87-736 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI�CIl �// CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �7 /�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By `� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�REA,.S, The City of Saint Paul, in con]unction with the City of Minneapolis, is bidding to host the U.S. Olympic Festival in 1990 or 1991, an�d W�, although,a previous bid for the festival i.n 1986 was unsuccessful it is expected that the Ztain Cities chances are very strong to make a successful bid for 1990 or 1991, arx3 Wf�AS, It is antici ated that the two Cities will together incur $45 OOO,in expenses for bid presentations� paymen� for a consultant, hosting a visit by the U.S. O�ympic Co�nittee's Athletes' Advisory Council, and WF�EAS, The two Cities have agreed to share equally in costs in addition to securing private funds and Minnesota Department of Tourisan funds, Saint Paul's share of current expenses is $15,000, ar�d The Mayor pu rsuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recomnends the following transfers for the 1487 General Fund Budget: TRAI�SE'ER FRQM: General Government A�ccounts Cont�'ngent I�eserve General 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out -15,000 Budqet Changes Budget� Z�iANSE'ER TO: Dept. of Planning &,Economic Development 06000 PID Contr�.bution 06000-0537 �pp�rating Transfer Out 1,542,740 +15,000 1,557,740 06000 Al], OtFier Sperr7 ing 34,680 0 34,680 1,577,420 +15,000 1,592,420 I�'P CHANGE 0 RE90LVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget. Financing is Avail le• " roval Recom�ner�ded _ � _ i/ , Director of Fin ce �. ii.d Budget 'r tor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia _� (n Favor of Plann' & Economic Develo t Rettman Scheibel Sonnen � _ Ag81IiSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �1� 2 � 1�7 Form Approv d by i torne Certified Pas•e y Council Secr tary BY BS '�" l Approv y Mavor: Date _ AY 2 6 �r Approve M or r Sub s n t ouncil By _ _ By F:���;�y�� � .'� � � j�87 PED ' DEPARTMENT C�_�'� N� OsiSS Jane Lastwood � CONTACT 292-32fl9 PHONE . May 1, 19 8 7 DATE ��1/r,il� e�,r ASSIGN NUI�BER FOR ROUTING ORDER (C1ip Al1 Locations for Signa�ure) : �'rtment Director 5 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management ervices Director � 6 City .Clerk , 7NPrtnr J� � Ci ty Attorney . �' `��`� ^ - - — � � YIHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ $15,000 will be transferred from Contingent geserve �tionale) : General to the Downtown Development Division to pay Saint Paul' s share of expenses a.nc:urred in bidding to host the_ U.S. Olympic Festival in �'990 or 1991 . Expenses wi1l be incurred for. bid presentations, payment for a consultant, hostinq a visit by the U.S. Olympic Committee ' s Athletes' A���.j� Council and fundraising for the Festival organization once the bid has � a arded. ' . MAY 111981 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL YMPACTS ANTICIPATED: $15,000 from 09060, Contingent Reserve General �ro��fICE -to 06000 , PED Contribution and through to Special Fund 126, PED Operations ' Fut�d. Spending will be authorized in 36050 , Downto�C��opment DiviSion under Fee s=0ther Pro fe ssional Service s. "�- -�- }: �MAY 81987 0 � Z OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR - � � � DEPARTMENT OF.F�NANCE � � �„ FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUhh�ER CHARGED OR CRED'��h�y6��Zs8��GES V }� ture not re- 1,� Q Q Total Amount of 'Transaction: $15,000 .00 quired if under t.� _ g �,. - �io,aoo) t— Funding. $ource: Con�ingent Reserve General, 09060 �C� U Activity Number: 36050 Downtown Development Division MAY "� �' ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attactunents) : BU GET Of r�� 1. General Fund resolution(Contingent Reserve General to PED Contri�ution) 2. Special Fund resolution 3. U.S. Olymgic Festival bidding budget and expend�.tures� 4. Notes on other fundraising including letters of request to Joint Promotion Fund members. 5. Contingent Reserve General Status Report QEPARTMENT REVIEW CIT.Y ATTORNEY REVI�4! • x Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resoaution ReqLired? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insuran"ce Sufficfent? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: � �� (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . � Revised 12/84 - � � � � , ���- �.