87-803 /,/�f ' (/- -._—_ .__ WHITE - CITV CLERK � 1 '�+�--"'�..��� /�Ov �"' PINK - FINANCE COUIICII (� (`� CANARV - DEPARTME T G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L J� Xa BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `+ � v � • O r indnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By �efe re8 0 �+"� 6'"�SE-�T� � 1V Committee: Date �7 � � �� Out o C mmittee By Date An ordinance pertaining to personal property locker facilities; requiring facilities to be licensed, bonded, meet building requirements, provide consumer protection, provide minimum health and safety standards, require an individual unit inventory list be kept by the owner, and have unannounced inspections of the individual units by the City of Saint Paul . THE COUNCIL OF 7HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . The Saint Paul City Council determines that environmental and consumer protection requires the City of Saint Paul to establish and enforce environmental , safety, and consumer protection standards for personal property locker facilities. Evidence indicates that hazardous waste materials are at times stored in personai property locker facilities and are unknown to employees and the generai pubiic who frequent these facilities. The nature of the storage industry and the advertising of personal property locker facilities exposes themselves to confusion as to consumer protection currently affered only to customers of storage facilities licensed under Minnesota Statute chapter 231 and regulation by the State of Minnesota. Section 2. (DEFINITIONS) Subd. 1 . TERMS For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCKER FACILITY and FACILITY means real COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia �R FBVOI — Rettman son.�bei Against By Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � � �� . �. . �?.� �7-��� � �� �'7- ,.�t� � �2) property that is designed, and used only for renting or leasing individual storage enclosures, cubicles, or rooms to the general public under the following conditions: (1 ) the tenants have access to the storage enclosures, cubicles, or rooms only for storing and removing personal property; (2) the operator does not issue a warehouse receipt, bill of lading, or other document of title for the personal property stored in the storage enciosures, cubicles, or rooms; (3) the facility has four or ore individual storage enclosures, cubicles, or rooms that are designed to be locked for security by the tenant; (4) the facility shall not be a facility described by MN Stat Section 231 . 16; (5) the facility shall not be a suitable place of storage within the meaning of MN Stat Section 566. 17. The term does not include a garage used principally for parking motor vehicles or any property of a financial institution that contains vaults, safe deposit boxes, or other receptacles for the use, purpose, and benefit of the financial institution's customers. Subd. 3. TENANT means a person, his sublease, successor, or assign who rents storage enclosures, cubicles, or rooms at a facility under a rental agreement entered into with the facility operator. Subd. 4. FACILITY OPERATOR or OPERATOR means the owner, operator, lessor, or sublessor of a personal property locker facility, his agent or nay person authorized by him to manage the facility, or to receive rent from a tenant under a rental agreement. The term "FACILITY OPERATOR or OPERATOR" shall not be construed to be a facility as defined in MN Stat Chapter 231 ; provided, however, if a facility operator