87-627 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council C // CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �+ �_ `" �� BLUE - MAVOR Council � i -- Presented By � � Referred To Co ittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#34298) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Bingo, Raffles, F� Pulltabs) by St. Columba Church at 1327 Lafond on May 9, 1987, between the hours of 7:00 P.M, and 11:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays /� Nicosia K� Rettman Itl F8V0[ Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgBi[lst BY �edMw Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 6 – ��vl Form Approv d y City Attorney Certified P-s Counci , cr y BY By� Approv Mavor: Date �QY 7 – ��1! Approved Mayor for Submission to Council BY . — BY P������ ���aY 15 1987 , . � , � c���� �, �m. �_:��, ��-�7-�,�.7 ..�.:�'�'�:�'=' GF FI:'�.:'�� .:;� iL�:;A��:�IiT .,�:1�J�CL� � �I.'TSiO;� Oi� i�ICr,;IS" �;D P�P,i•ffT �rIIP?I�''u�='rC?t I:dHOR_;ATICN P.�GUI� ?•iITH �'�?L��aiICPd rOR :'T'r��ff"' TO CC"•;DUCT GAi�'LI'`G SE�,�IOP', IT; S^. PAUL �. :.�:-:e o� ��r�ar�i�at�on S�Ca�u�,QA ��S GLUB 2. Add.ess �r'r.ere �rnanization's re�ular m�etin�;s are held St. C.mLC(/n8�} Sc.b(onL 3. �aS� ar.�i tine oi '12°L1:1�S O�C� /-� /�e�✓'Th� �I/�.1//.,t/�'-S � .._ !�. Address ,ahere Ga.mblinp Session :•rill he held .S� �pL(,�iYlB,q- SCH�ot� � r TS 3^T''11.C1P.;i, e�.�ner Of �I'O^e'_'t�,' '�!�''2:'P, �;3^t71.±._.F �@SS�C.'1 '�/�11 t�e �'P!Ca�v2S ''?O �� - ' �. �r _@8S2�� :��t:Q _S o�•rr.er Of AT'O.^,@T'�;;: ;•irQ�@ ia.T;h��ri�" c2S51C^ '�T11 i i,e �°�Ly^ /�//�- ;. If leased, attach letter of permission to conduct Gar�blin� Session, s=gned by lessor. �. r+ane of ofiicer .ma�n� applicatien 7��4-R.C_ /-tG(�E2/1�f�NN , I'(ZCSIDE'�✓T _ 9. kddress of of_°icer mai:ing application /3a � �,t/�LE1�Joo0 Date of birth � as��y 10. :Jame of manager wY:o will conduct Ganblir�g Session 1C�RL ��c��E'2iv1 A�✓N �,�_�. �l. add:ess ci nana�er 5�4�►'� E �z.te of r?ryi.;: }���E:- 12. Ir. connection with what event is th:;.s GamblinF Session beir.g held? � q�Nu�� i3• �yr.at type of ganblin€ device(s) �r 11 be used' PaddleVr'r.eel '?�p�oard '�•�r`'�e �_ ,.�._ ._ ��:. Da;�, dates ar:� hou.rs th�.s application is ;'or an� nur.iber of sess�cns. Da�(s) s�}T' �ates g � :�ours 7—/lP/Yl ".o. o£ "essicr_s�?-'�L 1;. 'ii�� p�zes be paid in mone�r or merchandise? /Ylon��y/ 1�. IS' ��:e appl:car.� associatlCY'i O'�"E'2.211Z2!� 1L`iCP.i the laws O� t�:P. St2.�.8 GT. ?�lnnesota? �/�S --Y---_ �7. ::o�r lor.g "as Cr�ani^,atior. been in exi�terce? ��'����s i.i.. '.:�:at is the pu:^�ose oi t"e Or€anization? �� 1 o I�9�IsE F�U�t/D5' �lz l�/�"R i 5'y �u7N �i2o�R/��S ._�.�_._. 19. C��icers of the Or�ar.ization :1ame-T�tle Address �aLa of birJ;,h f�R L r';c..!