses Purchase of supplies or athletic equi�ment Training expenses for volunteer coaching programs Expenses � �liqibls for funding include: � Staff salaries Capital expenses Travel expenses, except where an individual or team represents the city.or state in a state or national championship tournament Fundraising activities ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Mayor shall appoint an advisory committee to oversee distribution of the funds in the following manner: l. The Advisory Committee will consist of one adult (over 21 years of age) and one youth (under 21 years of age) member from each ward. A total of 14 members will be appointed yearly. Vacancies will be filled from the appropriate ward as needed. 2. The Division of Parks and Recreation will assign one staff inember to �s#� the Advisory Committee and to adminstrate the program. � �o��� 3. The Department of Community Services will be authorized to modify deadlines, guidelines and implement changes to the program as needed after initial adoption bx the City Council. The Advisory Committee will make recommendations about the program to the Department as needed. Major changes in the program will be brought to the City Council for action. (Changes requiring Council action 2 " ���- 9 9� include: Changes in the eligible organizations, purposes of grants or loans, etc. ) QENERAL PROCEDIIRES 1. The fund will be established in July, 1987 upon adoption by the Saint Paul City Council. 2. Applications may be submitted at any time and must be accompainied by all required materials. Quartly review will occur and the the advisory committee will determine meeting dates for consideration of proposals. . 3. Applications should be submitted two months in advance of need to permit time for review and development of a contract. 4. Applicants for funding will be considered on a first come, first served basis. 5. This is primarilx a grant program, but both grants and loans will be awarded to eligible organizations according to the following guidelines: a. Limit of $1,000 per authorized sport per year. b. One proposal per quarter from an organization. c. Awards are based on need and cannot be used as a substitute for another available revenue source. d. Not for teams representing public, private or parochial schools. e. For both new and established organizations. arants - Shall be granted on a one-for-one matching basis up to a maximum of $1,000 per quarter - Will be considered for new activities or to continue an activity that has been ongoing but now for financial reasons might not be offered - Requests must be accompanied by an outlined plan for matching the grant funds. Loans - U� to $1,000 may be requested by an organization under special circumstances and will be subject to the approval of the review committee. - Requests must be accompanied by an outlined method or plan for repayment. - Requests that are granted and promptly repaid will be considered on a �ear to year basis. - Organizations with unpaid loans will not be eligible for funding until loans are repaid. 3 , �� �9 3 6. Application forms can be obtained � writinct or callincr: Youth Athletic and Sports Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 292-7400 . EVALIIATION CRITERIA 1. Priority will be given to groups that show a need for assistance in providing athletic, sports and recreational activities for the benefit of the public in neighborhoods. 2. Priority will be given to organizations that demonstrate the ability to �rovide athletic, sports or recreational services on an ongoing basis. 3. Priority will be given to organizations that demonstrate cooperative efforts witYrin the community. 4. Priority will be given to organizations that do not duplicate other athletic programs in the area being served. REVIEW 1. Proposals will be reviewed by the Division of Parks and Recr-eatio.r�. for: a. Completeness of information � b. Eligibility under the guidelines c. Ability to obtain independent insurance coverage d. Sound financial information 2. Review will take place at intervals set by the advisory committee (details will be announced) . 3. Organizations will be notified if additional information is required for the review. A, WARDS 1. All grants and loans must be approved by the City Council before they are awarded. 2. Organizations will be notified whether their proposal is accepted or turned down. 3. Contracts will be written between the City and the organization receiving the grant or loan. 4 - - ���_�9� . 4. A final report is required within sixty days after the activity is complete. EVALIIATION The Division of Parks and Recreation will prepare an annual report (due on July lst) for the City Council which reviews the process, evaluates program effectiveness and recommends improvements. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACTZ Youth Athletic and Sports Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street (612) 292-7400 St. Paul, MN 55102 .gambling.787 5 r , , - _•• �,/=�"I- ��� ;�: _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' . INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM June 26, 1987 T0: C'ouncilman Bill Wilson fROM: Robert P. Piram � RE: Youth At�letic and Sports Fund Revisions After carefully s�idying the Youth Athletic and Sports Fund Resolution, Division staff has �,oncluded that in this particular situation, appointing volunteers to serve i`� an advisory capacity would not be a productive use of their time. Volunteer look for meaningful ways to use their skills. Attending a meeting four times a year to read and rate application forms will grow old very quickly, es cially when the opportunity to make decisions is minimal . As the program is currently organized, the process will be governed by the rules and regulations lready developed. �f an athletic organization meets all the criteria and the e 1s monev in the fund. the orQanization will automaticallv receive the rant r thg loan thev request on a first come. first served basis. We want a process that will respond o requests from athletic organizations quickly. So we propose that the Divi ion set up a staff review committee composed of Key Park Managers who woul review the applications and make appropriate awards. In addition, the Di ision would prepare quarterly reports for the Mayor and City Council and schedu e an annual review session with City Council members. At that time, recommende changes and adjustments could be made to the policies and procedures. Besides proposing an alternative to the Adviso Board, we have made several other minor revisions, such as a request for app icants not to duplicate other athletic programs in the area being served, an ev luation process, and an application form. You will also notice that the re`�olution has been revised to reflect the program changes. I would appreciate it if you would review the attached 'r.esolution, policies, procedures, and application form. Then call me and we can discuss this issue further. This is a major change from what we originally planned, but I firmly believe this new proposal will serve the needs of our citizens, provide adequate public review and still meet your original objectives. We are willing to work with you to develop a program that will meet both the Cit 's and the athletic organization's needs in a responsive. efficient and practical way• Attachment _ cc: Lynn Wolfe Mark Voerding M-WILSON.687� WMITE - CITY GLERM � � P�NK � i1NANCE C�11flClI C�N�qY - DEPAqTwtEHT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File N0. OLUE - MAYOR � � � - Council Resolution ; Rresented By Referred To ��'�� Committee: Date Out of Committee Date A Resolution Establishing The Youth And Athletic Sports nd, Establishing A Board And A ting Rules And Regulations . Whereas, the St. Paul City Co cil had adopted ordinance amendments to Chapters 404 and 409 of the Le slative Code allowing charitable gambling in private clubs and licensed on sale liquor establishments and establishing rules and regulation therein; and - Whereas, the adopted ordinance estab ishes a special f und for the administration, and distribution of t proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishme s and private clubs; and Whereas, organizations selling pulltabs a d tipbaards in on-sale liquor establishments and private clubs contribut 20� of the net profit to the special yo�uth fund; and Whereas, over $10,000 has already been contrib ted to the special youth fund by organizations selling pulltabs and tipb rds under the ordinances; now, therefore, be Resolved, that the City Council names this special und the Youth Athletic and Sports Fund, and be it further Resolved, that the program will be adminstered by a re 'ew Committee and staffed by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and, be it further Resolved, that the attached rules and regulations are adop d to provide for a fair and equitable distribution of the funds. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays N'°°:'° [n Favor Rettman Seheibei so��.� Against BY T.desw Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Sec�etary BY sy� Approved by d�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By _ BY � ����3 DIVIBION OF ARRS � RECREATION OII H ATHLETICS AND B RTS FOND . � (CHARITABLE GAMBLING) � On March 2, 1986 t e Saint Paul City Council established a special fund for the administrat n and distribution of the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling i on-sale liquor establishments as specified in Chapter 409 of the Leg'slative Code. Money from this fund may only be expended to assist yout athletic organizations which are not selling tipboards and pull-tabs. The program will be administered by a review committee and staffed by 'vision of Parks and Recreation. PIIRPOBE The Saint Paul City Council est blished a fund to provide money for grants to nonprofit athletic and sports groups or organizations desiring to provide better youth thletics and sports programs in Saint Paul neighborhoods. BLIGIBZLITY 1. Funds will be awarded and contracts ade only with community based, incorporated, nonprofit organization with the principal purpose of providing youth athletic and sport pr rams. Schools are not eligible. 