87-816 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII y�J /y��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �/ �I // / BLUE - MAVOR C c 'l sol tion Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#48278) for a One Day Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage License by St. Francis de Sales at Highland Park Pavilion on June 7, 1987, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ,_ Nays "��w �x*►�-�la� In Favor Nicos�a " scne,be� _ � __ Against BY — Spnne� Tedesco i, p�p+ JUN — �� ��7 Form Approv y City Attor Adopted by Councii: Date — Certified P�. d by Council Secretary BY B5' � . �``��; °�f `�1 Approved by ayoc for Submission to Council Ap ro by Ylayor: Dat — ��•� _ _ By Pll�i��E� _;_;:! � 3 1987 . ' r _ _ , �'�`���/� CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY ON-SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE NOTE: This application must be filled out and signed at the time of your interview with the License Investigator, 30 days rp ior to the date of the event. 1. Name of organization sT� �j2�9'NGS �itfS�A�O S 2. Address of organization bsd ��iA�L�}Z� f+U�! � 3. Type of organization - check one which is applicable. CIVIC ( ) CHARITABLE ( ) RELIGIOUS (Xl VETERANS ( ) 4. List all officers and directors. President ��qy E,�,� �J�i2. /O/ �J fr��iviu� �P� 7s3� NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Vice President QoQr�2�' itl��c'N2ic �.� N�J� a93"D��s NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Secretary �)OtF1�1 /C %E�'►��t-N .�%3 ��KJ�' 0�02`/- /�9� NAME , ADDRESS PHONE N0. Treasurer G.E,�°ri�c0 V 46�� /S6�% /V �xiS�J' y����� NAME ADDRESS ^ PHONE N0. Others NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. NAME ADDRESS ONE N0. , A � , , 5. Location of premises for which application is made /�t,�L/�'i1lJ iQ d�LiO St. Paul, PQT ,�/�� (Zip Code) 6. Date(s) and hours during which the non-intoxicating malt liquor will be sold ��'�� � - IO ;D � �'� 7. For what will profits be used? S'j F�Q,q,�(C�L'S �i'T�'�-EiiC ���i�l How will profits be disbursed (or spent)? SP0,2T3 EQcJ.�J�� �t1.11 1)A/.i�,�1�s1S 8. Upon completion of events you will be required to submit a financial statement showing expenses for event and use made of profits. 9. Attach to this application a letter of consent from the owner and/or a person with lawful responsibility for the premises for which this license is being requested. (OVER) . ^ : 10. Every applicant for a temporary On Sale Malt Beverage License shall file with his application therefore, a bond with a valid Power of Attorney attached, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) . The surety on such bond shall be a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporatioa Counsel. Said bond shall be conditioned as follows: a.) That the licensee will pay to the municipality, when due, all taxes, license fees, penalties and other charges as provided by law. b.) That the licensee will obey the law relating to such licensed business, and that in the event of any violation of the provisions of such law, the licensee will pay all fines, penalties and other charges as provided by law. c.) That the licensee will pay, to the extent of the principal amount of such bond, any damages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violation of any provisions of law relating to the business for which such licensee has been granted a license, and conditioned that such recovery maq be had from the surety on the bond. The amount recoverable shall be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, that in no case shall such surety be liable for any amount in excess of the amount of the bond. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ) ss „ . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) �(� � � � (',�,�.,.� �, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has re d the foregoing applicat'on and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief j �/ ,. CY� . Subcribed and sworn to before me this ( c� day of 19�. ■�ww �Mw��Mri�v�'""ti�4'"^nrHn,�ti A G '/ . �7[�� �. 9�-�...Q„_ � I !'��x�irc��a • No�'ry Public, -�b���'`�"County, Minnesota �, �AKOTA CO(►NTY �,� � �s.w�. z, ,yQz My commission exp e �;w - � ^M�M�"""�niMMn,,,,,,,,,u,,,,