87-976 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII /��j/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �/ - / / �/ BLUE - MAVOR Coun il es�lu ' n Presented By � � � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I,D.#26751) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor-C, Sunday On Sale Lic{uor, Class III Entertainment, Gambling Location-A, and Restaurant-B License expiring October 31, 1987, by Food � Pub Co. DBA Kick-Off Pub (Larry Bowie, President) at 1347 Burns Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred from Lamplighter Lounge of St. Paul Inc. DBA Kick-Off (Vern Launderville, President) at the same address. COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew � MeszRZ �Q��� [n Favor Kicos�a � 5cr,e�h�� __ Against BY -- 5on�en �9lle��oo Q Adopted by���ouncil: Date JUL — I �9t17 Form A oved by City Attor ey Certified Yas-e y Council , etar BY By +' Approve A�layor: D V Approved ayor for Submission to Council By By �9:• �� J��,� � ".i 1987� '.,�E_)t�� City o: Satut Psul Licensr_ and Permic U:ivision Roum 203 City Hall /�„ r 7_/;7� ` • . � Saiat Paul, Minnesota 55102 (��`- � � � � tLaPLICATIOF FOR ENTERTaI*�MLNT LICENSE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL ITEI:S LISTED BELOW 1. Applicant/Company Name �Op �,t/``+ �Z/�� . o / ^�� -��' (U ^�� n /- Telephona No. 2. Business Name _��C`�, �� �JC.i C7 3. Business Address STREET: �3 �-7 ,[_�rtiCn/,' f ti/� . Number Name Directfon Type 4. Mail to Address STREET: ���7 ,C_,u��/.� �T v� Number Na�e Direc:ion Type S . �/! /�%.c./ S—�S—IU � C ty State Zip Code 5. Name of Applicant �G ,Q/�/`'� �V Ol✓/� Telephone 4+/�-.�°f/ � ��� �o Indivi� al/Partner/Officer Area Code/Number 6. Applicant Address STREET: r�� G (,� � �T � 6��� vumber Name Direction Type .S� ll.�v � /Ll..� .�r�°f City State Zip Code 7. Type of Business: Restauran[ � Club Aote.1/*totel 8. Manager in Charge ��}/C�'�/ ��/�.✓ /.� )<)ev/,� /Q -/..7- � / First Namr.7 Middle Last Date of Birth / T�E 9. Manager Home Address STREET: �7� �. (� ^ -�� � �C/ Number Name Diraction Type S�-��/ �,�� ss�U� City State Zip Code Telephon�/� - ��/ - O 7S(o Area Code Number Orig. Date of Employment 10. Class of Entertainmeat (Check appropriate box.) ❑ Class 1 - Amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by one perfurmer, and group singing .participated in by patrons of the establishment. ❑ Class 2 - All activities allowed in Class 1, plus amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by three or fewer performers. I XI Class 3 - All activities allowed in Class 1 and 2, plus amplified or non-amplified � � � music and/or singfng by performers without limitation as to number, and dancing by patrons to live, taped, or electronically-produced music, aad which may also permit volleyball and broomball participated in by patrons or guests of the licensed establishment. ❑ Class 4 - All activities allowed in Class 1, 2, and 3, plus stage shows. skits, vaude- ville, theater, con[ests, and/or dancing by performers without limitation as to number, including pxtron participation in any of the a'_urementioned. 11. Specify exact area(s) where Entertainment will be provided. ��'i',�� �00�1 oL .E �s��t/ n�i P � �0 O . 12. If dancing is proposed for the public, specify the amount of floor space maintained for dancing in che form of a scaled drawing or blueprint. 13. 4fiat days and times will Eatertainment be provided. �(/'��1L CN �� " � G/.?�t/ �G.C�SSlON S - c/z.v i.✓n S � � Appl ca 's Signature � d � � / Date � � � ,� ��7�7(� Application No. Date Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IPJTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI�VG LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the lic�nse will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIE'�J BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) 2. Located at (address) 1 �1.�`7 ���� (�,�}e.r S�' �Cl, L , m t� �SIO�o 3. Name under wh i ch bus i ness wi 11 be operated ��c fc ��� //-'c�d 4. True Name �� /� T� � P.✓ � � Phone �/°i/-075� First Middie Maiden Last 5. Oate of Bi rth - �d��� P1 ace of Bi rth Month, Day, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? � � Native yaturalized� 7. Home Address � 7 � � 1��'�`' � �'� F�OI� Home Tel ephone �q ) — O�5 4> 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address � c�+�n ��,C�� .