�� jtESOLUTION The city of Sait�t Paul, in conjunction with the city of Minneapolis, is bidding to host the U.S. Olympic Fastival in 1990 or 1991. This event is a ten-day sports featival� featuring 34 Olympic sports, that ia held in the non- _ Olympic years. More that 3.500 athletes ancl trainers� along with 1.200 journalists from the areund the country will sttend the Festival. The event is sxpected to have a $20 aillion to $25 aillion economic iapact on the area� according to cities that have hosted the event in the past. Saint Paul and Minneapolis entered into the bidding process in July, 1986, and presented an unsuccessful bid to host the 1989 Olympic Festival last October. Believing that the T�ain Cities' chances are very strong to make a successful bid for the 1990 or 1991 Festival, the cities have decided to go on. Between July and December 31, 1986, the two cities each spent $26,000 on the bid, largely for development of an audio visual presentation and for consultation from Mona, Meyers and McGrath, a public relations firm that assisted in the bids for the 1992 NCAA Final Four basketball game and the Super Bowl. It is anticipated that between January and the end of September, 1987, the two cities will r.ncur another $45,000 in expenses. These expenses are associated wtih the second round of bid presentations, payment for a consultant, hosting a visit by the U.S. Olympic Committee's Athletes' Advisory Council, and fundraising for the Festival organization once the bid has been awarded to the cities. Saint Paul and Minneapolis have shared equally in the expenses associated witr. the bid and have agreed to continue to do so. The Minneapolis City Council has already approvec.� $9:250 for expenses in I987, and will be requested to epprove additional funding should it be required to meet expenses. Private funds and funding from the Minnesota Department of Tourism's Joint Promotions Fund are being sought to help defer some of the costs of this final phase of the bidding process. When the designation is awarded to the T�,rin Cities, a private non-profit organization will be set up to run the Festival. This organization will rely solely on private funds raised from area corporations. PED requests that &n appropriation from the contingency fund be made by the City Council to p�y for expenses to be incurred between January 1 and October 1, 1987, for the U.S. Olympic Festival. ��C�� a'�''� 19e� aQ �o�F��� ���G . . . . �i�- �y-73�' U.S. Olympic Festival Budget and Expenditures A. Expenditures or Commitments to Date for Saint Paul/Kinneapolis City of Saint Paul 1986 Expenditures $26 000 , 1987 Commitments 000 Subtotal $41,000 City of Minneapolis 1986 Expenditures $26 000 � 1987 Already committed 9,250 Anticipated 5.750 Subtotal $41,000 Total $82,000 B. Projected Expenditures (April, 1987 - October, 1987) Consultant contract $10,000 Olympic Festival slide presentation 5,600 Colorado Springs presentation travel 1,000 Fundraising video tape 5,500 Athletes' Advisory Council 6,000 North Carolina Olympic Festival 8,000 U.S. Olympic Committee ratifying mtg. 1,000 Contingency (10�G) 4,000 Costs incurred to date (1987) 3.976 Total $44,076 C. Potential Funding Sources for 1987 Expenditures City of Saint Paul $15,000 City of Minneapolis 15,000 State of Minnesota 4,000 Private contributions 11.000 Total $45,000 . _ : . , �-�- �-�� Notes on F�ndraising: The budget on the previous page reflects either costs associated with obtaining the designation to host the U.S. Olympic Festival, or costs that would be incurred immediately after the designation, while the cities are involved in setting up the non-profit organization that will actually implement the Festival. We anticipate that the cities should be able to withdraw from the actual operations of the event by October, 1987, or by the end of the year at the latest. However, we do anticipate having to cover certain out-of-pocket expenses until that time, including hosting an event for the U.S. Olympic Committee's Athletes' Advisory Council, fundraising, and- some limited travel. Since October, 1986, repeated attempts have been made to obtain funding from the joint fund pool shared by the Civic Center, the Tourism and Convention Bureau and the Downtown Council (see attached letters and documents) . Our requests have been denied. To date, the only contribution received from any of these sources has been funding by the Tourism Bureau for transportation and gi€t items during a visit by the U.S. Olympic Committee in March of this year. In addition, the Tourism Bureau has agreed to assist our bid effort by helping us purchase additional gifts and promotional buttons for our final presentation to the U.S. Olympic Committee at the end of May. Since these items have not been priced yet, I can only estimate that the total contribution we will receive from the Tourism Bureau for gifts and promotional items will be under $1,000. During the U.S. Olympic Committee visit in March the Saint Paul Port Authority hosted a dinner for 15 people at the Saint Paul Hotel. In addition, the Radisson VII Hotel in Minneapolis provided four suites and meeting rooms free of charge for U.S. Olympic Committee executives. These contributed items are not reflected in the budget. As noted in the budget, we must seek $11,000 from the private sector. In fact, this dollar amount only covers immediate out-of-pocket expenses. We will be seeking pro bono services to develop a video tape for fundraising following designation, since the $5,500 budgeted will not cover the actual cost of such a tape ($50,000 to $75,000) . : . I � �-��y�� N AUL � __ � � � DO��NTOV�VN COUNCIL 600 North Central Tower, Saint Paul, MN 55101 (G12) 297-6899 Octobe� 1. 