87-743 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. �7` �3 � FINA � ORDER � � " � � By File No. �p 1�$ Voting In the Matter of �r�IIa �� �� fro�a 6SQ feet south�sat of I-35E to bQ0 Ward fftt �thL�nst of Ladolp6 Av�stie bp canstztictina a concret• s�rfaead roadra� iaeluetias ��3ders, t�ra laaee. �edisa barri�rs, 2 roadsl.�� barriars +aad dr�l.n�ege �aci2itt�a, co�trsctins bic�rcla/ �estriaa pst6 sdjsceat ta tke re�ad�a�, iaK►z�o�riAg t�e tr+etffic si�aal at ths I-35H off raag iat�rsactiaa, cou�strsctias a stre�t Ii.,�htin� s7rstea, �deaia� of L�e sida+ralt aad installiag ssdiuc snd roselside barriers on City Dridse lto. 62312. ca�nstzneting concr�t� �urb an� gutter aad �radis� and pa�ria� �uttarnnt As�ne �rith a bisv.inews �ac•riai betwe� Occo utd E�ty Str�st, am� - doiag aIl �ark neeessar� aad iacideata2 to ce�►lets eaid projsct. � under Preliminary Order �� ��� approved "�"'��� � ; The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement;���nexi� COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date +_�Y z 6 �� Yeas�� Nays 11i�t�sl.s Certified sed Council Secretary �tEwa� �Cheibel In Favor Eoaaen �C�s�,o�q � Against �- Mayor MAY Z 8 1987 Pt�s�.c��r� _ `!�� 6 �987 , , �,i-F.� cr�� � ��7-7y3 ST PAIJL � iT�' COUNCIL P. UB � 1C �lEA � 1NG N�TICE PU6LIC IMPROVEI�EN1' CONSTRUCTlON Dear Property Owner: City Council District �E2 District Plannnin Council ��9 File No. X88-P-1008& and 15 18470-E To decide on wliether to improve SAEPARD ROAD from 650' southwest P U R P 0 5 E of I-35E to 600' Southwest of Randolph Avenue by constructing a concrete surfaced roadway including shoulders, turn lanes, median barriers, roadside barriers and drainage facilities, constructing AN D a continuous bicycle/pedestrian path adjacent to the roadway, improving the traffic signal at the I-35E off ramp intersection, L0 C A TIO N constructing a street lighting system, widening of the sidewalk and installing median and roadside barriers on City Bridge No. 62512, constructing concrete curb and gutter and grading and paving Butternut Avenue with bituminous material between Otto Avenue and Bay Street, and all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. Also, to acquire the necessary right-of-way, slope easements, construction easements, sewer easements and right of access at various locations as shown on the project map on file at the � Division of Finance and Management Services located at 218 City ' Hall. Tuesday, May 26, 1987, at 10:00 A.M. H E A R I1V G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Courthouse If the Council approves this project, the estimated construction � costs and financing for this project are as follows: Fi ������� ESTIMATED CONSTRliCTION COSTS $4,904,000 I NFOR������. ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1987 Minnesota State Aid Funds $ 195,000 1988 Minnesota State Aid Funds 715,000 1988 Public Improvement Aid 60,000 Federal Aid Urban Funds 3,900,000 1988 Capital Improvement Budget Funds 34,000 TOTAL FINANCING $4,904,000 �0 ASS�SSME�ITS Q, t���'O�� Construction: 292-6277 Easements: 298-5317 �,I Also, City staff will be available to answer ar.,y Iast minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - lO:OC A.M. the same day a� the hearing. . � , ' 4ambera: U/►� �_��� Chlrs Nlcoal�. Ch�lr ! CiITY OF SAI�TT PAUL 7m1c� R�ttman i ��=ii i° Hikl 9oanan OFP'ICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL Joha Drew(Alt) Date: May 13, 1987 ,� . Committee Re ort i p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of May l3, 1987 took the following action: Hearina Date �. 5/14/87 VACATION: Petition of Estelle and Donald Sell for the vacation of GOODRICN AVENUE from Highway 35-E to approximately 4I0 feet east bounded by Dale Street, . . Lincoln and Grand Avenues 6 Highway 35-E. Purpose is to - ailow more effective utilization of the land now owned by the petitioners (latd over from 4/29/87). Recommended approval. 2. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving CHESTNUT STREET from W. Seventh Street to Smith Avenue. Recommended approval. � 3. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving PLATO BLVD. from Lafayette Road to Fillmore Avenue. Recommended approval. 4. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving CRETIN AVENUE from Dayton to Iglehart Avenue. Recommended approval. 5. 5/l9/87 FINAL ORDER: Irnprovtng THOMAS AVENUE from Dale to Marion Street. Recortmended approval. 6. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: lmproving THOMAS AVENUE from 5neliing Avenue to Haml9ne Avenue. Also, constructing a green lantern street lighting system. Recomme�ded approval. 7. 5/26/87 fiNAL ORDER: Improving MISSISSIPP( RIVER BLVD. from 200 feet north of Goodrich Avenue to 50 feet south of Cretin Avenue (order amended to inciude bridge replacement). Referred back to City Council without recommendation. ' B. 5/26/87 RATIF[CATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easements in connection with SEVENTM/FRANK SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recommended approval. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-d475 +�•• . . - � � � �7-7�-� 9. '~-'�J��B�? F I NAI. ORQER e I mprov i ng SMEf'A.R,D. R�AD f rom 650 f eet �outhwest of I-35E to 600� �eet southwest of Randolph by` constructing a concrete roadway, including shoulders, turn lanes, median barriers, roadside barriers, drainage facilities, constructing bicycie/pedestrian path, improving traffic signal at 35-E off-ramp intersection, street lighting system, widening of sidewalk and instal ���r,�d�� r�ers on City Bridge No. 625 l2. Improv i ng BUTTERNUT A���'��'°��'^�"�,�•�e,+ Streets. Constructing sanitary, storm--°��fi�'�"������ connections in Qtto Avenue between 5hepard Road and S.tewsrt Avenue, i f reques�ed by prciper�y orJrieF ar�d � acquiring necessary right-of-way, slope easements, construction easements, sewer easements and right of :access at var i o�5 i crcafi-i ons i n connet�t it�rt �r ith gfi�p�rd Road improvement. �Secs�mtttendec�. approva 1 . !0. 5/26/87 F1NAL ORDER: Instailation of a sanitary sewer in OTTO AVENUE between Stewart Avenue and Shepard Road (part of the Shepard Road lmprovement Pro,ject) . , Recommended approval . 11 . 5/26/87 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easement in connection with the ARCADEJMINNEHAHA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recommended approvai . 12. RESOLUTION: Authorizing application for a use deed for taxforeited parcel from the State of Minnesota to be used for open space and water utilities purposes (bounded by Larpenteur and Furness Pkwy. ) . Recommended approval . 13. APPEAL: of Gail and Narvey Ingberg to a decision of the Public Works Depa�tment denying issuance of a street address for a lot on DOUGLYNN LANE. Referred back to City Council without recommendation. � � (,,�-- ��- ��3 PRELIMINARY OBpEB .. ..- ' f Cauneil File N�.87-578.-By Chris Nicosia— . In the Matter of improving Shepard Road from 650 feet southv�est of.I35E to 600 feet southwest of Randolph Avenue by constructing a concrete surfaced roadway including shoulders,tum lanes,median barriers,roadside"�iarriers 8nd drainage facilities, constructing bicycle/pedestrian path ac�jaeast to the 'f , roadway, improving the traffic signal at the I-35E off ramp inte�tion, ' constructing a street lighting system,widening of the sidewalk and installing ! median and roadside barriers on City Bridge No. 62512, constructing.conerete ` curb and gutter and grading and paving Butternut Avenue with a bituminous material between Otto and B�y Street, and doing all work n�ary and incidental to complete said project in Voting Ward 2. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of theMa�or upon the above improvement, and having considered said repart, hei'eby ' resolves: • 1. That the said report and the same is herehy , wl1�" '' "altematives,and that the oc#io�ted cos��6erso�is M,��� :' .. ' 19a7 ltusicipal S�ate Aid i1'�6.00b;1lM�[�miciipal lltat�Aid�71 _ Pul►li�e�Aid#10.00�t�d�e+aa Ai+�:�c;�'��i�M-` ���'�1 ror�r�oe,Heoid?'sm3s p�1;,000. : , :,�.-�'!ll�E��rMl�la���d�a ss�ii�eo�«p�t�ru lii 1 iR 1MN ia�r��bers of��� a� 1#�et�r�e. ng the City of'Saipt_Paul. 3. That notice'of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provitied by the Cha;ter, statfng the time and.place of bearing, the nature of the improvement and th'e-total cost thereof as estimated. ' File No.X88-P-100� � Adopted by the Council April 28, 198?. Approved April 29.1987. - (May 9, 198?)