87-967 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. j� / ��� BLUE - MAVOR Cou il e lut�on f�, �,,tJ _ �,G��`"'Y''.f_l Presented By ��� � i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#55986) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Paddlewheels, Tipboards, � Pulltabs) by Ramsey County 40 � 8 Voiture 838 on August 9, 1987, between the hours of 1:00 P.M, and 5:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. COUIVCILMEN A Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Drew raa,e� /C�� [n Favor rv���s�a � sct,e�ae _ __ Against BY Sonnen � JUL p 1Ah# n '- � 1907 Form Approve y City Attorney Adopted by �ouncil: Date — Certified Pas e b� uncil Secr ry � By gy, ��- / A p p r o ;V l a y o r: D a t e _� � Approved b ayor for Submission to Council B _ By P�.►�#� ��:.�� 111987� , ��-���7 ,. _��: �ive na.*:es o� oi��cers or a.�y other persor.s :�aid for seMr�ces to t::z OT'^�I'.1Z.iyi._OI:. ;;ame-T�t�e nddress �ate of r.._r�r. NONE 21. ir. wY:ose custcd; will r=cords oi CT€anizat�or,'s Gamblin� Sess�ons be �.e�t^ i+ame ROBERT E. KING �dc'se s s 133 CAYUGA ST. S T. PAUL, MN. 55117 22. Attacr a copy oi your Orga.aization's members'r.ip roster and date each nember joined. 23. A��acr. the Ganh�in� Sessior. �fanager's bond. 2�� . �lttac� a cop� o� ��:e �epa�rtr�ent oi the ^r�asu.-^J, Inter:ial :'.ever.ue Service "i.�turr: o' C`ra�*L:�2�i0II �ti�:�-:t _ror.: Ir.co;^e '"^.a:", ro:^! qvn, {�t,��+,er 1.�19.�t� (1).) 25. :�ttach a co�f of Depart:�er.t oi the Trsasu.-„r� i:1�P._T':72.1 3=ver_ue Service, ''�te^rot Or�ar,- ization Business Ir.come Tax", Form 9°OT. (Crapter 1�19.OI� (2). } 26. attach the annua� report required of c:-:aritahle orCanizations by i•Sinnesota Statuies, Section 3�9.53. (Chapter It19.01� (3).) 27. ::ave you read and do:yeu thorou�hlv understar_c? the �rovis�or.s o�' a.11 Ia�rs, o?-dinances an� �e�ulat�ons �overn�n� the operatior. of Ganhli:� Sessions? y� �P. :�ny cr.an-es des_red b� the applicant associazior. ma� he made onl� Tsrith �he cor.sent or the License Cor�mittee. � , 29. iias a.-�y person(s) garticipating in �he operation of any oi tre �a��blin� sessions cov- ered by tr�i.s l�cease ever been convicted of a felony in tre State of i•ii.nnesota or in ar�y otY:er State or iederal Court? Yes ;1oYYY . Is ar:swer is "yes", pro�*ide , nairces, addresses a.nd birth-dates. Oz'€ani�ation „ . � 1 .\ �. ,� . � / ; • . R�, ;� ; ��'' �,' � ' "j (Of£ic '"it�e . 'r' ,,� � �'��� - ONALD S O---CHEF DE GARE . � ` � S � ';,� �a , . , (.�:a.nager in c�a.r�e of Cambl Sessien) . State of �;�ti.nnesots-) � ROBERT E. KI G .. �our.�;� of,,�al-���r�` ���,,, . ,,�,� DONALD S IAb`KO an� ROBERT KING oeiaP duly sworn sa� that they a-�e the petitioners in the above a^plica�ion; �hat the? rave ��a� the ioregoir.g pet�tion and T�:ow the contents t':ereof; tlzat tr�e sa.rie is +r�se o_° t`eir o:�rr_ '�r!owled�Q. - Subs�bed �nd sw-o{r-n tQ before ;^e �'�'s ■ . �d3� of `1 ���/P l a�� CAROL A. M.ATHISEN 'ti�� NOTARY PUBUC—�diNAtE�OTA ' l��J , � :�� . aa�n��v cau;�rr '// � -�/ _�� MY CJh1M.eX"r��f5 7`+1kY 18, 1939 :+Ot2.T^,�' �L1G1�C� vOl1T1+V� i'1:'� Ot ■ ,•frr ccr.L�nission e:cpires ,5=��-�� Bu'��dir�; Depa,z V:�er.t t�ADZ'O4QCi J'1S3F'ia:.'OV2d by ri:e �e�a_rt�:.ent A�o:oved ?isaporo?ed by Dolice Jepartrent zparovea-�isapprcved���* . �t, „ ..T_ � ��9� � _ i.i__ .;: ..