2. Use of funds must benefit the public and ot duplicate other athletic programs in the area being serve . 3. The submitting orqanization must provide at the time of application: a. Verification of nonprofit status and co of organizational by-laws � b. List of Officers or Directors c. Letter verifying organization's approval o the proposal d. Previous year's budget and financial statem nt e. Current balance sheet and income statement, ' f applicable f. Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity g. Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization h. Area served, number of participants served, an reasons why funds are needed. 4. The financial information must demonstrate that the maj ity of the organization's funding is used for the benefit of the pub 'c in providing youth athletics, sports and recreational programs for youth 18 and under. 5. Oganizations operating charitable gambling or which are eligible to operate in the State of Minnesota are not eligible for funds. 1 �-�-Qy3 r 6. Organizations receiving funds shall file with the City financial reports within thirty (30) days showing how the funds were expended „ and for what purpose. No additional funds will be awarded until the organization has filed such reports of previous expenditures. 7. Orqanizations must demonstrate ability to match funds granted to them from this fund. DEFINITIONB Athletic and Sports Groups or Organizations - must be representative of or be active in the neighborhood served - must have a plan for providing athletic, sports and recreational programs - must have a set of adopted by-laws. Eliqible e$penses include: Insurance coverage Promotion and publicity cos�� Rental of sports facilities '�,� League entry fees �`,. Officiating expenses _ '�, Purchase of supplies or athletic'�equipment Training expenses for volunteer c�aching programs \ Expenses not elicible for funding inclu�e: � Staff salaries Capital expenses Travel expenses, except where an indivi ual or team represents the city or state in a state or national c ampionship tournament . ' Fundraising activities • GENERAL PROCEDORES l. Applications should be submitted at least two months before the qrant or loan is needed. This will permit th review committee time to review and develop a contract. 2. Applications must be accompanied by all required materials. 3. This is primarily a grant program, but both grant and loans will be awarded to eligible organizations according to he following guidelines: a. Limit of $1,000 per authorized sport per year. b. One proposal per quarter from an organization. c. Awards are based on need and cannot be used . as a u titute for another available revenue source. d. Not for teams representing public, private or parochial schools. e. For both new and established organizations. 2 - G����� � r ��. arants � , - - Shall e qranted on a one-for-one matching basis up to a maximum f $1,000 per quarter - Will be nsidered for new activities or to continue an activity t at has been ongoing but now for financial reasons might not b offered - Requests mus be accompanied by an outlined plan for matching the qrant fun . ns - Up to $1,000 may be equested by an organization under special circumstances and wil be subject to the approval of the review committee. - Requests must be accom nied by an outlined method or plan for repayment. - Requests that are grante and promptly repaid will be considered on a year to year basis. - Organizations with unpaid oans will not be eligible for funding until loans are repaid. 4. Applicants for funding will be nsidered on a first come, first served basis. `, � �, . 5. �pplication o s can �g obtained �y writing or callincr: Z _ Youth Athletic and Sports Fund `� . Division of Parks and Recreation`. 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street Saint Paul, NIIJ 55102 (612) 292-7400 . '', EVALIIATION CRITERIA '�. i. Priority will be given to groups that show � need for assistance in providing athletic, sports and recreational �ctivities for the benefit of the public in neighborhoods. \ 2. Priority will be given to organizations that d` monstrate the ability to provide athletic, sports or recreati nal services on an ongoinQ basis. 3. Priority will be given to organizations that demo strate cooperative efforts within the community. 4. Priority will be given to organizations that do not duplicate other athletic programs in the area being served. 3 � ��-��3� � v EW �ROCESs . 1. The Review Committee will be composed of 3 professional parks and r recreation man�gers who have experience with volunteer organizations, a�d athletic qroups and understand the City's philosophy on yo�th athletics. ,� 2. The Division of Par & Recreation will assign one staff inember to staff the program. 3. The Division of Parks & Recreation will be authorized to modify deadlines, quidelines an implement changes to the program as needed after initial adop ion by the City Council. Major changes in the program will be bro ght to the City Council for action. (Changes requirinq Council ction include: Changes in the eligible organizations, purposes of g ants or loans, etc. ) 4. The Division may limit the n er of applications accepted from an � athletic organization that see to be taking advantage ' of the first come, first served hilosophy. 