87-637 M�HITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINAN�E C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council � R CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. (, ���/ BLUE - MAVOR Co c ' Res ut 'on Presented By �� ��P Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: . That Application (I.D.#10519) for the renewal of a Class B State Gambling License by Harding Area Hockey at 735 White Bear Avenue (Minnehaha Tavern) be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Q Sonnen __ Ag3llist BY •�sdeecu Wilson �p MQY 6 ^ ��v7 Form Appr e by Cit ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•s•e b Cou cil cr BY By A�ppro by Mavor: D _��yY j -° � Appro ed y May for Submission to Council - By w!�:.�;s� !`A.=i7 �9V� �'��:�.: -d.� 1 � � . . � ! �J��>-��y� � . �, _ ,�p .� Cha�itable Gambling Control Board �. FOR BOARD USE ONLY �'-R� . .Room N-475 Griggs-Midway Building: , -':+ �,,,N,�r . ` 1821 University Avenue ` `' ' � • St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-3383 q�T : - � (6121642-0555 ? � ••f....#�' . . ��. _ CHECK#' 1 A � . . DATF ;- ,. _ ,-Y �. GAMBLING LICENSE APPLICATION � '' °�, , _ ;' a . .: t . �, �- : ' "' � .�::' .� .Y.�" ..., . ._ _ . . ,:_ �._�.�.� ... ... . . .Y .. . . .. ._ _�� INSTRUCTIONS: . A. Type or print in ink. 8. Take completed application to local governing body,obtain signature and date on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1 copy and sends original to the above address with a check. C. Incomplete applications will be returned. ' Type of Application: �ClassA — Fee$100.00IBingo,Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboards,Pull-tabs) M�ecneckspeyab�eto: I�Class B— Fee$ 50.00(Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboards;PUII-tebSl Minnesota CharitaWe Gemb6ng Control Boa►d ❑Class C— Fee$ 50.00(Bingo only) OClass D - Fee S 25.00(Raffles only) : � _ ,_ - - �>s�,..� > ¢r_ � _.�- „ ,,��::.�. w�. . .� . . . : ._ Ca C? F ,:r; .,r�...:A-: , r.„-:. � '�. ,:�. � ^¢ �j": ' � �Ye�No� l Is this application for a renewal7 If yes give complete license number - - ❑Yes[�No 2. If this is not an application for a renewal,has or anization been licensed by the8oard before? ,;If yes,give base_ _ : ... • . . : s license numti r(middle five digits) "` OYesDNo 3. Have Internal;Controls been submitted previously7 If no,please attach copy. t4,. Applicant(Official,legal�ame of organization) 5. Busine�Ad re_ of Org�'n`iz�oR . ' l�. �h � C�c�� = 5 C�'J I�73 U �C �1 f"' I D/� .a.. n A� 8. Business Phone Number ' 6. faity,State, ip r .r / 7 ounty`t, i J , �AJ� /�/�Iti! .S ..`a J a C� � N�S � IG,I� 1 9 `9. Type of organization: ❑Fraternal ❑VetersitS';"OReligious Ce�ther nonprofit* � , ' � ` 'If organization is an"other nonprofit"organlzation,answer questions 10 through 13.If not,go to question 14."Other nonprofit' organizations � must document its tax-exempt status. E ❑YesONo 10. Is organization incor orated as a nonprofit organization?If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page and book numbe�: H'33 t Attach copy of certificate. (�,Yes ONo 11. Are articles filed with the Secretary of State? � ❑Yes�No 12. Are articles filed with the County? � [�Yes ONo 13. Is organization exempt from Minnesota or Federal income tax?If yes,please attach letter from IRS or Department of ; Revenue declaring exemption or copy of 990 or 990T. t pYes�No 14. Has license ever been denied,suspended or revokedl If yes,check all that a ly: L �Denied �Suspended ❑Revoked Givedate: - - ' 15. Number of active members 16. Number of years in existence Note: If less than four years,attach � evidence of three years � � � L ��� � :, ' existence. } . ,�-- -.. -- ,.._. � 8'': ame of tr surer or pers�irr who accounts for other revenues � ``" `T7. Name of Chief`�xecutive Officer � `� `� ' ' ', ` `' � "} �l. � �. �:;;_ ��;"*- he organizatio � 7� � �nrc.