or operator issues any facility receipt, biil of lading. or other document of title for the personal property stored, the owner and occupant shall be subject to the provisions of MN Stat Chapter 231 and the provisions of Sections 1 to I1 shall not apply. Subd. 5. PERSONAL PROPERTY means movable property not affixed to land and includes but is not limited to goods, wares, merchandise, and household items. Subd. 6. RENTAL AGREEMENT, AGREEMENT, or LEASE means a written agreement that is entered into by the operator and the tenant and that establishes the terms and conditions of the tenant's rental and use of storage enclosures, cubicles, or rooms at a facility. It shall include the following provisions: I a) a description of the dimensions and location of the storage area rented; . • � ' � . . . �� _ �7 - iY�� (4) Section 3. (LICENSING) Subd. 1 . FACILITY LICENSE REQUIREMENT. A person engaged in the business of a personal propert� locker facility in the City of Saint Paul shall be licensed. License procedures and obtaining a license is in accordance with S�ctions 310.01 to 310.15 of the S�int Paul Legislati�e Code. The license shall be a Class I license. Subd. 2. FEES. The license fee shall be in accordance with Section 310.09 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The established annual license fee shall be $100.00. This fee is payable to the City of Saint Paul . Subd. 3. TERMS. The term of a license issued far a personal property locker facility shall be in accordance with section 310.08 of the Saint Pau) Legislative Code. Subd. 4. PENALTY. Any person transacting business without a license will be guilty of a misdeme�nor in accordance with Section 370.15 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 4. (NONDS) Subd. 1. BONDS OF FACILITY. To obtain a license for the operating of a personal prapert� lacl:er f�cilit�, eaeh facilit� shall file a sur�t� tiond with the City of Saint Paul . Failure to maintain a bond as required shali fraud the lir.ensP. The purpose of the bond is to protect tenants from damage, theft, or conversion of their property and shall be a condition for f�ithful discharge of all duties of the licensed facilit� and in full compliance with the ordinance. Subd. 2. FILING OF BONDS. All surety bonds fited with the City of S�int Paul shall be in �ccordance with Sectior�s 7:01 to 7.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. A facility shall file a bond in an amount to be d�termin�d as reasor�able but shall not be less than $10,000.00. A new bond must be filed with each application for a license. SPction 5. Z I NiIENTORY LI STI NG) Subd. 1 . INVENTORY. Inventory must be taken and accurately maintained on all persar�al propert� substances which are stored in a personal property locker facility. Subd. 2. INVENTORY LIST. An accurate inventory is required and shall be ��vailable to th� PolicP Department, Fir� Department, and other la� enforcement officers in the performance of duty. The inventory list must be upd�ted ,�nd corrected rrhen e�er personal propert� is braught into or taken out of the storage facility. . . . . . . ��,_ �� `�6� (5) Section 6. ( INSPECTION) Subd. 1 . INSPECTION. All personal property locker facilities shail be insppcted b� the Cit� of Sair,t Paul . Insper.tion wili occur �t the inspector's convenience. The inspection shall include sanitation, environment, building safet�, maintenance, and ccxnpliance with consumer protection and inventory requirements. Subd. 2. IIVDIVIDUAL UNIT KEYS AND/OR MASTER KEY. All personal