87-840 WHITE� - C1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARV -,-pEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICI � /y� � BCUE -MAVOR File NO. � u � '. � • " r in�nce Ordinance N 0. �7�71 Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 1 of 3 �n or�inanc� �mending t�rdinanc�'Number 17443, �ppr�ved Marchl7, t9�7 pertaining t� P�rking Meter Zone�. TNE Ct1UNGIL �1F THE GITY DF SAiNT PAUL D(�ES QR�AIfV: SE��CO�t 1_ Th�t Ordin�r��e �lun�iber 1744�, appro��d M�rch 17,i��7, ?s h�r-�by �rr��i��ed �iy �et�ting the #olto�rin� frar-n Section S, $.2� per tluur-i i�r� h:iur �n��imurti �r��,theret�f LCfC:�?ICi�+� �IGE 0� S�GREET FRGl� TQ ����r t ;�tr��� ��st T�r�tfth St ?hirt�enth �t kc�her k Stre�� '°;A{�'��.' i��Y�tfih Si G�lumt►us �4ve SEG tlON 2. T�i�t Grdinance Number 17443, a�pro+�ed M�rch 17, 19�7, S�cti�n 4 is riereby amend�d to reai: $t?.5�J per hour - one h�ur m�ximum. At �I! the meters lc�c�te� �s described h�r�in, the l��rfu] parking time �t s�id meters sh�ll be��+ one hour rnaximum, and the deposit re�ui�ed to be ma�e in th� meter theref�r sh�l-1 be �C�.5� per hour or prar�ted purtian thereuf. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Public s—Traffic—R. H. Roett er o,e,,,, [n Favor � Masanz �� Nicosia A ainst BY � scne�bei g Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve y City Atto y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro Mayor for bmi sion t�Council By B • � /�..C/L� ,:1. ':/ j . �� � � � , ���-'� i�� . ' ' ��y'a7 SECTION 3. That Ordinance Number 17443, approved March 17, 1987, is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 1 , $1.00 per hour-one hour maximum area, thereof: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FF�OM TO Fourth Street South Minnesota St Robert St SECTION 4. That Ordinance Number 17443, approved March 17, 1987, is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 2, $0.75 per hour-one hour maximum area, thereof: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FF�OM TO Robert Street East Kellogg St Fourth St Sherburne Avenue North Park St Capitol Blvd University Avenue North Rice St Park St SECTION 5. That Ordinance Number 17443, approved March 17, 1987, is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 5, $0.50 per hour-two hour maximum area, thereof: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FROM TO Seventh St. South Wall St Broadway Park Street East Sherburne Ave Como Ave Park Street West Charles Ave Como Ave SECTION 6. $0.25 per hour -two hour maximum. At all the meters located as described herein, the lawful parking time at said meters shall be two hour maximum, and the deposit required to be made in the meter therefor shall be $0.25 per hour or prorated portion thereof. LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FROM TO Aurora Street North Marion St Rice St WHITE + CITV CLERK � . • PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUflCl Bl.6iE• �- NfAVOR File NO. �_��� � -. , � O/ indnce Ordinance N 0. �7�.�7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 of 3 7 i; SECTION,g $u.�0 ��er i��ui - ten h�ur m�ximun�_ At �li the meters io�:�t�� �� des�►-i�ed herein, the 1��rtu1#p�rking time at s�id meters �hall Ge ten hour- r��a�i����uri�t and the ��po�it requir�d to be m�de in the meter tty�refar sh�11 �e $0.20 per h�aur or prorated pvrtion thereof. LOCATID�N SIQE llF STREET FRC1M TO Aur-ur� Stre�t South M�ri�n �t F�ice St a� C.-...iM f C4 IanL+nnn Ci ��y—.r-�t�ee�lq-��� ��e�� ��,-� o-� — � t<< — K ' � � �. � � v ti ,�+�i*Elri�ti�G+ . _ -�i+�+���. �--�������Lie+ t�, ..a �'i4''�'i ii=Dnh�Q�. n� � r+� �4�4M rti��ur e Aa..-. Columbus A4te SEi:�CiOM��`fhi� urdin�n�e �h�il nc►t �e print�d �s p�rt of the Sai�t Paul Le�isi�ti�ie Gade but shell t,e inc�rpor�ted therein by refer�nce. SECTI�K-��This �rdin�r�ce �h�ll_tnke effect �nd be in f�rce thirty d�y� fram �nd.after its pass�ge, �pprov�l �nd public�tion. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew � Public Works—Traffic—R. H. Roettger Nicosia ln Favor Rettman �'�7°� � Against BY s�,+,.�+. .�e�(,+�EI D F� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL i � 1987 Form Appr e by City Attorne CertiEied Pass d y ncil Sec r BY By Approved by May • a � � ��. 