� l l� � L..,� ��tJl... � o l� G �15 (: itle Title � � � � �I't� CJ�,�-� � �,�:� �' �S t7�' �U l � _ � ' Business Phone Number Business Phone Number � F � �a� ► � J �� � �S ��1� ► 7� / .���9 '� 19. Name of establishment where gambling will be ' 20. Street address(n�� .�( .BPx Nuh�b�r) ; �` i,., �' � conducted } ` 7��J �1N� .!� C �� �' '� 1�� : IV� �hl ,�1 t � /`� ! +R1�/r= , . ' � 21. City,State,Zip 22:-County(where gambling premises is located) ' � .-� �y'� L � ��� ' � ` :.: : � . �� .- �� � i. • ��.� �� kl A���'� ��. .. :� ,... .'�= . ' CG-0001-02(8/86) - White Copy-Board ', Canary-Applicant Pink-Loc81 Goveming Body , ,� . ;� . . . . , . ; , . ,, ; , , , .. , . . . , . : 1 � a ,.-.:.: > .. - w.,�.s� ,y *�-*�9' � wrrr ^�^r, r. ,..y�.. ._... .. 'F� ` 1 ��l��� ��~�M �"(,��� ' . • .. - .. � .. • , .. � . ' • � �'(v 'L3� �,: ,. f, . �.y....^." .� . . . ,r � �. . . . -. _ . , ._ P89e 2 r�� '��" �IC8t1011 . , � , - ng License App' � lication: C]Class A� �`. I�Class B;• F� OClass C. . .OClass D Fa '.: :.- �- .� , , . YPe of ApP - �: ,. es ONo 23. Is gambling premises located within city limits? �:`' I�YeS.ONo 24..Are ali gambling activities 8�exce t afflespas e'seperate 1 cense is required fo eeach premises mp�ete a separate ,,, .,�. aPPliCation for each'��mis ( � �� . -�,�,. �` ' ❑Yes(�l0 25. Does organization own the gambling P�emises7 If no eattach a sketch of'ease 27 hAmount of Monthl Renf " E ❑Yes�No 26. Does the organization lease the entire'r .� ... i - `�- the premises indicating what portion is being leased A_lease and sketch $ . � . ._. � is not required for Class D applications. �- � Y. . ive days and times of bingo occasions: ❑Yes�o 28. Do you plan on conducting bingo with this lic�meS�f yes,g k;; �Ys , ; � � No 29. Has the S 10,000 fidelity bond required by Minnesota Statutes 349.20 31e�°ond Numbe�ach copy of bond. �ego x� -- .� � 30, Ir}sNr�Ce Com�any Name� � Q� 3 = A � �� � 33. Ad�lress 34. City,State,Zip � 32. Lessor Nama-^ _ �� '`},a'�-� '°.. �!' -.` � ;,, �j. !.� � _,*�.+ _ ' : �r�.� `�� � � 37;,,Ci ,State,Zip . r. _.r. l .� �i` _ > 36. Address ' '�.• , � /lJ C?.'� f- � 35:, mbling Mana�jer Name . ,,. , y ja L� Y t � c�._ . .. � . p ; 38. Gam b ling M a n a g e r B u s i n�s s P h o n e 39. membe oflorgani at9on became - ; y � �t�; � 1 �� � •9y �° .. . ; � , si �� � � ` �� � �� � � , , GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION � m si nature below,local law enforcement officers or agambi nf t and to enforce the law forrany unauthor ied game or � ,t. By Y 9 � at any time,gambling is being conducted,to observe the g 9 � � ' practice. �•����•� gANK RECORDS AUTHORIZATION �r , ure below,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account � . gy my signat � whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. , � : � OATH � ,� I hereby declare that: ,� 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board; 2.' All information submitted is true,accu�ate and complete; � 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed . `� 4i I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; , : 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State�o�fiM�amendments there oambling and rules of the Board and agree, if licensed,to abide b those laws and rules, inc w 40. Official,Legal Name of Organization .,,, 41. Si n (must be signed b Chis#-�x utiv O icer) �� �{� . S5oc.it t�o X ,¢,t.