87-617 City of St.Pzul COUNCIL FI N0. � 7 • � - Resolution Approving Assessment By - and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon 18447E and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award File No. ____ of Damages Voting In the matter of `� Ward 2 A permanent easement for drainage purposes on; over and across the following c�eecri?*e3 �r��ar*_y �A.^:nr,F�li�/Ccr.cor3 S�we< Projc-ce): That part of Tract A, Registerzd Land Survey, No. 289, bounded by a line commencirg at tl�e most weste:ly corner of said Tract n; Thence north TS degrees 40 minutes east alon� the northwest line of said Tract A, a distance of 205.23 feet to the point of beginning of a line to be described; Thence cor�tinue nortti 26 degrees 40 minuLes east along saici northwest line a distance of 2i5 feec to a point, thence south 66 degrees '27 min,ates east a distance of 8U feet to a point; thence. south 2.b dey,rees 40 minutes west a d'stance oE 2l5 fect to a point; thence north bb degrees 27 minctes wesL a distacice :f 80 feet to the point of be�inning and th�re terminating; Also the nortnwesterly 50 fee[ of the foll�wing: Commencing at Che southerly r_��rner of Lot 3, Bleck 66, West St. Pau1 Real Estate and Imprevement Syndicate Addition Ho. 6, running thence northeasterly along the soctherly line of said Lot, 67.52 x'eet [o the southwesterly right-of-way Zfee of the Chicago, i.o^k ?sl.and and Pacific Railway; running thence along said right-of-way line 140.45 feet to a point on the northeasterly line �f said Block b6; thence northwester�y along said northeasterly line 67_.05 feet te the rortlierly corner of sai.d Block; Cbence southwesterly along tt�e urider Admin: northwesterlp line of said 131ock 126.5 feet Co the northeasterly line of alley in said Alock, and thence souCheaster.ly along sa:.d alley line 193 f2et to point of beginning, except Lots 3 ar.d 4, in said Preliminary C Block 66, of said West St. Paul Real r.sta[e and Improvener.t Syndicate Addition No. 6; and the vacated ef.reets and alleys adjoi.ning; Final Order_ Also, Lot 8 and the northwesterly 11.4 feet of Lot 9, and the vacated streets and alleys adjoining, Biock 66, West St. Paul Real Estate an3 Improveinent Syndicate Additiur. No. 6; The D� Also, that �art of the northwesterly 50 feet of Block 18, Brown and awarded Jackson s Addition to West St. Pau]. lying southwesterly of a line SO fOi t112 takll feet nurtheasterly from and parallel to the cen[erline of the ible; and a1SO IlaVing Chicago, Rock Islard and Pacific R�ilway Company right-of-way. �re be lt RESOI Also a permanent easement for sewer putposes under and across the foll.owing RESOI Properey: �irmation Of tlle awarc That part of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 289, Uounded by a :Council Chamber, ln line begi.nniilg at the most westerly corner of said Tr.a�:t A; Thence _dgY Of north 16 degrees 40 minutes east alcr.g the northwest line of said � be and Tract a distance of 205.23 feet to a paint; theace south 66 degrees he 1S d1I0CtC z7 minutes east a distance uf 40 £eet to a poin�, Thence sonth 26 degrees 40 minutes east tu a puint on the south iine of said Tract A; Thence north 32 degrees 45 minutes Z1 secc�nds west to tY�e point of beginning and there t�rminating. : �;�}� ; I�td� COUNCII Also, That part of Blof k 30, Brown aii3 Jacksoi:s Addi*_ion to West St. Y��, Paul, Ramsey County, Plinnesota and eacated Ar.thiir Avenue bour.ded c�n the nortliwest by the northwest• ltne or vacated .'�rthur Avenue, or. the N1COS no*theasC by the southwest line of 7iarge Char:R('_1 R03[� as dedicated in Re ttm Torrens Document �o. 75468b, on the southwast by the r.ortheast line Schei of Concord Street, and oii the s�utheast }�y a line 70 feet southeasterly of and parallel to the nor*_hw�sC li::c of said vacated Sonne Arthur Avenue. Tedes Wilso Mayor �i .,,.�;,,-;�, ;;,ry; 1 'J 1�$7 1 L;;�'a:��:6ic.4i