99-442oR���N�t ���.�e� - �����,,��� RESOLUTION Presented OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� Refened To Cotnminee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paui hereby certifaes and approves the May 18, 1999, 2 decision of the L.egislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the following addresses: Propert�A� ep aled A�gellant � 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S00 Third Street East William and Alicia Olson Decision: 'o i e e �ems ' , (�ppe��, `ev�:e ,- 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue W. F. and H. H. Andrews Co. Decision: Variance granted on the non conforming doors with the following condifions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with conforming fire rated doors. 2076 Como Avenue Ruth Broberg for Gordon Broberg Decision: Variance granted on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be In compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they wili be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1899 Selby Avenue Gerry Conzemius far CVC Investments Decision: Variance granted on the non conforming doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1761 Engiewood Avenue Kirill Bartashevitch Decision: Variance granted on the non confornvng doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be repiaced, they will be replaced witki confornung fire rated doors. 27 28 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue Laurel March for 384 Laurel Fartnership Z9 Decision: Appeal granted for an 18 month extension to replace all the non conforming doors. 30 1401-1403 Midway Parkway (Laid over from 5-4-99) Matthew Mazks 31 Decision: er o 32 �r�e�tT, ,�p� �o_�. G� e v1\ 13 1430 Eng,iewood Avenue , 4 Decision: Appeal denied. -j{��}�{�y��,�{�jy William Marquardt Councii File # _ R9 —�4�. Green Sheet # 64016 i PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING OF 5-18-99 7 n : � 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman ✓ Harris � Benanav �/ Reiter ✓ Bostrom � Lantry ✓ � Adopted by Council: Date: Q�q Adop Certified by Council Secret By: `"l \�— e� �_ � ,4�,��dr���.1�/��: ���/ /���' �� �� 2 r Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney I� Page 2 �q_'�`�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ctq-y4�- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAtE INInATED � c�t coun��� 5/19/99 GREEN SHEET No 640� 6 CONTACT PERSOry 8 PHONE �nlallpme InitlaWate Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 ������ �,� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� ❑ ❑ May 26, 1999 � cm.,now�. em.��xK NUMBERFOR ROUTING � wwSULLBERnCFSqR FwNCMLtERVIAtclo ❑rnvoaloaaswtael ❑ TOTAI � OF StGNATURE PAGES (CUP Al� LaCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTID Approving the 5/18/99 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforeement appeals for the following addresses: 800 Third Street East, 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue, 2076 Como Avenue, 1899 Selby Avenue, I761 Englewood Avenue, 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue, 1401-1403 Midway Parkway, 1430 Englewood Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONAPPfOVE( )OfR2JeCI(R) PERSONALSERVICECONiRACT5MU5TAN5WERTNEFOLLOWINGQUESTfONS: 1. Hasthisperson/firmeverxrorketlunderaconVadforthisdepartment7 PLANNING COMMISSION YES IJO CIB CAMMfTTEE 2. Has thie persoNRrm ever been a dty empbY�? CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION VES NO 3. Dcesthis Pe��� Po�%s a skiH not nortnaM'POSSessetl M anY curtent citY emGluyee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a farpeted vendoR YES NO �Plein aU Yes answers on se0a��e sheet antl atqch W 9reen sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED �e$S,�fl]�',F3 +,�,��;��gs"at� :?s MAY191 DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUGGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE ACTNIIY NUMBER FINqNCIF1 INFORMATION (EYPW N) �� 4�Z MINLTTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing OfFcer STAFF PRESENT: OfFcer Paul Meffert, Police Department; Pat Fish, Fire Prevention; Chuck Votel, Code Enforcement The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or renair the buildine at 310 George Street West. If the owner fails to comp(v with the resolution. Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. No one appeared representing the properiy. Chuck Votel reported the building was condemned January 1998. Five summary abatement orders were issued to remove refuse, cut tall grass, and secure the buildings. Vacant building registration fees are due. The real estate taxes are unpaid in the amount of $1,806.27. The estimated market value of the property is $54,900. Code Enforcement officers estimate the cost to repair is $40,000; the cost to demolish, $6,000 to $7,000. The property owners have been notified of this meeting. The property is very deteriarated: bricks aze crumbling off the building, heating system has been partially removed, and the pipes are frozen. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. Pronertv Code Enforcement Appeal for 800 Third Street East, Alicia and William Olson. (Fire Preventionl (Rescheduled from 5-18-99 Property Code Enforcement meeting) William and Alicia Olson, owners, appeared. Mr. Olson stated the majority of the 90 items on the deficiency/correction list have been completed. They are requesting an additiona130 days to complete the entire list. They would like clarification on some of the items. Item 24: Unit #1 Mirror missing, 34.12. Ms. Fish explained that Code 34.12 reads that whatever is intended to be in the unit has to be maintained at a professional state of repair. Mr. Olson stated he will install a minor in the medicina cabinet. Item 10: Skylight Leaking Hallway Second Floor - Repair. It was raining all day when Ms. Fish went there, stated Ms. Olson. There is a leak in the roof from when they tried to remove ice. The roof is stained. The skylight is not leaking. Item 15: Holes in Stairwell Walls. Mr. Olson asked does this refer to a hole in the entryway concrete. Ms. Fish responded she does