87-879 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT X/j7 7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �+ / • � Cou cil Res lution . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#57180) for a new On Sale Wine, On Sale Malt Beverage and Restaurant License expiring June 1, 1988 by Robert Piper DBA Tulips Restaurant at 452 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ,{�� Nays �'Z /�"�'��+.� � In Favor AM�e�a Sche�bel v _ __ Against BY — S�*eR— Tpdesco � JUN ' 7 ��7 Form Appr v d b it ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa.s Council cr BY gy, Appr by 1Vlavor: Date ���1� Z � ��� Approved M yor for Submission to Council _ By E�e��� �' � ���� .:':._:��:� �� i icataon No; Date Received By ���/ CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IPlTOXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE � SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . � PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATItiG LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ' ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE ctions : This form must be filled out with typewriter or by prin�ing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess oT 5o in the corporation and/or association in which the nam� of t�he lic�nse will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC i h I� � � � � 4pp1 ication for (name of 1 icense) V Yl 5��-� � W 1 h.-� � 1 ��C:r' Located at (address) l �J/�` s2,�_;� i :T_� L^�_ `-��� __ � - T Vame under which business wil l be operaten `�c,� ��•�S i e <.;'��.,ti r,� �2 f . rrue �Vame D � ,� ' � Phone �7�"���b First (Middle t�laiden Last )ate of 6i rth � �� y� Pl ace of Bi rth ���J �e,r��' Lf !, Month, Day, Year � ` '; ; are you a citizen of the United States? /�'�S � idative Naturalized _ � i � �ome Address ��(� CP�L� � J-� < . Home Telephone .3 �`}— Y����� � � �ncluding your present business/employment, what business/empluyment nave you f01�CWn•1 ' � ror the past five years? : ; f i i ! Business/Employment Address F �' ; � L � � L S �?. Te� �..ic,w� � 3�� �U� ( �,tJ C� < s �� r�'�(, i< j t � J ' � ; , , � � � i- i �S�f P r S rl_n � � i ; . l �l — ( I ! 4arried? ✓ If answer is " " � yes , list the name and address of spouse. � � � C �l r �a.-b C e.L 1 � S -� S� r✓1 ,� y'r , �I' �= �, �-c , ; � --�—='� f NF"' �� �� ; , � �� .;a;1e you �ever 5een c�nvic�e� oT any �21ony,s crime or violat�on oT any city ordinance , � ot;er t7an �raTri c? Yes Vo ✓ , �������. �ate oT arrest 19 ',Jhere � Cnarge Conviction Sentence Dat� or arrest 19 '�Ihere � Cnarge Conviction Sentence 1'_. Retail 3eer rederal iax Stamp Retail Liquor �eceral Tax Stamp wi11 be used. i 12. C�052SL 3.Z P1 ac� '�-1 rnt A.�✓ Church � nm��, School / �r.,�� y 13. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale � /k�,-�.c. _ Off Sa1e y/l�-��. i�l. List the names and residenc�s of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related te �he applicant or financially interested in the premises or busiress , •,vno �nay he r�Terred �o as to t^e aaolicant' s cnaractzr. ��ame Address � n � �(� SD y Se1 bv S-t�a� � h�? �, - �--� c � ;, ; �Q� l� 1'��`e-� �� �I �`'—( �r � ; Y{� � ;(�i.'bi.� t N� I r � Ch r i S'�i r,� S�le.e.`��er 1��. 1�z.; c�< <-r � �t �t �'�,�,-;' _ i�'I;�- J���. � ; � I5. Address or premises Tor �:�t;��h application is madD _ � ��1_�.� 0��� - �'�c'_ � ��-u � � 3� `l�!S� Zone Classi�icat�on��,C.^�,�`� _�_?�+�__ Phone _�— , � 1 I6. 3et��reen wnat cross streets? � �1 � '� '' 1 � C��-� '�Ihich side or Str�er �_ l 17. nre premises now occupied? What Business? How LOng? :3. L�s� lic�nses �Nnich you clrrently ho1d, or �o rnerly ne1d, or ma� have sn interes� ;n. ��1�� - �—.ic,e_ns�_ �o �.o �C, s � n�e.s s r ('n � �, �� � � 1, ,� ������ � �9. :�ave any or the 1ic�nses lis�ed by you in �o. 18 ever 5een r�voked? Yes No ID I; answer is "�es" , 1 'st *.he dates and reasons ' ' � �,�� 19��/ ' � : b�usiness is incorporated, give date ot incorporation i, ' and attach cooy oi :�rticles o= Incorporation and minutes or cirst meecing. I � I �1. List all ofiicers oi the corporation, giving their �ames, oifi.ce held, home address and home and business telepnone numbers. I • 22. I� business is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. � ^ Phone _ Vame � '� - rlddress 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? ,'I � - y? ��-�; _ Lt not, who will. operate �4. �,re you going to operate this business personall - phone it? �Iame Home Address 25. �.re you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? y`p S If answer is "yes", g�ve name, home address, and home telephcne r_umber• � � ;Tame � � " ,� �'" �� Home Address ��`��.�?�!' � St rr;�1�S Phone ��.f`1 �uYY FALISFICaT�0:1 OF :1.vStv'ERS GIVE�I OR `1ATERI�IL SLBMZTTID WILL RESULT I*I DE�II�L: Oc T'dIS ;�PPLICaTION. ' I hereby scate under oath chat I have answered all or the above questions, and that the intormation contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belie*. I nereby state further under oath that I have received no money or ocher considerati.or., directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer oF chis license, �rom any1Pcationb:�nich Ithave�� gi.ft, concribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in tE►e app herewith submitted. State oi Kinnesota) /`� � , �' -�� ) / ^ / � % G�C=� � County of Ramsey ) � (Sigsiature o� applicant) i Su�scribed and sworn to beiore me this %, � �; day oc �-I„�rif ia 19 <S / GJ� / �� ;Zotary Public, Ramsey County, Kinnesota ;4y Commission e:cpires `�- y ��" `� i _ ,..�.v.nrn• . . . .. . :`i'..i•.'T?+ , ., .. _ ,. ,. ::0(A . _- . � .,. ' _. .(25.g2 _ .. ,.�.�vv:,r✓�'v4NW■ ... , �... , . � ����� �--. -z-- r•� ,� (''� i '.f � � f � C E L � � City Clerk � �� �.�, lr t � 1 � � `�' � ��6 City Hall r � A t � �( � � I v � . . � � w �, l� t� � :� �� �+ � � � , C �� � � Q �� , , ' F I l_ E N 0. L57180�� Dear Property Owner:. � P A G E � i � � R � 0 ��; Application for an On Sale Wine, On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage and Restaurant License � � , . _I .�� f �PPL.tC�!�� . ` ; . Kuoert Yiper U�iH Tul�ps kestaurar.� ` L. � �� c,a-rio � � 452 Selby Avenue � . I June 17, 1987 10:00 A.M. � H E� R (P� G �Ctt,y Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House i �..____ — _.1 — -- — � By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance ana � NOTtCE SENT rtanagement Services Room 203 City liall-Court }iouse Saint Paul,hlinnesota 298-5056 