87-646 �NHITE - GITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� ��r BLUE - MAVOR Council R s t ' n � �� ��� Presented By Referred To Commit . Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.# 24308) for the transfer of an Inactive On Sale Liquor License expiring September 30, 1987 by Heartthrob of St. Paul, Inc. DBA Heartthrob of St. Paul (Larry Spatz, President) at 2200 North Central Life Tower be and the same is hereby transferred from Sha-Ray Inc. DBA The Attic at 111 W. 6th Street (Inactive) (Raymond Emerfoll, President) . This license will be activated in the World Trade Center. CQUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dr�w � ,��T1�'9A� [n Favor Nicos�a Scheibe� _ '0 _ Against BY -- Sonnen .� W�18on M�q`� !' � ��$7 Form Approv by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ouncil Sec tary BY By Approv ;Vlavor. Date p� � — � �� Approved y ayor for Submission to Council By — BY � •:��7 p1. ° '� �'C.;� i �"�� .�. . .. _ f � , . �-��l��l� Application No. Date Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE I��TOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI�VG LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions : This form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for {name of license) Hearr,r.hrob of Sr,. Paul , Inc. 2. Located at (address) 2200 Norr,h Cen r,ral Li fe Tower, S r,. Paul , t1N 55101 3. Name under which business will be operated l�Jorld Trade Cenr.er 4. True fVame Larry Spar.�Z Phone �312) 403-J.11� First Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi rth 1 �U �{-j P1 ace of Bi rth � h�lCl�G�� _ Month, Day, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? �,�C"�, Native �`� Naturalized ., , 7. Home Address 1r�iC;i:� (��it.' �t�C�'i. ��1.����-�� Home Telephone i E 1- �`` % t'�>����f 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you foilowed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address ' � r � � , ; � �,.� �,(-r�1 ;� i--��'�/��t\�C(�L� �'1„�. '� � �� ���tl(._6�-����� `'r���� ��`L L' ��!- l C�n'��=;i�l� , ,�Ir�'�' �L L ���'-��'� %_ 9. Married? � �. If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. t . �,- �7��� 10. 4�,`�� y�s.t e�ier been convicted of any felony, , crime or violation of any city ordinance, � � other than traffic? Yes No �_ ' . Date of arrest 19 �dhere Cnarge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest 19 Where � Charge Conviction Sentence 1?. Retail 8eer Federal Tax Stamp X Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X will be used. 12. Closest 3.2 Place Church Assumpr,ion School 13. Closest intoxicating iiquor place. On Sale Iron Horse Off Sale Kappy's i�t. List the names and residenc�s of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business , wno �nay be reTerred to as to the applicant' s character. Vame Address 6�Ji 11 i am P�. Mahl um 2200 Nor r,h.��Cen r,ral Li'fe Tower, S r,. Paul , P�v 5101 Ken R. Eri ckson 2200 Norr,h Cen r,ral Li fe Tower, S r,. Paul , P�N 5101 John C. Sprangers 2200 Norr,h Cen r,ral Li fe Tower, S r,. Paul , r�r� 5101 15. Address or premises for which application is made Cedar Zone Classificaiion B-4 Phone ro be der,ermined 16. Between what cross streets? Sixr,h & Eighr,h Which side of Street lJesr. 17. Are premises now occupied? NO What Business? How Long? '_3. List licenses which you c�rrently hold, or fo rnerly he1d, or may have an int�rest in. ��'�E�s�1C� �'���(), / �L. �'��ia �'f�t��i��� �'�-�. � 19. 4ave any of the licenses listed by �ou in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes Vo 1�_ If answer is "yes" , list the dates and t'n350�5 � . .. . ., �' �'`1�oS�(� ' �0. •If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation December 1, 19 86 ' and attach copy of Articles oi Incorporation. and minutes of tirst meeting. 21. List all officers� of the corporation, giving their names, off?.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. Larry Spar,z ' 22. If business is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? ��'C.�_ 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? `��S If not, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? i�� If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. ' ' `` � Home Address Phone rt����� � i. Name �,�' !�b t5�,�.. �'- A:�1Y FALISFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR hfATERIAL SLBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DE.IIaI. OF THIS APPLICaTION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . . State ot Kinnesota) ,��- �.i ��` � ) r'r���"`��" � ��� County of Ramsey ) (Signatu,re ot applicant) Subsc �bed and sworn to before me this ^M day of � 19�Z -�-'.-.�'- �--,-. ��'�E�'� JOHN C. SPRANGERS - � �`�� �' NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNcSOTA � ��, � ,�� RAMSEY COUNTY :1ot y Public, R se ount� Minnesota �:����� My commissfon expires 7i2ois� u.;�,;.� ;4y ommission e ir s o �^-�- .. . � �-.=��-�y� _ .SUPC � f . BU,MM'4?—LlN1V�1tB7.Tt� PI.�NN7.N('s COLiNC1L �� - . . ; May 5�. 1987 , Victor Tedesco, Chairperson St Paul License Committee St. Paul, Mn. 55102 • � . Dear Chairperson Tedesco: The Summit-University Planning Council Board scheduled for review the request from Hyde •Park/5hin On-Suchi Bar to expand their current 'service area at its April 28, 1987 meeting. The li�ense .holder, John Rupp, did n�t attend the Community nor the . full Board meeting. Because there was no one representing the Bar - • present to answer resident questions, the community and the Board upheld the followi.ng two motion�: 1. SUPC request the License Committee (of the City Council); � not hear this license matter until the license holder : , appears before the community issues and fu).1 board for , review and recommendatian. anc� � , 2. That the Hyde Park/Shin On-Suctii Bar application be '� disapproved by the City License Committee. Both motions ' passed. The Community feels thie matter should first be heard in the neighborhood. ': Shculd ybn have any questicn's, please feel free tb call me at 228-1855.' ' Sincerely,� � � . �� �� GreguFinz 11 � Executice Director , . . , ,`. . � . ,. , :�+' � , , . . . , � `.)�� ',��4�� .I.�:�i '�i. i�G'.�� � '. � .r�:,��f). �.t:i 1�,.� Ji t(,l�')� LL�� ��.,l�J .. . /