87-757 . x.w�r:�rrc:�.c+.�:; ., . .. „ - ��(� /� � y`7 ' . Council`� vITY OF SAINT PALTL - F�i� N 0. _�_ �____..__. _ C cil esolu io� � �J .��t'fed By i .'.i� .�..�. ' Referred To Committee: Date __ _____ Out of Committee By Date ----- 47HEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioner� are deeply concerned about th� health and welfare of the residents of Saint Pzul and Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, it may be most effective to meet those concerns through merger of City and County health services; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the prot�ction of employe emplcyee satisfaction are essential requirements for effectively and efficie y delivering - public services; and WHEREAS, the City Council trusts that programs and se vic s w be enhanced and not reduced by combining City and County health servic and , therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Counci support the lora ion, including initial City/County negotiations, of a merger of e Saint Pa isi of Public Health and the Ramsey County Public Health Depart nt; and RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized �be n is explora ion as saon as possible by appointing a tean of Cfty officials_�and bar aining nit r presentatives to attempt to devel.op a plan for merging the City and ounty ealth ogra s; and this team i� to report monthly to the Saint Paul Board o Health t mo hly cheduled meetings; artd naw, therefore, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that any plan developed fo Counci c nsideration requires the maintenance or enhancement of current City he lth ser ices and programs, and also that any proposed plan also assures that employees wages, enefits, and job security are protected. COUNCILMEN Yeas b�� Nays Requested by Department of: N�°°s" � In Favor Rettman Sahe��' sw+�.•---- Against BY T�dasoo Wilson MAY 2 v �7 For Approved Ci ' ey , Adopted by Council: Date �„ Cenified P�s cil Sec ry � B; Apprvved by Mavor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co �cil By - — By