87-783 � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. 7` {�-3 f • , Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By + ? s Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor File No. 181�fi1 B-1 Votir.� `��x,� In the matr,er of condesning and taking easesen[s necessary for [}ie construction of [he DALE/HOYT SF.WER SEPARATION PROJECT described as � fol.lowsr .� perr.ianent easenent ror tt:e purpose uf cons[ructing and m:ai.ntainir.q a � 'publl.c se�rzr on, under, an;1 acruss a pa-t. ef Lot : Rlock 2 of Ed. *L . 6'are's Cumberlxnd Addt[ion, bqunAed by th<� collowin,a,�Ce:;°riSed line.s: Be�Lmii.ng a;: a potnt on the east L'ne cf Erundel SCr?et 125 feet soueh of. the no:tL l�ne of �ect'�on 24, ?ownship 29, Range 23, Chencc 2.`, Fe?t north tu Che tntecsectiort wir.1� the sc�ith line of Larpr_nteur Avenue, then eas[er.ly aloug tne so•ich line oi Larpenteuz' a dLs:ance of. 70 feet, then.:e souChwesteriy to *_lie poinC of beginr.ing. Alco, a permanenr. easeccr.t fo: r_lie purr�os? oE cons[ruc!-i�g and - maintaining a pe.67.,c ,ewer o�t, u^der. s:id xrr.oss a part of Loc 11, Cottage ilomes descr.iUed as Eollows: T;ie norr.h 2i0 `eet of r.he we.sC 1.0 ceet c� sz'.a I.ot li, Cott'age llomes, Ramsey County, Minacsoi:n. t,lso, a 20-*oot wide permaaent easenent for the pierpo::e of coastruc[ing and mair.taining pub'i�: sewers on, mider and across a part of Sheetry Addicicn tc Saint Paul, Ra�asev County, ?fi�riesuta, bounded by the f.ollowir.� described lines: On the west by a Iine 5 feet Mest of aud parallel tn the center li.ne o; Vtrginia Street ex[ended acr.oss said :iheehy AddiCion, on the e:i;t by ei ltir,e li feet e:s[ of and parxllel [o said ext�nded cen;erline of Virgin9.a Street, cu the noctl: by Che north Line uf sal.d Sheehy Addition (being a line lOtl feet south of and parallel to the north lin2 of SecGion 2+, Township 29 ':orth, Rang? 23 West) anti on the south by the suuth Iir�e of said Sheehy Ad�i[ion !being ,. line whic:h is 33 feet northerly of and paraliel to a line describe�l as fo�lou�s: Co�:u�en�ing, Eo: the purpose of establ±sning the poir.t oE be�inatng, at the �aorthwes: �orner o[ the no:�l'?ieaet c;uarter of unde Sec[ion "l�i, To:�nsY..p 29 rorth, Range 23 Wesc; thenr_e south aiong *_hr. . west line of the nor[lieast 1/t uf s2i.<i :;rr=ion a dis[ancz of 207.8 " feet to the poin; of begfnning of the line to he described; thence at Pt211 an an�le of 7G degrees i2 minates to Che le£[ a d?stance of 270.82 []j�V��� j Q'8 7 fee[ tc a po!nt; thence or, [he cur�e to the righC �aith a radius of 71G.78 feet to the intersecT.ion of said curve w�Yh the east linr_ of ' Fina �'trgiiiia Street exrended and there [n_eminaCeclj. �� �` 1Q8� !-- A1:>o a 10-:oot, ;.a width, temporary easenenC for cuns[ructinn parposes parallzl and adjacent with and lying on ei�he.- side of the ::bove ' de�criSed permaneut easement, said easement ta exptrc Decemuec 31, 19n7 or oa conpletion of tl�e prnject whichece: occurs first. Also subject to exis[ing easamen[s, a permanent easement Ecr the purpose �nds or easements therein, fOT' the abov of construc[ing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across ent of benefits therefor, an d the Elmhurst Cemetery between Dale Street and Mackubin Street, lying north C OU1 of a line 25 feet south of an3 parall.el to .ine "ABCD" (described below) irom Point "B" to Puicit °C", said line extaodiug wes[erly from Point "B" *_o its intersaction with tha south 'Line of the exist3ng se�aer easetaent; �nnexed assessment