5. Reviews will take place at times'�etermined by the review committee. . �, ,,� � 6. Organizations will be notified if ac�iitional information is required for the review. `� �`�. WARDB .: 1. Organizations will be notified within 30`��.days from the time the application is filed whether the proposal'`� is accepted or turned down. � 2. Contracts will be written between the City �nd the organization receiving the grant or loan. 3. A final report is required within thirty (30) ,days after the activity is complete. , EVALIIATION Every January the Division of Parks and Recreation will present an annual report to the City Council which evaluates the�, programs effectiveness and recommends improvements on an annua��. basis. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: '� � Youth Athletic and Sports Fund `` Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street (612) 2 2-7400 St. Paul, MN 55102 .gambling.687 4 ✓ . `��7��r9� a . YOIITH ATHLETIC �ND SPORT6 FIIND � APPLICATION Date: Check One: Loan Grant Organization Nam�,: Description of Orga�ization (include brief history) : ,� � � ,.\\ \, \ Nonprofit Status (503C) �ws No � Does the organization operate ``charitable gambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes No �, `` Project Description (include purp�pse) ,,'\ Project Coordinator Name Address � Phone � ``�. day evening l�`l � �•� .� Amount of Project $ Amount R�equested $ , List and describe how grant or loan funds will be ''t�sed. Estimate cost of each item. Attach additional sheets if necessa�. Item . Cqst ,y l Total cost of reguest (,�� ��3 ` � If�this appli ation is a request for a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be pecific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . If this application is a re est for a grant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (At ach additional sheets if necessary) . Please attach the followinc information o your application: 1. Verification of nonprofit status and opy of organizational by- laws 2. List of Officers or Directors 3. Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposal 4. Previous year's budget and financial statement 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity 7. Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization 8. Area served and number of participants. .fundapp.687 r.,. , � wH�Tfi - c�T"v c�Enic'�:-_ .,J ''' � ' . �." u..�<:°. . �� PcNK - F�N�NCE .�" G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV —DEP�RTMENT � �� . . . . ' �� � BLU�� —MAVOR� � � � � ' FIIC NO• � ' . r.. 4 _ ,���nc�Z` �Zesol ti�►n t� sµ ��. �x , �K:u�.t�, Y4 �., ;�� s� L . '-� �� Present By �: ;. J� �; %:r �� � >...,. : _ ; , • , : ...._ �y - � 'Referred To' �..-� � i.� z,,.��. s" ; �-�- '._. r$ °' ��r+� :,t�. � ' , Cnmmittee: flate F � r�, Out of Committee By Date - .` � �► i�02a��+e� s�l#,iita� . . '-.: '!!r lo�eli �E �►tA13� lpa�stas ,` i�s�tt Zstal�l�si1� � to�asM i�si � - « . �t'.i� �aLM l�sd �siat�s�s . ,.� 1�s� tlrs !t. li�sl C!#� C�a�il lw �d o�dtsiso� ��sl�s ta ��� � asrt 4#! a+! !ai Iw��a3�►t#�+�r t�ir �elZari� aiwcit+�1� iaa patia►�t al�lrs a�i i���d aa-�s3� if+q� ar� �s�:aMi#adi�� s�l+�s a�d . � r�a�tl�o�r �i� a�i ` °.. � �# +1� i�3opt�d a�iaas� +�s�l�s�s a a�e�ia2 �t t�r � „ s� ,�ists�t+�� ot i�1� �� � d � . _,. �� �f� ia o� l,t�qw�s �str�ir�i,ta�l��ts a�i pci� '` '` �Mr�er�as� o��qn!`sat.ioew� ��.7l�r� pi�11#.sis a� t.ip�bo+�is. !�w as-� 1l�qiro�r +�t�lisirats �ud �i�t�s +�la�s +4e�lari�tt �t s! t�� �t � - ga�afif �a ti� �i�tl � ��rd� `�rd �=� �rst�, o'Na�r =;i,Nf �as a1s+Md�► ��t oo�ri�tt+�d 1a� Eii� r�a'i�si / �rsth 11u� � o�cyasisatfr�ws srlll.a� `palltai� a�d tipbv�as�ds �s �a oa�d�isws� nat, t11�s+��, b� ' �rol�rd., l3�rt t��s Citf Cbar�otil � l3�R �.�Eal t� t�3at _ ��itl�tia aad �p�Oarts � a�d �as�rli�Lw�i Lt�s 3aa�1t �i�►l�#.i� �u�d �a�Ort� �`�id �, �o b� s�s t� ot �r ��31 aid ar� �el.t fs+air =, � ° COUNCILMEN Requested by `L�epartment of: Yeas Drew �ays N"'°"' [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen A gai nst 8Y Tedeab WNaon Adopted by Council: Date 'Form Approved by City Attorney Ceriified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by lilavor: Date Approv.ed by Mayor for Submission to Counci� B,Y � . . . „._,� . ,:_ , „- . _. r. _ .,,:. _ .: _ ,,_ _ .... .... . , � __..�.�.,,s____ __ .. ___ ..�,.._ .._.__ �_���_.__�.. _,.�... _._ ��. _ . .By _ _.._ �.- - , . _ . .. __.. wHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date each council district, recommended by councilmember, and to be staffed �by the Division of P s and Recreation; and, be it further '� � ,� Resolved, that th��attached rul and regulations are adopted to provide for a fair a d equitab e distribution of the funds. COUNCILMEN Requested by Depart nt of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia [n Favor � - Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agal[lst BY Tedesco `` Wilson Form Approved by City Attori�ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By� - - — Bv - .