��c�.,m.H r�r� �(�t�.s� g � v� �r���. �. ,t.; �;*; �:, �:: t�, �.:� 'a d�'t �c?���� `.� E�'�°�- . rJ r�`��P.� �4�- s�;�,.,,,�,�,,.,.� :���t G /�;�� � ' �� M�t�J T��r��.r1 'stc' ,� � �' �; `t-rc��-..��. ��<-;a r��.,��'i . C..i;�,�.�.k �t j��nl ���as.� i(,1�;.� -�.. 3 r;�?�S M ��� .� {�; :;r,� , , , � , • P,f=������ �'��. �:1V2 :li i"i25 O? O��_C@T'S OT 321y other ^2:'�O.^.S �a1C. ?OT' S2I"�7-.C°:i �., �I?B 'l�T`E_'81^1Za.i.l0.^.. 'iic3lR@-lit.i8 =iQ��:'P,SS _%S+i+@ O� �,'ii�..2': �Q�t . ^l. In whos� custcd�� will recerds ot Gr�an;zat�on's Gamblinr Sess�o:.s �e r:eet' ;�a.�:e S� �OL�/Y18f� �R-Gl�l Ad�ress /��7 L-f1 -�D�J� S�" ��L- 22. Attach a copy of your Crganization's membersY:�p roster and date each member joir.ed. �3. n��ach t�e G�nhiinE. Session :�`:ana�er�s bond. (T�/S !S �✓�Jl,ED ��t� OU(Z pq-R,lg}� 1�tISuRAIJc,�J ��. :i�t3C^ S COC� Gi `..l'_@ �8�3:"'tP.B:":t Of t:":2 ?'i°2.SllT'�J� Internal .�8�:e:,�1@ `2='V�CB ttn.O;U?"21 O� LT'�3?".lzatica �� e^r,t from Inc�r.e ^_'�x", :or^� ;•9^. (Chap�er 1:19.�! (1� .� �5. ti�t3CY1 2 CODf Oi Depart�ent Oi t::@ i''_"°r^..Sll�,.'� I:ite?';Zal �?V@riU� .;2^V1C�, �'T_�e.npt QY'('8ri- ization Business Ir.co�:e ?ax", i orm 9�Oi. (Chap+..er 1��9.�JI� (2). } 26. Attach the annual report required of cY�aritahle or�anizations by ?finnesota Sta�utes, Section 309.53. (Chapter 1�19.0� (3). ) 2?. F.ave �lou read and do 3*ou thorou�hly un�?erstar_c? the provisions of all laUrs, ordi.nances and rer ulations �overnir_€ the oneration o' J�.�*hl�.n�• Sessior_s'. �,/�'� —� ���. �n;� chan:es desired by �Y:e appZicant asscciatior. *�ay ne made only �;�t:, +?:e cor.sent or the License Corimittee. 29. iIas any person(s ) partic:�pating in tne opera,ion of any of t�:e �3.T1b1.l::E ses�ior.s co��- ered by this l�.cense evez� been convicted of a ±'elony in tre S�ate of �iinnesota or in as.y otrier State or ��ederal Cou:t? Yes „o_�. If ar:s�•rer is ";�es", pro�ride r.ames, addresses and birtr.-dates. ST �c.un'13�1 ��+�cls� Or�-3r�izatio Fy / � (uffic= _ tie �Pt�5TO12.., and QJLQ (,�Iana�er ir. c?��ar�e of �an'r.lin� Session State of :s:ir_esota) )SS �our.ty of �.anse; ) and beinF ;?uly sworr. saf that the�r �.-�e tt:e pet�t;�oners in the above a��licat�on; ;hat ��:eti �'ISJ2 _,�::'_ t"e fore�oin� pet�.tion and T�os� the contents ��P.:"F30�j that tre ssr�e is T rae or tY_e�r o:•rr. ?�no��;ledF-e. .` �i1bSC2"��7Et� aAQ SNOY'7L't0 �7�i0T'2 ^l? �:.�5 �`�``• �n�o�1n � ��a:<en / z �.�`L NF1�T Oi � ..rJ��� l p � '' _ �'OL�1<Y ��'U::LIC-lAINkfSOTA " �'.+�--� �"#"•�'� .` RAMSEY COUiVTY � _. / ' `L � "�%r My commission expires 4-29-4G � ,L� "/�f"-�/,_�' � /��c=_._--�, :�0�8T'J,' ?UtJ33.C� �O1111�V� r1.^_I:eSOt2. c ��� CCI1Pi1S�lOri ?:CY1T'8S �/ _ ._jl- - C-� T'—_' ��ldir,; ^e�:artTent �?poI'oved Disap�roved by "�='e �e�ar�;�ent Ao�:oved ?isap�:oved by Po__ce �6D3Z't�:�e::t rppro�:ed—�—�isapproved—�y