propert� locker facilities sh�ll m,�int�ir� an the premises ke�s andJor � master key to each individual storage unit, cubicle, or room for the purpose of inspections, maintenance, �r1d compliance with this ordinance. The keys and/or master key shail be made available to the police, fire, health inspector, building irispector, and all other l�w enforcement officers who desire entrance into each individuat storage unit, cubicle, or room for the perfarmance of their duties. Section 7. (MINIMUM FACILITY REQUIREMENTS) Subd. 1 . PREMISES REQUIREMENTS. The premises of the fiacility must present a clean �nd orderl� appearance. It must tte well drained and free of environmentai conditions and material that are a nuisance or a hazard to facilit� sanitation, Pmplo�ees, tenants, �hd the genPral putilic. Subd. 2. SATISFACTORY COMPLIANCE. The premises shall be considered satisfactory when th� following conditians are met: a) the establishment is located in an area where oper�tions �re �at contaminated b� excessive smake, foul odors, dust laden air, and other airborne contaminating i nf 1 uer�ces; b) the area is well drained and free of pools of water and liquid wastes; c) the area is free of weeds, debris and cluttered, unused e�auipments and materials; d) the area is free of waste materials which are stored or handied i�i such a rn�nner as to be a potential health hazard; e) the area is free of conditions or materials that are a harborage or tireeding arp� for insPr.ts, rodents, birds, or other animals; f) hazardous material shall be segregated and stored sep�rately: Each individual storage unit, cutiicle, or room containing hazardous material shall be properly identified �rith the words: "HAZARDOUS MATERIAL".• . � ' .' � � �`;1�-��-��'�3 (6) Section 8. (CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITY) Subd. 1 . REQUIREMENTS. The buiiding must be large enough to accommodate the operation in a sanit3ry manner and must be constructed to keep it in a sanitary condition. It must be constructed to protect the cor�tents from environmental contamination and prevent the entrance of insects, rodents, birds, or other animals. The facility must be used for its intended purposes or as otherwise determined acceptable b� the inspector. Doors, walls, partitions, ceilings, floors, and exposed structural supports must be construct�d of easy to clean material . The inside exposed surfaces must be reasonably smooth and must be free of cracks, crevices, or other imperfPctions the predispose to unsanitar� conditions. Subd. 2. SATISFACTORY COMPLIANCE. The construction of the facility shall be considered adequ�te when the followir�g conditions are m�t: a) the facility is maintained in good repair; ti) entrance wa�s or openings to individual storage units, cubicles, or rooms from the outside are equipped with tight-fitting and self-closing doors or other effective means are provided to prevent entrance. Subd. 3. FIRE - PROTECTION: All facilities must be protected agair�st fire by an automatic device or fire extinguisher. Extinguisher must be re- charged at least once a �e�r and tagged, showir�g the date of such re- charge. Where an automatic device is maintained, it must be kept in complete working condition at all times. Goods, wares, or merchandise must not be piled to a greater height the 1 1/Z feet from the outlets of the automatir, device. Subd. 4. LOAD - FLOOR. No individual storage unit's, cubicle's, or room's floor or part of floor shall at any time be loaded or stored with a greater weight of goods or materials