87-709 �MHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File �O. 7-70� Co il Resolution �._ .� . , ; �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ` Cretin First Division WHEREAS, Dennis Cornelius has submitted the attached proposed final plat for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the proposed final plat; and WHEREAS, the proposed final plat has been determined to meet the requirements of Section 67 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this final plat for Cretin First Division. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �_ Planning Economic Devel nt Rettman � �n Favor Scheibel f� Sonnen V __ Against By ` Tedesco W ilson MAY 19 1987 Form Appr v d by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_•ed by Council Secretary BY . gy, � fL! i ��. i�.I�-t�i � A�ppr d by Mavor: Date App ved Mayor for b i �on to Council sy — PUSIIS� i�l�Y 3 0 1987 PEn � DEPARTMENT F�"��-7� � � �63�3 Allan Czaia CONTACT �.j • 228-3390 PHONE 4-3�-87 DATE �i�� �i �r ASSIGN NU�IBER FOR ROUTI.NG ORD�R (C1ip All .Locations for Si,gnature) : � Depa wtment Director �3 Director of Management/Mayar � Finance and Management Services Director � � City Clerk Budget Dlr8Ct01" 1 , Pegg Reichert C�ty Att01^118y 4 Gouncil erson ilso� . WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKIt�1G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : To cons�de� the,.fina� plat approval of Cretin First Division. The public hearin� is schedule for May 14, 1987 _ ,� RECEIVEQ � '��� � APR 3 01987 . COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: CITY ATT�i����Y N/A FINANCING SOURCE AMD BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER (�IARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of 'T�^ansact�on: quired if under . � a,o,000) Fupding Source: Activity Number: • ATTACHI�NTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. �taff report ' 2. ResQlution . 3. Puh�.ic hearing noti.ce 4. Copy of final plat , DEPARTMENT REUIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? , � ResoJGtion Required? Yes No „Yes x No Insurance Required? Insunance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: (SEE •RE�IERSE SIDE FOR IMSTRUCTIONS) � � Revised 12/84 � . ' � �7 � 7�� PLAT STAFF REPORT FILE #249 1 . APPLICANT : Dennis Cornelius DATE OF HEARING : 5-14- 87 2 . LOCATION: 495 Hamline Ave . South 3 . LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See Plat 4 . PRESENT ZONING : R-4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE : 67 . 00 5 . STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT : DATE : 4- 28- 87 BY: Allan Czaia A. PURPOSE : To consider the final plat approval of Cretin First Division. This is an ad,justment of common boundaries between two unplatted parcels . B . SITE & AREA CONDITIONS : This is the Cretin High School site . The site is basically flat . The area is surrounded by residential uses . C . REOUIRED FINDINGS : 1 . All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. 2 . The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses . 3 . The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. 4 . The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 5 . The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site ' s important existing natural features , whenever possible . 