99-491Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 C5ty Hall oR���Na� RESOLUTIOM Preseuted By io ii iz 13 ia Referred To Committee: Date �� WHEREAS, on May 1, 1989, on behalf of the Police Department, the City entered into L.ease Agreement PD/17 with Luverne Worms for the use of 2,485 square feet, subsequenfly amended to 3,385 square feet, of office space for the North End Team Station in the building located at 1441 Rice Street; and WHEREAS, the term of the said Lease Agreement PD/17 expired on February 28, 1998 and has continued on a month-to-month basis; and WHEREAS, the parties to the said Lease Agreement PD/17 would like to extend the terAn through April 30, 2002; THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Amendment No. 2 to the said L,ease Agreement PD/17, thereby extending the term through Apri130, 2002. Requested by Depardnent of: Technolo�v & Mana�ement Services B �,G� �gf1�� Directo Form Approved by City Attomey �>? { Q� By: !Y� �L.�a�.. 5��2 6 ��l �j by By: �-' \ Approved by By: < �� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA co,�,�ii �,e # �9., Green Sheet # �', Adopted by Council: Date�„ q\qqq T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: May 24,1999 Green Sheet Number: 63762 ontac[Peison and Phone Number: 2 HPAR77� � 4 C1T'Y COiJNCII. Dave Nelson 266-8850 1 A {�s.�.r,.� � UDGEfDIItECtOR FFiCEOF1�R�'ANCIAI,SVCS uQ be on Coomcil Agenda by: 3 yOR (OB ASSI.ST 5 FSTATE DIVLSION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA ) CTION REQUE5TED: To authorize the extension, through Apri130, 2002, of the teru► of of Lease Agreement PD/17 of 3,385 square feet of office space at 14411tice Street for the North End Police Team Station. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Copy of Addendum II to Lease Agreement PD/17. cONm�nnTioNS:aPPxov�(n)oRa�,7ECZ(x) ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTaNSWIIiTHEFOLLOWING: . IIas the persou!£mn ever worlced rmder a contract for this deparlment? YES NO rrarv�,uccoafnnsstox A sxntt� . Has this perso�firm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CML SEAVICE COMMLSSION . Doesthisperson/StmpossessasldDnotnorniallypossessedbyany YF.S NO cwrent CSTy employee? CID COMMITTEB laiu all YES answers on a te sheet and attach. PORTS WHICH COUNCII. BJEC1'IVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) c� D7STRICT PLANr7NG COi3NCIL 6 IATING PROBLEM� ISS�JE, OPPORTUNiTY (Who, What, When� Where, Why?): Lease Agreement PD117 expired on February 28,1998 and has continued since then on a month- to-month basis. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Police Deparhnent will have office space for its North End Team through Agril 30, 2002. ISADVANTAGES IF APFROVED: NOIIC ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The lease will continue on a month-to-month basis, subject to cancellation with 30 days' nofice. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $(J 3�g8g.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIlLCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: 0410O-ZHZ-O22 ncTivrrr N�Ex: _ ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Rent remains the same, at $2,608.00 per month, times 36 months. �9-y� I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Real Estate Agreement ADDENDUM II to LEASE AGREEMENT PDt17 WHEREAS, on May 1, 1989 the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the LESSER, entered into L.ease Agreement PD/17 with Luveme Worms hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR, granting to the LESSEE the use of 2,4$5, subsequently amended by ADDENDUM I to 3,385, square feet of office space in the building located at 1441 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117, hereinafter referred to as the i.eased Premises: and WHEREAS, the term of the said Lease Agreement PD/27, as also amended by the said ADDENDUM I, expired on February 28, 1998 and continues on a month-to-month bases; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to extend the term of the lease for three years; NOW THEREFORE, the LESSOR and the LESSEE do hereby agree to ihe following revisions to said Lease agreement PDi17: 1. Paragraph !2) Term of Lease, shall be amended to read: � (2) Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below unless terminated earlier by either party as provided herein. Term (MonthslYeazs) Commencing Date Ending Date 3 Years May 1, 1999 Apri130, 2002 2. Except as herein specifically amended, all terms, covenants and condiuons of said Lease Agreement PD/17, as also amended by ADDENDUM I thereto, shail remain in full force a�d effect. ADDENDUM II LEASE AGREEMENT PD/17 a 9-`� `� l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seais the day and year in this Lease first above-written. Mayor City Clerk Director of Technology and Management Services Chief of Police City Attomey (Form Approval) LESSOR a �./E���� z� (�.��... 