1986 TO: John War 1 I ng � John Gelsler Mar lene Anderson Jerry Lantry Jtm Scheibel Reue I Nygaar� , FR; Ronnie Brooks� RE: The Twin Citles Bid for the U.S. Olympic Festival As you know, Satnt Paul and Minneapolis have Jotntly developed a bid to host the U.S. Olympic Festival in 1989, 1990, or 1991. The exceilent cooperative effort has gotten us into the final four for 1989. The final ' presentations wtll be made October 17 and the decision wiil be announced shortly thereafter. Should we not be selected in thts first round, we can resubmit the same bid for 1990 and/or 1991. The Festival would be a great boon to the Twin Citfes. Direct benefits would flow to the Civic Center and area hotels and restaurants and ind(rect beneftts would accrue to the entire region. The Festtval attracts over 1000 media representatives, 3500 athletes. thousands of spectators, and an estimated S20 mf I I ton In revenue. The staffs in both citles have worked hard to put a good bid package together. They have incurred approxtmatety s30,000 in expenses; and each city has agreed to rafse half that amount. r I would Iike you to consider allocating 55000 from the Joint fund pool for 1986 (572,500) ta h�lp Salnt Pa�i meEt !ts cbifgatfon. This proJect meet� all the criterta we established when setting up the fund and, frankly, our help is needed. I would appreciate your cal l ing me with your reaction to this suggestton. If it is favorable, I wtll set up a meettng where we can take formal actfon Thank you for your consideratfon. RECEIVEn 1r r- -- / �� l,v � `�± ..' 1 J V iJ � ��-y.��' � INT AUL � __ � � DO`��NTO`��N CUUNGIL (�00 North Central Tov��cr, Saint Paul, MN 55101 (b 1?) 297-(�399 Janua�y 19. 1987 TO: Mariene Anderson ��^� Jerry Lantry G�� Joe McGrath Trn��� Jlm Schlebel John Tay I or D,c. John War I 1 ngi. �''°"` FR : Ronnle Brooks RE : Jolnt ProJects Fund As part of the agreement reached by our organizattons and the Mayor ' s Offlce on the hotel -motei tax , we estabilshed a Joint ProJects Fund . That fund was to receive 512 , 500 in 1986 and $25,000 a yea� thereafter . The money was to go to support unusual opportunitles and/or special proJects of interest and benefit to ail of our organlzations . I think we should meet to establish some procedures for aliocating those funds and discuss the kinds of efforts we think merit support . Developing some criterla for proJect support is an Important first step. �ere �s no shortage of optlons. The Olympic Festival bid Is one er.�ple whlch has been b�ought to my atten# lon and we want might to co slder sane levet of support for the next presentatlon of that package. 1 know there are other proJects looming on the horizon and, therefore I hope we can act soon to put procedures In ptace. I also think we may want to consider including the Chamber of Cortunerce In on the discusstons to be su�e we are reflective of the b�oad common interest . ..._. . � � ; � Co�t�,�.la,►� ��,c�,-� 4���,*� .,�•, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUNNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � DIVISION Of DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT : : 2S Wat Fourth Street.SaiM Paul,Minnes�ta 55102 �i �� 612-292-1ST! "" �G,���—7�� c�o�tc�uTU^�anuary 28; 1987 MAYOR Ms. Ronnie Brooka Saint Paul Downtown Council 600 North Central Tower 445 Minnesota Street Saint Paul; Minnesota 55101 Dear Ronnie: As you know, the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis are preparing for a second round of bidding for the designation of host cities for the 1990 or 1991 U.S. Olympic Festival. This Festival, which features 3, 500 of America ' s top amateur athletes; will bring more than 1, 300 members of the press and many visitors to the Twin Cities for the 10-day event. The Festival is also a major media event, with last year ' s Festival in Houston receiving over 100 hours of television coverage by ESPN, the cable sports station. The Festival itself will be a major revenue-generating event for S.3int raul, especially the downtown area. The Civic Center is c:ie of the premiere facilities for the Festival, and we have proposed that the Civic Center be the site for the two top r_venue-generating sports competitions : gymnastics and figure sr:ating. The 1986 Festival garnered SI, St�O people for gymnastics and 27, 600 people for figure sY,ating, and we might presume that in the coming years, these attendance figures could be even higher. . In addition, 2, 300 athletes and personnel will be housed in Saint Paul colleges and will use those