87-683 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council � .7� �j 2 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR �� File N 0. C unc ' Resolution , � ,�� �, Presented By �. �eferred To �-/ ��"�� Committee: Date ��� d �'�� Out of Committee By ' Date An administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the class of Chief Internal Auditor in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the title of Chief Internal Auditor shall be paid at the rate set forth in Grade 26, Section I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges (Salary Schedule R) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval and publjcation of this resolution. COUNCILMEIY Requested by Department f: Yeas Drew Nays �1O"° / [n Favor Rettmaw� F�I�eibel soo�e� __ Against B Teaeseo Wilson MAY � � 1987 Form A prov d by Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified V- •s y ouncil Secre BY � Bl' A►ppro Vlavor: Date � � � � Approv May for 'ssion to Council < � BY - — Fl{�.i4�� ,�4�:-``.' `' `r 1987 : : � • . Aersonnel Office °DEPARTMENT ` ����� N° . _QS506 � Fred t�ider CONTACT • 4221 PHONE /�''� Apri1 15, :1987 DATE 1 ��r►� ' Q, Qi � , SI NUMBER fOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director �irector of Management/Mayor Financ� and Management Services Director � City Clerk dget Director . City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHI�Yf:d B�Y TAKING ACTION ON THF ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ RatiQnale) : This resolutton -e�t�blishea ti� rdt� afp�y f4r the tttle c�f Cht�f �ntern�l Audfitar fin the Sal ary Pl a� a�nd i�,tes af Go�ensmttan Re��ol ut�on. (Satl�ry Schedule R}. RECE►�FD APR .� � 1987 . �OST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPAC'FS ANTICIPATE�D: GRADE 26 - 1986 Sai ary Ra�t�s ��Y��S OFFI�E 15�9.Q8 1589.86 �65�.G1 1736.29 1�5.76 1917.82 2014.01 � . �10 Yr. 15 ,yr. ZQ74.76 2134.$0 . �INANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota1 Amount of "Transaction: quired if under. _ � �10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: • �TTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : 1. Resql ut�ton 2. Copy for Gtty Clerk " bEPARTMENT REVIEW . CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insur$nce Suff.iciant? Yes No ; � Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE •REyERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � � . . Revised 12/84 � __ C_'� � C le���, . . . ��-- �7 1v�3 , .i��� ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � . :iii��i 1 OFF'ICE OF TFIF CITY COUNCIL •l: . � Committee Report F:i��nc�,_ Mana�eme�t,�.& Personnel Committee. MAX 7, 1987 . 1. Continued discussion regarding the Civic Organization Partnership Program. discussed (Plan approved subject to submission of resolution) 2. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 30, 1987. approved 3. Ordinance establishing the title of Labor Relations Manager as specified by Chapter 12 of the City Charter, Section 12.03.2(h) in the Unclassified Service of the city of Saint Paul.. approved 4. Resolution approving an agreement between ISD 625 and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Local No. 320 representing Food Service � Personnel. approved 5. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of Chief Internal Auditor in Grade 26, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Range of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. a�proved ' � 6. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the class of Safety Officer in Grade 13, Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Range of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. approved 7. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of X-Ray Technologist in Grade 32, Technical Standard Range of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. approved 8. Resolution establishing the rate of pay and grade for the title of Labor Relations Manager in Grade 26, Professional Administrative Group of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. approved ,r . . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN�I'PAUL., MINNESOZ'A SSI02 a�ae