87-656 WHITE — C�TV CLERK . � c PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Counci! � C4NARV — DEPARTMENT File NO. ��� �� BLUE — MAVOR Co cil R olution r � �, Presented By �eferred To �V�L-( �- w o R�S Committee: Date �'' `�O ��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul is about to let a contract for the revision of the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Smith Avenue (T.H. 149) and Annapolis Street (T.H. 13, County Road 2) and; WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul is about to let a contract for the instal- lation of a street lighting system on Smith Avenue (T.H. 149) from Stevens Avenue in St. Paul to Dodd Road in West St. Paul. Therefore, be it; � RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul, Agreement No. 02-6766 , between the City of St. Paul, the County of Dakota, and the City of West St. Paul, outlining the responsibilities for the cost, maintenance and operation of the traffic signal at Smith Avenue (T.H. 149) and Annapolis Street (T.H. 13, County Road 2) and the lighting system on Smith Avenue (T.H. 149) from Stevens Street in St. Paul to Dodd Road in West St. Paul, a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. JPM:kaj COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � _ ublic Works-Traffic-R.H. Roett er Nicosia ln Favor Rettman � �i �� � Scheibel Sonnen � -- Against gY v � � � Tedesco �� / �f��/'�/ \ Wilson � C� � MAY 7 _ ��p� Form rove y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ts7Q1- Certified Pas e o ncil Se ry BY By " � "',`,`J � - 1g87 Approv b Mayor for Submiss' to oypcil Approv y :Vlavor. D — 4 "' ` B — — BY � �r .��� -',' 1 � 1987_ Public Works : ' DEPARTMENT ��7 �0'� NO 4428 - ,Tnhn 'p_ r+rar_�kn ' ' CONTACT 292-7451 PHONE March 31, 1987 DATE ���� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : c or 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director ��it�r ��*'+Ci1 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The attached Agreement (02-6766) covers cost and maintenance responsibilities between the City of St. Paul, County of Dakota, and City of West St. Paul, for a traffic signal revision at the intersection of Smith and Annapolis, to be done under City contract. The agreement also covers the cost and maintenance for the construction of a lighting system on Smith Ave. from Stevens Ave. in St. Paul to Dodd Rd. in West St. Paul. The Resolution authorizes the proper City officers to sign the agreement. West St. Paul and Dakota County have already siqned. �d� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: There will be no negative effects on budget or personnel. APR - 3 �987 It is estimated that: �- q.� ��s ��� �' The County of Dakota will reimburse t e City of St. Paul $3,600. 00 The City of West St. Paul will reimburse the City of St. Paul $41,900. 00 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: NONE RE'QUIRED FROM CITX 4F ST. PAUL Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : REC EIVED 1. Resolution APR � 1987 2. Copy of Agreement CITY ATTORN�Y DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . _ . ' �" d�/-�s� ; 1[embera: , CITY OF SAIITT PAUL indCeNRat ttmaa�� '�Ii�ii��. Blki 3oanaa OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL Joha Drew (Alt) .� _ Date: April 29, 1987 � • ommltte e Re ort p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of April 29, 1987 took the following action: Hearina Date 1. VACATION: Petition of City of St. Paul for the vacation of • WELLS STREET from Arcade to Mendota and part of the ailey in Block 2, Williams Rearrangement bounded by Arcade. Bush, Mendota and York for the purpose of commercial development ( laid over from 4-15-87) . Recomrnended matter be withdrawn - already acted on. 2. 5/14/87 VACATION: Petition of Estelle and Donald Sell for the vacation of GOODRICN AVENUE from Highway 35-E to approximately 410 feet east bounded by Dale Street, Lincoln and Grand Avenue 8 Highway 35-E. Purpose is to allow more effective utilization of the land now owned by petitioners. Laid over in Cortmittee to 5-13-87. 3. 5/5/87 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: Improving GABRIEL ROAD by grading and paving, storm water drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and sewer service connections. Also, constructing a water main in Gabriel Road and water service connections. Recommended approval . 4. 