not recall that specific issue, but any hole in the sheet rock has to be repaired. This is a property maintenance issue and a fire separation issue. Mr. ��-��Z LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINTJTES OF 5-1&-99 Page 2 Olson stated there is no sheet rock there. It is all paneling, and there aze no holes. There was a hole in the entryway in the concrete, which has been patched. She will check it when she reinspects, said Ms. Fish. Items 35 and 38: Unit 1 carpet issues. Carpet has been ordered, and will be delivered within 6 weeks, stated Mr. Olson. Item 56: Unit #2 Smoke Detector Not Working, Gas Shutoff on Space Heater Must be Replaced. Mr. Olson stated Ms. Fish tried to check the detector, but she was unable to push the recessed red button on it. The tenant was toid that it would not be written up because it could not be checked. Mr. Olson asked could he install another smoke detector there. As for the space heater, he was told it is a new vaive. Ms. Fish responded she does not recall that conversation with the tenant because smoke detectors aze always cited if she cannot get them to test. On the last heating report submitted 7uly 1998, there was an indication that the gas shutoff needed to be replaced. The contractor noted that the space heater should be cleaned yearly. Ms. Olson responded the valve was replaced, and the space heater has been cleaned. Item 64: Unit #3 - Fire Extinguisher Needs Servicing. Mr. Olson stated al] units have been updated and serviced since then. Item 68: Unit #3 Bathroom Light N`ixture Needs Replacing. Mr. Olson stated the pull cord fixture is working now. Item 71: Unit #3 Shower outside Bathroom - Need Variance. Mr. Strathman stated the code reads there must be a shower or a bath, and it must provide privacy. Mr. Olson stated the shower has been there 50 years, and it does provide privacy. It was never cited before. Ms. Fish reported it is a private wall, built in the dining room, and about 5 feet high. The adjoining wall was built outside and does not go all the way to the ceiling. That does not constitute privacy. Mr. Strathman asked is there a bathtub. Mr. Olson responded no. Ms. Fish reported there have been complaints on this building that are ongoing. Fire Prevention has been through the property about every three months since 1994. She drove by the building last week and talked to Ms. Olson about trash in the yazd. The trash around the grocery store is a continuing probiem. Someone on the premises should be cleaning it on a daily basis. Dick Huss, 745 Third Street East, appeared and stated he lives across the street from this property. He has had ongoing problems with this building for 14 years: the baz that was there, the trash, the types of tenants in the building, and the store cause probiems. The owners do not live there. He tells his clients not to park in the street because of the people that loiter. There are three phones on the building that attract unsavory chazacters. That goes on ail night long. Mazk Murnane, 743 Third Street East, appeazed and stated the property has three pay phones. There is constant drug traffic. People come over to his properiy, loiter, break into his bualding, �°� ��Z I,EGISLATIVE HEARING MINLTTES OF 5-18-99 Page 3 ask Mr. Murnane to purchase crack, and then walk back to their base of operation at the pay phones. Any given time, there are people hollering and homs honking. The windows are continually being broken. People purchase items from the store and throw their trash in the neighborhood. Mr. Murnane supplied the store with a garbage can; however, it is not emptied on a regular basis. The building is located in a historic preservaUOn district; there are certain requirements for upkeep. This property is placazded with posters hanging from strings. Mr. Murnane had a discussion with the store owner about the loitering. The owner put up hand written signs, but it has not done much good. Mr. Murnane and Mr. Huss have had meetings with Council Member Lantry. 5t. Paul Police FORCE Unit has been aware of the problem. It has helged a little. As of tAday, there is still broken glass, holes in the concrete, trash, and four different kinds of paint on the building. Mr. Olson stated he has not met Mr. Murnane or Mr. Huss previously and would provide them with his phone numbers to contact him at any time. Mr. Olson has a contract on a pay phone. It is turned off between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The other phones are assigned to the tenant Adams Market. Mr. Olson had been assured they would be tumed off during those hours as well. If that is not the case, the phones will be removed. That would be a violation of the lease and the lease could be terminated. A week ago, it was requested that a11 the trash be removed from the basement. The tenants in the store removed the trash and placed it on the side of the building. There was a problem tenant in the building. When FORCE contacted Mr. Olson, arrangements were made for the tenant to move. Mr. Olson asked how many calls there were since April 15. Officer Paul Meffert responded three: two robberies and a fraud. Mr. Olson stated the problems have been reduced by removing the problem tenant. As for the different colored paint, the paint was purchased at the same place and time, and a painter was paid. Officer Paul Meffert stated there were 66 calls for service in 1998. This building has four units. FORCE considers about two calls per unit normal. There have been 22 calls for service this year. But the calls have gone down since April 15. There have been two narcotics investigations since 7anuary 1, 1998. Mr. Meffert accompanied Ms. Fish when she did the inspection. There was a dumpster on the side, and a mattress laying there. The people upstairs had been evicted, but the apartment door was open, and there was a smell of marijuana in it. Is there an on site manager, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Fish responded the building needs one. Mr. Strathman asked how much times the owners were given to make repairs. Ms. Fish responded the owners probably received