87-880 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA �} L COURCII � (!` � CANARY - DEPARTMENT 7 /� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. / `v Cou il es lution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#23859) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor License (Inactive) by Mike Nallick at 215 South Wabasha expiring January 31, 1988, be and the same is hereby transferred from Joe-Art Inc. (Darlene Murphy, President) with the following conditions: 1. There shall be no operation under the authority of the license in St. Paul without prior approval of the rec{uired bond by the License Inspector and City Attorney and 2. There shall be no transfer of the license to any other location without prior approval of the City Council as required by law This license shall not be renewed on an inactive status after January 31, 1988 and will be renewed only on condition that the licensed business is restored to full operation or in the alternative the licensee make application for and obtain approval for the transfer of this license prior to January 31, 1988. CQUNCILMEN Yeas �� Nays Requested by Department of: �r ��Z�yt.r.�,.� � [n Favor a4`°`+.' 0 Scheibe� _ __ Against BY -- � Tedasco .�p W+t�on JUN 1 7 I�� Form Ap ved by Att ney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Y : Counci c � By gy, Approv by Mayor: Date _ a�N � � I�Uf Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council g By �S� �U i� � � �.7V , ��,�� �'�'�. , . A��lication No. Oate Received ,- � � By � �( ' 3.5�. ,�,. CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE II`JTOXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE � SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SU6JECT TO REVIEW 6Y THE PUBLIC 1. Application for ,(name of license) ��► �Q-���`� f"`"-���" y �� „�Y �«'�Kse , r , n o�� � � <<e. 2. l.ocated at (address) � l s Sd4--�� �JQ-�* s�.� S-�ree.-� ` � 3. Name under whi ch bus i ness wi 11 be operated a �� ��/ e rw` `�n �`�' � -- 3?? - 24 y �K� 4. True Plame � �S � �• � l��� l� Phone Y Z t ' �T d d O �W� First � Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Birtfi �2 — �� — ���� Place of Birth �j,���?r��a �'s , � � Month, Day, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? /�� Native V NaturaliZed n, 7. Home Address � �/�f S �'I r rA4 n �o�s ���/a.� Home Tel ephone 3 � � 2�{�y 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address �h1_�.'r/ CA �++ S��"2ct��.Q j�a.�e,r �%d �/ad�SC�' � �v /V W �d�a ��0,� � ,�' O (3 � x g' . 9. Nhdrried? eS If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. S�t. /� � QS � / G� �aVe �o i^�'c �R l! /GIC . �:��d d� , . .. 10. �iave you ever been convic:�d of any felony, �x�fine or vioiation of any city ordinancek other than traffic? 'fes No' 1� `� . ,.` ti Oate of arrest I9 tdhere � � Cnarge Canviction Sentence Oat� or arrest I9 Where • Cnarge _ Convictian Sentence lI. Retail 3eer Federal iax Stamp Retail Liquor Feceral Tax Stamp �,vill be used. IZ. Closest 3.2 P1ac� Church School 13. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale Off Sa1e i�l. List the names and residenc�s of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral charac�er, not relat�d to �he applicant or financ1a11y interested in the premises, or bu5ine55 , �Nho �nay he referred to as to tt;e aaplicant's character. Vame Rddress }� /�� � � ` r .��,�[ . �! � � T\� (� L--.S a.1C' _ __ _ � 3 J7' � ( Y� � , �-t- l r l!°`f'�<<.Dn .. �b`�'c� cs�,r �/l_) � � �-v�L1. Z � a�s�. d D`-cJ�u. ��� - �S I5. Address or premises Tor which application is made �� � .� �t�fS�� Jrr�-c.� Zone C1 assi�i catton Phone �'I a n, � 16. Bet�aeen what cross s�reets? ���.�� �lV'c�, '�lhich side of Street I7. Qre premises now occupied? � G S What Business? �faw Long? � L � � �� � '_3. l.�st licens2s �Nnica you c:trrenZly ho1d, or ro rnerly he1d, or may have an inz2rest in. � . � i9. �ave any of �he lic�nses Tist2d by you in ;�a. 18 ever bee� r=voked? Yes Vo t� I� answer is "�es" , 1's� *.he dates and reasons . . ... . (,���-��a If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation 19 and attach copy of Articles of Incorroratioa and minutes oi tirst meeting. 21. List all officers�of the corporation, giving their names, offi.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. 22. If business is partnership, list partner(s) , address and tel.ephone numbers. ;Vame Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this busiaess or premises? 0 � //9 2 cf/Ue /�«�`S c 24. Are you going� to operate this busiaess personally. If not, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. Name Home Address Phone ANY F.AI.ZSFICATION OF r�.ivSWERS GIVEDI OR ?�1ATERIAL SL'BMITTID WILL RESULT I*1 DE:IIaI. OF THIS APPLICaTIOV. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, ia connection with the transfer of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application wnich I have hezewith submitted. State of :4ianesota) � • • . � Countq of Ramsey ) (Signature of applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this a (� day o f "y-�p I9 $�o ■ a �;,.„�c�qi�c}j �cT.°.?d:'1 L.^,,�iv.L.. ,�'�`k v.p� . „ ,,>�� Ta ' �=:- --: ��JFF?''!Pt��!��-�.,�.,.��so ����:,: Q��:L,:a^:'`�+.��� .4�� � vota Public, Ramsey County, :tinnesota p1Y Gv"!:!• �%,�'��i=5�`�•2���2 :Iy Cou�ission e:cpire �,01 C � "^^"r`^�r�"�'