5/12/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving NEBRASKA AVENUE from Atlantic Street to Engiish Street; ATLANTIC STREET from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue and CHAMBERS AVENUE from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue by constructing concrete curb and gutter, bituminous paving and constructing concrete driveways and outwalks if required. Also constructing a street lighting system and doing ali work necessary to complete said pro,�ect. Also constructing sanitary, storm and water connections, if reGuested by property owners. All to be known as the NEBRASKA/ATLANTIC/CHAMBERS STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. ' Recommended approval . _ . . (i*`" ���P�' `� 5. RESOLUTION: Releasing easement rights in part of SHERBURNE AVENUE and the alley in Block S in Dickermen Park. Said streets were vacated by Board File No. 29016, approved � Jan. 9, 1909. The sub,�ect area is bounded by University, Wh�eler, Aldine and Chartes Avenue ( laid over from 4-1- 87) . Recommended approval . 6. ORDINANCE: Granting permission to HRA to construct a�d maintain stone facade within rights-of-way of E. 4TH STREET between Jackson 8 Sibiey, SIBLEY between E. 4th & E. Kellogg Blvd. , E. KELLOGG BLVD. between Sibley � Jackson, and JACKSON b�tween E. Kellogg Bivd. and E. 4th Street (base of public parking�ramp (Block L) as weil as other development on the block and above the ramp) . Recommended approval . 7. RESOLUTION: Approving plans for LARPENTEUR AVENUE from Edgerton to Parkway Drive and for MC KNIGHT ROAO from I-94 to Third Street. Recommended approval . S. RESOLUTION: Accepting a warranty deed between the City of , St. Paul and Mitchell and Shannon Nelson for a permanent easement for utility purposes on, under and across the north 20 ft. of Lot 4 and 5, Block 1 . Lewiston Heights 4th Addn. to St. Paul , lying between the cul-de-sac on OGDEN and WINTHROP STREETS. Recommended approval . 9. RESOLUT�Lt��::;/1t�thor i a i n� an agreement between tt� C i t i e� of St. Pau 1 and West St. P8u 1 ar�d '�t�e �tY of Dakota outlining r�ponsibilities for cost, maintenance a�d operation o� a traffic signat et S�IYTH AVENUE (T.H. 149) and Annapolis Street (T.H. 13) and the tighting system on Sni4 th Avenue ��o� 3tevens S�'i�t�'��:�tt,�. Pau3 � Dodd Road in West 5�. Patjl . Re�c�a�ner+de�d..a�Prowa 1 . 10. RESOLUTION: Requesting the County restrict parking on motor vehicles on the west side of MC KNIGHT ROAD from I- 94 to East Third Street. Recommended approval . � ' . �". �� �i;���� � C I TY OF ST. PAUL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTtNG AGREEMENT N0. 02-6766 BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT_ PAUL, MINNESOTA AND DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AND THE CITY OF WEST SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TO " Revise the existing traffic control signals at the intersection of Trunk Highway No. 149 (Smith Ave.) and Trunk Highway No. 13, County Road 2, (Annapolis) and the installation of street lighting (both roadway and decorative) on Trunk Highway No. 149 (Smith Ave.) from Stevens Street in St. Paul to Dodd Road in West St. Paul S.P. 1902-35 MSA 164-010-38 St. Paul Pro j. T- 1204 V-0871 Prenared by Traffic Engineering Estimated Amount Receiveable: Dakota County �3.600.00 City of West St. Paul �41 900.00 �"- . . . . . .� �`�s� THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the City of St. Paul, hereinafter referred to as 'St. Paul", the City of West St. Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Dakota County, hereinafter referred to as the "County', WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, St. Paul has determined that there is justification and it is in the pubiic's best interest to revise the existing traffic control signals at the intersection of Trunk Highway No. 149 (Smith Ave.) and Trunk Highway No. 13, County Road 2 (Annapolis St.); and WHEREAS, St. Paul will be constructing a street lighting system on Trunk Highway No. 149 (Smith Ave.) from Stevens St. in St. Paul to Dodd Road in West St. Paul; and WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, has agreed, under separate agreement with St. Paul, to fund 759b of the construction cost for the revision of the traffic control signals at the intersection of Trunk Highway No. 149 (Smith Ave.) and Trunk Highway No. 13, County Road 2, (Annapolis St.); and WHEREAS, The City, the County and St. Paul will share in the cost, maintenance and operation of the traffic control signals and the street lighting system as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: i. St. Paui shail prepare the necessary pians, specifications and proposai and shall perform the engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described above sha 11 const i tute "Eng i neeri ng and i nspect i on" and sha 11 be so ref erred to hereinafter. 