the letter on Apri122. It will be reinspected May 26. Regazding the shower facilities, Mr. Strathman asked if the variance is denied, would the unit be habitable. Ms. Fish responded the owners wouid have to redo the bathroom and install it conectly. The plumbing is there; it is just a matter of rebuilding the walls. Mr. Olson responded it could be done in 30 days. �,�-��Z LEGISLATTVE HEARING MIlVUTES OF 5-18-99 Page 4 Mr. Strathman stated he is willing to grant an additiona130 days with respect to the repairs except for the trash pickup. He asked for comments. Ms. Fish responded she could reinspect to verify that the items were done. If that is true, then additional time could be given for the remaining items. Mr. Huss responded he can accept a 30 day extension if the owner can maintain a professional business situation. Mr. Mumane responded he has not called the police every time there was a problem. He is also concerned about graffiti on the signs. Gerry Strathman recommended the owner be given an extension of 30 days to complete all the corrections with the excep6on of any items having to do with cleaning and trash. This extension is based on the owner's representation that the majority of the repairs have been made. The meeting was adjoumed at 1Q:52 a.m. rtn �� `k`tZ NOTES OF THE PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Aearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Mike Urmann, Fire Prevention The meeting was called to order at 132 p.m. 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue Bob Andrews, W. F. and H. H. Andrews Co., 529 Seventh Street South, Minneapolis, appeazed and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. The doors are wood. They aze the original doors for the building, which was built in 1935. Gerry Strathman asked were there other issues with this building. Mike Urmann responded there are five outstanding violations. Mr. Andrews stated they are being taken care of. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non conforming doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with conforming fire rated doors. 2076 Como Avenue Gordon Broberg, owner, appeared and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. This property was built in 1960. These are original doors, and Mr. Broberg has no plans to replace them because they are in good shape. The building is in good condition, there is brick on the outside, and plastered inside. Any outstanding orders, Gerry Strathman asked. Mike Urmann responded there are five outstanding work orders. Mr. Broberg responded they have been fixed. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1899 Selbv Avenue Bob Schweich, Maintenance manager for CVC Investments, appeazed and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. These are original doors with paneling, and in good shape. The properiy was built in 1910. There were 10 items cited, all of which—except for the doors--are being taken care of. Gerry Strathman granted a vaziance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. �� ��k2 PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEET`ING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 2 1761 En2lewood Avenue Kirili Bartashevitch, owner, appeared and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. The property was built in 1947. The doors aze original. Gerry Strathman asked was the building in good shape. The same as the previous addresses, answered Mike Urmann. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue Laurel March for 384 Laurel Partnership, appeazed and stated she would like an extension in order to spread out the financial burden of replacing the doors. When she replaces the doors, she would also like to do the trim. They are original doors, but not of good quality as the previous addresses. Fire rated doors are about $400 each. Gerry Strathman granted the appeal for an 18 month extension to replace all the non confornung doors. 1401-1403 Midwav Parkwav (Laid over from 5-4-99) Matthew Mazks, owner, appeazed and stated the electrical situation is bad. Five contractors looked at it. Three of them said they would not do it. One may fix the house. He wants to replace two of the four sub services with the main service and three new boxes. This contractor did not think the other side needed to be fixed. All the other items are basically scraping and painting, and vazious window issues. Mike Urmann responded if the contractor would supply Fire Prevention with documentation that the electrical meets standards and codes, then Fire Prevention will accept that. The deficiency/correction list was reviewed as follows: 1) Re-landscape yard in Front by Driveway - Mr. Marks is waiting for clement weather in order to do this. 2) Repaint Exterior Trim Where Fiaking - He can do this in two ways: Install aluminum siding or scrape and paint. Scraping and painting will be $2,500 and installing siding will be $4,500. The painting will be done in two weeks and the aluminum in about a month. 3) Repair and Seal Window Trim Upper Window West Center Side of Building - Storm windows have been ordered. It may take two weeks for them to azrive. 5) Reseal Stucco by Back Entry West Side and East Side - The stone work behind it looks good. The reason the stucco was put on was so that it would look like the back of the house, which has deteriorating foundation work. Mr. Marks would like Fire Prevention to tell him if he needs to put stucco over it again. �t�- ��2 PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 3 6) Repaint Gazage and Gutters Where Paint is flaking - Mr. Marks needs more time to accomplish this. 7) Remove Excess 1�ash Inside of Trash - This has been done. 8) Reseal Corner of Garage on Southeast Comer - This is a 3 space gazage. There are four tresses. They are three inches low on one side, and one wall is starting to lean out. The nails aze slowly separating. Both corners need to be jacked up and a 4 X 4 installed. Mr. Marks has been told that it is a two day job, but it may take a couple of weeks for his contractor to get to it. 9) Repair Stair on East Side of Building Front Entry and Repair or Replace Handrail - This is sUll a wetness problem. Mr. Marks could build something out of wood temporarily; however, the tenant says she does not use those stairs and asked him not to shovel them. He would like to do this project himself. 