per square foot than the floor will sustain with safety, and if the inspector directs a f�cilit� to asc�rtain from a competent registered architect or engineer, or from the proper municipal authorities as to what ma� tie the space load capacit� in pounds per square foot of each floor of the facility or facilities, this shall be done with out unnecessary delay ar�d signs stating the safe load such floor will sustain must be posted in several conspicuous places on each floor. Subd. 5. NEW - QPENING - ABANDQNMENT. No tiuilding or structure shail be used as a facility or branch facility until it has been inspected and approved. WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT YA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT /,J/� BLUE - MqVOR File NO• � " � Ordindnce Ordinance 1�0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��) Section 9. (CONSUMER PROTECTION) Subd. 1 . CONTRACT. The contract tietween a facility operator and tenant of a personal prop�rt� locker facilit�r must conform ta the plain language act of MN Stat SPctions 325G.29 to 325G.36. Subd. 2. RENT. Rent rates shall be filed and shail not be discriminatory from customer to customer. Rent rates shall not be changed without a ten day natice given to the tenant. Section 10. (�/I OLATI NG ACT) SUbd. 1 . 'VI�LATION. A person violating this ordinancn or an order of the inspector shait be guilty of a misdemeanor in accordance with Section 331 .43 of th� Saint PaUI Legislativ� Code. Section 11 . (APPLIED LAWS) �Utid. 1 . S7ATE AND LOCAL LAV15. All Statn of Minn�sota and Gity of 5aint PaUi Laws that pertain to licensing and bonding sh�ll al�o appiy to tll l S ordi nance. SUtid. Z. Th i� ard i riaric� shat 1 ta4�? ?ff?ct and t1P i n forc� tH i rty ;3�� d��s from �nd after its passage, �Pprov�l , and appiicatior�. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . , . . . . . .. �_ � ��-�a3 An r�r��inanc� F�rtainin�a tc+ R�rs��n31 pr��pLrty 1��ck:�r f3cii iti�s; re+;i�irin�a r3ci1 ities t�� t�� 1 ic�ns���, t�nn��ed, mc:et h��il ��in�a r��a��ir�m�nt_, pr�vidc conGumer prutecti��r�, �rovid� mini;�:��m h��alth 3r�d �artty st3n�±ards, req��ire an indivi�+la1 unit inventnry 1 ist t+c E;r���t by th� ��wn�r, an�j have �snar�nr_�unc��j in=E���ti��ns ��f th� indivi�j�3i ��nits t�y th� +_it�✓ ��f �air�t Paul . TNE C��UNi=IL �'F THE ��ITY !�F ':AIrlT �•��IL L!+=�t=� ���i��UIPl: �::cti��n 1. Tt�� 3airct `'3U1 i_ity C����ncil �je'r<,rmin�s thar •a��vir•�3nmLr�t3i an�j t�?n=um�_r p^vt�cti��n re>>+�ir�s the. �=ity ��r Sair�t F'aul tn �stat�iish and �nf��rc� �nvirnr�m•�ntal , saf•�ty, an� ctr�s��R�er prc�t�tti�+n st3n��±3r��s f��r p�rs��n3i G�r�;�ert�� 1r�cM:er facilitits. Evidtnct in��icat�� th3t ha�ardo��s wast� matt�ria.ls ar� a.t times str,rtd in p�rson3l prop�rty i��c�er faciliti�s 3n� ar� ��n4;nc�wn tt� �m�l ��viiS ar,�j tht g�n�rai pu�l ic wh�� fr���uvr,# thesc facil iti�s. Tt:t nat��r� ot thc st��rag�� ir�dustry and tF�� �dvertising ��f prrs��na.l proF��rt_y t �!C�:C.f tdCij ltil9 �3;%,ppSNS tfYLRtSt?�Vt�g ti� C��i1TU51�?!1 35 tC� c�ansurner ki'Ott�Ct:��C� �u�rentTv ��fit°Lf't?� �:!Il!f t�} CiJSt��m�rs �71' �t��l^3�aL �'3C1� 1�1i�5 � 1Ct��15<�j Uil��t3f' Mirn�s��t3 3t�t�.t<� ch3pt-_r '�'�1 �n�j rLquiati�?n t�y th� ��tatL uf Mir�ne.s��ta. '��ction �. tL�EFINITI��N'�) � Subd. 1. TE�MS For th� purpns� ��f this thapter, thc terms derint�j in this s��tic�n shall �:3V� +h� m�anin=as 7�ivLn them. '3��b�j. �. F'ER�;GiVAL F�i+_iF'ERTY Lt��k::ER FAGILITY and FA�=ILITY m�ans r�ai pr��G��r�ty ft�at i4 desi�r����, and �lSi� ��nly f�1r r�ntir�� ��r leasin�a in�Jivi�jua.l st�}rag� tnclo5��r�s, cuhi�lea, ��r rn�ms tc� the aen�ral o��blic ��n�er tht ���ll ��win�7 c�?n�litir�r,�: (i) tha t�r.ar+ta h?v� 3CCLSs to the st>>ra��� ancl,,sur�s, c,�biclta, ur r«c��r�s c�nly tor sterin�� an�i rem��ving �}t��''S4I'i3.