=. '.t�.. � .. :niTi_.ii JT :�iin.:C:, iiii :�-�i.i'r.C'�;'.:..'i.`: :..._'.�l1�i.:. ul�rl.C.11i'll lJC L1lrGiVs;. ::i1� D:�.li'�1 t1:JialZ':IJi:li�llii�l � IZT^QS��:Al1C� 1'�.-r��:.'�1 �JZli'� �.Lp..�.�.C.n11Q1'1 :��:� �i��T i�Q CiC?:�U.rim C111:'��-iG SE�SIOP: Zi'i .ST. F�T,�L 1. ::a::e oi �roar�za�i�r. RAMSEY COUNTY 40 & 8 VOITURE 838 1129 ARCADE STREET 2. Address whe*_�e Cr�ar:ization's re�ular meetings are reld ST. PAUL. MINN. 551� 3. Day and ti�e oi ^eeti.��s 1ST APID �RD WIDNF5DAY5 7:00 P. M. �:. Adclress where CamblynP Session :�rill l�e held 1129 ARCADE ST. ST. PAUL. MN. 55117 �. Is �p'.icant o•�rner oi nrope�T -,r'r.ere Gaa�bLz� Sessicn �ail? �e helc? °es XXX ;?o 6. Ii ?ease�, c�rno is owr.er of pro�eriy ti•;i:ere Gamblin�- Sessicn Taill he !-�e�d^[�Ig�ICAN LEGION ARCADE PHALEN POST 5�� 1129 ARCADE ST. ST. PAUL. MN. 55106 7. If leased, attach letter of permission to conduct Gar�blin€ Session, s;gned by lesser. S. ilame of of�icer maI�ng appli.cation DONALD SIANKO 9. Address of of,icer ma�ng spplication ��;�{��ON. ST. PAUL Date of birth 22 2$ _ , 10. ::ame of nan2.ger wY:o will conduct Gambling Session ROBERT E. KING lI. :,ddress of manager 133 CAYL�A ST. ST. PAUL. MN. 551�� Date of �irtn 7/5/39 I.2. In connection with what event is this Gambling Session beir.g held? CHICKEN & CORN FEID 13• ��Ihat type of gar.lbli� device(s} will be used? Paddlev�reel XXX "Ypboard XXXX P.a._f f'le 1!t. Day, dates ar.d hours this application is °or anc rumber of sess=ons. _ °P Da�(s) n� Da�es AUGUST 9. 198�o�'s � TILL S:OQ'o•.''of �S�ssions ONE '�� ,., � 15. 'IiIZ prizas be gaid in money or merchandise? BOTH MONEY AND�MERC�iA�l�!}I$E _ ;, ; ' ` t ` 26. Is tre avpi�.cant assoc�atior_ or�anizs� under the la*as of tre Sta�e� 7f1:�_innesota7_y�_ _ . . - . ,� , 17. row lor� has Cr�anizatior. been in exister.ce? N� y�g ' '�, �� ���; � l�. ty'hat is tne pu_roose oi tt:e Or£anizztion? �nNnR S(X!TF'.TY nF THF. Af�RZ���' LGIOH. DIDICATID TO THE PROMITION AND SCHLORSHIPS OF NURSES TRAINING. 19. Of�icers of the Organi.zation :iame-Title Address Date of birth DONAT,I� STANKO_ HEF DE C E 907 E. LAWSON ST. PAUL i/22�28 GTT, FF.RNANDEZ-�I�' DE TRAIN 1780 AGATE 5T. ST. PAUL 4/29/22 nnN NFTNTN�ER-�OMM�'�. S�RF TrrrFNIDENT 599 E. MARYI,AND ST. PAUL 1/21/19 Rev �a��NiIF.R�.—CORRFSPONDENT 2111_ E. ORANGE AVE. ST. PAUL. 4,�,r?8f�8 �. � �'•4 , � �o .�. � � 64.. iy � .� . .- _ . .. - . .. ,� ��_[`f " .. l�Z; � r � ~ ., . �` : " M nnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board LAWF�E GAMBLING EXEMPTION r n� �`''� Room N47S Griggs-Midway Building , - FOR BOARD USE ONLY 1821 University Avenue ` °� - - St.Paul,MN 55104-3383 - �,,. ;.. ,� (6121642-0555 . . � -", <..- ., .. . ���� r�t - � INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Submit request for exemption at least 30 days prior to the occasion. � �`�"� . 