1� zts � � 2 Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 C5ty Hall oR���Na� RESOLUTIOM Preseuted By io ii iz 13 ia Referred To Committee: Date �� WHEREAS, on May 1, 1989, on behalf of the Police Department, the City entered into L.ease Agreement PD/17 with Luverne Worms for the use of 2,485 square feet, subsequenfly amended to 3,385 square feet, of office space for the North End Team Station in the building located at 1441 Rice Street; and WHEREAS, the term of the said Lease Agreement PD/17 expired on February 28, 1998 and has continued on a month-to-month basis; and WHEREAS, the parties to the said Lease Agreement PD/17 would like to extend the terAn through April 30, 2002; THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Amendment No. 2 to the said L,ease Agreement PD/17, thereby extending the term through Apri130, 2002. Requested by Depardnent of: Technolo�v & Mana�ement Services B �,G� �gf1�� Directo Form Approved by City Attomey �>? { Q� By: !Y� �L.�a�.. 5��2 6 ��l �j by By: �-' \ Approved by By: < �� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA co,�,�ii �,e # �9., Green Sheet # �', Adopted by Council: Date�„ q\qqq T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: May 24,1999 Green Sheet Number: 63762 ontac[Peison and Phone Number: 2 HPAR77� � 4 C1T'Y COiJNCII. Dave Nelson 266-8850 1 A {�s.�.r,.� � UDGEfDIItECtOR FFiCEOF1�R�'ANCIAI,SVCS uQ be on Coomcil Agenda by: 3 yOR (OB ASSI.ST 5 FSTATE DIVLSION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA ) CTION REQUE5TED: To authorize the extension, through Apri130, 2002, of the teru► of of Lease Agreement PD/17 of 3,385 square feet of office space at 14411tice Street for the North End Police Team Station. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Copy of Addendum II to Lease Agreement PD/17. cONm�nnTioNS:aPPxov�(n)oRa�,7ECZ(x) ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTaNSWIIiTHEFOLLOWING: . IIas the persou!£mn ever worlced rmder a contract for this deparlment? YES NO rrarv�,uccoafnnsstox A sxntt� . Has this perso�firm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CML SEAVICE COMMLSSION . Doesthisperson/StmpossessasldDnotnorniallypossessedbyany YF.S NO cwrent CSTy employee? CID COMMITTEB laiu all YES answers on a te sheet and attach. PORTS WHICH COUNCII. BJEC1'IVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) c� D7STRICT PLANr7NG COi3NCIL 6 IATING PROBLEM� ISS�JE, OPPORTUNiTY (Who, What, When� Where, Why?): Lease Agreement PD117 expired on February 28,1998 and has continued since then on a month- to-month basis. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Police Deparhnent will have office space for its North End Team through Agril 30, 2002. ISADVANTAGES IF APFROVED: NOIIC ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The lease will continue on a month-to-month basis, subject to cancellation with 30 days' nofice. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $(J 3�g8g.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIlLCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: 0410O-ZHZ-O22 ncTivrrr N�Ex: _ ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Rent remains the same, at $2,608.00 per month, times 36 months. �9-y� I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Real Estate Agreement ADDENDUM II to LEASE AGREEMENT PDt17 WHEREAS, on May 1, 1989 the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the LESSER, entered into L.ease Agreement PD/17 with Luveme Worms hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR, granting to the LESSEE the use of 2,4$5, subsequently amended by ADDENDUM I to 3,385, square feet of office space in the building located at 1441 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117, hereinafter referred to as the i.eased Premises: and WHEREAS, the term of the said Lease Agreement PD/27, as also amended by the said ADDENDUM I, expired on February 28, 1998 and continues on a month-to-month bases; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to extend the term of the lease for three years; NOW THEREFORE, the LESSOR and the LESSEE do hereby agree to ihe following revisions to said Lease agreement PDi17: 1. Paragraph !2) Term of Lease, shall be amended to read: � (2) Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below unless terminated earlier by either party as provided herein. Term (MonthslYeazs) Commencing Date Ending Date 3 Years May 1, 1999 Apri130, 2002 2. Except as herein specifically amended, all terms, covenants and condiuons of said Lease Agreement PD/17, as also amended by ADDENDUM I thereto, shail remain in full force a�d effect. ADDENDUM II LEASE AGREEMENT PD/17 a 9-`� `� l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seais the day and year in this Lease first above-written. Mayor City Clerk Director of Technology and Management Services Chief of Police City Attomey (Form Approval) LESSOR a �./E���� z� (�.��... 