BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �� �"��
Council Resolution t��
. ����
Presented By �'��-�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby grant the application on behalf of Riverfest for variance
from the City' s sound level restrictions for the Riverfest
Festival to be conducted on Harriet Island, Saint Paul , from
12:00 Noon until 10: 30 P.M. during the period of July 10, 1987
through July 19 , 1987, the variance hereby granted being made
subject to the express condition that the applicant shall comply
with any subsequent recommendations that may be made during
the conduct of the Festival by the City' s Environmental Health
Division to restrict any adverse noise impact on the surrounding
neighborhood, and the City Clerk shall transmit a copy of this
resolution to the applicant and to the Environmental Health
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew Nays
�z°z��� �_ In Favor
Scheibel � Against BY
W+�eo� JU�, — 7 �g87 Form Approve by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Gertified Pas e uncil Sec ry BY
A►pproved by iVlavor: te � — �V�-1 JUL � o �►pproved ayor for Submission to Council
B � � LM �.._' By
Y - —
PtlBlISNfD J U L 1 8 1987
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aff writer �;�
: Open up ycwr wtndows and let ,
` p►e siteace in. . `
� ThaYs t�a�eseage frum•�lte St.
�taul C'ity Co�Cil, which passed a
Iloise ordinan�e Tae�day cavering
,�veryt�g`ft�1m po�a�rfut crane4
�Power t�ol�.
a The rn�lin�ee does not affect �;"
$�la�s, fi�ti�§ or b�rges;w�icb(
yre�eoteM�by fEderat interstate
�em�aee�c:e lasWs.�ut jnat about ew �
else�incl�ded in the ea- :,
�tive ordineace, w6ich ovas a� �,
�roved nttaniinously �nd will
i�coYne la�Ds 30 d��s.
, �Violations, Will be mis- °
and couucil member
. . Sonaen ssid the Police I)e-
�I��rt,nnent and the city's public `
th di�i§ion wo�d �dl�moet ,
�pomplaints. Sonnea, who engi-
�^ed the ord�na,said tl�spic- ,
� .�of t� laW was to con�ect prob- �
�ms,;not mete out p�t, so
1Yst-time violations would proba-
;�(y just t�oeive waraings.
The otdi�ance wi11 make illegal
�aoh things as operating a vehicle
;�ithout a muffier,,�18i�in�mu�stc
�J�D1V tOUa 1���.�^
�nt�ng � no�sy �semblY P�7'
�lts. It pats extra emphaais on ac-
�vit�es betaeen 10 p:1En.and?a.m. .
, ; The ordinance 4as dr�►vvn favor-
' �le�esponses from most resi�
about�i�ie,bnt it drew
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June 9, 1987
To wnom i.t may concern:
As the General Manager at The Kellogg Square Apartments I am
pleased to see sLUYUner activities that draw favorable attention
to our dawntown c�r¢nunity.
I have had an opportunity to review a letter regarding inprovements
made to the audio system used by the Riverfest organizers. It
seems to me that the measures proposed by The Parks and Recreation
Department well justified ancl wi11 do a great deal toward keeping
the Riverfest music wit'riin the Riverfest area.
I �n certain that the many many residents of Kellogg Square will
appreciate your efforts as I understand the noise fran past
kiverfest celebrations has been c�uite a problem.
T�ank you for your ef forts.
, }
� ; � , � �
� �
��i� ���� � ��
Patricia Hanson Josel
Resident Manage
,. �_ . . �.- 4�, ��, ��d
. : .�
' Cifiy ot Salnt Paul Offlc Ua• O�ly
D�ip�Kmint ot Community Servlc�a Date Rec'd 5�
Dlvision of Pubik Health Revlewed
Enviro�m�ntal H��Ith 8�ctlon Data Publi�Not�e Refened to
555 Cedat Street, Saint Paul� MN 55101 ��t - S �1°��� � Council
292-���� Requires Noise impact Statement �
Qpp00��a40oa� �o� d�a���a���
Sound Levei Restrictions
City of Saint Peul Noise Ordinance
Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul L.eptslative Code
1. Organization or Person Seeking Varlance --8���PYFPCt'
2. Addf6SS RiverFest, 1320 North Central �i'ower, 445 Minnesota St .
�_�. Paul. MN 55101
. 3. Responsible Person Joseph M. Pecor .