- . � (��r- ��3 � DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION YOOTH ATHLETICS AND SPORTS FIIND (CHARITABLE GAMBLING) POLI St. Paul City Council has recognized youth athletic organizations as being ital to the provision of athletic and recreation programs i the City. On March 2, 1986, the Saint Paul City Council est lished a special fund for administration and distribution f the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquo establishments as specified in Chapter 409 of the Legislative Cod . Monies in this fund may be expended only for such lawful purp es as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter • 349, and shall be xpended to assist youth athletic organizations which are not selli g pull-tabs and tipboards in licensed establishments. The rogram and fund will be administered by the Division of Parks and ecreation. The fund will be known a the Youth Athletic and Sports und. The Director of the Depart nt �f Community Services, upon the recommendation of the City� uncil shall appoint a city-wide charitable organization and y uth and adult representatives from each ward will advise the City n the disbursement of these funds. PIIRPOSE The St. Paul City Council in a Reso tion dated has established a fund to provide fund f grants to non-profit athletic and sports groups or organiza ions desiring to provide youth athletics and sports programs in t. Paul neighborhoods. CONDITIONB FOR ELIGIBILITY - 1. Funds will be awarded and contracts will be made only with community based, incorporated, non-profit or nizations with the principal purpose of providing youth athletic '�nd sports programs. Schools are not eligible. 2. Use of funds must have a public benefit and 't within City priorities for recreation programs. 3. The submitting organization must provide, at th time of application: . Verification of non-profit status and copy of orgai�ization by- laws Officers or Directors List Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposal The previous year's budget and financial statement A current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable A proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization Area Served, number of participants served, and reasons why funds are needed. -1- 4. The financial information must demonstrate that the majority o� the organization's fundinq is used for public benefit in providing youth athletics, sports and recreational programs for youth 18 and under. 5. No organization operating charitable gambling in the State of Minnesota will be eligible to receive funds. 6. Organizations receiving funds shall file with the City financial reports showing how the funds were expended and for what purpose. No additional funds will be awarded until the organization has filed such reports of previous expenditures. DEFINITIONB: Athletic and Suorts r u s or orqanizations a. Must be representative of and be active in the neighborhood served. b. Must have a plan for providing athletic, sports and recreational programs:, c. Must have a set of adopted by-laws. Examples of eliaible expenses inc`�ude: � Insurance coverage `�, Promotion and publicity costs ��� Rental of sports facilities � League entry fees Officiating expenses Purchase of supplies or athletic equipm t Training expenses for volunteers coaching rograms Examples of expenses that are not eliaible for fu ding include: Staff salaries Capital expenses Travel expenses, except where an individual or te represents the city or state in a state or nationa championship tournament Fundraising activities ADVISORY COMMITTEB ` The Director of the Department of Community Services shall, at the recommendation of the Saint Paul City Council, appoint an advisory committee to oversee distribution of the funds in the following manner: 1. Each council member will recommend one adult (over 21 years of age) and one youth (under 21 years of age) member yearly to the Committee for a total of 14 members (7 adults and 7 youth) . Vacancies will be filled at the recommendation of the appropriate council member as needed. -2- ✓ � '' , ' ' (.� �- �/�-� 2. The Division of Parks and Recreation will assign one staff member to chair the committee. 3. The Department of Community Services will be authorized to modify deadlines, guidelines and implement changes to the program as needed after initial adoption by the City Council. The Advisory Committee will make recommendations about the program to the Department as needed. Major changes in the program will be brought to the City Council for action. (Changes requiring Council action include: C anges in the eligible organizations, purposes of grants or loans etc. ) GENERAL PROCEDIIRES 1. The fund will be establish d in May, 1987, upon adoption by the Saint Paul City Council 2. Proposals may be submitted at any time and must be accompanied by all required materials. Qu rterly review will occur and the advisory board will determi e meeting dates for consideration of proposals. .