87-697 ciTV OF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. ' ol�� FINAL ORDER � r { ;�`�; .'-;,-; By �.�`' ��'�1 File No. Z87-P--1025 Voting In the Matter of 3,aq�rc�ing C!lBSSltOY S?�EE'2 fs+o� N, S�ranth ltrsst to i�aith A:�nae Ward b7 �radi� aad ptrin; with bitnraiao�a ssterisl, c�atructia� earb aiaed gnttsr. co+nstr��tias drainis� str�ctur�a snd s str�et li;htins 2 �ste� ymd doiaa all other �rort ascaasar� snd t�ideatal to ce�plat� said i�prew�eat. under Preliminary Order �, ��� approved �°?���� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; �l�i� ��� ������ ��� COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date MAY 19 1987 Yeas ��� Nays Nicosi8 Certified Passed by Council Secretary Rettmat� _ Sc&eibel �� In Favor By Sonnen ?edeSCO b Against idilson ��� ' Q �7 Mayor PU�l.ISNED ��►�Y � 0 19 8 7 � (��7��7 uemba�: �l. CITY OF SAINT PAUL is�caNR��t ta�� i � '�i�iUa ffikl 3onnan OFP'ICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL 7ohu Deew(AIL) Date: May 13, 1987 '� - � Committee Re ort i p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of May 13, 1987 took the following action: Hearinq Date �. 5/l4/87 VACATION: Petition of Estelle and Donald Sell for the vacatton of GOODRICH AVENUE from Highway 35-E to approximately 4l0 feet east bounded by Dale Street, . Lincoln and Grand Avenues 8 Highway 35-E. Purpose is to - allow more effective utilization of the land now owned by the petitioners (laid over from 4/29/87). Recarcnended approval. �°'g �p`' f+�*,����Ipt�ving CHES'fNlTf�''�fREET frtlRil°"�Fp"' Seven�h �y,. ,. . .._ �"�" '�d"F��'1KVenue. ReCWnuended epp�val. • 3. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving PLATO BLVD. from Lafayette Road to Fillmore Avenue. Recommended approval. 4. 5/19/87 FINAL ORDER: improving CRETIN AVENUE from Dayton to Iglehart Avenue. Recommended approval. 5. 5/l9/87 FINAL ORDER: lmproving THOMAS AVENUE from Dale to Marion Street. Recommended approval. 6. 5/l9/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving THOMAS AVENUE from Sneliing Avenue to Hamline Avenue. Also, constructing a green lantern street lighting system. Recommended approval. 7. 5/26/87 F[NAL ORDER: Improving MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. from 200 feet north of Goodrich Avenue to 50 feet south of Cretin Avenue (order amended to tnclude bridge replacement). Referred back to City Councll without recommendation. � 8. 5/26/87 RATIFICATION Of AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easements in connection with SEVENTH/FRANK SEWER SEPARAT[ON PROJECT. Recommended approval. CTCY HALL SEVENTEI FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNFSO'I'A 55102 612/298-4475 .�... C��� �g7 y . . 9. 5/26/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving SHEPARD ROAD from 650 feet southwest of I-35E to 600 feet southwest of Randolph by constructing a concrete roadway, including shoulders, turn lanes, median barriers, roadside barriers, drainage facilities, constructing bicycle/pedestrian path, improving traffic signal at 35-E off-ramp intersection, street lighting system. widening of sidewalk and instaliing median 8 roadside barriers on City Bridge No. 62512. Improving BUTTERNUT AVENUE between Otto and Bay Streets. Constructing sanitary, storm and water connections in Otto Avenue between Shepard Road and Stewart Avenue, if requested by property owner and acquiring necessary right-of-way, slope easements, construction easements. sewer easements and right of access at various locations in connection with Shepard Road improvement. Recommended approval . 10. 5/26/87 FINAL ORDER: Installation of a sanitary sewer in OTTO AVENUE between Stewart Avenue and Shepard Road (part of the Shepard Road Improvement Project) . , Recommended approval . 11 . 5/26/87 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easement in connection with the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recommended approval . 12. RESOLUTION: Authorizing application for a use deed for taxforeited parcel from the State of Minnesota to be used for open space and water utilities purposes (bounded by Larpenteur and Furness Pkwy. ) . Recommended approval . 