I'011, identified by t of damages to the owners of such Also a tempo:;iry ensenen[ for cer.structiou �urposes, 30 feet in width, � land, Aich�r side oi che above described line "CU" saLd tempotacy easement to the same is hereby in allrespects ratifi expire cn Decec�ber 3i, 19�7, or on complecion of the projec[, whichever occues flrst. �.i�� °necn°: s.. inuin, uc 3 ° is hereby in all respects ratified, g F point cn zhe e:asr. linr_ of Dale Street, an d hereinafCer called poict "A", 29.84 Ee�at nort`,� of tLe ��as[ and west 1/4, 3t10II. i/4 line ef SecCion 2G, Toanship 23, Kange 23, t.nence in a northeasrerly directlon a distance of 303.3E feet to .s pui.nt hecei•.:af.[a: called point "S", which is !17.55 feet nortt: o.` ttie above 3esr_ril;ed !%4 1/4 line, thence northeasterly a distance of 268.'L3 ,'ee[ �o a point herein�:ter cailed point "C" w4ich is 167.86 feet aorth uf [Le above descriSed 1/4 �III�,j ..� L 1�7 C 1/4 line, thence tn a nor.[heaeterly 3lrectiun to u poin: hereinafCer il: Date `��9 called poin[ "D" on the wes[ line u` Ka:kuMn 5traet 20 feet south of Yeas [he center lire of Idaho n`7"2T�Ue produceL i+rseerly, aad t4er't �er�i.T,ati°g. .►ncil Secretary ��� � Against ='�aa��� Mayor ��'�s� JUN — �+ 1987 PUBl..IS�fO �U�v 1 �3 �9g� City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. <�� �� ��-%� Report of Director of Finance BY -- on Condemnation of Lands - � File No. 1������� �tai', -"s;' In [he matter of condemning and taking easeaentc neceesary for CMe '<=��3'� constructlon of [he DALE/HOYT SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT deecribed as �" � fallowe: A permanent easement for [he ourposr_ of construc[ing and main[aini.r.g a puSlic aewer on, under, nnd across a part of Lot 1, Bleck 2 of Ed. AI. Ware's Cumberland Addition, bounded by tFe f�llowing descriF.ed lines: Beginning at a point un [he east line of Arundel S[:eet 125 feet south of the nortli line of Section 24, To�.mship 29, Racge 23, Lhence 25 feet north to che ic�tersection wi.th the soutk� line of Larpenteur Avenue, then easterly along tte south line of Larpenteur a distance of 70 fee[, thence sauthwe3terly to the point of begicning. Also, a permanent easereent for the pur?ose of construc[inq and maintaintn3 a public sewar on, under a.nd across a part of Lot 11, Cottage Homes described as follows: The norr.h 210 fee[ of the west 10 feet oi said Lot !l, Cottage Flomes, Ramxr_y Counf.y, Mlnnesota. Also, a 20-foo[ wide permanent easement for [he purposc of constructing and maintaining puhlic severs on, under and across a part of Sheehy Addition Co Sainr. Paul, Ramsey Count}, Minnesota, � bounded by the fallowing described lines: On the west by a '_ine i feet west of and paralLel to [he center li.ne of Virginia Street exteuded across said Sheehy Addition, on the east by a line 15 feet east of and parallel to said extended cen[erline oF Virginia Street, on [he north by the north line of. said Sheehy Addition (being a line 100 ieet south of ar.d porallel to the north �Lne of Section 24� Township 7.9 Torth, Range 23 West) and on tlie south by the sovth line of sald Sheehy Addition (being a line whicF i. 33 Eeet northerly of and paralleL to a line described as follows: Commenci.ng, fur [he purpose of establishing the po:n[ of beginn?ng, a[ L-he northwest corner of [he northeas[ quarter cf unde� Saction 24, Township 29 Nor[h, Range 23 West; thence south alor.g the .