10) Repair Window F�ame on Back Center Basement Window - This has been ordered. 11) Install Key Box Outside Rear Entries - Mr. Mazks has not done this because he lost it. He can do it within two weeks. 12) Install Address Numbers Visible From Street - Mr. Marks is still waiting for the person to do the asphalt so Mr. Marks can do the stone pillars, and then the numbers can be installed on those pillazs. Mike Urmann stated this is a safety issue; firefighters need to be able to find the building. Mr. Marks responded he will install something temporarily. 13. Post Certificate of Occupancy Owner Information to be Visible from Front Exterior - Mr. Marks does not have one yet. 14. Paint Flaking Areas on Basement Ceiling or Sheet rock - Mr. Mazks needs to do the electrical first. Otherwise, he will have to take it down again. 15. Need One Hour Separation in Furnace Rooms or Sprinkler Installed - He was told that he will not be able to afford it. Apparently, the water supply is not likely to be good. As for the one hour separation, Mr. Mazks will install sheet rock or concrete board. Mike Urmann responded that is adequate. The other aIternative is to provide hard wire smoke detecfion that is interconnected through the building. 16. Repair Outside Railing on East Front Steps - This is part of #9. 17. Need Evacuation Plans Given to Tenants - This is done. 18. Need Fire Extinguisher - What does he need to buy, asked Mr. Mazks. Mr. Urmann responded he gave him information at the Apri120 meeting. Mr. Marks stated he will buy extinguishers on his home. 20. Remove Storage Under Stairs in East Basement Area - He would like to sheet rock it in or use Durock. This may be done in two weeks. 21. Remove Wood Burning Stove From Garage - Gerry Strathman asked has this been done. The stove is gone, responded Mr. Mazks. 22. Remove Combustibles From F�rnace Rooms - The wood couch is stili there, but he will remove that today. 23. Need RH-1 Test Done on Boffers (2) - Mr. Marks never got this far down on the list; however, this just involves calling someone and paying the money. 24. Cover all Exposed Electrical Boxes in Basement and Hallways - Mr. Marks asked could he cover them ar is that considered part of the electrical. Consider that part of the electrical, responded Mr. Strathman. °�� 4�Z PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 4 25. Need Smoke Detector �davit Sent to Fire Prevention - It was not received, stated Mr. Urmann. Mr. Mazks responded he will provide it; he thought he had sent it in. 30. Repair poor Closures on Apartments to Latch - This has not been done because it is unoccupied right now. It will not be occupied until the electrical work is done. 34. Replace Carpet in $allway East Rear Entry - Mr. Marks did not get to this yet. He asked could plastic be installed over it. Mr. Urmann responded he did not know, but they could discuss it later. 40. Clean Kitchen 1403 Lower Unit - This has been done. Mr. Strathman stated he understands there is a lot of work to do; however, he is concemed about the electrical. He asked were there other issues-other than the electrical-that Fire Prevention is particulazly concerned about. Mr. Urmann responded the electrical is the primary one. Gerry Strathman laid this matter over to the June 15 Property Code Enforcement meeting. He would like Fire Prevention to reinspect the property to give Mr. Strathman assurance that progress is being made, and they see the building coming into compliance. If things are progressing, then Mr. Strathman would be willing to grant additional time to get things done. If the report is not favorable from Fire Prevention, there may not be a layover to June 15. 1430 EngIewood Avenue No one appeared representing the property. Gerry Strathman stated the appeal reads that the owner would like 30 days to fix the 8 deficiencies. Mike Urmann reported he has tried unsuccessfully to make contact with the owner William Marquazdt. Fire Prevention is willing to give Mr. Mazquardt time to deal with his problem. Gerry Strathman denied the appeal. If Fire Prevention wants to grant additional time, that is up to them. The meeting was adjourned at 2:04 p.m. rrn oR���N�t ���.�e� - �����,,��� RESOLUTION Presented OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� Refened To Cotnminee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paui hereby certifaes and approves the May 18, 1999, 2 decision of the L.egislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the following addresses: Propert�A� ep aled A�gellant � 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S00 Third Street East William and Alicia Olson Decision: 'o i e e �ems ' , (�ppe��, `ev�:e ,- 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue W. F. and H. H. Andrews Co. Decision: Variance granted on the non conforming doors with the following condifions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with conforming fire rated doors. 2076 Como Avenue Ruth Broberg for Gordon Broberg Decision: Variance granted on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be In compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they wili be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1899 Selby Avenue Gerry Conzemius far CVC Investments Decision: Variance granted on the non conforming doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1761 Engiewood Avenue Kirill Bartashevitch Decision: Variance granted on the non confornvng doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be repiaced, they will be replaced witki confornung fire rated doors. 27 28 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue Laurel March for 384 Laurel Fartnership Z9 Decision: Appeal granted for an 18 month extension to replace all the non conforming doors. 