87-716 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L BIUE - MAVOR File �O. �! 7/� nc 'l esolution �=-�, �'� � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#56862) for a City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Raffles, Tipboards, F, Pulltabs) by the Church of St. Francis de Sales at Highland Park for September 16, 1987, between the hours of 12:00 Noon and 4:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew ���,P,�'—m,r.,� �_ [n Favor N�cos�a � Scne�bei _ __ Against BY -- � Tedesco Adopted byr�Council: Date �AY 1 � 1g87 Form Approved City Attorne Certified •ssed by Council Secretary BY gy �• ' �-�--`"�.� Ap ro by 17ayor: Da _ �ryY � U h�� Approved Mayor for Submission to Council B --� BY PU9l{SHEO C����� v 0 1987 ..�mt. - - ':L:-i,...�. • _ �� //V , � �J�++ V� • � .�JL . � .� "1T! f!"1 � . L^L.��.�1:�.)1 Gr i��:�11�.vL .��J i:lU.t.�:��.a l.n •�LT.I�Cuu .. ..�. - JIVI:;�C;:i Or 1LL�/LL�S� KidD PE:U4I i �Ji•IIT?IS'"�ATIOAt l�; : Z�?�G:�^•:�.TIC"d �CUI�,D 1riITH AP?LIC�TICP1 POR P"��'TT TO CC?�;DUCi, l'tt:'.Ui,�?'G SE��IOt' I�d ST. PXTJL i. ::�.-.� J= �""�'21'_i"a��cr. Church of St . Francis de Sales 2. �ddress where Or�ar.ization's re�l:lar meetir��s are held 650 Pa 1 ace AV . 3. �a;� and tine of :neeiin�-s_ variable - but several times of year !. Adc?:sss where Gamblin� Ses sion ��rill he reld H i ghl a n d P a r k r � 1 n T +�c t r , ;' -+ c i l V `T �. I.: �ryi..aat o.vner o�� pro_�..r.,z� -��re_F .�a:�.bli=.�- �e..s_cn �ail_ t�e helc: es X ..c b. Ir 1?aS2i!� S�iY:O '_S O'ri:122" Of pro�erty L•ii":?T'° Ga:�hi�r.�- J2SS10^ '�J?�1. �'`@ �"°�.Ci:' City of St . Paul 7. If leased, attach letter of perr�ission tc conduct Gar;blin� Session, s=�ned by lessor. � . :�ame of oificer ma�:in� applicatior. R e v . K a r l M . W i t tm d n 9. tiddress of ofiicer maIQr� application 6 5 0 P a 1 a c e A v . Date of birth 9-2 9-21 10. :�ame of ;nana�er wY:o will conduct Gamblin� Session Judllita Hermann 11. �cdress of r,anager 878 Armstrong �a�e of rirth 8-5-34 12. In connection witl: what event is this Gambl�r_o Session beir.g held? Parish Festival 13. `���at type of gariblin� device(s) will be used? Paddlewreel x '�p�oard ?a.�'fle x I!�. Day, dates a.nd hours this applicat�on is _�or anc number of sessions. Da�(s ) 1 Dates A U g U S t 1 6 Fiours 12:OOPM-4:OOPMr•o. of Ses sions lr. '.'ill prizes be aai� in money or mercha�d�se? money 1�. Ts �Y.e applicant association or�-anizec' under �he laws o_° the Stat,e of ?'ir.nesota? �/P S 17. ::o�r lon� Y:as Cr�-ani�atior. been in exister_ce? 103 years. 1�: . :�:r.at is the pt:zvose of �l,e Gr�anization? C a t h o 1 i C C h u r c h 19. Of°ice:s oi the Organ.izaticn ;1ame-Title Address �ate of birth Gerald Lauer-Treas . 449 Arbor 9- 11 -20 Roger Cook-Secr . 992 Otto 2-26-35 Rev . Karl Wittman-V . Pres . 650 Palace Av 9-29-21 Archbishop John R . Roach-Pres . 226 Summit 7-31 -21 _ l'���-��� �J. �.r1V0 .^.3::,25 OI Ci�_��T'S er 2i?� Ot:iG'I' �PI'SO:.S ^21� =�0'_' �2T^''_.CP.S �.� tt?A '7T"'3T:1Z��lOT:. �dame—i�t'e � tiddress ,ate of bir�h NnnP � 21. In wr.o�e custcdy �:=11 records oi Or€anizaticn's Gam�lin�- Sess�ons be F:epi': � :�a^�e ,�iianit.� HPrm�nn �dcress $7$ Armstrong " 22. Attach a ccpy of your Organization's membership roster and date each r�ember joined. 23. A��acr. t:ze �arlhli-:� Sessior. �`.ana�er's bor�d. ��' . ii�t3C�' �i COCy' C_' �:_° .'@^c.Z'tIi;°rit Of t:i8 Treasi.�,;T� I.^.�E^:121. �'?V2�ue Service ��:�..2tU?"P. Q° Di�3:i1�3±10P. a:iE'i?'T�� �_^OI: 1P.COi"i? �3X��� FOI'IIl �n�.'• �r�'.'d^i'�P.I' ., �'�.�,'� �l j� � 2�. rlttach a co�;� of �e^artnent o� the ':'r�asury, Internal �e.•er_u� �ervice� "":�e*�,pt Or�an- ization :�usiness I::come Tax", Form 9°OT. (Chapter �19.OL: (2). � 26. Attach the annual report required of charitahle or€anizations by i�3nnesota Statutes, 5ection 309.53. (�hapter 1�19.OL (3). ) 27. I?ave �ou read and do 3rou thorou�.hlv understand the �rovi sions o° all laors, ordinances and rerulatior.s �c�rernin� the oneration of �arblin�* Sessions? �$ ��. �1ny cha.�- es desirec by tre appl�.ca^.t assecia�ion may ne �a�e only *.�ri.th �he cor.sent of the �cense Corunit�ee. � 29. iias any persor,(s ) tiarticipating in t'r.e operation of any of ��:e ��blin� sessior.s cov- ered by this licer.se ever beer. conc-icted of a ielony in tre Staze of i:�r.nesota or in any other State cr :ederal Court? Yes P�o X . I� ans;�rer is ";�es", provide names, addresses and birth-dates. Church of St . Francis de Sales �.r�r�-ar.i z ati on By (Offic�r-'"itle and (itana�-er in crar�e o`' �ariblin� Session) State of :linr_esota) ;SS �ounty oi �al�se�� ) and :,ein� duly 54702'II sa;;* tha� the�t ? �? �he �etit_oners in the above arplication; that �he T have r�a4 tr.e fore�-oir,� pet-��_on and T�c-�r the conter.ts t�ereof; tha� tt,.e same is tT'llE? o=" +�eir o:•rr. k:�o�,;lec'.f e. �abscr�bed :in� staorn to �eiore me t"is d.ay of ,o :�otar-,,• ?ub�ic, �ounty, :`ir.nesota :��� corunission expires �uildir�• Depart:�ent ADDI'OVed Disaptiroved by ."ire �epart��.ent h�n_oved Di.sapnroved by :ol_ce �e�srt�e�t :�p^roved-�isanrroved'�y