6 . All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from floods , erosion, continuously high water table , severe soil conditions or other menace . 7 . The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services . D . STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Based on the above findings , staff recommends approval of Cretin First Division. _ �� �y_7� � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCiI. PUBI. IC HEARING NOTICE � ZONING - To: Property owners within 350� ; FIL E N O.SBD #249 Representati ves of Di stri ct 15. PAGE PURPOSE ' To consider the final Plat Approval of Cretin First Division. This is an adjustment of common boundaries between two unplatted parcels. , LOCATION 495 Hamline Ave. South PETITIONER oennis �orne�ius ; H E A R I N 6 Thursday, May 14, 1987 io:oo a.M. . Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House . Q U E S T10 N S Zoning 298-4154 (Allan cZa;a) Contact the Zoning Sectinn of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal : On file. Notice aent 5-1-87 � �`�- 7 � � � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCiI. - PUeLIC HEARING NOTICE 3 ZONING - To: Property owners within 350' ; FIL E N O.SBD #249 Representatives of District 15. PA G E PURPOSE To consider the final Plat Approval of Cretin First Division. This is an adjustment of common boundaries between two unplatted parcels. LOCATION 495 Hamline Ave. South PETITIONER pennis �orne� ius H E A R I N� Thursday, May 14, 1987 io:oo A.M. • City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Allan cZd;a) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal : On file. Notice sent 5-1-87 PLAT STAFF REPORT -------------- FILE #249 1 . APPLICANT : Dennis Cornelius DATE OF HEARING : 5-14-87 2 . LOCATION: 495 Hamline Ave . South 3 . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Plat 4 . PRESENT ZONING : R-4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE : 67 . 00 5 . STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT : DATE : 4-28 -87 BY: Allan Czaia �e=.,�,�__________________:�_,_�_,___---_,_�__-___-_-_-__-__--______�_ ----------------------------------------------�_�,�._�____-___-===�_aa A. PURPOSE : To consider the final plat approval of Cretin First Division. This is an ad�ustment of common boundaries between two unplatted parcels . B . SITE & AREA CONDITIONS : This is the Cretin High School site . The site is basically flat . The area is surrounded by residential uses . C . REOUIRED FINDINGS : , 1 . All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with . 2 . The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses . 3 . The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision . 4 . The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 5 . The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site ' s important existing natural features , whenever possible . 6 . All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from floods , erosion, continuously high water table , severe soil conditions or other menace . 7 . The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services . D . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings , staff recommends approval of Cretin First Division. � _ ... _ _..,:..-:. _ - - .. . • ... _ . . _.... .: , ....... ....... . ..�.. . a4�" � ... � � APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CITY OF SAINT PAUL SUBDIYISION REVIEW # � < < sassz3assaszaass:sssazs:asassassaszaasssasssss:zsamzas�s:az:aasxzaasxzsss:zssssssasIISaasaa PROJECT NAME � r N R EC DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY APPLICANT ��NTS rnRNFTTuS COf�ANY _ �P 1s ORPnReTTpN AODRESS A p ROX 1 50 MThTI�tFAPpT TC x T�.� (ZIP) 55`_ PHONE 9��-,,�.�� TYPE OF DIVISION: (Check one) LOT SPLIT �_ pLAT: Preliminary Final Combined XXX RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) — RLS (Five or More Tracts) APPLICANT'S SIGNATUR �— �, , ' DATE �1 Z�� a-� FEE PAID $ L ,_ � CITY AGENT ���s� ti �� ______---_- . -----�___________________________ ------------------ ___________________ ____________________ OFFICE USE ONLY a"====a PLNG DIST �_S LAND USE Z � ZONING ��� HISTORY �13��� TA � �-f PLANS DISTRIBUTED � --� / —""' X M� -=-1---_ �I, - � � RETURN BY 2 -- G1 _ REVIEWED BY COMMENTS (continue on back) ass=�a=�=ssaaasm= a�z�as__n=saaaaaaas_===aasa�na=a�sa�=_a_=aa=zax=aaxasa:r�zassssss=asaaas 'OR STAFF USE ONLY � .egal Notice Published :ity Council Hearing � �ate Approved/Denied • 7/1/85 " . .. � 7 �o � ITIZEN PA ICIPA I I S � �i7w•ft M \` ^ � �i ` f � � �A .,_ .�.a��.��i _ � � � ♦�c�o.i � � � b r.,.. ' � ..ti:�. _ `� . 12 ' 6 � � 5 1 �: , �. ,� ,. , , � , �. �c .� 1 � � P....,..o r� "f � •. C p i� _ " i � '� 3 `:''' � u� �� �w v p 1 ti�� • \� f • � � 1� ; � ; � 4 � � .. ,. F =M`:.. ) s , i -,:w - � � l «. ..j j = i, �. �� _ � M i� i � � ' 4 � � ° t f • A• 4 �_M I'� . \ ` _ � ll i � 7 V �S.w• rF SJN 4l � t � i � Y�F N �- lq � � `Q '�� `aw4 +J' y?� . s....• .+ C A s� °.p� 1 � � ww 4 E ,p +• � e' : �' S � I :c..w .1 t ��� ,t 4'`��` p � e a e� + 's i 1� 1��1�6(t� N '� �.�� f1UV S' �U_. ! � �'�+,d O�C �� ��� ! � ' ..cn� .� G,' i F ,, 1 S � I i � � � r i � � �S � ; -- ( � i � Y � � i ry' i � c�` � 4 s � j r ... w.. � �:��c •►`� }'^ A ....�.a � • b � � �, � �oo .�.. � � �. +R s a 15s = i8 S �� � w.•r.. .e ' \I1 � = l rj �rr.� ■ . 'K ; _ , �' tr � , \ 1 .p � / i 1 �� _ � , \ \ 1 ~ —- .r��' .. � � � �� ` o ,� .� .�.,., "°'°..� �� CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS 1.SUNRAY—BATTLECREEK—HIGHlJ00D 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF S.PAYNE—PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.THOMAS—DALE . B.SUMMIT—UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH lO.COMO 11 .HAMLINE—MIDWAY � 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.—LEXINGTON HAMLINE ND—MACALESTER HIGHLA 16. HILL � 11.D041NTOWN - �_ � � �_�-�_ �V�v�v�v�v� Iv��� lr �� �v�~lv�v�v���v�v� �� � Q 'YI`-"..;v�viv�viv�..f : � �AES . � AVE . � � � �;o 000 0000000 000�Ol0000d � o ; � oo;c �o'o;o!o�GO�� � � � ; ; � ; �- o � __�-1- � � � , ; : � � ;. '� ,00 i 00 0000 000 0�0 00o!o�oi¢ oo o v oo�o�o ; o � � � --- -- - -- --� - ��—__ _ - 6 PS • ♦ IC� �O C `I� ' � � � � � t T - - � ! � , � CRETIAI o O;O o o O� ' ' b �O'O�O�C � H/GH � � U N O : , o , : �� Ps. ; --� , ,o'o:o�o;o o�o�o�o � , o ' , ; ; _ __ . ��_ � �_ 1_. . _ ---- �-�- � --� --�-r-T... �-i T"�-!