-=� 4. POSitlOtl — u; �PrFest on rat i nnG Manacre� :_-
5. Telephone 22s-oois
6. Briefly Describe the Noise Source and Equipment Involved
_ � (l dav of live music concerts on three outdoor stages
7. Address or Legal Description of Noise Source Harri I land Park, st . Paul
8. Noise Source Time of Operation 12 Noon - 10: 3o PM Daily,
July 10 - 19, 1987
9. Briefly Describe the Ste�s taken to Minimize Noise Level from Source.
( See attache list )
��. Briefly State Reasons for Seeking Variance Seeking to continue this five-
vear old annual summer event that creates jobs and provides community
business and entertainment, and to comply with provisions of the new
�t . Paul Noise Ordinance
�1. Dates during which the Variance is Requested July 10-19, 19 a�
81�natur+� of R�sponslbl� P�non Dats g7
R�turn Compl�t�d Appticatlon and 0.00 t�� to:
Ernt�onmeMal Heaith Section� 555 Cedar Street� Saint Paui� MN 55101
Make Checks Payable to the "Gty oi Saint Paui" N•1 5/87
. . , . ��-,_ ���
9 . Briefly describe the Steps taken to Minimize Noise Level from Source .
1 . Our Main Stage show will start earlier to end earlier --
7 : 00 PM instead of 7 : 30 PM, to end earlier.
2 . The Main Stage and speakers will be 6 feet lower than last
year to lessen effect of wind carrying the sound.
3. Our speaker system will be re-directed toward the ground.
4 . For the first time, high bleachers will be erected in front
of the Main Stage, creating a "bowl" to help contain the
5 . Baffles will be erected at the rear of the Main Stage to
reduce sound spillover to the West Side neighborhood; behind
the Main Stage.
6 . Decibel levels will be limited at the sound mixer to 100,
down from 107 decibels .
,�� _:... .... ...�_..
, (�_�_ 9��'
June 2, 19�/
T0: Joe Pecor
FM: Bill Morton
RE: Noise. abatement - RiverFest
Joe, the following is a recap outline with the measures we are taking at Main Stage
to �address area complaints about our PA.
1:� Impose a decibel level limit at the house mix position of 100 db. (last year
peaks were not measured but I expect that peaks of 112 - 116 db were experienced.
2. Reduce the height of the performance deck from 10' to 6' .
3. Reduce the height of the PA wings (used for stacking cabinet arrays) form 10' to
4z' and stacking cabinets 2 deep rather than 3' deep consequently reducing the
maximum height of PA from 20' to 112' .
4. Suspending an accoustical drop from the stage roof structure. This drop will
hang 20' deep and cover the entire width of the stage. (noise abatement specifications
and a sample of the material is included). � �
5. We will erect a 12' wall immediately at the rear of the stage deck. The material
from which the panels will be constructed is 5/8" sheet rock laminated between 2
sheets of plywood 5/II" and 1/4 " thickness. This wall will extend a minumum of
64 ' width and a maximum of 80' . The drop will overlap the wall barrier to serve
as an accoustical trap.
6. 16 row bleachers will be positioned at rear of the house area to assist in sound
wave absorbsion.
7. We have retained Mr. David Braslau, an accoustical engineer from the twin city area
to provide technical advice, monitor PA levels both at the stage area and previous
complaint locations, compile data for recommendations to further improve our efforts
in the future.
Our assumption is that the main stage was the generator of the majority of complaints
We are givi�g attention toward the positioning and soeaker directivity of the
secondary stages.
_ ' ��7� �t 9�
� ' � . �
��'`�������.: CITY OF SAINT PAUL
=:•• •�->>
�.; ����'���'�� '.-
�- 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101
George Latimer (612)292-7747
May 22, 1987
Neal M. McPhillips
85 Water St. W.
St. Paul, MN 55107
Dear St. Paul Property Owner:
This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the
noise source limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance.
(Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislative Code).
A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be
held on:
Date: June 9, 1987
Time: 10:00 A.M.
Location: Third Floor City Hall Council Chambers
Written cotm�ents or objections may be filed with the:
Department of Conmunity Services
Division of Public Health
Environ�rental Health Section
555 C�dar Street ,
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
within iiiteen (IS) days of the mailirx� date on this notice.
Description of Variance:
Riverfest activities, Harriet Island Park �
July 10-19, 1987
Live misic concerts on three (3) autdoor stages
12:00 Noon-10:30 p.m., daily
c: Councilperson Scheibel
District Planning Council(s)
West Side Citizen's Organiation
West Side Neighborhood Hausing Service
, . - - ��'� ���
� ���'��„� �'
555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101
George Latimer (612)292-7741
June 1, 1987
Joseph M. Pecor �
Riverfest r-
1320 North Central Life Tower , . �
445 Minnesota St. �
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 -
��� : ;
Dear Mr. Pecor:
Your application for variance from the noise source limitations
as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of
the St. Paul Legislative Code) has been received and is being
A public hearing before the City Council will be held on
June 9, 1987 at 10:00 a.m. , third floor City Hall Council
After the public hearing the Council may by resolution
grant, deny, modify or revoke the variance request.
If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 292-7705
or Frank Staffenson at 292-7716.
Yours ly,
_ ,
� ��
Peter T. Kishel
Occupational Safety-Health Analyst