87-742 '�
City of St.Paul COUNCIL,FILE NO. �7— �
. ,, � � ,
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By
Condemnation and Awards of Damages 18452 �
and Assessment Therefor File No.
�Ot�� In the matter of
6 Condemning and taking easements in connection with the SEVENTH/FRANK STREET
SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT described as follows:
A 10 foot wide permanent easement for storm sewer purposes over, across ,
and through that part of the Northwest Quarter of Southwest Qiiarter of
Section 27, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota described as
being 5 feet on each side of the followin� described centerline:
Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the
Southwesr Quarter; thence east 182 feet more or less to the center_line ��r
Johnson Parkway; thence continuing east 12 feet; t,hence south 187 feet
more or less to the point of beginning (the north 'property line of
Chicago and N�rthwestern Railway); thence continuing south 107 feet more
or less to the south property line of said railway there terminating.
Also a temporary construction easement 12 feet on each side of the above
described sewer easement;
Also a temporary construction easement on, over, and across a portion of
Lot 17 of Block 1, a portion of the adjoining vacated right^of—way, and a
portion of Block 2 of J. P. Gri_bbens Re "A" Subdivisi�n, St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Mir.nesota circumscribed as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 17 east 20 fee*_, tllenr_e
north 100 feet, thence northwest at- a deflection angle of 18 ciegr.ees to
the west a di.stance of 63 feet, thence south 160 feet more or less to
the point of beginning.
These temporary easements shall expire on llecember 1 , 1987, or upon r_ompletion
of the project whichever occurs first.
by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such
lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified and confirmed.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,
and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAY 2 G 1��
Yea�e� Nays
I�iCOSig Certifie e by Council Secretary
�Ieheibel In Favor �
Son�a.en d
�ad�sCO Against
� �QY � � 1�7 Mayor
P�.t�es�� _�!_�`�,; G 19�7
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �7 �7 "'�
Report of Director of Finance BY __ .. ,
on Condemnation of Lands
File No. ��"�g'; �'
```{"'`"� In thc matter of
,,-; ��3
�` Condemning and taking easements in connection with the SFVENTH/FRANK STREET
SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT described as follows:
A 10 foot wide permanent easement for storm sewer purposes over, across,
and through that part of the Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of
Section 27, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota described as
being S feet on each side of the following described centerline:
Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter; thence east 182 feet more or less to the centerline of
Johnson Parkway; thence continuing east 12 feet; thence south 187 feet
more or less to the point of beginning (the north property line of
Chicago and IVorthwestern Railway); thence continuing south 107 feet more
or less to the south property line of said railway there terminating.
Also a temporary construction easement 12 feet on each side of the above
described sewer easement;
Also a temporary construction easement on, over, and across a portion of
Lot 17 of Block 1, a portion of the ad�oining vacated right�of—way, and a
portion of Block 2 of J. P. Gribbens Re "A" Subdivision, St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minnesota circumscribed as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 17 east 20 feet, thence
north 100 feet, thence northwest at a deflection angle of 18 degrees to
the west a distance of 63 feet , thence south 160 feet more or less tc�
the point of beginning.
These temporary easements shall expire on December 1 , 1987, or upon comp�_etion
of the pro�ect whichever occurs fir.st.
That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the
above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom
such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of
said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified
with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
Director of Finance
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. '
Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By , _
File No. !4�b�; �
�'=3'•-"'�f� In the matter of
i, Condemning and taking easements in connection with the SF.VENTH/FRANK STREET
SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT described as follows:
A 10 foot wide permanent easement for storm sewer purposes over, across,
and through that part of the Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter af
Section 27, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota described as
being 5 feet on each side of the following described centerline:
Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter; thence east 182 feet more or less to the centerline of
Johnson Parkway; thence continuing east 12 feet; thence south 187 feet
more or less to the point of beginning (the north property line of
Chicago and Northwestern Railway); thence continuing south 107 feet more
or less to the south property line of said railway there terminating.
Also a temporary construction easement 12 feet on each side of the above
described sewer easement;
Also a temporary construction easement on, over, and across a portion o£
Lot 17 of Block 1, a portion of the adjoining vacated right-of-way, and a
portion of Block 2 of J. P. Gribbens Re "A" Subdivision, St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minnesota circumscribed as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 17 east 20 feet, thence
north 100 feet, thence northwest at a deflection angle of 18 degrees to
the west a distance o£ 63 feet, thence south 160 feet more or less to
the point of beginning.
These temporary easements shall expire on December 1, 1987, or upon completion
of the pro�ect whichever occurs first.
�,�a,nuer, in �ne �ourt nouse m me �ity or Ji. Y3U1� on me aay ot
, at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance
as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated
for the above improvements, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards,
also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement.
Objection, to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or the awards of damages therefor must be in writing
and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto.
Director of Finance
1[embats: � �����
Ch1n Nlcoaf�, Cfulr
� . ♦ CiITY OP` �SAI�TT PAUL �ant�� [tetcm�n i
a�i�lll Elld 9otlLLSR
Date: May 13, i9s� '�
. � Committee Re ort !
To: Saint Paul City Council
From: Committee on Public Works
Chris Nicosia, Chair
The Public Works Committee at its meeting of May 13, 1987 took the
following action:
Hearina Date
�. 5/l4/87 VACATION: Petition of Estelle and Donald Sell for the
vacatton of GOODRICH AVENUE from Highway 35-E to
approximately 410 feet east bounded by Dale Street. .
