87-690 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll /�/�' /` CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. " � �/ / O BIUE - MAVOR uncil Resolution ��z Presented By � ' �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby aithorized and di.rected to execute an amenc�nent to the contract with the State o f Minnesota, Department of Health; WHERESY, the City shall receive an increase and � reimbursement available for the City's offering of service relative to Hepatitis B screening and vaccination services for �regr�ant woarren, other refugee women of childbearing age and household contacts to carrier f�nales. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Commun].ty Services Yeas pfeW Nays �- [n Favor . Rettman 3�huibe� s�+- �__ Against BY r�aes�o wi�soo Ay 1�o ��i 1 1 �t i�v7 Form pprove by C'ty rne Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Pa s d ouncil Sec ry BY gl, A►pprov Mavor: Dat --L"I�iL�� 5 I�U7 Approv Mayoc for Sub ' io o �ouncil By — B PU�i�Sl�� `'�' �'�y �. � i987 �u�ity 8ervicee DE PARTMENT " ���� �To _ 0 5115 Gary J. �P�nn �_CONTACT 292-7711 PHONE Ap�il 13, 1987 DATE e�� •I e e ASSIGN NUNBER FOIi� .ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locatians for Sianature): ,L Department Dire�tor � Director of Management/Nl�yor ' Finance and Management Services Director � � City Clerk - Budget Director � �.;t�,�r,,,,.,E,;� ,. , � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON TH�E ATTACHED MRTERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : li�e�oluti,on to allow.City Signature� on an am�dment to the 1986-87 contract betaw'een ,the 1Kinneeota Depnrt�ment of Health fcar the Ca.ty of 3aint Paul for a Aefuqee Hea3.th �oqram i� Iieu�ey Qo�nty. '�e c3�ange is to increase the reimbursenent available to tl� Saint Paul Division of Ptilalic Bealth far activities relative to H�epatitis B virus screeninq and va�cine servic� fao� �regnant �, other refugee wo�nen � chiLd bearing �� art8 hausehol,d aontacts to carrier feme�les. ,,--. Rr,W_. -� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARX�AND PERSONNEL IM�ACTS ANTICIPA�fD: APR N � ��87 � '"��� �MAYOR'� OFFICE : Hnsic a�ntract $i9,514, Additi�on to contract of $6,800. I�b personnel inQacts are anticipnted. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- . Total Amount of 'Transaction: $6,800 quired if under � �10,000) Funding Source: �:����t � �� Activity Number: �3.Z..�� . , RECE� �IED ATTACHMENTS (�i�t and Number All Attactanents) : . APR 2 w 1987 �. �r�� ��g��� �a � �p�� _ C ITY ATTO F�N EY 2. Re�olutyon _ DEP�MENT R IEW CITY ATTORNEY ttEVIEW � � -��Yes Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No ° Yes N�'� Insurance Required? Insuranct Sufficient? Yes No y'/� Yes iFto Insurance Attached: (SEE �REVERSE SIDE �EOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 _ _ - ,, . ��� I:r G �ii '- . ' � _ _ • a/`�„� � STATE OF MINNESOTA AMOUPIT DF.PART�-1EP+T OF HEALTEi $6,800,00 St. Paul Divisior� of Public Health 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 551�1 SUPPLEMEPIT N0. 1 TO COrITRACT N0. 12500-88492-01 41HEREAS, the State of Minnc:sota, Department of Health has a contract identified as Contract No 12500—88492-01 with the St. Paul Division of Pub_lic Health to administer a refugee healt.h program within Ramsey County that provides health screening services <ind follow—up of acute disease problems, and t�;HEREAS, at the time of execution, sufficient information as to the funding avai lable for the second year of the contract was not known to the State and was �herefore omitted from the contract, and 41F�EREAS, the State has recently received the necessary funding for the rernainder of the contract period, and 4JHEREAS, para�raph I A, items 12 and 13, provides: 12. Utilize funds of up to forty—one thousand twet�ty—eight dollars provided by the State to support staff whose _ responsibilities will relate to items 1 through 11 . 13. Utilize funds of up to eight hundred dollars ($800) to support the costs of hepatitis B vaccine given to those refugees identified to be at risk of acquiring HBV infection as described in item 5 and for whom the costs of such vaccination are not reimburseable expenditures under either the unaccompanied minor portion, the 1�1edicaid portion, or the Refugee Medical Assistance portion of the State refu�ee program budget. ��lHER�AS, paragraph II A provides: 1 . Compensatior. Forty—five thousand eight hundred twenty— �ht dollars � � � 2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses .., in an amount not to exceed zero dollars ($0);.., The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursement to Contractor shall not exceed forty—five thousand eight hundred twenty—eight dollars ($45,82g), � 1JOt�1 THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY Ar:D BET4JEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: 1 .;w: .. . . � ; � i • � � ,' , � �� _; - l�.°�' ��7_ �., , That par�graph 1 A, items 1?_ and 13, shall be amended to read: 12. Utilize funds oi up to fifty�one thousand twen��ei�ht dol. l �rs provided by the State to support sY,aff whose respor.�ibilties will relate to i.tems 1 through 11. 13. Utilize funds of up to. one thousand six hundred dollars (�1,600)_ to support the costs of hepatitis B vaccine given to those refugees identified to be at ri.sk of acquiring HBV infection as described in item 5 and for who�� the costs of such vaccinatzon are not reimburseable expenditures under either the unaccompanied minor portion, the T•1edicai.d portion, or the Refugee P�1edical Assistance portion of the State refugee prograrn bud�et. That Paragraph II !� shall be amended to read: 1. Compensation fiM ft�one thousand six hun:?red twenty—ei�ht dollars ~�M �� ~ 2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses ... in an amount not to exceed zero dol .lars ($0);... The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to Contractor shall not exceed fifty—two thousand six hundred twent�_—e�i�ht dol7.ars (�52,628). ^ � Except as herein arnended, the provisians of the original agreement remain in full force and effect. � IN t•JITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this supplement to be executed (� I this first day of April, 1gf37. �� Approved: As to form and execution � .; � \ l ,� by �he P.TTORPdEY GENERAL � ��� � , �' �� �. CONTRACTOR By ______�M_ `� [���z, ;-, Date _._..__.._.� J �� � .� ...__..M__�_�_._..___ � o��; Q B Y - - � Ti:.le � Ma �or�� ro ���, a _____�_..�__�..�__.__M,__..,_. �' N� +-' Date COMMISSIONEHOF ADMI1dISTRATION � I��-� co t_ �.� _ ___�..V.__..._.__.._.._.._.._._.._ R, �t� U � �, gY �Y � ._...... ____�._.____...._._.�.._____._ , }__._....._._____.____._�___.___.__.____- Is� /o� .� � Title Dir,�_Commun�i�X���vices na�e____�___�_�__-__----..__.._..� I•�i t�, �'� u� Date __�___ C.� s.d, 4 --- _ __,.V_._._. � � 2. STATE OF h1INNESOTA COh?MISSIONER OF FINAr�CE DEPARTP4ENT OF HEALTEi PY �Y ----- -__.__._._� . Title��...�..__��__ �M Title Date Date --------_ _�_ ,_ _....__.._ 2