�.. west lir.o_ oE the northeast 1/4 of said ser.kion a distance of 207.8 . feet to the puint af beginning of the li.ne to be described; thence at Prelir an angle of 76 degrees 12 minutes to the left a distance of 270.82 •��Y•,4j 4�� ���� feet to a point; thence on the curve to the riRht with a radius of 716.78 feet to the in[ersection of said curve with [he east line of Final Virginia Street extended and there [erminated). �� ��` �{��'� Also a 10-foot, in width, temporary easement for construction purposes parallel and ad�acent with and lying on either side of the above described permanent easement, said easement to expire December 31, 1987 ' or on completion of [he project whichever occurs firsc. T� 7 Also subject to existing easements, a permanent easement for the purpose , of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across Elmhurst Ceoetery between Dale Street and Mackubin Street, lying north of a line 25 feet south of and parallel to line "ABCD" (described below) from Point "B" to Poin[ "C", said line extending westerly from Point "B" � eo its intersec[:on wit� the sou[h line of. the existing sewer easeu�ent; Also a temporary ease�nen[ for construc[ion purposes, 30 feet in width, either side of the above deacriSed line "CD" said temporary easement to expire on December 31, 1987, or. on completion of the proj�ct, whichever in taken and appropriated for the above °"°rs fi'�g`. thereof, and the persons to whom SUCI'1 Line "ABCD": Beginning at a point on the east line of Dale Stree[, ; to property, from the making of said 1 hereinaE[er called point "A", 29.84 feet north of the eas[ and west 1/4, ,11 entitled as above and identified 1/4 line of Section 24, Township 29, Range 23, thence in a northeas[erly Wlt]1 direction a distance of 303.38 feet to a point hereinaf[er called point tters. "B", which is 117.55 fee[ north of the above described 1/4 1!4 line, [hence northeasterly a distance of 268.28 feet to a point hereinaE[er called point "C" which is 167.86 feet north of the above described 1/4 1/5 line, thence in a northeasterly direction to a puint hereinafter called point "D" on the wes[ line of Mackubin Stree[ 20 feet south of the center line of Idaho Avenue produced westerly, and [here terminating. Director of Finance City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. `' ` Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By Proceedings � File No. ���#..��x b,,-. ..,�, In the mxt[er of. condesning and taking easesen[s necessary for the "��� construction of thr DALF./l10YT SEWER 56PARATION PROJECT Jeecrtbed ae ���r� 4 followa: A permanent easement for the purpose of constructiag and maintaining a public sewer ur., cnder, and ucr.oss a part of Lor 1, Block 2 of Ed. M. hTare's Cuaber.l.and Aadi[ior., bo�mded by rhe foiloaing deecrioed lines: Segi.nning a: a po:Cn[ on Ct!e ea;t linc of .irundel Street L'LS feet couth of Cha ro:th ?.1.ae of c�,.i:lon '1•S, Townsh:Lp 29, Range .^_3, thenec< 2± f�e[ no..h Co the i::ters_ction wi[h the �outh li.na of Larpentcur �venue, then easteii} n?aug the south 1ir,e of 7,arpenCeur a clistance oP :'0 fer_t, :lience couChwe.