� _L���c����p � '� � �� I - $ 5 — 3 - �"7 �Tn�Tu h r� �v�CZ....sz(��- S�; L�t.�)��--e�-- .��- L�� - S 1 - I- `�� 9. Married? � If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. 10. 4ave you e��er benn conv_ of any felony, crime or vioiation of any city ordinance, other than traffic? Yes No � Oate of arrest 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Oate of arrest 19 Where • Charge Canviction Sentence 1?. Retail 8eer Federal iax Stamp ✓ Retail Liquor Federai Tax Stamp C� wi11 be used. I2. C1 osest 3.2 PT ace � -t /yl�y�� Church � v� ,o�ili School � ��C. �i __ I3. Closest intoxicating iiquor place. On Sale ,��. �f� Off Sale � �c. /t/I ! ia. List the names and residences of three persons of Rarrtsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business , who ray be referred to as to the applicant's character. � Name Rddress ��1'a.�,�.5 �� �c�/jP,c.so.✓ /.3(�� �.v�ic �, . ���i� � �I�1 ti � �o�. d .���� �a�w�oU�r �,�� - �rrG����,�y . � , � /���f / - a�.�-�✓" G/.v�� /A'fG GL�'�.P�P c/e,o .�v� Sf'./��.� I5. Address or premises for which appiication is made /��,7 �U✓.t�.� ihl�� Zone C1 ass i f�cazf on (.���. Phone '77� — 7o/O 16. Between what cross streets? �/.z1,CP.•f•�'� � ��i�NS Which side of Street /UEa . I7. Are premises naw occupied? � � What Business? 1LtG�f �"'t�� �•d�C ttow Long? ��C S '_3. List licenses whictt yeu currently hoid, or farnerly he1d, or may have an fnt�rest in. ��C/` G N� I9. Have any of the 1ic�nses tis�ed by yau in No. I8 ever been r�voked? Yes �Vo �. If answer is "yes", 1'st the dates and reasons ° , . . , �-��-�7� ' 20. If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation � � � 19� and attach copy of �,rticles of Incorporation and minutes of tirst meetiag. 21. List all officers" of the corporation, giving their names, offi.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. . / � ,� .S � ..S • .d� 09�'�' -d 7 �� �vs. 77'� - 7 oi o i�!/ � I/. . - �� ' '' S-� _/�� , o� � - D�S~� �v S, �lG- 70l D 22. If busi.ness is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this busiaess or premises? V�it..r/ �.v �[.c.e v s//r° G�.c.�e�� c7 Gv,av e� �,v J�l� �l'L/d �oi�/.C.�C.'� �'f-C%[ �C/'�e C,. 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? S If not, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant ia this ousircess? �` d � If aaswer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. ;1ame Home Address Phone Ai�TY F.�I.ISFICATION OF ANSW'ERS GIVEI�I OR *SATERIAL SLBMITTID WILL RESUI.T I*t DE�YL�L OF THIS a,PPLICaTION. I hereby state uader oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the infcrmation contained therein i� true aad correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection wfth the transfer of this license, from any person by waq of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application whic:� I have herewith submittedi ` State of :4innesota) `'�%- �����s� � • : II NOTARY PtJeLIC•MN�MlESO�A ('� � � ` ' ��Expi��23- 5$9 • `�` Countp of Ramsey ) - (Signature of applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this /,��"' day o f ����?�,�19 �� y2'�l- �-�--- :1ot ry Public, Ramsey unty, Minnesota Ky ommission z:spires 3/�=;�/�� t, . . � � . °��� 9�� � . Application No. Oate Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IP�TOXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE SUNDAY ON� SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SAIE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEIJ BY THE PUBLIC �o d �4-✓c� Pc� 6 �c� . 1. Application for (name of license) db,� �ick d-�'-�' �v �v 2. Located at (address) � 35�-7 .��R�S �-1ve ��7� �/�c�� /�� 3. Name under which business will be operated ��, �+� �'"�� 4. True Plame � .✓ �O w / � Phone �'�/-075� First Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi rth 0 -- l 3 — 3 P1 ace of Bi rth /"��r� l�t/_ ��. Month, Oay, Year o'. Are you a citizen of the United States? v � Native Naturalized 7. Home Address � ,� ��S''� S�.�v� Home Telephone ��/�— 475� 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/empioyment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address J� r���s s.�l�� �-�- �$ - � �� �-� f���e�. - / /�.