87-628 �N111TE - CITY CIERK PINK - FINAN�E G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ///� { �/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT F11C NO. �+ / �//��+ BLUE - MAVOR COZ� Z SO tZ �� �1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D,#31652) for a One Day City of st. Paul Gambling Permit (Bingo, Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, and Pulltabs) by Northwestern Alano Society at 170 Maria Avenue between the hours of 7:00 P.M. F� 11:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILME(V Requested by Department of: Yeas DfeW Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen __ Agel[1St BY �Teeeses w���� M�Y ' � �g87 Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a. - Council et BY By� Appro d by Mavor: Date — � Approve ayor for Submission to Council By _ By Pt�i��ED ��i�=l1' 7. � 1987 C.1i�T l:= ::i�. _:ir,ii /jI ���i:��T:�:�z c: �?�:�:cE :�� r;�::r:c�:�1:T �1L^.V1C�4 ;��'��� DIVISIO;i Or Lli.i:iS� :��17 P�.�iti•f'iT r.DT1I:?IS�:;�1'='IOid � r;C�UI3:.,� ?�iITi? t���'°LIC�TICPd t�Q�? P'_�'?r"ST i0 CC?•;7UCT GAi•T T_'G S�SSIOT? I.; ST. Fl•_UL .:�, �: �.�o�.:i:aty��: Ho,��wEs��r �Ql.�iva SoclEr�v N� r � ;,;ldress where Qr�anization's re�ular :neetin�s are held�70 � ,� A /���. 3. �a� ar.d time of ineetin�s � � F g=�� ]�/�'1 !� , Add:ess where Cambl�n� Session :�rill he held �'0 ��%� �V� . � ' j. !S a�','�1C2I'lt C?•4:"t82' OI 7JI'ODG'rt1 -�;rerF iar.bli�� �25.i''O:'? T�rill r�e �'lAiC�? /� v23 O _ _f,.�_ O. Ti .i.p3.S8Q� ?^J�iO 1S o�rr.er Oi pror,erty ;•ri:sre v2.ITl��li:7F' :�GSSIGP. 'J-!=�_ nP �'.°�Cl� ��,� �` ' ' r ,� �� �J/ Jl��� _ � 7 �'' � � . ;. If leased, a�tach letter of perrnission to conduct Gartblir.e Session, s=�ned by �essor. � �. :�a:ne of officer maI;in� applicatien VoND • 9. xddress of of_°icer making appiication�y� ' /V �� . Da�e of birt:�.�2�� 10. ::a:�e oi manager who will conciuc+ GaMb�ir.g Sess�onS�N D� (�D D� ,�__ il. �;dress of r�a.r.a�-er,��� �(,5�� �� . �zte of rir�r • •� 12. In connection with what event is this Garablin� Session beir.g held? � 5 K. � s �►�. 13• :;hat type of ga.mbling device(s) will be used? Paddle4rreel �''_�pboard �Pzf"le �� ._� ---- 11:. �a�r, dates and hours tnis a�pl�cation is �or and number oi se�-s�ons. ,�y/ (!r�� ���F '� /�( `- i l � . " ___ /);6 6 � � ` / -___ _..__ � Da;,�(sl J�T.. DatesS� •� :?ours ���ss�ons �-- 1�. �.i�ii prizes be D3iC1 in ?�onev or merchandise? �d TI'� _ 15. Is tre apnlicant association err anized tmder ��he la=.,�s o_' �?-:e State o':' ':'irnesota?� i i. i:cc•r long nas Cr�_ani�at�or. been in existenee? /��S • � i�. ;•;ha+, �s the purpose of tl:e Or�anization: �d(, • * � 19. Officers of the Organization `+a�e Title Address ;';����j�,��� %;; ,� ,�ate of birth ��� ��+ � 7 • '���r��'Cl,fF7'/� �f :�-1 i ��� �� '% B' _ > 1,� � - � � . � ����� � � � � O � � � •T � • � �� : 14 � '�i � ;3�_ � � �o F� ��'v�►r,�sk, 1�o /Y►" �-% �- /� f'� (,���-��� 20. v_ a r.ar;es of o��icers er a.�,* other persor.s paid ior serv�.ces Lo tre �r�-ani, ' , c;ame-Title rladress :ate of ��1 �; LC ;`�'`,�'� ��'�i t- > �'� � �i I - `-�j. �-L�����L �(���?' ���� �,���;_�/� i- � l 21. In wl:ose custcda- T�rill records oi Or�anization's Gamblin� Sess_ons ce �ept? � , ,�a�e-��l1;' ���'/) �'C i'/:�;>� i�' Address �' '> � !� � '�' //�d'�� � � i"�; 22. Attacr a copy of your Organization's membership roster and date each member �oir.ed. 23, kttach the Ganhling Sessior. i`anager's bond. �'� . :;�tac�, a c�py of the uepartrert oi t:;e ?'r('�?St�z^T� In±.ernal ''ever.ue SeMrice ''n.,etu-7-: of Orga:.i�ation :;xe�nt fror� Ir.cone '_"ax't, rcrm 99�. (Cha�+er �,,�.OL (1). ) 'L,. Attac'r. a cc�J of Lepartment oi the '"reasur�;, Interr.al ?e.•er.ue �ervice, ''"xe*�,nt Cr�an- ization Business Income Ta�c", iorm 9°OT. (Chapter f�19.04 (2). ) � 26. Attach the annual report required of charitahle or�anizations by :•Tinnesota Stat?ites, Section 309.53. (Chapter 1t19.0� (3). ) 27. Have �ou read and do you thorou�hlv understa.nd the prov�sior.s o�' all laJrs, ordi.nances and rec?ilatior.s �overnin� the onerat'on of Ga.r!r,lir.F� Sessions? ��. i�ny chan; es cies=:ed b3* tre appl�car�t associstion �nay �.e r�ae�e only *.•n th �he cor.se:�t o° the License Corunittee. 29. iias a..ry person(s ) participat�ng in tne operation of any of `!-e ga^:blin� sessior.s co�r- ered by �his licer,se ever been convicted of a felony in tre State of ::innesota or in any other State or rederal Court? �es ;do . If ar.s�.,�er �s "��es", provide narr.es, addresses and birth-dates. • /9 -` / / ♦, ` � ,.GC�..L � / � � l¢(�iLC� �ar��ati on �����z.���; � t� �� � �( f�r-Title � l?il�-''�. i'`�- �������: � } , (' na€er in c`.ar�e o� r-3mb inF Ses�ien) �tate of .:innesota) )SS Co�uzty of °al�!sey ) � r . � .i 1� /' �� � �� '.��. ;, r� and beina duly sworn sa;.� that tre,,v 3-�e the petit�oners in the above arplication; that the;r nav� r��d the fore�oin€ pet�tion and .'rno�r the contents t'�ereof; Li1a� �he same is rra� o" '-!:�;r o:•rn kr.oi•rled�e. � Subs;.r�bed and staorn to bef��re me t^,is %' { / daf oi ' ' r, i 1� .�,1 l� Z� �. '/r�> c_ i;ota�• �ublic, ,�;:t .-<�c:;Z Count Y �nes '" �-`r cci�.�ission e ires 9 - A.ODALEN � -�� NO7kR'Y PU[3LIC-h91YNE�OTA �: UA�(OTA COU"�TY ��tildinF; �epart:�ent dpproved �X-��iRE�eu .2�. �ss� bY r'-=e �eaar�:.ient Aoproved �-isapproved by Police �epartr,ent hpproved-�isaporoved-'�y � I