87-769 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ///7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �-��✓ � Cou�c 'l Resolution ,,- Presented By � { � � �eferred To �/ /`/�}"� C�C Committee: Date `�'� 5 —� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for Library Aides in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended by striking out of Section II B where the title appears under the heading "Special Employments" the following: "Library Aide lst 1040 hours of employment $4.75 per hour 2nd 1040 hours of employment $5.00 per hour 3rd 1040 hours of employment $5.25 per hour 4th 1040 hours of employment $5.50 per hour 5th 1040 hours of employment & thereafter $5.75 per hour and substituting in lieu thereof the following: lst 1040 hours of employment $4.90 per hour 2nd 1040 hours of employment $5. 15 per hour 3rd 1040 hours of employment $5.40 per hour 4th 1040 hours of employment $5.65 per hour 5th 1040 hours of employmemt & thereafter $5.90 per hour ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval and publication of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Hays � Nicosia NNEL OFFICE Rettman Itl FBVOC ` V Scheibel � � ---� Sonnen �__ AgBi(1St BY �. Wilson ��Y � �? ��7 Form pproved y Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y•ss d b Council Se ary BY � ss� Appro by Mavor: Da e � �UN — � �7 Approve by Ma or fo ission to Council — � PUB�.i��ifD `�'�.�i� 6 1987 Persz�nnel Offi�ce DEPAR�MENT ��_7�g N° _ 0648'7 sherri��'Le ,�,�_CONTACT 4221 PHONE 4-to-s� DATE ��W� ► Y Q . I�SSIGN NUNBER FOR RQUTI�IG..ORDER (Clip All Lo.cations for Signature) ; � Depar�ment Dir�ctor ' � 3 Director of Management/Mayor ,�,_ Finance and �nag�nt Services Director � 4 City Cl�rk Budge� Director . � � City Attorney I�HAT WitL 6E ACHIEYED BY TA�CING ACTION ON THE ATTACNED. NATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationgle) : This resolution provides for an across the board annual salary adjustment for Library Aid�s. Library Aides are under the "Special Employments" Section of the Salar aR - d are therefore not represented by a bargaining unit. yR��:�. ,'� APR N 1 1987 MAYOR'S OFFICE COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL INFPACTS ANTICIPATED. There are currently 51 Library Aides, all part-time with variable hours. Each person would receive. a 15G per hour incressey regardless of length of service, as-�of the the effective date of this resolution. . . � \";(� � . �` U� . FINANCING SOURCE AND BUD6ET ACTIVITY NI��R (�IARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota1 Amount of"'Cransaction: quired if under . � �10,000j Funding S�u.rce: Activity Number: . � RECE��E� �TTACHMENTS (Li st and Number A11 AttacF�nents) : APR 131987 , . Resolution CITY ATTORNEY 2. Copy for City Clerk - DEPARTMENT REVIEW . CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes No Cbuncil Resolution Required? ; ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insur�ncs Sufficient? lfes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE •RE�IERSE SI�E FOR: IMSTRUCTIONS) . � Revised 12/84 . � � - � � @-���=:� ���-7�y .. . • ^ � 53� ��I E � 'o„��+�� • " CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �� w INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � u+ � �N a Date: 4/8/87 T0: Sheryl Le, Personnel Department FROM: Carole Williams, Library RE: Library Aide salaries Per our recent conversation, the Library finds the 2.5% increase, r�r 15� an hour, an acceptable alternative to our recent request. If adapted, it is our understanding that the salary schedule would be as follows: 19F36 1987 $4.75 lst 1040 hours of employment $4.90 $5.00 2nd 1040 hours of employment $5.15 $5.25 3rd 1040 hours of employment $5.40 $5.50 4th 1040 hours of employment $5.65 $5.75 5th 1040 hours of employment $5.90 If approved, we would like to have this begin on Ma.y 9, 1987. cc: Jerry Steenberg, Library Director Kathleen Stack, Community Services Director ;� . , . . . , � �--- i �1� �-- tc-�r�K � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��7`7�� :i�i'ii�id OFFIC� OF TH� CITy COUNCIL � . I Committee Report F:in ce Ma.na e e�t & Pe onne Co 'ttee. .�. �MAY 21, 198�! . 1. Follow-up discussion on making the city's budget process more responsive to City Council needs (laid over from April 30, 1987) . discussed 2. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 7, 1987. avnroved 3. .. . " ..._..... a . 4. Resolution establishing the rate of pay in Grade 29 Professional Employees Standard Ranges for the class of Risk Manager in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution., approved , ' 5. Resolution amending the 1987 Special Funds budget and adding $1,820,664 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for McKnight-Transitions Program- � Miscellaneous Grants. . approved . 6. Resolution amending the 1986 CIB bud�et by transferring $105,000 from Fire Station 18 Remodeling and Capital Maintenance to Fire Station 24 Addition. _anvzoved as amended (amount to be $ 115,322) 7. D-8355: Authorization of Fitzgerald & Long to conduct review of computer � hardware and software configuration and design of the Financial Management System. discussed C'n FI�'I'I' SEVEI`1TH FLOOR SAINT PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 �.�s ,