30 1401-1403 Midway Parkway (Laid over from 5-4-99) Matthew Mazks 31 Decision: er o 32 �r�e�tT, ,�p� �o_�. G� e v1\ 13 1430 Eng,iewood Avenue , 4 Decision: Appeal denied. -j{��}�{�y��,�{�jy William Marquardt Councii File # _ R9 —�4�. Green Sheet # 64016 i PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING OF 5-18-99 7 n : � 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman ✓ Harris � Benanav �/ Reiter ✓ Bostrom � Lantry ✓ � Adopted by Council: Date: Q�q Adop Certified by Council Secret By: `"l \�— e� �_ � ,4�,��dr���.1�/��: ���/ /���' �� �� 2 r Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney I� Page 2 �q_'�`�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ctq-y4�- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAtE INInATED � c�t coun��� 5/19/99 GREEN SHEET No 640� 6 CONTACT PERSOry 8 PHONE �nlallpme InitlaWate Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 ������ �,� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� ❑ ❑ May 26, 1999 � cm.,now�. em.��xK NUMBERFOR ROUTING � wwSULLBERnCFSqR FwNCMLtERVIAtclo ❑rnvoaloaaswtael ❑ TOTAI � OF StGNATURE PAGES (CUP Al� LaCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTID Approving the 5/18/99 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforeement appeals for the following addresses: 800 Third Street East, 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue, 2076 Como Avenue, 1899 Selby Avenue, I761 Englewood Avenue, 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue, 1401-1403 Midway Parkway, 1430 Englewood Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONAPPfOVE( )OfR2JeCI(R) PERSONALSERVICECONiRACT5MU5TAN5WERTNEFOLLOWINGQUESTfONS: 1. Hasthisperson/firmeverxrorketlunderaconVadforthisdepartment7 PLANNING COMMISSION YES IJO CIB CAMMfTTEE 2. Has thie persoNRrm ever been a dty empbY�? CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION VES NO 3. Dcesthis Pe��� Po�%s a skiH not nortnaM'POSSessetl M anY curtent citY emGluyee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a farpeted vendoR YES NO �Plein aU Yes answers on se0a��e sheet antl atqch W 9reen sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED �e$S,�fl]�',F3 +,�,��;��gs"at� :?s MAY191 DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUGGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE ACTNIIY NUMBER FINqNCIF1 INFORMATION (EYPW N) �� 4�Z MINLTTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing OfFcer STAFF PRESENT: OfFcer Paul Meffert, Police Department; Pat Fish, Fire Prevention; Chuck Votel, Code Enforcement The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or renair the buildine at 310 George Street West. If the owner fails to comp(v with the resolution. Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. No one appeared representing the properiy. Chuck Votel reported the building was condemned January 1998. Five summary abatement orders were issued to remove refuse, cut tall grass, and secure the buildings. Vacant building registration fees are due. The real estate taxes are unpaid in the amount of $1,806.27. The estimated market value of the property is $54,900. Code Enforcement officers estimate the cost to repair is $40,000; the cost to demolish, $6,000 to $7,000. The property owners have been notified of this meeting. The property is very deteriarated: bricks aze crumbling off the building, heating system has been partially removed, and the pipes are frozen. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. Pronertv Code Enforcement Appeal for 800 Third Street East, Alicia and William Olson. (Fire Preventionl (Rescheduled from 5-18-99 Property Code Enforcement meeting) William and Alicia Olson, owners, appeared. Mr. Olson stated the majority of the 90 items on the deficiency/correction list have been completed. They are requesting an additiona130 days to complete the entire list. They would like clarification on some of the items. Item 24: Unit #1 Mirror missing, 34.12. Ms. Fish explained that Code 34.12 reads that whatever is intended to be in the unit has to be maintained at a professional state of repair. Mr. Olson stated he will install a minor in the medicina cabinet. Item 10: Skylight Leaking Hallway Second Floor - Repair. It was raining all day when Ms. Fish went there, stated Ms. Olson. There is a leak in the roof from when they tried to remove ice. The roof is stained. The skylight is not leaking. Item 15: Holes in Stairwell Walls. Mr. Olson asked does this refer to a hole in the entryway concrete. Ms. Fish responded she does not recall that specific issue, but any hole in the sheet rock has to be repaired. This is a property maintenance issue and a fire separation issue. Mr. ��-��Z LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINTJTES OF 5-1&-99 Page 2 Olson stated there is no sheet rock there. It is all paneling, and there aze no holes. There was a hole in the entryway in the concrete, which has been patched. She will check it when she reinspects, said Ms. Fish. Items 35 and 38: Unit 1 carpet issues. Carpet has been ordered, and will be delivered within 6 weeks, stated Mr. Olson. Item 56: Unit #2 Smoke Detector Not Working, Gas Shutoff on Space Heater Must be Replaced. Mr. Olson stated Ms. Fish tried to check the detector, but she was unable to push the recessed red button on it. The tenant was toid that it would not be written up because it could not be checked. Mr. Olson asked could he install another smoke detector there. As for the space heater, he was told it is a new vaive. Ms. Fish responded she does not recall that conversation with the tenant because smoke detectors aze always cited if she cannot get them to test. On the last heating report submitted 7uly 1998, there was an indication that the gas shutoff needed to be replaced. The contractor noted that the space heater should be cleaned yearly. Ms. Olson responded the valve was replaced, and the space heater has been cleaned. Item 64: Unit #3 - Fire Extinguisher Needs Servicing. Mr. Olson stated al] units have been updated and serviced since then. Item 68: Unit #3 Bathroom Light N`ixture Needs Replacing. Mr. Olson stated the pull cord fixture is working now. Item 71: Unit #3 Shower outside Bathroom - Need Variance. Mr. Strathman