� prnp�rty; ('�1 f�-�� a���r�.t��r �jt�[5 �ot i�s��t 3 Li3f`t'F���USC' recLipt, t�ill c�f la��in��, ��� ,?t�'t�^ �j�SC�JIi:Nt1t �1f tltj� 1'rrJ' th� DL'!`S�:r(13� �rop�rty ctr�rnr� 1[1 �lfE St+?f3�];3 tfiC� i�5i�r•?$, CU�1C�<?5, lJI` I'�_�l(pC� ' t:�) th� r?cil ity has f����r �:�r or�a indivi����ai stf�r3�•a inci��a��res, t��bic1-as, �1r r�7��ms that arzs �jCSl�fitd tr_� t�� l��cE��d fi�ar s�c��rity t�y tr�� ttnant; i4� th� 1'3C].� l.t� =h3� 1 n+�t b� a f3cility d�scribed h_y MP! L•t�t :=�rcti�?n ::'?1. 1/�; (._�1 thL f3cil it_y st�ai l n��f �� 3 S�J1t3L��C �lace of 5'�nt`3Q<� wifhin th� meanir��a �:�f MN ':t3t ':�cti�?n S/3E�. 1?. T�e term �jo�_s n��t inclu��� a gara�,� used principally fior parking m��+�,r wehicl�s �7r 3ny �+r•��p�rt_y ��r a rinanci3l in4tit��ti�yn that c�ntains V3�1Zt5, sar� d�p�?sit t���;��s, �?r ��th�r receptacles f�}r the ��se, p��rF��}se, an� ben�fit ar thr financial in=tit��ti�!n's cust��rn�rs. Subd. �. TElVAIVT means a pers�an, his subltast, succzss�?r, ��r assi�an whn rcr�ts stt�ra.ac �rtci��s��r�s, c��hicles, �r rn�ms a.t a f3cility un�ier a rentai a.�are�mc:nt �nterc�j int�? with thc: tacil ity oFtr3t��r. ���t�d. 4. FAi_ILITY iiF'EFiATpR or OREkAT�JR m�ans the owner, operator, l�sst�r, �r sub;eas��r t�f a persnnal property tnc�;er facility, hia �q�nt �r nay prrs�,n 3uth��ri�ed hy him t�� man3ge th� facility, �r ta re��i•��� rent rram a tcnant :�n�er a rental agreem�nt. The term "FACIi.�TY ���EhAT��F; ��r i_IPERqT�±R" snall not b� ct�nstr�l��! to b� 3 f3C7.� 2t�+ 3s �jtfir�t�j in MP! Stat ��ha;�t�r '�:�1; Dt'1Vi'���j, h��wiver, 11' 3 T3CIZIC�/ �?r«?('?ti�!'' pf• i.��{f•3t�?^ ].SSULS ��`� 1'3C2� :tY f'iCL1L�t, r�I� T _�1` �3t71fi!a. [�!+ iit'ri�3f' �jnLUR:tf�t +?1' tS� �� �'�?f t�'It? r�f4��ft32 C�r�?c�-art+{ st�,r��j, th� �,mner an� ��ccuCant sh�all b� subj�ct tn �h� DI`t�V157.+?(15 ��f MN '3tat CI-,��tLr �31 an�j tf�c ��r��visit�ns }:+f�ecti��ns t tu �� sh31i n��t ap?? v. c;��bd. �. FER_.��haA� FR�+FE�TY m�ans m��va�l� pr��[��rty nc�+ arfi:!i�� to lar��� an�j inc 1 u���a h��t is n�,t 1 iR�ite� ta !�r���rJ4� w3r�s, mer�han��isc, ar:� ho��ceho i d it�mG. �ub�j. f�. R�tJTAL A�3EiEEMtCdT, A�=�tE�M�T�lT, ��r• LEA�:E m�an4 � writt�an �gr��m�nt th3t i= ent�r<�d intr� hy the oF��rat��r a�d th� t�n3nt an�� that estat�l iat�c4 thc t�rms an�J con�3iti�?ns r�* th� ten3nt's r•ental and U4i uf stor3��e incl��sur�s, cut+ici�s, or r�:�:ma at a. f3cility. It shall include tr�� f��i i c�ming �r��visi�,ns: a) 3 ���scrip±ion t+f th•a �jimLnsi�na an�j 1 �?c3tinn aT the stur•a�:,t 3rea r�ntr�i; b) the rental ratE and p�rio�j t��r which th� ratc is q��arant�t�� cl 3n invent�ry 3nd initi3] descri�tinn af th? st+�r��j prc���rty; an�i d} a statemEnt �af the am:���nt, naturc, 3n� timits c�f Lh� �7E+�rat�?r's r•�spc�nsit+il it� in th� cv��nt of dama���, th�rt, 1 �}aa, ��r misdelivery +�f th? tenant'a prc�p�rty and the a.rn�a��nt ��f ir�sur�.nc� c�?vtra�e pr•��yi��d �y th� r�ntal agr��m�nt. Thc at�tcam�n+ shali b� �n the t�ce �?r tht r1=nta1 aar•ac:m�nt ir� t���l�i fac� print an�j in distinctiv� styl t an�j c�?1�ar as ct�m�+ar?d t�� tt�e other c�rint. '�ub��. ?. F�ATE mtans �vLry in�jivi�j�la1 �?r� j�+in� r3tr, cnar�ae, r�r �athcr CC�lTIpLt15.�'.}14ft �Jf eVC.t`V f3Cl� ].ty t?lth<(' Tr.