D00762White — City Clerk , Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Accounting Blue —Engineer- H. L. Holzschuh Green — Contcactor 300 Lowry Prof. Bldg. • No. 0 00'l �2 Date _ � L� � — �75 CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER fQi CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as roof replacement at ➢uluth � Case Rec Center known as Contract �-14110 , City Project No. 9419, 00 , Berwald Roofint Company , Gontraeta, is composed of Lhe following: Replace 420 Square Feet of wet insulation @$1.00 per square foot ..$420.00 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifYeations in the sum of $ 420.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contraet. ]mown as contract �- 14110 ,�d which amount is to be fYnanced from: �"14� 3io25�'e8°E9aE 33c��it �I � �' 3`ioz4�' c`� �c-3g�q � � � c oP Parks �, Recreation Swmnary Original Contract . . . . . . . $63,171.00 This Change Order . . . . . . . $ 420,00 Total Contract: $63,591.00 �/ — 3� 1g � �5' Berwald Roofing Company concraccor Z E. eT 19 `'� � to 2 isy�. s to�a�( 19 S5 gy (see attached letter) _�, .�tk�e�=f?70'��p� Head of Depaztment of inance ����t Y�-, � Adm�nistrative Assistant to the Mayor ��( �o��bz. Q " DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII DATE �NRIATED N O ��° O � � LIEPJDesi� crouP � �� �� rolz3/9s GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INIiIAL/OATE INITIPLlOATE � DEPAHTMEMDIPE � CT'CAUNCIL H. L. Holzschuh 266-9091 nsss�ce+ GTYATfORNEY �cmrc�wc USTBE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DAT� p�WT�N� BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGi, SERVICES Dlfl. ORDER O MpyOR (ORASSISTANn m H, L, HOZZSCIlUll TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 35 LOWY}' TO . B g. ACTION REQUE5TED: _ Required signatures for Qiange Qrder #l, Duluth:$ Case Rec Center, 1020 Duluth Street, Saint Paul, MN. RECOMMENOA770NS: Approve (n) or qe7ect (H) pERSONAL SERYICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISS�ON �� Has Mis personRirm ever worketl untler a coMract for this departmeM? ` ` CIB COMMITTEE YES NO � . � STAFF � 2. Has Mis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DIS7iitCT CAUR7 _ 3. Does this person/irtm possess a skili not nORnaly possessetl by a�y current c�ty employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attech to green sheet VNITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPP�ATUNIN (Who. Whet, When, Whera, Why). , Replace wet insulation on roof. . VANTAGESIFAPPROVED The wet insulation will be replaced per unit cost of $1.00 per square foot stated on contract. DfSADVAtdTAGES fF APPROVE�: None. RECEIVE� DEC - 5199� �ITY CLER�' DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�. � �r������ L ��T 31 1995 � ��?� AT�'O�NEY TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRAMSACTIOM $ �T �� COSTfHEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO � W FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ��d' �' 3T0 ZS'� �S�S � 330 1 � FINANCIA� INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) CR l�- 3To2H- � �SR k' 33o`�t �