87-958 WMITE - C�TV GLERK � �. PINK - FINANCE COUACII p GANqRV,�- 4EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��-"/�`� BIUE - MAVOR Co i ol tion .� - �.� Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas , The Friends of St . Paul and Ramsey County Parks was established in 1985 for the purposes of promoting public support and appreciation of these areas by developing an understanding of the system and possible threats to it; stimulating interest in , and awareness of the parks and open space in the City and County; helping interpret its possibilities in the St . Paul -Ramsey County community and acting in cooperation with the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and staff, and other appropriate persons or organizations in the community; and Whereas , The Friends of St . Paul and Ramsey County Parks have developed a membership base of park supporters , promoted information for the general public about park activities , monitored public policy concerning park issues , and helped to coordinate efforts for trail planning and development around the metropolitan area; and Whereas , The Friends propose to hire a consultant to study the St . Paul and Ramsey county Park systems and to - develop long range comprehensive plans for St. Paul and Ramsey County; and Whereas , By Council Resolution 86-708, dated June 3, 1986, the City Council approved a $5000 contribution to the Friends of St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks to assist with this study; and Whereas , the consultant will be selected by a Task Force of individuals who have knowledge and interest in the park and recreation system in St . Paul and Ramsey County; and COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen - _ Against BY '� Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _ _ BY WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council C�SARY -'�EPARTMENT /FJ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V � ' Cou cil �Resol ' n , Presented By ��. � � �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas , One half of the Task Force members will consist of St . Paul residents or people who work in St . Paul ; the balance will be from suburban Ramsey County appointed by the County Board; Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the Mayor is authorized to appoint a Task Force of twelve residents of St. Paul or people who work in St . Paul to interview and employ a park consultant to help the Task Force establish long range plans for St . Paul and Ramsey County; and Further Resolved, that the Chair of the Task Force will be a joint appointment of the Mayor of St . Paul and the Ramsey County Board; and Finally Resolved, that the Executive Director of the Friends of St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks will serve as project director to support the efforts of the Task Force and the park consul tant , l�e it Finally Resolved, that the final report be submitted to the City Council for r2view. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen _ Against � � Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �uL — � 1987 Form pprov by 'ty Ctor � Certified Passed C cil Secre BY By. ��� Approve by Mav : �_� '�� JU�- — 6 � Appro by Mayor for Sub cil By _ — P t�.i S l t E B J U L 1 � 1 9 8 7 . . . , e s DEPARfiMENT (�-- �7 �l'�5$� �o _ 09292.. ° Robert Piram CONTACT 4126 PHONE ', DATE i �j�� - I , � , � ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR R0 IMG ORDER C]i Al l Locations for Si natr�re : Dep�rtment Direct r 3 Director of Management/F�yor Fin�nce and Manag_ nt Services Director - , � City Clerk Bud�et Director , i . � City Attorney , . WHAT WI L BE ACHIEYED BY TAKING A�TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIaLS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Authorize the Mayo to appoint a Task Force of 12 members to select a consultant to per�,form a compr hensive park study in conunction with Friends ��V��ul and Ramsey' County Parks. JUN 13 1987 � ��YOR'S O�FICE . OST BEMEFIT BUDGETA Y AND PERSDNNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPAtTED: , Friend�,s will pay forithe study; the City has donated $5000 towards the cost of the study.; ; FINANCI�IG SOURCE AND B�UDGET ACTIVITY NU{�BER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- • ture not re- Total Amou�t o.f "Transaction: quired if under � $10,000) Fund�ng Source: Actiyity Number: ATTACHM�NTS (List and Number All Attachments) : R EC EIV E D Counci�l Resolutian � � Letter to Victor J. edesco • ,�UN 17 �987 , Copy �f Resolution 6-708 . � CITY ATTC�RN�Y ; � DEPARTNt�NT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Reso�lution Required? Yes No �Yes �No Insuran e Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/� Yes �No Insuran�e Attached: , ; (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revisedil2/84 ! I • s + �^ ••�"r,,,,�. � �,_�,. County Commissioners - Office of the Executive Director D�ane�t,rens John T.Finley 286 Court House 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Ruby Hunt Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Duane W.McCarty (612) 298-5980 Hal Norgard Donald E.Salverda w�nns�counmr Terry Schutten, Executive Director Warren W.Schaber MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 1987 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk FROM: John Velin, Chief Clerk - County Court RE: Friends of the Parks Attached is a copy of a resolution passed by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners which establishes a task force for Friends of the Parks. When the City of St. Paul has established such a task force, please send me a copy of the resolution. Thank you. bcj ', - _� f� � �„ 46 M,�i 5 . , ���.�� � � � Resolution Board oi �amse �ounf Gommissroners � � � Presented By Commissioner Norgard Date June 22, 1987 No. 87-373 Attention: Budget & accouatiag; Tony Crea, Parks & Recreation; Bob Piram, City Parks Director; Appointment file; Appointment book WHEREAS, The County has allocated $10,000 for a study of parks by the Friends of the Parks and the Friends of the Parks proposed the establishment of a task force consisting of 12 appointees by the County and 12 by the City of St. Paul to guide the study; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Comrnissioners authorizes the establishment of a task force to operate in the manner set forth in the one page attachment B which is on file with the Chief Clerk, to be appointed through the Open Appointment process and to serve until the study is completed. � � � �l L. � , � � �.ian.e aivice.nb, Chct.ih. 8N e e�c - our�y