�r sti�f�ea� �?T` T4!' ?fi_J �!th�t` St„f V1CL fi��rr�ish�d ir� c��nnECtir,n therewith, �;r a.ny t�y�� �7r• m�:,rr s��ch individ�sal t�r j��int ratts, charges, �3r ��ther compensati��ns ��f any facility practic�, r_�r cnntract ^�13tin� ttr�r�t��. S��bd. �. COM�'Eh�ATI�N means any remuntr�.ti��n, rec��m�r_�sc, in��mnificati��n, r��uital , r,r 53tlST3Cti�?r� 3SSLSSL�j, coll�ct�d, ��r rLC�iv�d fn^ the st�ar3ge �7f �an����s, war�s, ur m�rch3n+�ise of ant�th�r by a fiacil ity. '3ub�J. �?, HAZARI1uU'� MATERIAL means 3 SUhGt3�7Gt �ar 3g�nt rt13ft�Jt3Ct��re�j �r us��j by 3 bU5111t?SS �?r an in+�ivi�j��a.i within th� +�ity nf Saint Paut an�� which 15: 3) hazar�i�us substanc� as d�fin�d in th� Min��esc�t3 Emal �ay�� Ri+�ht to k'Now Act �f 1��3, MN Stat �•�ctir,n 1 1^.h51; ��r t, ) t�azar��us matNrials as derin�d in Articic '? of th� MinnLaota �!r,ifnrm Fire C�ad� estat�i ish�d by MN St�t °��ct i��:-� '�'?��F.Cai l. ����bd, 1��. LEAti�D '3F.qC:E RiC�'3R5 tllL ir�+jivi�j��al st�?ra�7t sp3ce at the F�rrsr�r�a.i �+ro��erty locbher *a�ility which is least�y ar r�nte�3 tr, 3 t@fl3flt r���rs��ant t�ry a rer�t31 3�r�cm�nt. ���ad, 11. °�ERVIC:E is vsL�� in its br+�a���st s�nsa 3n�1 incl���jes n�t ��nly th� uac 3n�� c�cc��F�ancy �af sF3cL for st��ra�n pi�rpnses, b��t �.1 s�a any 131�nr• �::<:�+�n�ic�j, an�J the us� �ar any equipm�nt, apparat��s, 3nd a.�l i3nccc nr any dra_yag�_ ��r ��th�r f3ciiitics, em�i��yrr�� f��rnisr�ed, or ��sed in conn�cti��n witF� the stnra�7� �ao��ds, w3r•�s, an�� merr'ttandise, suhj-.ct tn the �+r{�viaion4 of this cha�tc:r. :+�b�. 1'�. DE�R4lLT m�ans th� f3il��rt to timely perf�5rm any obligatic�n ar �juty set fortt� in '�.ectir�ns 1 tn 11 +�r the Cs?�t3j a�re�m�nt. :,��b�. 1-� LA'3T F�:IVi�I�Jl�I ADL�RE��B m�ans that addr�ss provi�ie� by th� t�nant in th� l�as� ��r rental a��r�em�nt or th� 3��ir�ss provide� by the f•�n3nt ir. a subs�q��ent written notite of a char��e �aT a�dress. �t'Cti�fl •�. (LI��EN'�INi;) �.ubd. 1. FA��ILiT'Y LI�=EN��E FiE��!I�F�EMEfJT. A �ers4n en�ag�d in the h=�sin�ss nf a p�rsonal �rn�,c;rfy 2r�ck;rr tacility in tht i_ity or Saint Fa��l Sh3� j hc- 1 ic�ns�d. Licen=E pr��ctd��r�s and �+htainin�a 3 1 icens� is in acc��r�la,nc� with �ectic�ns :'-.l4.�f to �31�3. ih +�f th�r Sairtt F3+�1 Legisl3tive C�a�t3. Th� t ice�nse Sh3� � �� 3 �:�355 I 1 iC��115c?. ���ht�. �. �EE'=.. Th� 1 icLnse Tee shai 1 b� in acc�7rdance ��ittf '�ecti�an :�1�?.t�'? nt th� '�aint F'a��i L�gisl3tivt �=od�. Th� estabi ished ann��al 1 ic�nse t c?t 5�'13 j � �?-i� �"��!lZ;+?4�}.� a � �.. � �� � � _ " L � y r ` 7 " G , � _ �_ � _ _ � h �•�ct;r,r, ^r�1 c7•� of t ��a;n+ v�,�a �e�-'r�tivc—i-'�}�e --�h i s f�-r i s �3�/3�I�" t o th� t;itv +�f '�aint Faul . �ubd. ti. TE�iM=:. Tht t��rm of a 1 icense issu�d f�r 3 pers��nai pr��perty 1��cE:�r facility shalt t�e in 3ccord3r,ce with s�ction .11�7.C�.3 �,f tt�c Saint Pa��l L�+�is}ative ��o�j�. ' �vb�j. 4. PEhJALTY. Any p�rs�3n transactir�g b��ainess with����t a lic�nse will be �a��ilty ��f a mis��e�m�anor in acc��r��ancL with �e[ti�an 31�). 11 of thz Saint Fau1 L•���islative C�?,j�. Secti�n 4. ($1:11VDS) S��bd. 1. �QND� i]F FA+_ILTTY. To �abtain a 1 ic�ns� fnr th� o�+�rating ��f 3 p�rsor�al ��r�?party lock:�^ f3cility, e3ct� Tacility shall file a =.ur�ty hon�j with ch� �;itY nf ':3int Fa��i , Faii��r� tc} m3intzin w b��n�� �.s r�q��irc:d ahall rra���j tl-�� ! ic�.nse. TF�� p��r�,nsc �ar th�e bon�i is to F�rnt��t ter.3nts frc�m �j3R13��v_ }�7tTt. �?!' rc�nversi��n �?i' t�Llt' 1^�� � p p�rt� 3n�! sh311 t�� a c��r��iitian for f3ithfu� �jischar�ae uf al l �i�iti�s �,f th� 1 ic�nse,j facil ity and in ful l c��mpiianc� with th?