� 3 . Proposals should (if feasible) be �ubmitted two months in advance of need to permit time for 3�eview and development of a contract. `� , 4. Application forms can be obtained by w�iting to the following address or calling 292-7400. ''` Youth Athletic and Sports Fund \'�, Division of Parks and Recreation '`'�, 300 City Hall Annex \ 25 W. 4th Street �� St. Paul, MN 55102 .\ �'� 5. Applicants for funding will be considered on a �irst come, first served basis. \ 6. This is primarily a grant program but both grants�and loans will be awarded to eligible organizations accordin� to the following guidelines: \ ` a. Will be awarded up to a limit of $1,000 per spor�, per year. �� b. Only one proposal per quarter will be considered f`rom an organization c. Will be awarded based on need and cannot be used as `�a substitute for another available revenue source. �'�� d. Will not be considered for teams representing public, private or parochial schools. � e. Will be considered for both new and established organizations. -3- � • � •r Grants -Shall be granted on a one-for-one matching basis up to a maximum of $1000 per quarter. -Will be considered for new activities or to continue an activity that has been ongoing but now for financial reasons might not be offered. Loans � ; i -Loans up to $1000 may be requested by an oX`�ganization under special circumstances and will be subject'to the approval of the advisory committee. -Requests must be accompanied by an outYined method or plan for repayment. '" -Requests that are granted and promp���y repaid will be considered on a year to year basis��' -Organizations with unpaid loans the City will not be eligible for funding until loan are repaid. EVALIIATION CRITERIA 1. Priority in awarding fundi will be given to groups that show need for assistance in pr iding athletic, sports and recreational activities r the benefit of the public in neighborhoods. 2. Priority will be give to organizations that demonstrate the ability to provide a letic, sports or recreational services on an ongoing basis. 3. Priority will be ven to organizations that demonstrate cooperative effo s within a community. xEVi�w Proposals will be reviewed by the Division of Parks and Recreation for: 1. Completene of information 2. Eligibil ' y under the guidelines 3. Ability to obtain independent insurance coverage 4. Sound financial information Review w 11 take place at intervals set by the advisory committee (detail will be announced) . Organiz tions will be notified if additional infornaation is required for the review. -4- • r . � - �� y�3 , , . . . . . AWARDS l. Organizations will be ` otified if their proposal is accepted or turned down. 2. Contracts will be writte between the City and the organization receiving an award of a grant or loan. 3. A final report will be requ'red with sixty (60) days after the activity is complete. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: 292- 400 or Youth Athletic and Sport Fund Division of Parks and Re eation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, rIIJ 55102 JBYASF.487 3/26/87 ' 1 , -5- K ,- � � r � ��-4�9-3� � r CITY OF SgINT PgUL +�' ��:. " w.�: � - ' s���� ' Og`FZCF Og' THE CITy' COIIVCIL �-- ...�........-�, �,�..„•::",','= " -- O Q t e ; June 22, 1987 COMMiTTEE RE PORT 1 TO = Sain� PQU ! Cit� Councii -.1 �- �� � � ' CO�'jtt11l�'tE� Oh LEGISLATION � • � - � _ � � C i� Lti 1 R : JOHI� �REW • : ._ ; o l . Approval of minutes from the meeting held May 18, l987. APPROVED 2. An ordinance amending Section 28.05 of the Legislative Code pertaining to campaign contributions. Council File No. 85-711 . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE WITHDRAWN. 3. An ordinance amending Chapter 41Q. 10 of the Legislative Code pertaining � to the issuance of Temporary On-Sale beer licenses and eligibility re�uirements. Council File No. 85-958. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE WITHORAWN. 4. Resolution recommending all matters presented to the Board of Health shall be first considered in the Legislation Committee. COMMITTEE SUBMITS TO CITY COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 5, Multiple liquor licenses as reported by George Vavoulis. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT THIS 1TEM BE WITHDRAWN. 6. An ordinance amending Chapter 403 of the Legislative Code pertaining to bingo halls and placing a maximum of 7 weekly bingo occasions at a licensed bingo hall . Councii File No. 86-1050. COMMITTEE SUBMITS TO CITY COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. . 7. An ordinance amending Chapter 403 of the Legistative Code pertaining to bingo halls and repealing in its entirety Section 403.05 pertaining to minimum distance between bingo halls. CounciT File No. 86-1186. COMMITTEE RECOMMENOS APPROVAL. 8. Report of the Ethical Practices Task Force dated January 8, 1987. COMM?TTEE RECOMMENDS APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENT 9. Resolution estblishing the Youth and Athletic Sports Fund, estabiisfiing a board and adopting rules and regulations. COMMIT7EE SUBMI.TS TO CITY �OUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION CIiY HALL SEVE.*ITH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,1rt1NNESOTA SSI03 .s��.