�-.�j.-�.ti-/._.,9--- � • � ��'_ �� �� � Date j , �' Tit e�of Signer \ : , , . • .. _�... , _.. . � , . . . .._ :.; �,�. ..•�.� �_ � . y � .. : ..:�.: . , . . , : . � , •. � � ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY g recei t of a copy of this application: By acknowledging receipt, 1 admit h o ed by the board,Nwt'h I hereby acknowledg P, ;, � notice that this application wdl be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if app j become effective 30 days from the date of receipt I�not�d bh°e�solut on is rece ved by the�Char'table�Gambling Cont ol which specifically disallows such activity and a c py BOard within 30 da s of the below noted date. �f site is located within a townsfiipi item 43 must be completed in � 42. Name of,City or County(Local Governing Body) addition to the county signature. ; � - �: � ,��� -�-�("_,R,_..._.�: :, ;; �- ��- 43. Name of Township .; � ••;Signaturabf p, on receiving application ry , � , f � , . � ' �, ; `•�, � .x1 r_^ ` t.�_ct. .'?t. t.`.�ti ti.. .. , . .�: k � `^' -�° eriod ! Signature of person receiving app��cation ; ( Date receiv�d.(30 d y p : ; Title begins fr m t is�te) � 1 ,. �[ : ; ; X a '� � � \.. �./r._..:. . . .�..�.. - � . , r ° �, . . � os�,,,:i .IduE.,:.3 . . .:1 �:. a lication to Local Goveming BodY � Title . "� ; , , e of Person 9 ` ;� ! Canary-Applicant � Pink-Local Goveming Body,� � . - . � White Copy-Board `� ` CG-d 01-02 (8/86) `, :. � . - � . ;,,` �-�?� �3� City of Saint Paul Department oE Finance and Management Services Division of License and Yermit Registration V INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR pER�'(IT TO CONDUCT CHAR_ITABLE GAMBLING GAME IN SAIN� 1 ing for license 1, Full and complete name of organization which is apP Y r--, � . � ��'_l � n�' � � �/� � � J� � � � i,.. , ,�� �^/�/�/� Zip ames will be held � �-`� Cit Number Street Z, Address where g . er signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage g, Name of manag Date of Birth ' � � �7 —`� .—� �'�� ' _— Gambling Games � � r� 'Z '� �� r��— ime manager has been member of aPPlicant organization y " th of t �' "� '�� (a) Leng � ^ �L - ;� 7.^ I ' Zip 4, Address of Manager Number Street C ity , .. dates, and hours this application is for ' ���_ 5, Day, � the State ot MN• i � 6, Is the applicant or organization organized under the laws o- . � c , �� oration 7, Date of incorp �� �r g, Date when registered with the State of Minnesoca j •C � How long has organization been in e:tistence? �' c ct 9. -� p, How long has organization heen in exiszence in St.rPaul"•. f 1 �� �, "' � �� at is the purpose of the organiaation? �.� 11. �► 1y�,i !�0 •i� , �t: . ` Officers of applicant orgar.ization . � ,� ,,; -� �� �� 7,�,i • ,,x I2. �-, � �`� :Varse ,� �L. � � �.�. �%�U� ` in a Name 1 �" �Il l�n�C.K � � �-'��l�t�'t oi,► �� ^� Address �.�:��� A�' Address ��''� `� � ��N DOB ;:� Title ��. �� Tit1e��5 �,�iv ! DOB �Ac>� �` C.