--'^ j � � � � I I . � O 1 � I '�,� 0 � � � L t , � C � . � �V � LES , , : � o��o�o�o�o o :o�o`o�oio�o'� � _�I � � � � ._ � � . . . . . . ; _ __,_._ i _ - , 1- T 1 - -�----,. � � ' � � o o�o 0 0 0 0 �o;o o;o;c . o~c � WATSON w J , � m � o;o,o�o o�o�o,o;o 0 0�� � ; , ; � J , , j � �' I i' . -- - --- Q � _�_i_.��� � i ..(__1_�__�__�. 1 I � _ i__�_._.T� , , -T--,-1--1-.--�--� --r--�--T- , , � , -T , , ► 0 0� 0 ; o ;o i o� o, o �o ; c o ��c�o�c�'o�o;c'o c ci� I � � � ► ! , � H�RTFo ;� ��o;o�000�,� c��o�o �� cooc; 000000 � ° � � o ��,,G;��a�oo � � ,� �o I ' ! � :� � � � � � ; I , . _ . I i i l. __.. i _ :__. ' ' --�--.:.i;i 1'- - 1_.._ - —�— . �r --- - . - --- - - -- • -- � � � � � r- T ' ' � � � � � � � ��I� -1� TT� TI� , � ,, o _ _ , � � . . � ► � � . � . __. L ., . . . _�_ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ AREA MAP , A P P L I C A NT �S—�QfJ��.��-�.3— LEGEND — — ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY . � � SUBJECT PROPERTY ; PURPOSE ��/�v I P�,�. - . . � O ONE FAMILY PI.�+NN{NG � �r �:� ` s'� D.�. s�o� o:STRIST ! TWO FAMILY � FILE N0. S g� # �'� � I •S MULTIPLE FAMI�Y � DATE 'O' � • � n COMMERCtAL ' SCALE� I��= 200� (VORTH � � '� �NDUSTRIAL n�aP No. V VACANT � SAINT PAUL PIANNING BOARD � ,. ....�:�,�,.,...,.,...__. . �� r _ _ '�v� CRET/N F R,S T �!' / KNUW ALL PERSUNS BY THESE PRESENTS: That The Church of [he Holy Spirit of St. Peul, Minnerots,s ' Minnesoce Corporation, owner and propristor, and Midvay Nationel Bank of St. Paul, a Nationel Bankinq Aesocia�ion, mortROKea�of che folloving de�cribed propercy si wated in the City of St. Pa�1, Rsmeey County, Minneaota� That parc of [he Nor[heast Quart�r of the Southvee[ Quarter, of Section 10, Tovnohip 28, Ranqe 23, deceribed ae follove; • Commencing on the North line of said Northeast Quartet of tAe Southvest Quarter ac a poinc vhich ia 480 feec Weet of the Norcheast corner thereof: thence Vest aloog said North line to a point whicb is 150 feet West of the Mest Iine of Albert Avenue prolonged itom the North; [hence Souch to a point on che North line of Niles Stree� prolonged from the Weat, caid potnt beinq 150 feet Wesc of the Weoc ]ine of Albert Avenue prolonRed from the North; thence eest � along the North line of eaid Nilee S[reet prolonqed from the Wee[ to tht Yest line of that cer[ain [ract heretofore conveyed to the Diocese of Sain[ Paol by deed recorded !n Book 627 of Deeds, Paqe 249; thence Nor�A alonq the Wesc line of said tract to the place oE beqinning. , And thec The Christian Brothera of Mione�oc�, a Minnesota Corporation, ovner and proprietor, and The Catholic Aid Association, s Mfnneoota Corporetion,mortRagee, of [he folloving described propetty . ' situeted in the City of St. Peul, Ramsey County, Minnew[a: The Eact 480 feet of thac part of the Northeaat Quarter of che Southr+es� Quarcer of Section 10. Tovnship 28, Ranqe 23, lyinq North of the North line of Wateon Ave. se nov opened if eeid North line were extended West to a point 480 feec Weet of [he Ea�t line of seid Northeest Quarater of [he Southwest Quarter of said Section, Tovnship and Renqe, cubject [o the riRhta acquired by the Cicy of St. Paul fot the openlnq of Hamline Avenue end Randolp� St. Together ri[h: The East 480 feet of thac pert of the