87-775 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT P� �1�J� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � � � � 1 ouncil Resolution / � �� Presented By �rG�e%( Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admi.ni.strati.ve Resoluti.on amendi.ng the Ci.vi.l Servi.ce Rules concerning eli.gible li.sts. RESOLVED, that the Ci.vil Service Rules be amended i.n Secti.on 8, Fi.11i.ng Vacanci.es, Subsecti.on 8.A, so that the fourth paragraph of said secti.on shall read as follows: "In the absence of an eligible list for �l�e a position requested, the Personnel Offi.ce may certi.fy �rom hi.gher classes to vacanci.es occurri.ng i.n lower classes, or from the aeares�-a�$re�r�a�e-��s�; eligi.ble list of the nearest equal or hi.gher graded appropri.ate li.st, where the examinati.on reasonably measures the abi.li.ty of the eli.gi.ble to perform the duti.es i.n the class to whi.ch certificati.on i.s made. Certi.fi.cati.on from a related li.st as described in thi.s paragraph shall be made only from ori.gi.nal entrance eli.gi.ble li.st." No action taken by the Ci.vil Service Commission - 6-3-87 Joan Je�� rey, Secretary COUNC[LMEN R ue ted b Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � � Nicosia PERSONNEL OFFIC Rettman In FaVO[ Scheibel � ��� Sonnen __ AgelnSt BY iedes�.� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 8 198� Form pprov by City Attorney Certified Y s ed b Coun .il , et BY � ' sy f Approv lNavor: Date `�UN — ��v7 Appro by Mayor for Submis t ouncil BY — BY PU�IIStIED �u i�� l � 1987 Pe�sonnel Office ° � � y �%�'� � �� �1To 06499 DE PA�tI'M�i�T= _ . _ _ Mark Robertson COMTAC7 4221 RHONE 5-4-87 DATE ` �'��� �,r �r : . SI NllNBER FOR ROIJTLNG ORDER Cli: A]1 Locations for St aature : Department Direct.or 3 Direc�or� of Mana:gement/Mayor Finance and Management 5ervices Director � 4 C.ity Clerk � Budget Di1"eCtOP 5 G.ivil Service Commission 2� City Attorney I�FIAT_ WI LL Bf ACNI;EYE-R �Y TA1�IN�: ACTTON: ON T�l� ATTACMEQ. MATERiA�.S? (Purpose/ Rationale). 1 . Resolution of a giievance from Mi.nnesota AFSCME Council No. 14 .(see attached) . 2. Erovides greater flexibility to City department heads and managers when making , original appointments. c�S�-�''�\�'�,,,�-�'' 1VED ��� RECE G,OS:T/BENEFI.T,. B�106£TIaRY AND PERS4N�fEL I{�PACTS AIVTICTPRTED.: � �AY� 6 1987 RECEIV ,�� None,l. � CITY ATTC��� MAY �. � 1987 MkYOR'S OFFICE F�I�IA�VCING SO:URCE A1VD BUDGET ACTIVI'TY NUI�fER (�IARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- _ ture rrot re- Tota1 Amount ;of'Transaction: � quire�t fif under . � alO,QQQ� Fundin.g Spurce: Activity Number: l�TTRCHMEN'�S (`Li st and Nu�nber Al l Attac.�ents;),:: � 1 . Resoluti.on 2. Copy for City Clerk � ER ` TMENT REVI:EW CITIf ATTQRNEY REYIE1il Y�� I�o �ounail: Reso��xion Required? � Resolution Requ�re�:7 Yes No Yes l�� }Nt�. Insurance� Required? Insurance Suffi�ien�? Yes �to Yes (/No I�rsurance� A�ttached: -�..-- . (SEE •RE�IERSE SID€ F01� INSTRUCTIONS) . � �evised 12/84 . � , , � • ���-77� � � � �. ,: - ?� MINNESOTA AFSCME COUNCIL N0. 14 v . � TWIN CITIES , � o� '_ 267 LAFAYETTE f�OAD SO. METROPOLITAN AREA �� t„� � ST. PAUL, MN 55107-1683 � �c -ci TELEPHONE: 291-0333 MYMICIMI April 9 , 1987 T0 : Mr. Rafael Viscasillas FM : Jerry Serfling RE : Withdrawal of Grievance Meter Readers from Account Clerks The Union agrees to withdraw its grievance dated July 2 , 1986 with the understanding that the Personnel Office will support and encourage an Amendment to Section 8 of the Civil Service Rules . The Amendment would be to the next to last paragraph on page 13 of the Rules as follows : Cz... In the absence of an eligible list for t�ire position requested , the Personnel Office may certify from higher classes to vacancies occurring in lower classes , or f r o m t h e yrearE-st—appro-p�rt�r-t�—i-tst; e 1 i g i b 1 e 1 i s t o f t h e nearest equal or higher _�raded—appropriate list , where the examination reasonably measures the ability of the eligible to perform the duties in the class to which certification is made. Certification from a related list as described in this paragraph shall be made only from original entrance eligible list . It is further understood the withdrawal of this grievance establishes no precedent for future similar cases . JS : gm cc : Paul LeMay Paul McCloskey Mary Hayes - -� -