�� L> ; � ' � Name ' � n W�I �� � �i Name 1 �. r' N �"�' Address 1.5 � � ML- �' -{ '' �/y, � i �� Address � I � � �L,� DOB �. ' � T�tie / /Cy� �� DOB anizat'on. :� :� Title` � �._ � 13. Give names of officers, or any ot:�er persons wno paid for ser'rices to the or3 �ame �:': � � Name Address Address T��ie ',:. .-_or.s' .�-:'�• ' Title (,�ttach sepzYate sR2"" �'` '3"� -�... � i� � . . �! f��-�3 14. Attached hereto is a list ot names and addresses of all members of the organiZ, ' � 15. In whose custody will organization's reco�ds be kept? � Name �'J��,�v S !"r�,� Address )�7.ti L91�7i 2 1Jhi�,ti� 1� � x� 16. �Persons. who will be conducting, assisting in conducting, or operating the �ames: � Name Sr J^�' �t S � Date of Birth Address Name of Spouse Date of Birth Dates when such person will conduct, assist, or operate 7 �t�y S q �v,�E k Name Date of Birth Address Nane of Spouse Date of Birth Dates when such person aill conduct, ass'st, or ope-ate 17. Have you read and do ;�ou thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing ttte operat`_on or Cha:�tab�e Gambiing €ames? �/C S 18. Attached hereto on the form fur^ished bv the City o� St. Paul is a Financial Report which �temizes a11 receipts, e_cpenses, and d:sbursemezts a= [?�e applicant organization zs well as a'i orgar,iza�:ons who na��e receive� `unds *or tae preceding calendar year whfch has beez s:g�:e�, prepared, and ve�i�;ed by �� Name � � 7.'� �7 j --, � � •� � � � :�dd ess who is the _�. �� � �'.� q�„`�1,�,N(,?_ j�,�AN ��-C� ��o` the applicant Organization. Vame �' Off�ce � „19. Operator of premises wnere �ar�es a�l; oe he1d: � �,., �' �^ Name �h.L_�,.� � /�:c� �v�.-�SZ___;.____ Business Address � 3 J �/�//-� [ I � 'JT' ;�� ��//� Home Address o� y � �'{r NiV�1�, �J j 20. Amount of rent paid by apo�?can� Orgar.i�ac±on ror rent of che ha1Z; specify amount paid per 4-hour se�sion � ' ��� b, o C� r� /v�c��, 1 1�`' . ._ _---, _ . _ � � Y ' � . _. .:� � � ! `� ���-�3� 21. The proceeds of the games wiil be disbursed after deducting p�ize layout costs ana operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: � [�c.1- r' !� E.- �� r ��C � _ 22. Has the premises where the games arz to be held �een certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? �/�� C; _ 23. Has your organization riled tederal form 990—T? x_� If answer is yes, please attach I' a copy with this application. I: answzr is no,�e:cplain why: � Any changes desired 'od the apolicant �ssociation may be �.ade only with the consent of the City Council. Organization Date By� Manager in charge of game c7 o rr � � zJ :n r- — � ,-. — n cn 0� C� ^' ;D `G :, I I 'r � " :� y !D O rt n rr �D rr I a' :a ?a rt -• r+ C 0.� N fD S1 (D '� � I ` � ' � ( f) � '� O � �9 rt (D .� n 3 `< n r �o � `C 'O 3 �. �. R �• rr O � :a 7' �9 r� -' O �-n F+ � :A C `G' �D rT r.` (9 F-• M A ;D n .7 n. J1 r- ? `G � 3� � r !-- O , � .^� `J ,Z1 h+ R ry : "7� -!h iJ � 7 R rt E � � . � .. I ;r„ ^ r•• O fJ1 !D ;D 1 .� rt 'S f0 U1 a1 �C fA J1 C.. I� � �C O rr-- - � as I - - E .- c . n _. � I J n 7�' �o � C� n � n -t -t r� m �� �� � � _ o -� a� �o �n '-t,� ~ �o E �e �.�.`. ro -� � � O 1-�- -r I O O r S� I m F-. H p.. � O � -*� � 01 N N. �o n a� �o r� n m � � � m � T fD C� 7 r" I '"+ + n � a � � o � n � m c� r:. �p .. � 'e �� � ro n '�' A � ^� I � � �T :� fD I }�. M "r (� �S. � �� � . ..�I ' � _ � � �"�7 +T • �' � � R .-r.�. r�- ,^�. � ( � J1 0. fD fA (D � . . _. R (D C I (p I y I` � T R fD - ') � .r � „ � `D I rr' ,A "' (C O ?� h+ ^ SU I I � �"S ^t 'l7 fA (D ;D �. rt � �7 O 00 � 7 � � , � � r� 'a -• I f '