stated the code reads there must be a shower or a bath, and it must provide privacy. Mr. Olson stated the shower has been there 50 years, and it does provide privacy. It was never cited before. Ms. Fish reported it is a private wall, built in the dining room, and about 5 feet high. The adjoining wall was built outside and does not go all the way to the ceiling. That does not constitute privacy. Mr. Strathman asked is there a bathtub. Mr. Olson responded no. Ms. Fish reported there have been complaints on this building that are ongoing. Fire Prevention has been through the property about every three months since 1994. She drove by the building last week and talked to Ms. Olson about trash in the yazd. The trash around the grocery store is a continuing probiem. Someone on the premises should be cleaning it on a daily basis. Dick Huss, 745 Third Street East, appeared and stated he lives across the street from this property. He has had ongoing problems with this building for 14 years: the baz that was there, the trash, the types of tenants in the building, and the store cause probiems. The owners do not live there. He tells his clients not to park in the street because of the people that loiter. There are three phones on the building that attract unsavory chazacters. That goes on ail night long. Mazk Murnane, 743 Third Street East, appeazed and stated the property has three pay phones. There is constant drug traffic. People come over to his properiy, loiter, break into his bualding, �°� ��Z I,EGISLATIVE HEARING MINLTTES OF 5-18-99 Page 3 ask Mr. Murnane to purchase crack, and then walk back to their base of operation at the pay phones. Any given time, there are people hollering and homs honking. The windows are continually being broken. People purchase items from the store and throw their trash in the neighborhood. Mr. Murnane supplied the store with a garbage can; however, it is not emptied on a regular basis. The building is located in a historic preservaUOn district; there are certain requirements for upkeep. This property is placazded with posters hanging from strings. Mr. Murnane had a discussion with the store owner about the loitering. The owner put up hand written signs, but it has not done much good. Mr. Murnane and Mr. Huss have had meetings with Council Member Lantry. 5t. Paul Police FORCE Unit has been aware of the problem. It has helged a little. As of tAday, there is still broken glass, holes in the concrete, trash, and four different kinds of paint on the building. Mr. Olson stated he has not met Mr. Murnane or Mr. Huss previously and would provide them with his phone numbers to contact him at any time. Mr. Olson has a contract on a pay phone. It is turned off between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The other phones are assigned to the tenant Adams Market. Mr. Olson had been assured they would be tumed off during those hours as well. If that is not the case, the phones will be removed. That would be a violation of the lease and the lease could be terminated. A week ago, it was requested that a11 the trash be removed from the basement. The tenants in the store removed the trash and placed it on the side of the building. There was a problem tenant in the building. When FORCE contacted Mr. Olson, arrangements were made for the tenant to move. Mr. Olson asked how many calls there were since April 15. Officer Paul Meffert responded three: two robberies and a fraud. Mr. Olson stated the problems have been reduced by removing the problem tenant. As for the different colored paint, the paint was purchased at the same place and time, and a painter was paid. Officer Paul Meffert stated there were 66 calls for service in 1998. This building has four units. FORCE considers about two calls per unit normal. There have been 22 calls for service this year. But the calls have gone down since April 15. There have been two narcotics investigations since 7anuary 1, 1998. Mr. Meffert accompanied Ms. Fish when she did the inspection. There was a dumpster on the side, and a mattress laying there. The people upstairs had been evicted, but the apartment door was open, and there was a smell of marijuana in it. Is there an on site manager, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Fish responded the building needs one. Mr. Strathman asked how much times the owners were given to make repairs. Ms. Fish responded the owners probably received the letter on Apri122. It will be reinspected May 26. Regazding the shower facilities, Mr. Strathman asked if the variance is denied, would the unit be habitable. Ms. Fish responded the owners wouid have to redo the bathroom and install it conectly. The plumbing is there; it is just a matter of rebuilding the walls. Mr. Olson responded it could be done in 30 days. �,�-��Z LEGISLATTVE HEARING MIlVUTES OF 5-18-99 Page 4 Mr. Strathman stated he is willing to grant an additiona130 days with respect to the repairs except for the trash pickup. He asked for comments. Ms. Fish responded she could reinspect to verify that the items were done. If that is true, then additional time could be given for the remaining items. Mr. Huss responded he can accept a 30 day extension if the owner can maintain a professional business situation. Mr. Mumane responded he has not called the police every time there was a problem. He is also concerned about graffiti on the signs. Gerry Strathman recommended the owner be given an extension of 30 days to complete all the corrections with the excep6on of any items having to do with cleaning and trash. This extension is based on the owner's representation that the majority of the repairs have been made. The meeting was adjoumed at 1Q:52 a.m. rtn �� `k`tZ NOTES OF THE PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Aearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Mike Urmann, Fire Prevention The meeting was called to order at 132 p.m. 