athletic faciliti�s, while sports events will be held at the Saint Paul Municipal Stadium, the Colliseum on the State Fair grounds, at Lake Phalen and at Aldrich Arena . T'he U.S. Olympic Festival will bring Saint Paul tremendous national publicity. With the U. S. Olympic Committee renegotiating its media rights in 1989, we may have television coverage by one of the three networks rather than the cable sports station. The Festival has certainly" been growing by leaps znd bounds, and its national visibil.ity by 1990 and 1991 should be tremendous . Up until now, the city of Saint Paul, through its Department of Planning and Economic Development, has borne the cost of Saint Paul 's portion of the bid. We are sharing the costs equally with Minneapolis, but we estimate that the total cost of this bidding process will be $60, 000, or $30,000 from Saint Paul. Already, each c�ty has expended almost $20, 000. � � �. � . ��,-�.�� We believe that the Civic Center; the Saint Paul Tourism and Convention Bureau and the Downtown Council should help fund this bid; since the downtown area will be the major beneficiary of the event. We would like to obtain $10; 000 from the Joint Projects - Fund for the bid to cover upcoming expenses. Funding to complete the bidding process is urgently needed. The final presentation to the U.S. Olympic Committee is at the end of April and there are many tasks to be accomplished before that time. If we cannot obtain funding support from the Saint Paul area; we may have to drop out of the bid. I understand that the Joint Projects Committee will be meeting soon to discuss this and other projects. I urge that you support this bid, since everyone will gain so much from f.his event . I will call you early next week to discuss this further. Sin ely; �����-� ames O'Leary / Deputy Director Downtown Development cc : Councilmember Jim Scheibel John Taylor � . � - � � �- �-i-7.3� , - ° 4���,T: .,�+, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF Pt1►NNING AND KONOMIC DEVEL4PMENT � ` DIVISION OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT � e 2S W�st fouAh Street,S�int Paul,Minrwota 55102 • " 61�29Q-1577 ,••. ' GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR January 28; 1987 Ms. Marlene Anderson Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Marlene: As you know, the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis are preparing for a second round of bidding for the designation of host cities for the 1990 or 1991 U. S. Olympic Festival . This Festival, which features 3, 500 of America 's top amateur athletes; will bring more than 1, 300 members of the press and many visitors to the Twin Cities for the 10-day event. The Festival is also a major media event, with last year ' s Festival in Houston receiving over 100 hours of television coverage by ESPN. The Festival itself will be a major revenue-generating event for Saint Paul, especially the downtown area. The Civic �enter is one of the premiere facilities for the Festival , an� we �ave proposed that the Civic Center be the site for the two top revenue-generating sports competitions : gymnastics and fiqure skating. The 1986 Festival garnered 51 , 500 people for qymnastics, and 27, 600 peaple for figure sY,ating, and we miaht presume that in the coming years, these attendance figures could be even higher. � Zn addition, 2, 300 athletes and personnel will be housed in Saint Paul colleges and will use those athletic facilities, while sports events will be held at the Saint Paul Municipal Stadium, the Colliseum on the State Fair grounds, at Lake Phalen and at Aldrich Arena. The U.S. Olympic Festival will bring Saint Paul tremendous . national publicity. With the U. S. Olympic Committee renegotiating its media rights in 1989, we may have television coverage by one of the three networks rather than the cable sports station. The Festival has certainly been growing by leaps and bounds, and its national visibility by 1990 and 1991 should be tremendous. Up u•itil now, the city of Saint Paul, through its De��artment of Planning and Economic Development, has borne the cost of Saint Paul ' s portion of the bid. We are sharing the costs equally with Minneapolis, but we estimate that the total cost of this bidding process will be $60, 000, or $30, 000 from Saint Paul. Already, each city has expended almost $20, 000. t� ' ���` 7..3�° �1e believe that the Civic Center; the Saint Paul Tourism and � Convention Bureau an8 the Downtown Council should help fund this bid; eince the downtown area will be the major beneficiary of the event. We would like to obtain $10; 000 from the Joint Projects _ Fund for the bid to cover upcoming expenses . Funding to complete the bidding process is urgently needed. The ffnal presentation to the U.S. Olympic Committee is at the end of April and there are many tasks to be accomplished before that time. If we