7Appro y Mayor for Sub ' sion o cil �� � Rv��� � 0 B P��,p �U L 2 5 198T /• ^ P�blic Works • ` ' °UEPARTMENT ��� N� , ., � 4436 " +� Rober� H. ,Roet�cter CONTACT /7�77 , � P {/ � 298�4701 PHONE May 19, 19 8 7 DATE �e v� e� ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : r 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 5 City Council City Attorney HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Installation of approximately 265 new parking meters. These additional meters will better manage the }?arking which takes p��tGtIV� the curb space by maximizing usage. MAY 27 1987 MA�YOR'S OFFICE COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: _ The proposed additional meters will generate revenue of approximately $108,000 annually. C��� ��� �1a� � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : R EC E11r�� ordinance MAY N6 1987 CITY ATT����Y DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes X No =>Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � � 1 . . 7��r�. �.. r - � : � , . �,���� �7-�y� SECTION 7. $0.20 per hour - ten hour maximurr�..�'�t all the meters located as described herein, the lawful parking tim�'at said meters shall be ten hour maximum, and the deposit required� be made in the meter P therefor shall be $0.20 per hour or prorated �rtion thereof. LOCATION SIDE OF STRE FFiOM TO Aurora Street South Marion St Rice St ;� � , : SECTION 8. This ordinanc '�shali not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but sha e incorporated therein by reference. SECTION 9. This or nance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its p ssage, approval and publication. / • . . . t-'���-� ���'�J . . �. . . ,- - G���'� `" 0 1/ ���� i���� Z 7-/���7 S CTION 3. That Ordinance Number 17443, approved March 17, 1987, is hereb amended by adding the following to Section 1 , $1 .00 per hour-one hour ximum area, thereof: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET TO Fourth Street South innesota St Robert St SECTION 4. That rdinance Number 17 3, approved March 17, 1987, is hereby amended by ad ing the following to ection 2, $0.75 per hour-one hour maximum area, there : LOCATION S E OF STRE FROM TO Robert Street Eas Kellogg St Fourth St Sherburne Avenue North Park St Capitol Blvd University Avenue North Rice St Park St SECTION 5. That Ordinance � ber 17443, approved March 17, 1987, is hereby amended by adding the Ilo ' g to Section 4, $0.50 per hour-one hour maximum area, thereof: LOCATION SID OF STRE FROM TO Twelfth Street No h Minnesota St Robert St SECTION 6. That Ord' ance Number 174 , approved March 17, 1987, is hereby amended by add' g the following to Sec ` n 5, $0.50 per hour-two hour maximum rea, thereof: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FR TO � Seventh St. South Wall t Broadway Park Street East Sherbu e Ave Como Ave Park Street West Charles A e Como Ave SECTION 7 $0.25 per hour -two hour maximum. At all the eters located as descr ed herein, the lawful parking time at said meter shall be two hour m imum, and the deposit required to be made in the ter therefor shall e $0.25 per hour or prorated portion thereof. LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FROM TO Aurora Stre t North Marion St Rice St • - • Page 2 of 3 . ; � � . . , , , • � • d"�- � C�k�—�yo �•�ECTION 3_ Thot Ordinonce Number 17d�3, opproved Morch 1�, i 987, is he eh� amended b� adding the'fQllav�ing to Section 1, �1.00 per haur-one hou maximum are�, there�f: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FROM TQ Fourth Street South Minnesota St Robert St SECTIUN 4. T t Ordinance Number 17�t43, approa�ed Msrch 1�, 1�87, is her�by amended by dding the following ta Section 2. �0.75 per hour-ane hour maximum area, th reof: LOC+4TION IDE QF STREET FROM TO Robert Street E t Kellogg St Faurth St Sherburne A�enue No � Parf� St Capitol 614�d University Avenue Nort Rice St Park St SECTlQM 5. Th�t Ordinanc Number 17�t�3, approved M�rch 17, 1987, is Mereby amended by adding the llo�ring ta S�ction �, $0.50 per haur-one haur maximum area, th�reof: LOCATION SIDE OF �TR�ET FROM TO T�relfth Street North „� '� Minn�esot� �t - , _ Robert �t � ., SECTiON 6. That Ordinance Number'�174�?, �pproved March 17, 1�S?, i� hereby �mended by adding the follawinc�to Section �, $O.SQ per hour-two h�ur maximum are�, thereuf: ` LOCATION SlaE OF STREET F OM TO Seventh St. �outh �r'a St Broad�ray SECTION 7_ �0.50 per h�ur -ten h�ur.r�a�im m. At al1 the meters loc�ted as descnbed herein, the lawful parking ti at seid meters �hall be ten hour meximum, �nd the deposit required ta be �de in the meter therefor shalt be $t�.50 per hour ar prarated p�rtion t reaf. LOCATION SIDE OF STREET FROM TO Park Street East Sherburne Av Como Ave Park Stre�t West Gharles Ave Como Arr�e SECTIOW 8_ $0.25 per haur -two hour m�xi�num. At a11 t e meters lac�ted as described herein, the lawful parking time �t s�id me ers sh�ll be twa hour maximum, and the depasit required to be made in the meter therefor sha�l be $0.25 per hour or prorated parti�n t�er�of. LOCHTIOiY SIDE OF STREET _ FROM TO Aurora Street � Narth � Marion �t � Rice St