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue Bob Andrews, W. F. and H. H. Andrews Co., 529 Seventh Street South, Minneapolis, appeazed and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. The doors are wood. They aze the original doors for the building, which was built in 1935. Gerry Strathman asked were there other issues with this building. Mike Urmann responded there are five outstanding violations. Mr. Andrews stated they are being taken care of. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non conforming doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with conforming fire rated doors. 2076 Como Avenue Gordon Broberg, owner, appeared and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. This property was built in 1960. These are original doors, and Mr. Broberg has no plans to replace them because they are in good shape. The building is in good condition, there is brick on the outside, and plastered inside. Any outstanding orders, Gerry Strathman asked. Mike Urmann responded there are five outstanding work orders. Mr. Broberg responded they have been fixed. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1899 Selbv Avenue Bob Schweich, Maintenance manager for CVC Investments, appeazed and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. These are original doors with paneling, and in good shape. The properiy was built in 1910. There were 10 items cited, all of which—except for the doors--are being taken care of. Gerry Strathman granted a vaziance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. �� ��k2 PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEET`ING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 2 1761 En2lewood Avenue Kirili Bartashevitch, owner, appeared and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. The property was built in 1947. The doors aze original. Gerry Strathman asked was the building in good shape. The same as the previous addresses, answered Mike Urmann. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue Laurel March for 384 Laurel Partnership, appeazed and stated she would like an extension in order to spread out the financial burden of replacing the doors. When she replaces the doors, she would also like to do the trim. They are original doors, but not of good quality as the previous addresses. Fire rated doors are about $400 each. Gerry Strathman granted the appeal for an 18 month extension to replace all the non confornung doors. 1401-1403 Midwav Parkwav (Laid over from 5-4-99) Matthew Mazks, owner, appeazed and stated the electrical situation is bad. Five contractors looked at it. Three of them said they would not do it. One may fix the house. He wants to replace two of the four sub services with the main service and three new boxes. This contractor did not think the other side needed to be fixed. All the other items are basically scraping and painting, and vazious window issues. Mike Urmann responded if the contractor would supply Fire Prevention with documentation that the electrical meets standards and codes, then Fire Prevention will accept that. The deficiency/correction list was reviewed as follows: 1) Re-landscape yard in Front by Driveway - Mr. Marks is waiting for clement weather in order to do this. 2) Repaint Exterior Trim Where Fiaking - He can do this in two ways: Install aluminum siding or scrape and paint. Scraping and painting will be $2,500 and installing siding will be $4,500. The painting will be done in two weeks and the aluminum in about a month. 3) Repair and Seal Window Trim Upper Window West Center Side of Building - Storm windows have been ordered. It may take two weeks for them to azrive. 5) Reseal Stucco by Back Entry West Side and East Side - The stone work behind it looks good. The reason the stucco was put on was so that it would look like the back of the house, which has deteriorating foundation work. Mr. Marks would like Fire Prevention to tell him if he needs to put stucco over it again. �t�- ��2 PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 3 6) Repaint Gazage and Gutters Where Paint is flaking - Mr. Marks needs more time to accomplish this. 7) Remove Excess 1�ash Inside of Trash - This has been done. 8) Reseal Corner of Garage on Southeast Comer - This is a 3 space gazage. There are four tresses. They are three inches low on one side, and one wall is starting to lean out. The nails aze slowly separating. Both corners need to be jacked up and a 4 X 4 installed. Mr. Marks has been told that it is a two day job, but it may take a couple of weeks for his contractor to get to it. 9) Repair Stair on East Side of Building Front Entry and Repair or Replace Handrail - This is sUll a wetness problem. Mr. Marks could build something out of wood temporarily; however, the tenant says she does not use those stairs and asked him not to shovel them. He would like to do this project himself. 10) Repair Window F�ame on Back Center Basement Window - This has been ordered. 11) Install Key Box Outside Rear Entries - Mr. Mazks has not done this because he lost it. He can do it within two weeks. 12) Install Address Numbers Visible From Street - Mr. Marks is still waiting for the person to do the asphalt so Mr. Marks can do the stone pillars, and then the numbers can be installed on those pillazs. Mike Urmann stated this is a safety issue; firefighters need to be able to find the building. Mr. Marks responded he will install something temporarily. 13. Post Certificate of Occupancy Owner Information to be Visible from Front Exterior - Mr. Marks does not have one yet. 14. Paint Flaking Areas on Basement Ceiling or Sheet rock - Mr. Mazks needs to do the electrical first. Otherwise, he will have to take it down again. 15. Need One Hour Separation in Furnace Rooms or Sprinkler Installed - He was told that he will not be able to afford it. Apparently, the water supply is not likely to be good. As for the one hour separation, Mr. Mazks will install sheet rock or concrete board. Mike Urmann responded that is adequate. The other aIternative is to provide hard wire smoke detecfion that is interconnected through the building. 16. Repair Outside Railing on East Front Steps - This is part of #9. 