87-702 MrHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. (/ � ��� BLUE - MAVOR Counci esolution _ . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, 'IIIAT 'I'f� PlYJPER QTY OFFIQALS ARE HEREBY �RIZED A1�A I]IREICTED 'IU EXF]C[TIE AGE2EII� WaH THE (70UN1'Y OF RAMSEY, WHERE� THE CTI'Y'S DIVISION OF PUSLIC HEALTH WILL A�JVIDE IABORAZ�ORY FACLLITIES F�R IAKE L�TER TFSTING SUBJ�]CP ZO THE TERMS Al� OONDITIONS OF SAID A�REENNiENT, A COPY OF `diICH SHALL BE REPT ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN �iiE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MAI��GFMEI� SERVICES. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia � Rettman [n Favor Scheibel f Sonnen -�__ Against BY Tedesco Wilson �p MAY � � ��v� Form A roved by it r �� Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya: ed by Council Secretary gy ` B}� 4 f App v by Mavor: Date �.1�Y C� Q 1�r Ap o d by Mayor for S bm si to Council � — BY pUW.�sti�D �4�`� � u 1987 ` ' �,��'�o� Qomaunity �Serviceg flEPARTMENT N� 05122 � J• ��� CONTACT 292-77Y1 � PHONE , April 29, 1987 DATE Q,i�r� 'e,e � ASSIGN NUI�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Sfgnature) : �, Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor ; 4 Finance and Management Services Director � 5 City Clerk , - Budget Director ' , City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACNZEVED BY TAKING ACTION� ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (.Purpose/ �, , ! Rationale) : ; Resolution bc� allo�w City siqn�tures a1 a aontract between the City of Saint Paul �d l�ey � t"bwzty. I�nase� Q�unty will have use of the Division of Pulalic Health LaboratddZyy for I�ke Water Testinq Proqram. Sharing the facility will reeult in mare efficient use o� the Saint P�ul Division a� Public Health Iaboratary. , �,- ' . , . MAY p� 19�� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ' �A'�OR'S OfFI� �e O�unty will reimb�urse the City $17.00 far the firat aaployee and $8.00 f� e�c� addi.tional-enp�,oy�ee per day or fractial thereof that the Oounty uses the laboratory. �e total anr�al vast to the �unty for l,ab�ratary usage and supplie� �all nc�t ecceed $1,120. ' I�b peraonnel inQacts are anticipated. � . , i FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUhBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture nat re- Total Amount of "Transaction: $1,120 - NDT 10 E�tC� quired if under � � $10,00Q) Fundi ng Source: I�ey �7ounty Activity Number: 33239 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al l Attachments) : RECEIVED 1. Agreanent - ar iginal and t�ao aopies. 2. �py of reeolutinn fran the Ranisey Oounty Board of C7onmi.ssionera. II�AY 1 �987 3. R�esoiut iron " - - C�ITY ATTORNEY DEP TMENT VI CITY ATTORNEY REVI�W Yes o uncil Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes ' No Yes N Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes o Insurance Attached: (S�E •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . � , ��7 -7�� Resolution Bo.:a ot ��amse Counf Comml'ssloners .� .I Presented By Commissioner Norgard Date �Pril 13 1987 N0. 87-213 Attentlon: Budget b Accounting; en Weltzin, Director Public Works; St. Paul Public Health WHEREAS, The County maintains a general lakes testing program on major lakes within the County and the Environmental Services Division of the Public Works Department requires laboratory facilities to complete water analysis to assess water quality and perform other lake-related duties; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby approves Agreement 87006 between the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County which will allow the Public Works Department to use the City Public Health Division laboratory facilities for lake water analysis for a term commencing on the date of approval of this resolution and terminating December 31, 1987, at a cost not to exceed $1,120; and Be It Further RESOLVEO, That the three (3) page agreement is made part of this resolution by reference and is on file in the office of the Chief Clerk; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Chair and Chief Clerk are authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of Ramsey County. D.ian2 Aiv�ena Cha.ih. 8 ''^-/� ���`�— ' , N eh - o y , � , � I • �� ��- 70:�- �� ��� AGREEMENT $7006 AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 198 , by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporaticn of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting through its Division of Public Health, and the County of Raa�.sey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" , acting through its Department of Public Works; . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County has undertaken restoration projects an Phalen• Lake, Como Lake and Long Lake, and the City is vitally concerned with the restoration projects on Phalen Lake and Como Lake; and WHEREAS, the County intends to maintain a qeneral lakes testiaq program on major lakes within the county; and WHEREA S, the County has employed a lake management specialist and other staff whose duty, amonq others, is to conduct lake testing for the . restoration projects and for the general testinq program; and WHEREAS, in order to perform the lake testing, the County requi=es the use of suitable laboratory facilitres, and the County does not have such facilities available; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and the County as follows: 1. That the County's Lake Manaqement Specialist and other County staff under his direction shall have access to and the use of the City's public health laboratory facilities for the various procedures necessitated by the projects above recited. 87006 - Page 1 . ` - , '� �-� . • . ��� yZ__ �p �� 2. That during the use of the laboratory facilities the Lake Management Specialist shall be under the direction and control of the Laboratory Director of the Division of Public Heslth. 3. That the County will reimburse the City for supplies and chemicals directly consumed by the County staff on a straight— charge basis. Additional supplies and chemicals to be used by the County staff will be purchased directly by the County. In addition, the County will pay seventeen dollars ($17.00) for the first �nployee and eight dollars t$8.00) for each additional employee per day or fraction thereof of Iaboratory usage for laboratory equipment maintenance, costs and general faci lities usage cost. Total annual cost to the County for laboratory usage and supplies shall not exceed one thousand one hundred and twenty dollars ($1,120) . 4. That the County shall reimburse the City on a monthly basis upon receipt of a monthly invoice. 5. That the County agrees at all times hereunder that its 7,ake Management Specialist and other staff shall be independent contractors as to the City, and not employee�s of the City, and further, will save harmless the City from any and all claims of whatever kind that may be occasioned by the County staff 's work hereunder unless such claims are attributable to the negliqence of the City or of its employees and agents. The County's liability under the above hold harmless claus e shall be limited to the statutory limits of Minnsota Statutes, Section 466.04. 6. That this Agreement may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon thirty ( 30) days' written notice fram either 2 87006 - Page 2 . • � �. � �7_ �6a � party to the other; however, charges which have accrued for services shall survive as a valid claim. 7. That any alterations, variations, modifications, or wainers of provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writinq, fully signed, and attached to the original of this Agreement. 8. That the terms of this Agreement shall be from Jaauary I, 1987 through December 31, 1987. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAOL I��inding Code: 33239 �����,«.� , Chairxr�c, Board of County Director, Department of Finance Commissioners and Management Servic s , ^ Dire tor, Department o Attest: Community Services � (/� Executi Secretary Chief Clerk- AP D S TO : County oard � ._ � A ROVE : S � F RM: Ass stant ity ttorney � Ass sta t County Attorney ' i�� �-3d -�7 �_,�' i 3 87006 - Page 3