87-648 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 �/ PINK - FINANCE TF' / CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL 7 � T BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. � Counci es u , - -� Presented By � Referred To mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#71596) for an Auto Body Repair Garage applied for by William J. Relf DBA Auto Care Collision Center at 904 University Avenue be and the same is hereby denied for the following reason: l. Auto Body Repair Is Not Permitted In This Zoning District COUNCILMEN Yeas �� Nays Requested by Department of: ��, 1���`TMA+✓ � [n Favor Nicos�;- Scner�: _ � __ Against BY O�-�-6errrr;r JaNN��J" 3e�e�*r p — �98� WNSOn I�r:� ' Form Approve City A mey Adopted by Council: Date — CertiEied Pas e ounc'1 S r BY By , Appro by Ylayor: Date t '" ���?� Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By �� a�' � ,�..� BY {�� ,��t:i� i1� -4 t� 1 �:� E:��� � :,.._ � ���� ' _�,�;;;�,,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL "'� ��' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICFS �o ;� �` `_'����" � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,,: s ,,,,� � rop�„ zo3, c:���� t�.,ii � 5510_ ��"�'°'� Saint Paul, tilinnesota ' George latimer M�yor April 23, 1987 William J. Relf Auto Care Col]_ision Center 904 University Avenue Saint Paul, rIN 55104 Dear Mr. Relf: As License Inspector for. the City ef Saznt Paul, I am herel�� notifyi.ng yot. that on May 6, 1987 a public hearing wi.1J_ be held befor.e ttie Sainc I'aul City Counci7. (license matter.s only) . �'t�:i.� hearing will. be i�eld iu the Council Chambers, thi_rd floor of tl:e Ci.cy �nd CounCy Cc�urt i�ci!se aL IC�.l1C c�.n:. At this hearing, the Lice,.lse Inspector will rer_ommencl tt:at ::'.�e SaiiiC Pavl City Council deny your application for an �?uto Iiody Repair Garag,e I,i_ca:n_�;c at 904 University Avenue. The License Ir�sp�ctor'� office w�ll has�=. it:s recouunendation un th�: following: (1) An Auto Iiody Repair Garage is not perr�itted in th�.s ionin�; ' district. You may be represented at this hearing by an attor.iiey or_ othc�r rep�:�:��,e��- Lative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/represenCatit�e wi).i be al].owed Lo cross-examine witnesses and pre�ent evidence CIITOU�II witr�c�sst�s and documents aL tliis hearin�. Gnclosed i_s a memoratidum of. procedures used by the Saint Y�?�_il Cii:y �,u�.t«�.L f:or hearings on 7.icense revocations, suspensions, and deniais of rle.w .Lic,enses� Very Cruly yours, l�l�+ I .Toseph F. Carchedi Lic�nse Inspector JI C/lp F:nc. cc: Council Meinbers Jerry Sega? - City Ai:torney°s Ofiice Jotin Hardwick - Zoning