� �}r�inanc�, S��b�j. '�. FTLINi= ��F L�ii�i��;, All s�.frety b�an��s fil�d with the ��ity oT '�air�t Pa��i shal i br in accordance with :�,tcti��ns 7.cai to 7.Q� ��r th� :,3int P3U� Lt?�aI523t1Vt? Ct�+��. A T3cil ity 4ha11 rile a b�+nd in �n amc�unt ta be �jetc:rmin��� as rtasonabi� b��#� shal i n�at b� 7�sa than �1�?,G�?l1.s��7. A r,��w b�+n�1 m��st bc Til�+� with t3ch application fr,r a tic�ns�. Section 5. ( INVEPdTORY LI�TIN�a) S��b�i. 1. FNVtlVTCiRY. TnvHntory must t�� taF:en an� accurat�ly ;;:31ftt3ine+� an alt pers�nai pr�p�rty s�.bstancas whith �re stnred in a personal pr�perty 1 �?c4;�r racil ity. �uh�j. ::. INUEfVTiiRY LI=,T. Ar� accurat� invent��ry is required and shalt bt 3vailabl� tr., th� F�aliee Uepartment, Fira Dtp3rtment, and otr�tr 13w Nnrorc�m�nt ��ffictrs in th� c�rformance ��f �ut_y. The inventory list muat bt ��p�jat��� 3n�� cor�rect�v� aher, �vHr p�rsanal pr�perty is bro���ht int�a nr� taker� c�ut of th� stara!�� f�cilit_y. ��tct ian 6. ( I IVSPE�:T I i_lP!) ���b�j. 1. Ira'_FE!=?IG�f. P.11 �ersen3l �+r��ptrty i�ck:�r faciiiti.4 shall be ir�s�+�ct�d by the Cityo uf 'laint �a��l , Ins�+�ctiun wil ] �ccur aE th� insG�ect��r's c��nveni�:�c�. Th� inspettic+n shali incl�>>jc sanitation, enviranm�nt, t�uilding saf�ty, m3int�nance, 3nd compli3nct with c�?nsurn�r prnttcti�?n and invent�+ry r�quir�mtnts, 1+�h�• '�• II�lDIVILi�EAL ��t�IT Y.:EY� RA1DlOR MASTER Y.:EY. All �+ers�}nal pr��p�rty lock.er facilitiz� shall m3int3in an the pr�mis�s keys and/��r a mast�r I:�y t�a �ach in��ivid��al stora+�� unit, c��bicle, ar roam for the p��rpose +�f inspecti�ans, maintena.nc�, and c��m�l i3nce with this ur+�inance�. The �eys an�i/ur master 'r.ey shait be m3�j� available t� th� poiice, fire, heaith insp�ctnr, buil�ling inspect��r, a.nd all �ath�r law enrarc�ment �?fficc:rs who �i�sir� ent^�.ncc i:�to .ach in+�ivid��a1 st�rag� �.nit, cut�ici�, ��r r����m tnr the F��rfrrm3nc� �af th�ir �utiQS. Sectian 7. (MINIMUM FAr_.ILITY FcE�?L►IREME�JT�3) ��ab�j. 1. °REMfti�E� �E��UIFEMENTS. Th� premis�s or tht fa�ility must pr�s�nt 3 c?�an 3nd or��rly apo�arance�. It mu�t b� well �Jrained an�1 fre� �7f envirnnmcnta] cnn�jiti+?ns a.nd m3t�rial th3t are 3 nuisancL or a ha�ard to facility sanitatior�, emp]ny�ES, t¢nants, 3n� th� ��e�ner31 pubtic. C��b�. '�. '.ATI'_FAi_T���Y i;GMF�LiANGE. Tf�e �remisaa chall bt c�,nsi�icr�� satisfact��ry wh�n the f��11�7win�� c�_�n��iti�ns 3re met: a.) the establ isl-�rnent is l oc�te�� in 3n area wh�re �?per•3ti�,ns 3r� n��t c��ntaminat�d by t;;c�ssivz smokt, f�ul �_��ior_, d��st �3+�tn 3I(', 3nd nth•�r a.irhr,rne C�.fit3101R3LlftQ 1t1t1 �Jc?ftCt?5• - b) th� are3 is w�ll �jrainc� an�i free nr pr�ols ��f wat�r an�j 1 i�aui�: wasteG• c ) the ar�a is free� af wee�js, �jiL�ris and clutt�re�y, ��n�����j c+���ic�ments an�� mat�ri3i s; 1 d) the 3r-�a is fre� ��f wast� mat�rial s whith 3rt st��r�d or han��?�� in s��ch a manner 3s t>> b� 3 p��t�ntia? h�alth f't3Z3E'��: �) the ar��a is fr�e of ct+ndit'i�ns ��r mat�ri�.l s that are a harbr,r���� ��r brt�din� ar�a far insccts, rodc:nts, t�ir��s, or �+tF�er animals; f) F�3�3('�ir�+�g materia.l shat 1 t+e se�ar�gatcd a.nd stor��j se�aratcly, Each in�Jivi�i��al st��rage ��nit, c��bicle, �ar rn�m c��ntainin!� haz3r�ious material sh311 G� pr��p�rly i�jentifie�i :�i±-h th� w�lyds: "HAZARN��JB MATERIAL". S�ction 8. t C�7NSTF�!�rT I4N C►F FAi_I L I TY? �u�d. 1. RE��UIFtEMEiVTLJ. Thr� ���il�inq m��ct t+e larq� �n�u�ah t�, accorrfm�_��jatt thL c�parati�an in 3 53�1t3t`}/ manner and must bc construct��j trl k���� it ir� 3 sanitary ct�nditic+n, It m��st be cr.