^,Cerlv [n the poi.r[ of begir�n�r,g. �lso, a perm;nent �tasement for l'P.e putpo�;e of constr.uc[irg and Ralstair.l.ng a pablic eeucr on, un�ler 2nd 2cross a part: of Lot 11, ::otr.age ?ioraes dzscribed �s folir.ws: The notth 27n feet of Che u✓est 10 feet of aaid Lot ll, Cottage Ilnn�_s, Rni�sc, County, !tlnn:•soCEi. Also, a 20-foac wide pec:r.auent caseme.n[ Eor [he purpuse oF conetrucl'ing and mztntai.ning public sewers on, under and across a part oF Sheehy Adci1[ior, to Sain[ Pau7., Ramsey County, P(innesota, bour,ded by the followins dr.scribcd lines: On the west hy a line 5 feet w�ast of and parallel to [lie center ].ine of �ir�inia Street ex*_ended across said Sheehy Addition, nn the east by a line 15 feet east of and pa:aliel to said ex[ended centerline of Virginia Street, or, the nortL by the north li.ne of said Sheehy Addi[ion (bcing a li�z 100 feeL- south of. and parallel to the north line of Section 24, TownshiP Z9 idorth, Aange 23 West) and on the south by [he south line of :;aid Sheehp Addicion (,Leinp a line which is 33 feet northerly of and paralle?. Co u line described as tollows: Commencing, for the purpoce of establishirg the point of Uerinning, at the northwest corner o.`. the nor[heast cuarter of und� Section 24, ToWnship 'L9 Plorth, Range 23 Fesc; thence south along the � west ;.ine of the uorthesst 1/4 of sai3 sectiun a dis[ance of 207.F fee� to tlie peint of beginnit:g o: ttie l.Lne [o be deecribed; the:�ce at „� ���� PI81: an angle of 7b degrees 12 ninutes to ttse l��ft a distance cf 270.82 �a�n + + feet to a potct; thence on the curve [o ;:he right with a radius of 716.78 feet Lo [he inte.sec[ion o; said curve wit'� the east line of Fin� Virginia Stcee[ extended and ehere terminated). �`�i ��■ ;�Q� Also a 10-foot, in width, temporary easement for construction purposes parallel and adjacent with and lying on either side of the above described permanent easemen[, said easement to expire December 31, 1987 or on rom?let�iun of the project whichever uccurs firsG. T� Also subject to existing easements, a permaner,: easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public aewer on, under and across Elmhurst Ceme[ery between Dale Street and �tachubi� Stree[, lying north of a li�c 25 feet south of and parallel to line "ABCD" (described below) fram Point "B" to Point "C", said line extending westerly from Point "B° the City of St. Paul, in the Council Cha to its ineersecitort with the south line of the exis[ing sewer easement; da Of Y _ Also a temporary easement for cmis�ruction purposes, 3o feet in wi.dth, report of the Director of Finance aS t either side of the above described line "CD" said temporary ease:nent �o sements therein, to be appropriated expire on December 31, 19t37, or on completion of the projec[, whichever fOI occura first. or the confirmation of such awards, SISC Line "ABCD": 3eginning at a point on the eas� live of Dale Streat, vement. hereinafter called point "A", 29.84 fee[ north of the eas[ and wes[ 1/S, 1/4 line of Section 2w, Township 29, Range 23, thence in a northeas[erly lan►ages therefor must be in writing and direction a distance of 303.38 fee[ to a point hereinafter called point � Clerk prior thereto. "B", which is 117.55 feet north of [he aboea descrlbed 1/4 1/4 line, [hence northeaster.ly a di;[ance of 268.28 feet [o a point heretnaf[er called poin[ "C" whi.ch is 167.86 f�e[ north of the above described 1/4 1/4 line, thence in a nor[heasterly direction to a point !tereinafter called poin[ "D" on the wes[ line oE Mackubir. Street 20 feet south of Che center line of Idaho Avenue produced westerly, and tltere [erminating. Dated Director of Finance t .y � C,c��, ��3 Ilsmbers: Chirs Nlcwl�. C6alr CITY OF ►.�AINT PAUL �antce t�etmen ������ � ffitt 9onnen 4 ' ' "���� OFFIC�OF THE CITY COIINCIL Jo6a Dnw(Alt) Date: rr�y z�, i9s� � � � Committee I�eport ` . To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works . Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of May 27, 1987 took the following action: Hearina Date 1. 