87-885 WHITE ' - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �� � u i R ol t 'on Presented By � � �� "° Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#88082) for the renewal of an On Sale Liquor License (Inactive) by Polo Club of St. Paul, Inc. expiring May 31, 1988 be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. There shall be no operation under the authority of the license in St. Paul without prior approval of the required bond by the License Inspector and the City Attorney and 2. That there shall be no transfer of the license to any other location without prior approval of the City Council as required by law. This license shall not be renewed on inactive status after May 31, 1988 and will be renewed only on condition that the licensed business is restored to full operation or in the alternative the licensee make application for and obtain approval for the transfer of this license , prior to May 31, 1988. COU[VCILMEN Yeas _�R Nays Requested by Department of: Ma� �Qj,�� � [n Favor �� scne;tE;i _ O __ Against BY -- S�ow+n Tedesco wi�son ,UN � � ��7 Form App ov b Ci to ney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified V• d o nc.il reta BY By , Approv y ;Nayor. Date _ � `��4; f l� ��� Approved Mayor for Submission to Council — BY PuDi.�JRC.t� �l:i� �:. : ��7�� . �-�-�5 . " Room 203, City Hall t Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 '�, � APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL ITEMS LISTED BELOW 1. Applicant/Company Name ���� (1' CLI�� S''f, �,9'(/� / ^ � S�� / Telephone No. �. Business Name 3. Business Address STREET: N���G�� Number Name Direction Type 4. Mail to Address STREET: �v���W� Number Name Direction Type City State Zip Code 5. Name of Applicant �/pv �!✓ /"!/oU �C2'� Telephone - Individ a�/Partner/Officer Area Code/Number 6. Applicant Address STREET: �� ��� S`I • Number Name Direction Type ��• ���- /ttti .S`S/v1 City State Zip Code �jit/l�NO w�l/ 7. Type of Business: Restaurant Club Hotel/Motel 8. Manager in Charge ��NQ�"f✓ First Name Middle Last Date of Birth 9. Manager Home Address STREET: Number Name Direction Type �/�/1��1/uwr✓ City State Zip Code Telephone - Area Code Number Orig. Date of Employment 10. Are any of the following taxes or charges for the licensed premises unpaid or delinquent? Real Estate Taxes Yes No t� Personal Property Taxes Yes No � Special Assessments Yes No oC City Utility Bills Yes No � 11. If there have been any changes in interests in premises or finances, or contracts between applicant and any persons, corporation, partnerships, or any new loans since license was last issued, explain in detail: � 12. Liquor is served in the following areas (rooms) 13. Seating Capacity: 100 seats or less over 100 seats over Z00 seats White copy - return to License & Permit Division Pink copy - retain for your records ��� Signatur� of Applicant