cannot obtain funding support from the Saint Paul area; we may have to drop out of the bid. I understand that the Joint Projects Committee will be meeting soon to discuss this and other projects. I urge that you support this bid; since everyone will gain so much from this event . I will call you early next week to discuss this further. Si rely; �i � Jam��Lea y / , _ _� Deputy Dire�tor Downtown Development cc : Councilmember Jim Scheibel Jerry Lantry - . � ' - Cr�- 73� ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ••'�t�* ���. DEPARTMENT OF PUNNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT e ` DIVISION OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT a : 25 West Faxth Sereet,S�int Paui,Minnaota 5S102 �� "� 612-292-1577 ,... c�o�c� uTiMERanuary 28; 1987 MAYOR Mr. Joseph MeGrath Saint Paul Tourism and Convention Bureau 600 North Central Tower 445 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Joe: As you know, the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis are preparing for a second round of bidding for the designatian of host cities fc�r the 1990 or 1991 U.S. Olympic Festival . This Festival, which features 3, 500 of America 's top amateur athletes, will bring more than 1, 300 members of the press and many visitors to the Twin Cities for the 10-day event. The Festival is als� a major media event, with last year ' s Festival in Houston receiving over 100 hours of television coverage by ESPN, the cable sports station. The Festival itself will be a major revenue-generating event for Saint Paul, especially the downtown area. The Civic Center is one of the premiere facilities for the Festival , an3 we have proposed that the Civic Center be the site for the two top revenue-generating sports competitions : gymnastics and figure skating. The 1986 Festival garnered 51 , 500 peo�le for gymnastics and 27, 600 people for figure skating, and we might presume that in the comi:�g years, these attendance figures could be even higher. In addition, 2, 300 athletes and personnel will be housed in Saint Paul colleges and will use those athletic facilities, while sports events will be held at the Saint Paul Municipal Stadium, the Colliseum on the State Fair grounds, at Lake Phalen and at Aldrich Arena. The U. S. Olympic Festival will bring Saint Paul tremendous national publicity. With the U. S. Olympic Committee renegotiating its media rights in 1989, we may have television coverage by one of the three networks rather than the cable sports statior,. The Festival has certainly been growing by leaps and bounds, and its national visibility by 1990 and 1991 should be tremendou�. Up until now, the city of Saint Paul; through its Department of Planning and Economic Development, has borne the cost of Saint Paul ' s portion of the bid. We are sharing the costs equally with Minneapolis, but we estimate that the total cost of this bidding process will be $60, 000, or $30, 000 from Saint Paul. Already, each city has expended almost $20, 000. . .• �P _ . ��_7� 1�e believe that the Civic Center; the Saint Paul Touriem and Convention Burmau and the Downtown Council shoulcl help fund this bia; eince the 8owntown area wi�l be the major beneficiary of the event. We would like to obta.in $10;000 from the Joint Projects Fund for the bid to cover upcoming expenses. Funding to complete the biclding process is urgently nee8ed. The final presentation to the U.S. Olympic Committee is at the enA of. April and there are many tasks to be accomplished before that time. If we cannot obtain funding support from the Saint Paul area; we may have to drop out of the bid. I understand that the Joint Projects Committee will be meeting soon to discuss this and other projects. I urge that you support this bid, since everyone will gain so much from this event. I will call you early next week to discuss this further. S ' ely; , ���� ames O Leary � Deputy Director Downtown Development cc: Councilmember Jim Scheibel John Warling ' � COUNCIL ADOPTID 1987 BUDGET ���7' 7� GIIVERI�L CONTINGII�IT RESERVE (09060-0537) as of May 1, 1987 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted ------------------------------- 1987 Council Budget File Date Amount Available Beginning Balance 206,000 Civic Organization Partnership Program 87-76 1/22 (5,106) Police Assessment Center 87-188 2/19 (22,000) Ckford Pool/Munic Stadium Support 87-84 1/22 (49,689) City-wide Information Services FTE 87-402 3/26 (27,380) Tree Trimmer II FTE 87-551 4/23 (26,873) McKnight Grant Contract for Services peryding (16,000) Youth Initiatives pending (25,000) State Auditor Fees pending (11,216) Olymipic Festival Promo pending (15,000) Ending Balance 206,000 (198,264) 7,736 pending - Pending action by the Finance Co�nittee or identified but not yet submitted by the department. withdrawn - Request withdrawn before council action ON�S/jear�tta 700/GRESRV87 5/1/87