�r�str��ct2d tn �+rot�ct thc c�nttnts fr�7R� �nvirnnmental cont3mina.tinn 3nh prevznt thr- �r,tranct of ins�cts, r���jents, birds, ��r oth�r 3R1fi315. Tht faci�i ity rn�lst hc us�d *or its int�ndid p��rpas�s ��r as ��th�rwis� �jet�rmin��j acc�ptabie by thc� 1f15C+et'��?I', Llr�pr5, 1t1311Y, partitions, C@117.(tQ9, t�nt}t`5, d11� e`<:R�?S��j str��ct��ral s��oa,,rts must be c�rynstr��ct��j ��r �a.sy t�a cle3r� matzri3l . Th� insi�i� LxG�na�+j s��rfaces must be re3sonably smt���th ,n� must be free of cracks, crr-�ric«, �r t}thtr imp�rf�ctinns tt,e F�r�dis�ose t+� �lnsanitary ��}n�iti�7ns. ��ubd. '?. SATISFAC•T���tY rOMP!IANCE. Tha c�anstr��ction of thL r?cil ity shatl bz canaid�re�j a+�e�ua.t� when th� foll�min� c>>nditions are met� a) th� facility is maintained in qn�� repair; b) Entr•anc� w3ys �r �apenings to in�ivi���31 stora�a� units, cubicl�s, or r�a�ms from th� o��tside ar� equippe�j with tight—Tittin� 3r�d stir—cl��sin� �jc�ors ��r �atl-�cr erfcctivc means are providEd to pr•Lvent entr3nc•a. '=ubd. 3. FIRE — FR►�TE��TI�7N. A1 ] facil ities must �e prot�ct��j 3gain=.t fire by 3n autematic ���vic� or fir� �,c.ting��isher. E:tinguish�r must Ge r�— charged at l�ast �nct 3 yt'3t' and ta����e�, sh��wing th� dat� or such r�— ch3r�a�, Whare an automatic �jevice is maintained, it m��st be kept in complrt� worF�in�� con�ition at all tim�s. i;���,d;, w3res, or mLr�han�lise must n��t b� �+ilc�j t�� a �area.t'rr hei�'t-�t thr• 1 1/'� feet Trr�m th� t���tl�ts uf th•a 3�.ltr�(it3tlC �j�vice. _���b�j. 4. !OAD — t=!�=u�F,. Nn in�jiaidual storaae �1nii's, c+�hielc`�=, ��r 1'�]n(Ti'S t�,}ey�• i��• ��3I•t i�S' t�r�nf• 5h31 � 3t �f1�J t2.Ci� ��3 1oa�j�� ��f• 5t�]1^��j ��l7.'��7 3 �^�aatar wei�aht ��r �at,�?ds or rn3tcrials p�ar sq��3re *nnt than the fio�r will sustair� with safety, and if th� ir,s���ctor• �irECts a faci 1 ity t� 34certai:� tf Gtl1 3 CntTiC��t�(1t f'•s�.',Icf�f'��j �rchit;:C�' �?f engin��r, �7t' fr��m t�1C' �!`�]��(' municip3l a��thoritits as t�s what may be th•a Gp3c� luad capacity in poun��s r�=ar squ3r� fr�ot nf rach ftour ��f thA facitity �r faciliti�s, this ahall be d�ana with out ��nn�cessa.ry �ielay an�± si�ns s�atin�a the c�fe lt�a�i such flo��r ;�;ili susta.in m��at b� posted in sEV=�ral c�nsRi.���o��s plac�s ��n �ach fl�?�r. S��G�. 5. NEW — iip��yIN�G — ABAIVC�L�NMENT. N� br�i 1 din� or structure shal 1 t�� ��se+� as a fac i l ity �ryr branch rac i l ity ��nt i l it has heen inspectc d 3n�j 3por�vc�j. ��cti�n ��. l��ON�UMER PFtl7TE�;TIUN) ��ubd. 1. CC�lUTRAGT. Th� contract b�tween 3 facility operatQr and ttnant �f a p�rs�n3i pr�?perty i�7c�:er racility must conf�7rm t�7 th� g]3in 13ng��age act ��f MN '=tat �S?Ct1+�f15 1�5G.�"� to 325u.36. S��bd. '7. fENT. Rtnt ratQS s�al t b� riled and shal ] n��t t,� �jiscriminat��ry rr�m c��stom�r• to ru�t�amcr. Ftent rates shal t not be ch3nq�rJ withaut a ten �ay n��tic� givQn tr, th� te�nant. ' 1�c+i}�n 1C�. !ViOLATIN� flCT} ��sh�j. !, VIi:�LATj�i�, q p��G,,n vi�?�atina this ��r�ji�3ncr or an or�er t�r thH insp�ctor a'r�a11 bE ±�uilty �ar a mis�iem�anor in accnrrJ3nc� witt� Secti�}n =':�'1. 43 c�f thc '�air�t F'3�1I Lt�!�].5�3tiv�a i_od��. °,�cti�,n li. (APFLIED LAW3) �ub��. 1. =�TATE ANL� L��CqL LAW:�;, All �tat� of MinnEanta an�i �=ity ��f '3aint F'aul L3�,�a that pertair� to licensin!� and bondin� sh3ll atst� apply t,� `his ordina.nc�. S��bd. :'. Th�is ��rdinanc� shai i taH;�. effect 3nd b� in f��rcc- thirty (:���) ��ays from 3n� arter its p3saa,a�, 3Pr���?V3� , �n�i appi ic3tion.