13. APPEAL: of Gail and Harvey Ingberg to a decision of the Public Works Department denying issuance of a street address for a lot on DOUGLYNN LANE. Referred back to City Council without recommendation. - � ��� �'� Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared - February 4, 1987 Publ ic Hearing - May 19, I 987 PRUJECT Improve CHESTNUT STREET from Smith Avenue to West Seventh Street (City Pro ject 87-P-f 025) by regrading and paving, constructing curb and gutter, constructing new catch basins, constructing new driveways, a street lighting system, sewer and water service connections, and doing all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. EXISTING CONDITIONS Chestnut Street trom Smith Avenue to West Seventh Street is a graded and oiled street. Curbing runs full length on the west side, and from Smith to mid biock on the east side. The curb is in fair to poor condition. The right-of-way width is 66 feet and the roadway width is 36 feet. Sidewalk �is on both sides and is 6 feet wide. Existing catch basins drain into a combined sewer. Parking is allowed on both sides and the ADT is about 2,600 vehicles per day. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS We propose to construct a new roadway with concrete curb and gutters. The new roadway w i i l be constructed 44 f eet w i de. Park i ng w i l l be allowed on both sides. New driveways will be constructed and a new street lighting system will be installed. New catch basins will be constructed. POSITIVE BENEFITS The new roadway will improve the riding surface and drainage. . Maintenance costs will be reduced and the appearance of the street wili be greatiy improved. ADVERSE EFFECTS The roadway will be closed to traffic during construction. Some trees may need to be removed. . - �- �-���� TIME SCHEDULE Construction on this project is scheduled for 1987 and should be completed in about 45 days. PROJECT 87-P-1025 COST ESTIMATE Faving =79,000.00 Lighting 10.800.00 TOTAL =89,800.00 FiNANCING 1987 M.S.A. s75,500.00 . 1987 P.I.A 3,500.00 1987 C.I.B. 10.800.00 TOTAL s89,800.00 �OURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additionai information, contact the Project Engineer, Daniel Haak, at 292-b280. RECOP'r1EN0AT I ON The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the order. Respectfully submitted � Dona 1 d E. Nygaard i Director of Publ ic Worics 2 ��7 ��� ' � �J U U l_�,yJ u�� Y. �` �'1�- �.�A I --� .��7 l� ❑ � C�[-] � � � I�❑ C� C�� r �---� %' ✓ .;. �.. � � � ,�[�:� � � C� � nl--�" 1 ,�� ° ��J , .��. r� ��c�o c� .. � ,� �� ��r .ti: :�� . �..� . - . .. , � ��� caaaoo� ,��, . .�� _ ,_ . ° < < `'� � �% o . � c� oao � o � � , �i�,� ��'`�� : _ K..., � � G� O. o � O �O O O � � �VE wt. � ��r�� �.•:� A�O`O �� � � ��� 0 �`tr��a� �� � u O l/ � 0� o a '' � ' `� � f''�� . o .�� , , . . � � � J J � •�TOM �� � � �I. "s ♦ '♦ � w[. � o ���� ..... oo �s<<.,�..... � D4. o . ' ;�� ` . < �o � � � j� C : � ���.. � Q F/ .�V`' 'O � /---� J1 � • �;���a �:.... 1t�1 QQ �� . � . 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City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House FINANCING If the Council approves this project, the estimated construction costs and financing for this project are as follou�s: INFORMATION ESTIEtATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $89,A00�` ESTIMATED FINANCING: Municipal State Aid $75,500 Public Improvement Aid 3,500 Capital Improvement Bonds 10,800 $8.9,800 NO ASSESSMENTS QUESTIONS Construction: 292-62i7 Als�, City stafi will be available to answer any last minute �uestio:►s on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the sam2 day as the hearing. � MAP '�;�� _ � \y -I� �, � S�, �� Noti ce sent: M�y 1, 1987. ; ..+�,� ,- ',,±9�`` `�. "�. 'v ; �Q• j _�� .a��� _ ��'� pa',�..� X X.�� by the Val uati on and �sr T� (3E ZM vR�u� � -'f� � ',,a�,r,� "��, a , . '�`�. Assessment Division, ,�Z ,'' 'ti '� ` '-±'� ' E `�• r; .. < < �i Dept. of Finance & `�'�'f '�°° . ' ''��,, /,.%� Management Services q � ��' ;•�f'"��c� � � �'a, ;• r., Room 218 Court House �ti��, �:� ,�?.•�'���, `v '•� ,, St. Paul , MN 55102 `��,, ��?• �. . '' .� �,�p,• 54i "e r �.,, Mp� S� � -4 4- r '' Q � nr;�`C•+ . . r'fn. , an . K °' /1. PLEASE NOTE that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council at its May 13 meeting. Please bring any concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, May 13 in Room 707 at 9:00 A.M. . ' , ��+�`"�f / ��� 7 '.�"`��°�`•` .-iarr. ,a ta�,..�r�.�—a,.> ..�.....�:.:y..��...„d,�.,4.. .-,.,.._-�_�.. .��� �!.v- y��y-�.. , . . 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