6/2/87 VACATlON: Petition of Lyle and Barbara Hamn for the vacation of part of FRANK STREET between Conway and Euclid Streets for the purpose of combining the abutting � . properties on the east and west sides of Frank Street tnto ' one parcet (bounded by Earl. Conway, Euclid and Griffith). Matter withdrawn at request of petitioner. 2. 6/9/87 FINAL ORDER: [mproving REANEY AVENUE from Earl Street to Frank Street (part of SEVENTH/FRANK AREA PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT). Recommended approval. 3. 6/2/87 RATIFICATIQN 9F AWARD OF �AMAGES: Sewer easements for the DALE/F�YT SEWER SEPARATION:PROJECT. Recommended approi+al. 4. 6/2/87 RATIFICATlON OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easements for the ANNAPOLIS/CONCORD AREA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recortmended approval. 5. 6/2/87 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking easements necessary in the grading and paving of NEBRASKA AVENUE. ATLANTIC STREET and CHAMBERS STREET (order to be amended). Recommended approval. 6. RESOLUTION: Authorizi�g an agreement with Ramsey County to provide for the sale of City produced asphalt to the County. Recomnended approval. 7. RESOLUTION: Authorizing the release of retained easements in part of PINE STREET as vacated by Resolution C.F. B7- 35. Recortmended approval. B. RESOLUTlON: Approving LAFAYETTE ROAD from T.H.3 (Lafayette Freeway) to Universlty Avenue. and UNIVERSITY AVENUE from Lafayette Road to 1-35E as combination vehicle routes within the C1ty of Saint Paul. Recomnended approval. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-A475 ++�... C���-7�� 9. RESOLUTION: Agreement to indemnify. save and hold harmless the State of Minnesota from any claims, demands and actions as a condition of granting a variance to the State from State Standards for the SIXTH STREET PROJECT from Hope to Cypress. AND 10. RESOLUTION: Agreement to indemnify, save and hold harmless the State of Minnesota from any claims, demands and actions as a condition of granting a variance to the State from State Standards for the LEXINGTON PARKWAY PROJECT. These two items have already been acted on at City Council . ` �2�;" :. „�:t{':"�. . .�: `',. �� � •, v ,�� �r �f�;1'.� ^'.�� �..-� ,� �� �:��"�'r� �S�? �.• F� . �- :�: � � � � . � � :� � .Y� �' �: � �: a a . .+, �p � � � ..� � ' i., �,;, ` � , � ; {`r. �•� � �� a �., � .1 Y l�� s� � � �� , � �� _ �� � �" �" ° � �` ` •: �';��' ,� ``¢ " -} :r,, * ,,, ^f + � ' � " �' �M� fA.�- �' � �► .�, � ,� r �.. ; .! -. .i �+iw la ?� O�W �+-a C F '�lu�+��,� ��47 �x w�W� �$ '.:�,;�?O ��•�� '��� � � �� � j ;x. � f� ,�� � $������ � � � ��. 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'66 � _ . � ��A4�i a� 4 O..�� , �,�#�# �It � .�• � .. � � �� �-: �'�� k �{ `�� � ��� ������ �� ��� � �5 ���' , � � � � � � ����; �' �:�� � � �: � �� d �. �� � � , �'�+�+ d'� �,,.: :�`", �; �,:. �,.. � y�+� '� ;Y �s; ��°'�,3� � �: F , x ,�° :,�,� �� _ ��,.. .; �i '�' <�� ;� . } s� ;i. � ���i��. �' .d �' �'. .� � m £ ,O, a k x Y" � F �',� �� �'�`y, � a� ?�. -�1' � ' � � '4 .. !' �. hi i � ryr I�• �.� .��K �a aF �r.�+ �` � +� �w � .. .c �'' ..F ' �, 4•�." �z ���` _ _ i.:. �` .: Y�_�._ � ¢ � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. 