2. The contract cost of the work, or if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials and equipment rental required to complete the work shall constitute the actual 'construction cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3. St. Paul, with its own forces and equipment, or by contract, shall do the traffic control signal work provided under St. Paul Project No. T-1204, and the street lighting system work provided under St. Paul Project No. V-0781, with construction costs shared as follows: A TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL I. Basic signal construction costs of 548,560.00 excluding emergency vehicle pre-emption materiais to be shared 75 �� � � ����J�� percent Trunk.Highway Funds;12.5 percent City of St. Paui; 6.25 percent Dakota County, and 6.25 percent City of West St. Paul. Emergency vehicle pre-emption (cable, detectors, lights and controller interface equipment) at an estimated cost of $2,950.00 is to be shared SO percent City of St. Paul and 50 percent City of West St. Paul. B. L I GHT I NG SYSTEM i. St. Paul wiil be responsible for aii construction costs for the pvrtivn of the lighting system that is installed between Stevens St. and the north side of Annapolis, under St. Paui Pro ject No. V-0781. The City of West St. Paul wili be responsible for all con- struction costs for the portion of the street lighting system . that inciudes 9 roadway i ighting standards and S single giobe decorative lights to be instailed from the sauth side of Annapolis St. to Dodd Rd., under St. Paui Project No. V-0781, at an estimated cost of �30,800.00 4. Upon execution of this agreement and a request in writing by St. Paul, each agency shall advance to St. Paul an amount equal to its share of the costs. The County's cost shaii be based on the actual bid prices, plus 18.5 percent of the County's share of the construction costs for engineering and inspection. The City's share shall be based on actuai bid prices plus 18.5 percent of the City's share of the construction costs for engineering and inspection. S. Upon final payment to the contractor and computation of the City's and County's share for the work as provided for herein, that amount of funds advanced by the Ci ty and Caunty in excess of i ts share w i 11 be returned to the City and County without interest, and the City and County agrees to pay to St. Paul that amount of its share which is in excess of the amount of funds advanced. 6. The maintenance of the traffic signal and lighting system wiil be as foliows: A. TRAFF I C CONTROL S I GNAL - St. Paul will clean, paint and relamp the signal system and provide all signal controi related maintenance. , . • � . . . . . .. . ����5� - Signal system �ower�cost will be shared in the following way: 25 percent Dakota County; 37.50 percent St. Paul, and 37.50 West St. Paul. The City of West St. Paul will pay the power bill for the signal system and bill Dakota County and St. Paul for their shares quarterly. B. L I GHT I NG SYST EM - The lighting system from Stevens St. proceeding south to the north side of Annapolis (including street lights on signal mast arms) w i l l be maintained total iy by St. Paul. Power costs w i l l be totally paid by St. Paul. - The lighting system from Dodd Road proceeding north to the south side of Annapolis (including street lights on signai mast arms) shall be totally maintained by West St. Paul. Power costs to be paid totally by West St. Paui. 7. Any and ali persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by St. Paul shall not be considered employees of The City or County, and any and ail claims that may or might occur under the Workman's Compensation Act of this State on behaif of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees whiie so engaged on any of the worfc contempiated herein shall not be the obligation and responsibility of the City or County. St. � Paul shall not be responsible under the Worker's Compensation Act for any employees of the City or County. . � , , - . �. �-�I��S� DAKOTA COUNTY Recommended for Approval: By� Chairman of the Board By� County Engineer County Auditor Approved as to Execution: County Attorney C I TY OF WEST SAI NT PAUL Recommended for Approval: By- Mayor City Engineer By: Approved as to Form: City Manager City Attorney . . ���i . . ?' • .. �. . +� .. . . _ . � - � ���``� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Recommended for Approval: By� �� � Mayor � ����.� Director of Public Works Approved as to Form and Execution: By- Director of Finance and Management Service A i� ant City ttorney i