Northeest Quarter of the Southvest Quercer of Seccion 10. ' Tovnship 28. Ranqe 23, lying Horth of t�e centerline and South of North line of He[son Ave. sa now opened 1f uid line wers exceoded West to • line 480 feet West of che Esst line of Said Northeast Quarter of the Southvest Quarter of eaid Seccion, Tovnahip and Range, aubject [o the iiqh u aequired by [he Cicy of St. Paul for [he openinR of Hamline Avenue. Toqether with: Thst parc of the Northea�c Querter of the Sou�hvest Quarter of Section 10, Tovnship 28, Range 23, deacriDed as follove; � Commencing •t the Southeaot eorner of that certin trect in the Northea�t Quarter of the Sou[hveat Qusiter of Section 10, Tovnehip 28. Range 23, which wac heretofore conveyed by � Book 829 of Deed�, PsRe 437, vhSch snid eorner ia c6e in[ersec[fon of the Eaet line of eaid Northeeet Quarter of the Southwest Quarcer vith [he centerline of Wateon Ave. produced Yeaterly; thence Weaterly alonR the South lioe of eaid tract prolonqed a diotanee of 630 feec, more or leee, to a point on Che Eaet line of Albert Ave. prolonRed; [hsoce •ou[hetly al the EeeL line of seid Albert Ave. prolonged e dietance of 330 feec, mote or lesr, to a poin[ on the centerline of Hartford Ave.; chence Easterly along the cen�erline of said Hsrtfo;d Ave a dlatance of 630 feec, more or lees, to che Eaec line of said Northeast Querter of the $outhvest @uerter; thence Northetly alooq the East line of said Norcheaet Quarter of the ' ' � ' Southvest Quarter a dietence of 330 feet, mote or less, to the place of beqinning, , s�bject to ths rightc acqufred by che City of St. Paul for the openinq of Hamllne Ave. �nd � \. HartfoTd Ave. _ • Togecher vith; ; All [hs[ psrt of che Northeao[ Quarter of che Southwert Querter of Section 10, Townehip 28. sanqe 23 lyinq Sout6 of the North line of Niles Street prolonged from che Weet and East of;the Eea[ line of Albert Ave. prolonqed from the North, exoept that perc heretoEore eonveyed in - Book 827 of Deeda, Rege 249, Book a29 of Deeda, Page 4J7 and Bookk 928 of Deeda. Page 22. Have caused the same to be aurveyed, platted and knovn ae CRETIN FIRST ADDITION end do herebq - dedicete to the public for publYc uee forever the etreecc�avenuee and utility and drainaRe easements as shown on the plac. The Church of The Holy_Spiric of $[. P�ul, Minne wte , a Minneaota Corporecion; hes caubed Chese preeenta to be �igned by its proper officera and i[a corporate seal to be Aereun[o affixed thie day oE • l9 • THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - --- ite ite , • Midvay Nationei Benk of St. Psul, a Nat3onel BanlcinR Aeaociation, has ceu�ed theee presente to be , aigned by its proper officere and i[s corporaee seal to be heceunto aEfixed thie day of ' 19 MIDWAY NATIUNAL BANK UF ST. PAUL ' ite • i[a � Chrfstien Brochere of Minneeota, s Minneaoca Corporation, has ceueed these pre�ents to De �igned by ite proper officere and ite cocpotete seal to be hereunto efH xed thie dey of � 19 ' CHRISTIAN flRUTXERS UF MINNESOTA ' ite _ r its Catholic Aid Asaoctation, a Minneaota Corporatfon has ceused these presente to be eiqned by lt19 - proper officere and its corporate seal to be hereunto efiixed this day of _ CATHULlf. A1D ASSOCiATiUN ica its �/T/ON - STATE OF COUNTY OF � - The foreqoing iesttueent ves �ckhovledqsd before ae tAis d�� of , � � 19 . bY C� �ad b) the of 'fie C urch of The Ro1� Spir![ of c. Paul,'Mionewu. s Minae�ou eorporation, on bebalf of the corporatlon. Notary Public County, kinn��ots My Coemi�sion Expires STATE OF _ COUNTT OF Yhe foregoina in�tr�aent vas �cknowledgad before oe thia d�y of 19 . by ihe and�j- the of Midwaq N�tion�l Bank af ST. Pwl, s National Eanking Aaaocietion, on Dehalf of the aesociacion. No�ary Public, Coun[r, �innesou 2tq Co�i�sion Expire� STATE OF . COUNTY OF ?he foregoin6 lnstr�ent rao ackhovledged before me thi• dsr of - , 19 , Dy cl+e aod by ' tbe of Chriaci�n Brocher� of Minnewt�, s Minnesot• corporstioe. on beh�if of c6e eorporation. Notsry PuDlic, Countr, Mlnnasota �' ng _ Mq Co�i��ion E:pire� STATE OF CUUN'fY OF The foregoing inetr�ent va• •eknowlsEqed before me this d�y of 19 , by tbe and by the of tbe Catholic Aid Aeaocistion, s Minneeota eorporation on DehalE of the corporation. � Noury Public, County, Minne�ou '"�''`; Hy Commis�ton Expires CRE T/lV F/RS �' AL tY W u�� ! � I � W � � I?-:l . . � , I` � _ �w,L•S I . �, t� �I y Y S 1 V ` W M N E.WnM' `'.�"'. ' �; Y `�� I � .. % j � N.E//I s/nN . �J,a���'�4 :.i k� � r^a~u I P - a � �i60t � .i s.u�« io, � Rfih%J;1i f'H 1-- ,3 iF.',Mu£ r g —SB39B2�— ., o : �inu��art .�o� g RAN004PH--sese2-- a�Err�_ . � AVENUE o �Gt00 � ' Na/F an. a rn. weur a n�. srw •� s•�.�o. Twze, no..ts- '-' ' _ /( -/ 0./1- - ... ...-I/5!6 _ £ -/ . [,3p IJO , ' �O 30 ti�,t{rn.;cY'� o � I g c�. 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Ea+r i��.oe 5 �� / �SOJTM 4LBERT St fG�BEAT �JE 1 D�a��i�C �rom IM Vor�� � ` � � � � N`. i � W �I ^ .�•�i� � . � � i" � �C; � I � �— �` ' --� - � q . �nd .o-�S..NL j . ��� ��� I Q a A��;-;:C� I 60 i s�a•s�'�o"t IO � J � 389.16 ------ - -k I FC•4;1 � ��.�aoo HART Ol�D AVENUE � �,a�'FCkD ^a,�: .,_ � �i !:'-i.�':%F:',4t se9•s�� :41%tili:: '9i �V— � int <�n��iliM OI M�R/fOAD �VE ' 7U ,�-•� _ �6� , .HN;Y, I : _ c ;� w�_� I ? � a ' _ , , u ' -' 2� a�c r. a v J � ' =:W .� l;� I Q.I _ � t,; i � - i �D/T/ON � I, RoDert L. Pet�r�, bereby ccrtify that I havc surveyed snd pla[ted the property deceribed in the dedlution of thit pUt s� CRETIM FIRST ADDITIUN; t�e[ thit plat i• a correct represent�tion of �aid •urve7; tbat all dietaneea are correctly •hovn on the plat; thst •11 oonuments have been correetly plaeed on the ground s� sAovn; chst t6e ou[side boundary linee are correctly deriqneted on the pla[; snd chere sre no vet lende, sasemeato or public highwaq• other chac ao shown chereon. rw • �,M'//I �RN,A/�LJ . . . . LAOd $UTVlyOT � _ pinnesoce ReRietretlon No. 14890 S'fATE OF CUUXfY OF The Surveyor'• Certific�te vas �ubscribed sod �rorn to before me. • lbtary Public, chi• day of . 19 � Notary Public, County, Minnesot• My Commiseion Expire¢ Approved end accepted by the City Council of the Cicy of St. Yeul, Minneaota, this day of 19 Meyor Clerk �artment of Property Tazation T�:e� for the year on land de4cribed herein paid, no delinq19nt taxes snd `? � tran�fer entered, thia dey of ,�. Director 8y Deputy es sn Dep�rtment of Property Tazation � Purauent to Chapter 7, Minneaou Lavs of 1976. [his plat hes been reviewed and approved, thio dar of . 