. Lincoln and Grand Avenues R Highway 35-E. Purpose is to -
allow more effective utilization of the tand now owned by
the petitioners (laid over from 4/29/87).
Recommended approval.
2. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving CHESTNUT STREET from W. Seve�th
Street to Smith Avenue.
Recommended approvai. �
3. 5/19/87 FINAL OROER: Ir�roving PLATO BLVD. from Lafayette Road to
Filimore Avenue.
Recommended approval.
4. 5/19/87 F[NAL ORDER: Improving CRETIN AVENUE from Dayton to
Igiehart Avenue.
Recomnended approval.
5. 5/l9/87 fINAI ORDER: improving THOMAS AVENUE from Dale to Ma�ton
Recommended approval.
6. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: Ir�roving THOMAS AVENUE from Snelling Avenue
to Hamline Avenue. Also, constructing a green lantern
street lighting system.
Recommended approvai.
7. 5/26/87 fINAL ORDER: Improving M[SS1SSlPP1 RIVER BLVD. from 200
feet �orth of Goodrich Avenue to 50 feet south of Cretln
Avenue (order amended to include bridge replacement).
Referred back to City Counctl without recomnendation.
.�,�..__. ,. _ _ _ _ : _.,., �,._. ,
� '�@. 5(26187 ,����TlON OF A4JARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easements_ 1riN.
Recommended approval.
. � ���� �y�
. ,
9. 5/26/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving SHEPARD ROAD from 650 feet
southwest of I-35E to 600 feet southwest of Randolph by
constructing a concrete roadway, including shoulders, turn
lanes, median barriers, roadside barriers, drainage
facitities, constructing bicycle/pedestrian path,
improving traffic signal at 35-E off-ramp intersection,
street lighting system, widening of sidewalk and
installing median 8 roadside barriers on City Bridge No.
62512. Improving BUTTERNUT AVENUE between Otto and Bay
Streets. Constructing sanitary, storm and water
connections in Otto Avenue between Shepard Road and
Stewart Avenue, if requested by property owner and
acquiring necessary right-of-way, slope easements,
construction easements, sewer easements and right of
access at various locations in connection with Shepard
Road improvement.
Recommended approval .
10. 5/26/87 FINAL ORDER: Installation of a sanitary sewer in OTTO
AVENUE between Stewart Avenue and Shepard Road (part of
the Shepard Road Improvement Project) . ,
Recommended approval .
11 . 5/26/87 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easement in
Recommended approval .
12. RESOLUTION: Authorizing appiication for a use deed for
taxforeited parcel from the State of Minnesota to be used
for open space and water utilities purposes (bounded by
Larpenteur and Furness Pkwy. ) .
Recortxnended approva i .
13. APPEAL: of Gail and Harvey Ingberg to a decision of the
Public Works Department denying issuance of a street
address for a lot on DOUGI.YNN LANE.
Referred back to City Council without recommendation.
• ' ' ' �;��-��- ��,/�
Council File No. 87-57g—gy Chris Nic
In the Matter of condemning and taking easements in conn�� q,q��e
Seventh/Frank Street Sewer Separation Project described as follows in.Vpting
Ward 6:
A 10 foot wide permanent easement ibr storm sewer pu�� oves,
across, and through that part of the Northwest Quarter oi �thwest '
Quarter of Section 27,Township 29,Range 22�g,am�ey County,Mitsnesata �
described as beittg 5 feet on each side of the following described
; Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Qusrter of the
Southwest Quarter, thence east 182 feet more or less to the centerline of
, Johnson Parkway; thence continuing east 12 feet; thence south 187 feet
more or less to the point of beginning(the north praperty line of Chicago
and Northwestern R,ailway);thence continuing south 10?feet more or less �
to the south property line of said railway there terminating.
Also a temporary construction easement 12 feet on each side of the above
described sewer easement;
Also a temporary construction easement on, over,and across a portion of Lot 17
of Block 1,a portion of the adjoining vacated right-of-way,and a portion of Block
2 of J. P. Gribbens fte "A" Subdivision, St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota
circumscribed as follows:
Commencing at�the southwest corner of said Lot 17 east 20 feet, thence
north 100 feet, thence northwest at a deflection angle of 18 degrees to the
west a distance of 63 feet,thence south 160 feet more or less to the point of
beginning. •
These temporary easements shall expire on December 1, 1987,or upon completion
of the project whichever occurs first.
Under Preliminary Order 87-253 approved February 26, 1987;Final Order 87-410
approved March 31, 1987.
The Director of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to
the amount o�damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein
appropriated for the above irriprovement and to whofin payable;and also having
submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said
improvement,therefore be it
RESOLVED,That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby
R.ESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had before the Council
upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the
Director of Finance and also upon the said assessment of benefits;at the Council
Chamber,in the Court House in the City of St.Paul on the 6t of May 1987
at ten o'clock A.�I.,and that the Director of Finance be ana he is directe o g ve
, o�,c'��o sa�, earuig as:Pfi�scxibesl by tt�e:�l��rter.
-Fiie No. 18452-L ' .
Adopted by the Council Aprii 28, 1987.
APProved Apri129, 1987.
(May 9, 1987)