��o,���,- , � �GcJ�� " �/Niv //1�c/ivaf ���R�� ��cN �i��� . /�/N. 9. Married? /'v d if answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. J 10. �fave you ever benn conv_ic*ed of any felony, �ime or violation or any city ordinance, other than traffic? Yes No r� ` Oate of arrest I9 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Oate of arrest 19 Where • Charge Canvicticn Sentence I1. Retail Beer Federal iax Stamp � Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp � wi11 be used. 12. C1 osest 3.2 PI ace � "� �"�s Church O� �' �� School o`� � �� I3. Closest intoxicating iiqucr place. On Sale o`� �- �� Off Sa1e � �- /�� i�. List the names and residenc�s of tt�ree persons of Ramsey Caunty of qaad moral character, not relatad to the applicant or financialTy interested in the premises or business , �Nho �nay be referred to as to the appiicant's character. � Vame Address �iGl1,A�td �C ct�cv�c° . _ �'o`?� �xe/z'.� /% - �T'�/�.�/ .c�.q--�res ��o,�,4s � ��� f ,,, s ,/J �1 �i��,�,r..�. �'�u.,�.�s �i.,� w � . �� . �,��f i5. Address oT premises for whictt appl ication is made /�3 SL7 GUGit.�.l �v� Zone C1 ass 1 fi catf on C�n��r . Phone '77�, 7d/O I6. Between what cross streets? �is-.Ce�� � /-�✓�tiS Which side af Street /�o_ I7. Are premises nou� oceupied? �-5 What Business? l! tG/T �� ��� l�ow Long? ��/�-5 .3. �ist licenses whictt you c:crrently ho1d, or ror,nerly he1d, or may have an int�re5� fn. �.�4. 7� i,�c. �l SA ,�o u,��s .Q.�.� �9��r- 7�' _ S oa,v ��c a�.� �9���— /9'a( I9. !�ave any of the iic�nses tisted by you in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes �o � If answer is "yes" , l�s� the dates and reasons � �t�7��7� • . - . "' 20. If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation � � ( 19 �� and attach copy of Articles oi Incorporation and minutes o= rirst meetiag. 21. List all officers� of the corporation, givfng their names, offi.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. L. .�, /�� �, G�` S7� ��,�'� � 9'/ — D �s�-� �hc�s 77�— 7 0�d . �,�-6.U�`/,� L� Ci sst' /_/�i° /�� ,�' �'-� `��'� 5�-��v� a ��- a�s-� �s ��� �o� a --- 22. If business is partnershig, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. vame Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? �/t°�C�!/ �.G/�.v �.!P !/�/<j° — G7//�,�,P...� p �..��d/-Pit !N! l/ �e��/ C, �O r 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? ��_. If not, who will operate it? :1ame Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant ia t:�is business? If aaswer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone aumber. Name�.� �i�/�1�� �,�C�.4SS--e_Home Address 1�� ,� ,. � � S7�• Phone o���^47$—� Ai`1Y FALISFICATION OF e�,�ISWERS GIVE�I OR MATERIAL SLBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DE,YI�L OF THIS APPLICaTION. I hereby stace under oath that I have answered al]. of the above questions, and that the information contained therein i� true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further uader oa[h that I have received no money or ocher consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer of this license, from any person by way of 1oan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application wnic:� I have herewith submitted. - State of :iianesota)�/��;,. �Q��.s�a��� � � �--� • �.S.3;� �,.,, NOTARY PUBLIC-MfNNESOTA 6 HENNEPIN COUNTY g Countq of Ramsey ) � Aty i,omm:�ion Ex�ires 3-2�-99 � :��' ( i ture of applicant) ,..,>�,-"..,,....._�,..,,�,.:.,�....: Subscribed and swu to before me th s � aQ�" day o f 19. :tota Public, Ramsey nty, btinnesota �ty oarmission e:spires �'o�S�'�9 �- . �'`y� �r�� . , �.�-. E�`' �r�� �.s �_ c.� I- � `'c' � CC� � �� C � � � 6 t� ►�,1 t,:l ��. i � i-� i:.. �. �� � t V � t �t � � � ��.. ~ . �. � G � i� � � � � �' I� IC �, T iQ (�� ' F I L E N 0. Lki�k Dear Property Owner: . P A� t ___—_—_ ---- —'_! Transfer of an On Sale Liquor, On 5ale Sunday Liquor, � � u � � � s� Entertainment, Gambling Location, and Restaurant License � � I � I 1 GA�T - -. w - _� �'�`P � � Food � Pub Co. DBA Kick-Off Pub (Larry Bo�aie, President) I � � i — --� -- ---' � . _�_.._ ----------i 1...� �N+.� 1 � 1`i ! 1347 Burns Avenue ; I . ( July 1, 1987 — -- 10:OG ��.�, --- - -"----i NC � � �r� � I C[tY Cr,uncil Chamhcrs, 3rd rloor City Hall - Couc� hc�us�_ __ I �' �------• --- ---- _ --__---_- —`i ^Ry License and f�ermit Division, Denartmer:t of Finance ar,u 'i !� �-T-� C� J� N-r- �fanagement Services Room 203 City liall-Caurt }{ousc i S�iint Paul ,Diinnesota 29�-5056 I -- _,