19 , and the condition� of Minne�ot• Scetutes, Seetion 505.03, Subdivi�ion 2, have been fulfilled. . i. David D. Claynnol Accinq R�msey County Surveyor � County Recotder, Coun[y of Ramsey, Scace of Minneaota • I hereby certify Chat this plet of CRETIN FIRST ADDITION vas filed in chis office F___� thia day of , a9 , at o'c:oc._.M. f�• oE lats, PaRe , ac Uncument ,vm.w� n�.•' end va• filed in Book P . No. Y'S By Deputy roo o �ao roo ugene . ons. oun eco er /tE � E TNE NORTN L/NE OF THE N E. l/4 OF THE SW. //4, OF SECT/ON lO, Twp. 28,Rye 23 1S ASSUMlEO TO HAVE A BEAR/�V6 OF S89'47'4/"E. � DENOTES l/4 /NCN BY /4 /NCH IRON MONUMENT SET AND MARKED _ BY REG/STRATION No. 14890 5 . . . _ . , . .... ... -. .._._. . . � . �. .. ... ..�... .�... � . . j . ; . . • . . . ,. .. . . . � :` . . . ...... , . . . . . �:.� . . . . '. � ��� � � . . .. . �. " ' .� . . '.' . . ' . -.�, . ..r�� . . �. . � �� , � .. � . t .' . . - " .�.! �`: . ' _ _ ����_ '/) I . . " _ - _ . , . , . .. _ . _ . , _ . _ , , . . NO�ICE OF:PUBLIC HEARING _ ,. . _ : - The St. Paul City Coiuicil will conduct a public hearirzg to consider � _ the request of Dennis Cornelius for. a Fina1 Plat Approval for 495 Hamline Avenue s�th, on ���«;-�-�,�;.�8? ,� lO:OQ A.M. in �. the City. Coi,uicil Chanbers, 3rd Floor, City Hall and Court House:: _ _ , . _ 1 � : Dated ApriI.29� 1987 ' . ' . , , . • . : : . - _ ' Albert B. Olson -` k - : � _ • •� .; .:• _ - ,_ , . , . . • '� �City Clerk . ` -. � _ -. .. � . - � - . , _ . - _ . -. . . � . . . . _ _ - � (May 2. ,1987) . , .. � _ ; - - . \ . . _ f � . - . . � , , - .. _ , , � � . . , . ..; ,. . � : , y � . „ _ - , f _ - : _ _ . _ � ` - - � , . 1 , ' �. . ' . � _ - . _ C , , . _ _ . ._ . ,. . ,, . , . .- :. . . . , � � . . . . . ' � :, - :�. . , . , . . . , , ,,. _ _ , : . .. � r • • ', .. . . . , . , , . . . , . . '' :'-� � , _ ,, . . ,: � . . _ . � �,. - � - ,, .,: . , . . . , , ' , _ ��.. , . . . : . �i�.;. � ,.� . . . . . F .. ; � .. . � . . � �. -._ , ... . � , � . ...._,.-..�..."___-.�._-��...�.-.�. --....--.. � � - � �.._ ..�_r.."'_'_�_�.__ ,...�+.--�"_.__"..�.�_.,........ . . ��.. . . .. �7- �� � � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PU6l.IC HEARING NOTICE ZONING - To: Property owners within 350' ; FIL E N O.SBD #249 Representatives of District 15. PAGE : PURPOSE To consider the final Plat Approval of Cretin First Division. This is an adjustment of common boundaries between two unplatted parcels. LOCATION 495 Hamline Ave. South PETITIONER pennis Cornelius . ; : HEARING a�s���,:��,� io:oo a.M. • Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 29s-4154 (Allan cZa;a) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal : On file. Notice aent 5-1-87 s � � �� t p I ' , . + n. - � ,. i"�;�,� '. �,. ,z^€`;:.. � �:.� �w r"'t� r x .h tt� �.,x�` ��i t . . - � ` €a,:j x� y+ .' , . ��l►��'�'�; � �------- ,� � ���ta c��sis���t�� . 'I'!us St.°'� .C� ��I �dS�11 c�di��"�:�uS - . x�cquest oi D�wai��or�''�i`s$is�siT�'f�'`�e1 i�►s��a�ia�,Aanptsue : ��.c� n:the City Council�nbe�,3rd ` ':Fio�}',Gity �an, AG�r�rt . ; :.: , ,. 'L/ik�W ��lrZ�. . ... 4 . . S >t J f ". ����+�i�jp�t { .,�F%4}�iYy�k�:i.'k �(- � a r ..tlLD�Ct�1F���5��bieF .' E' �f D�w ,a �y.f» �y �. �s , . (M8y.2, 1��7) -