1� zts � � 2 Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 C5ty Hall oR���Na� RESOLUTIOM Preseuted By io ii iz 13 ia Referred To Committee: Date �� WHEREAS, on May 1, 1989, on behalf of the Police Department, the City entered into L.ease Agreement PD/17 with Luverne Worms for the use of 2,485 square feet, subsequenfly amended to 3,385 square feet, of office space for the North End Team Station in the building located at 1441 Rice Street; and WHEREAS, the term of the said Lease Agreement PD/17 expired on February 28, 1998 and has continued on a month-to-month basis; and WHEREAS, the parties to the said Lease Agreement PD/17 would like to extend the terAn through April 30, 2002; THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Amendment No. 2 to the said L,ease Agreement PD/17, thereby extending the term through Apri130, 2002. Requested by Depardnent of: Technolo�v & Mana�ement Services B �,G� �gf1�� Directo Form Approved by City Attomey �>? { Q� By: !Y� �L.�a�.. 5��2 6 ��l �j by By: �-' \ Approved by By: < �� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA co,�,�ii �,e # �9., Green Sheet # �', Adopted by Council: Date�„ q\qqq T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: May 24,1999 Green Sheet Number: 63762 ontac[Peison and Phone Number: 2 HPAR77� � 4 C1T'Y COiJNCII. Dave Nelson 266-8850 1 A {�s.�.r,.� � UDGEfDIItECtOR FFiCEOF1�R�'ANCIAI,SVCS uQ be on Coomcil Agenda by: 3 yOR (OB ASSI.ST 5 FSTATE DIVLSION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA ) CTION REQUE5TED: To authorize the extension, through Apri130, 2002, of the teru► of of Lease Agreement PD/17 of 3,385 square feet of office space at 14411tice Street for the North End Police Team Station. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Copy of Addendum II to Lease Agreement PD/17. cONm�nnTioNS:aPPxov�(n)oRa�,7ECZ(x) ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTaNSWIIiTHEFOLLOWING: . IIas the persou!£mn ever worlced rmder a contract for this deparlment? YES NO rrarv�,uccoafnnsstox A sxntt� . Has this perso�firm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CML SEAVICE COMMLSSION . Doesthisperson/StmpossessasldDnotnorniallypossessedbyany YF.S NO cwrent CSTy employee? CID COMMITTEB laiu all YES answers on a te sheet and attach. PORTS WHICH COUNCII. BJEC1'IVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) c� D7STRICT PLANr7NG COi3NCIL 6 IATING PROBLEM� ISS�JE, OPPORTUNiTY (Who, What, When� Where, Why?): Lease Agreement PD117 expired on February 28,1998 and has continued since then on a month- to-month basis. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Police Deparhnent will have office space for its North End Team through Agril 30, 2002. ISADVANTAGES IF APFROVED: NOIIC ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The lease will continue on a month-to-month basis, subject to cancellation with 30 days' nofice. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $(J 3�g8g.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIlLCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: 0410O-ZHZ-O22 ncTivrrr N�Ex: _ ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Rent remains the same, at $2,608.00 per month, times 36 months. �9-y� I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Real Estate Agreement ADDENDUM II to LEASE AGREEMENT PDt17 WHEREAS, on May 1, 1989 the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the LESSER, entered into L.ease Agreement PD/17 with Luveme Worms hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR, granting to the LESSEE the use of 2,4$5, subsequently amended by ADDENDUM I to 3,385, square feet of office space in the building located at 1441 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117, hereinafter referred to as the i.eased Premises: and WHEREAS, the term of the said Lease Agreement PD/27, as also amended by the said ADDENDUM I, expired on February 28, 1998 and continues on a month-to-month bases; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to extend the term of the lease for three years; NOW THEREFORE, the LESSOR and the LESSEE do hereby agree to ihe following revisions to said Lease agreement PDi17: 1. Paragraph !2) Term of Lease, shall be amended to read: � (2) Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below unless terminated earlier by either party as provided herein. Term (MonthslYeazs) Commencing Date Ending Date 3 Years May 1, 1999 Apri130, 2002 2. Except as herein specifically amended, all terms, covenants and condiuons of said Lease Agreement PD/17, as also amended by ADDENDUM I thereto, shail remain in full force a�d effect. ADDENDUM II LEASE AGREEMENT PD/17 a 9-`� `� l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seais the day and year in this Lease first above-written. Mayor City Clerk Director of Technology and Management Services Chief of Police City Attomey (Form Approval) LESSOR a �./E���� z� (�.��... 1� zts � � 2