2. When completing form,do not complete shaded areas. ` 3. Give the gold copy to the City or County. Send the remaining copies to the Board.The copies will be . returned with an exemption number added to the form.When your activity is concluded;complete the PLEASE TYPE financial information,sign and date the form, and return to the Board within 30 days. �- OrganizationName � � LianaeNunberOfarrs�tlyapreNa,elyfca+aedl RAM��Y ;,GU?iTY 40 nc 8 '! '�'t,. �' X-b2-01i-72 Address City,County,State,Zip Code 112 Ai�ADu �T. ; F Chief Executive Officer's Name Phone Number Manager's Name Phone Number �C:dAIr7 3I.A`bKC �` ' a . Type of Organization If Other Nonprofit Organization(Check One► ,.;�..:.,�;�..Fraterna�r. . ,_ �Veter�ns�.�,nr,;:� � ��-;<�,._ r .�:�..3,,:=;;, �D�:lRS Designatic>n�r �_�r.�;_ -..�.,��,::t., _, .. . _. �_. _ :�. : ❑ Religion ❑ Other Nonprofit Organization � Incorporated with Secretary of State ❑ Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organization Name of Premises Where Activity Will Occur Date(s)of Activity a�ca�� �xa .�r:. F s �y *� .� *r t : AL'GtL�T 9� 198'7a y Premises Address e/�/��} r}f 7 n. �.�� '��27 Qi1.CK1J!'•,�J L � :. M.-..''' ' . . . � . � . . ' �. . � . . . � . 1��VV1� l�L �=Q� r• t'i- Games Yes No Gross Receipts �:Value of Prizes Expenses Profit �� -6ingo yx � . , _. , � . ; '�,., _ - � ,.Raffles � .��� 1� c r:, � y ���- - - ' 4'��' .-Paddlewheels � y r�-. ' ` ... •: :.. . �`' Tipboards � - . Pull-Tabs � ♦�.,?�....:�tJseof Profit Distributor Prom Whom Gambling Equipment Acquired Distributor's License No. �,I'-affirt�n alf•in�orFnation sobmitted to.the:Bbacd ist�rve,:accu-= -t�a#irrn�aM-firrancia4 information�subFnitteci:.tp the-_Board is_ < .. k �"` rate,and�cnmplete. r .t ' true,accu�ate,and complete. • / /,'� 1 t '' � ._+ :����f�!'.:��r, ';'�.�I �� � x. ':�. Chief Executive Officer Signature �Q?aA . j I Date Chief Executive Officer Signature T, , Date �}^:, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNWGBODY - 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application.By acknowledging receipt,I admit having been served with notice : that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Bo�ard and will becoine effective 30 days from the=c�; date of recei t(noted below)b the Ci or Count , unless a resolution of the local overnin bod is assed which s ecifi `�� � P Y tY Y 9 9 Y� P P . � ;� cally disallows such activity and a copy of that resolutior-i$received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30.:;;�� � days of the below noted date. `" � - Y=" �' CITY OR COUNTY TOWNSHIP �:.''�. Name of Local�overning Body 1City or County► Tow�ship Name(Must be notified when County is the approving bodyl �. . Cit of St. Pnu1 �� - . =�L; Signature of Person Receivi�g Application . Signature of Person Receiving Application Jose h Carchedi �� . i� . 6 18 8 Title " Date Received rnie oete Lice�se Insoector � � , CG-00020-01 14/861 White—Board Canary—Board retums to Organization to keep � P'ink—Organization "`� ��`s�r _ Gold—City or County ��. .� �'s►7L'�+� ..,. . .. .� ,� Jd�,-. r� SF:i �-u ;" i.. ��_ .. �..� �i��a7�� e n:�A � .. _. sii7t":.Y".,r-•�". .