0 �—7�� r /% � '` , Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By t�.; : �;, � _� ��;.Q�, Condemnation and Awards of Damages Z��4�� and Assessment Therefor File No. Va�ir� In the matter of Warcl � N A permanent easement for drainage purposes on, over an3 across the following described property (Annapolis/Concord Sewer Project): That part of Tract A, Registered i.and Sur��ey, No. 289, bounded by a line commencing at the most westerly corner of said Tzact A; Ther.r_e north Z6 degrees 40 minutes east aiong th� northwest line of said Tract A, a 3i�t2nce of 205.23 teet t� the point of beginning of a line to be described; Thence continue north 2b de�rees 40 minutes east along said northwest lir.e a distance of 215 .°eet to a point, ' thence South 66 degrees 27 minutes east a dista.nce of 8(? Eeet to a point; thence south 26 degrees 40 minutes wesr. a distance of 2L5 feet to a point; thence north 66 degrees 27 mit�u[es west a distance of 80 feet [o the point of beginning and [here terminating; 4 Also the northwester.ly 50 feer of the fo7.lowirg: Come�encing at the southerly corner of Lo[ 3, Ri.�c'�c 66, West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addi.tion No. 6, runniiYg ther.ce northeasterl� along the sour_herly line or said Lor_, b7.52 feet [o �ha southwesterly right-of^way line of th� C��icago, kocic Islaad and Pacific Railway; running thence alon� said right-of.-way line 1<<0.45 Eeet to a point �n the norrheasL-erly line of said Bloc.k 66; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line 62.0� feet to tne northerly cecner of said Block; theace southiresterlv alor.g the under Admini northwesterly ?tne of said Block 126..5 feeC tu the northeasterly line of alley ie said Block, and thence sou*_heasterly along said al'_e;� Preliminary 0 line 193 feet to point of beg'.nning, exc,ep[ Lots 3 and 4, in sraid Block 66, of said West St. Paul Real Estate and ImproveiiietiC Svnoi.c�te Addition No. o; and the vacated streets and alleys adjoining; Final Order_ Also, Lot 8 and the northwesterly 11.4 feet o� Lot 9, an:; the vacated streets and alZeys adjoining, B1ock 66, West St. Paul Resl cstate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. b; A publi Also, that p�rt uf the northwesterly 50 f.eet of Block 1S, Bro-�an and Jack.son's 9ddition to West St. Paul lyiao southweste:ly uf a lii.e SO abOVO 1ri1pIOV feet aortheasterly from and parallel to the center:in� of the CounCil haviD Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company right•-of-way. RESOL' Also a permanent easemenC for sewer purposes under and across the follawing by the signat propQrty: lands for saic ratified and c That part oF Trsct A, Registered Land Survey No. 289, bounded by a , line beginning at the most wesCerly corner of said Tract 9; Thence RESOL� north 26 degrees 40 minutes east along the ncrthwest line of said and the Same Tr.act a distance oi 205.23 feet to a point; trence south 6b degrees 27 minutes east a disCance of µ0 feet to � point; Thence south 26 degrees 40 ininutes east to a poLnt on the south line of said Tract A; Tiiencc: north 32 degrees �+5 minutes 21 sercnds west r.o :.he poinr of beginning and there terminating. COUNCILP Glso, That part of Blofk 3C, Brown and .;acksons Additicn to West St. YeaS.�' Paul., Rarrsey County, �iinnesota and vacated arthur Avenue bounded on i� �:Q�S� the nort'�west by the northwest line of vacar.ed Arthur Avenue, on the nor�heast by the so��thwest line of Bacge Channel Road as dedicated in �lt�'�M1� Tor:e��s Document No. 754686, on the scuthwest by the northzast line ��#� oi Coacord Street, and on the southeast by a liae 70 fee*_ � southeasterly �f aud parallet. to the northwest line of said vacated Arthur Avenue. Tldtsca iiil�on Pll�.iS;°if�l �u ra 1 3 1987