17. Need Evacuation Plans Given to Tenants - This is done. 18. Need Fire Extinguisher - What does he need to buy, asked Mr. Mazks. Mr. Urmann responded he gave him information at the Apri120 meeting. Mr. Marks stated he will buy extinguishers on his home. 20. Remove Storage Under Stairs in East Basement Area - He would like to sheet rock it in or use Durock. This may be done in two weeks. 21. Remove Wood Burning Stove From Garage - Gerry Strathman asked has this been done. The stove is gone, responded Mr. Mazks. 22. Remove Combustibles From F�rnace Rooms - The wood couch is stili there, but he will remove that today. 23. Need RH-1 Test Done on Boffers (2) - Mr. Marks never got this far down on the list; however, this just involves calling someone and paying the money. 24. Cover all Exposed Electrical Boxes in Basement and Hallways - Mr. Marks asked could he cover them ar is that considered part of the electrical. Consider that part of the electrical, responded Mr. Strathman. °�� 4�Z PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 4 25. Need Smoke Detector �davit Sent to Fire Prevention - It was not received, stated Mr. Urmann. Mr. Mazks responded he will provide it; he thought he had sent it in. 30. Repair poor Closures on Apartments to Latch - This has not been done because it is unoccupied right now. It will not be occupied until the electrical work is done. 34. Replace Carpet in $allway East Rear Entry - Mr. Marks did not get to this yet. He asked could plastic be installed over it. Mr. Urmann responded he did not know, but they could discuss it later. 40. Clean Kitchen 1403 Lower Unit - This has been done. Mr. Strathman stated he understands there is a lot of work to do; however, he is concemed about the electrical. He asked were there other issues-other than the electrical-that Fire Prevention is particulazly concerned about. Mr. Urmann responded the electrical is the primary one. Gerry Strathman laid this matter over to the June 15 Property Code Enforcement meeting. He would like Fire Prevention to reinspect the property to give Mr. Strathman assurance that progress is being made, and they see the building coming into compliance. If things are progressing, then Mr. Strathman would be willing to grant additional time to get things done. If the report is not favorable from Fire Prevention, there may not be a layover to June 15. 1430 EngIewood Avenue No one appeared representing the property. Gerry Strathman stated the appeal reads that the owner would like 30 days to fix the 8 deficiencies. Mike Urmann reported he has tried unsuccessfully to make contact with the owner William Marquazdt. Fire Prevention is willing to give Mr. Mazquardt time to deal with his problem. Gerry Strathman denied the appeal. If Fire Prevention wants to grant additional time, that is up to them. The meeting was adjourned at 2:04 p.m. rrn oR���N�t ���.�e� - �����,,��� RESOLUTION Presented OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� Refened To Cotnminee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paui hereby certifaes and approves the May 18, 1999, 2 decision of the L.egislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the following addresses: Propert�A� ep aled A�gellant � 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S00 Third Street East William and Alicia Olson Decision: 'o i e e �ems ' , (�ppe��, `ev�:e ,- 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue W. F. and H. H. Andrews Co. Decision: Variance granted on the non conforming doors with the following condifions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with conforming fire rated doors. 2076 Como Avenue Ruth Broberg for Gordon Broberg Decision: Variance granted on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be In compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they wili be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1899 Selby Avenue Gerry Conzemius far CVC Investments Decision: Variance granted on the non conforming doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1761 Engiewood Avenue Kirill Bartashevitch Decision: Variance granted on the non confornvng doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be repiaced, they will be replaced witki confornung fire rated doors. 27 28 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue Laurel March for 384 Laurel Fartnership Z9 Decision: Appeal granted for an 18 month extension to replace all the non conforming doors. 30 1401-1403 Midway Parkway (Laid over from 5-4-99) Matthew Mazks 31 Decision: er o 32 �r�e�tT, ,�p� �o_�. G� e v1\ 13 1430 Eng,iewood Avenue , 4 Decision: Appeal denied. -j{��}�{�y��,�{�jy William Marquardt Councii File # _ R9 —�4�. Green Sheet # 64016 i PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING OF 5-18-99 7 n : � 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman ✓ Harris � Benanav �/ Reiter ✓ Bostrom � Lantry ✓ � Adopted by Council: Date: Q�q Adop Certified by Council Secret By: `"l \�— e� �_ � ,4�,��dr���.1�/��: ���/ /���' �� �� 2 r Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney I� Page 2 �q_'�`�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ctq-y4�- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAtE INInATED � c�t coun��� 5/19/99 GREEN SHEET No 640� 6 CONTACT PERSOry 8 PHONE �nlallpme InitlaWate Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 ������ �,� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� ❑ ❑ May 26, 1999 � cm.,now�. em.��xK NUMBERFOR ROUTING � wwSULLBERnCFSqR FwNCMLtERVIAtclo ❑rnvoaloaaswtael ❑ TOTAI � OF StGNATURE PAGES (CUP Al� LaCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTID Approving the 5/18/99 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforeement appeals for the following addresses: 800 Third Street East, 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue, 2076 Como Avenue, 1899 Selby Avenue, I761 Englewood Avenue, 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue, 1401-1403 Midway Parkway, 1430 Englewood Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONAPPfOVE( )OfR2JeCI(R) PERSONALSERVICECONiRACT5MU5TAN5WERTNEFOLLOWINGQUESTfONS: 1. Hasthisperson/firmeverxrorketlunderaconVadforthisdepartment7 PLANNING COMMISSION YES IJO CIB CAMMfTTEE 2. Has thie persoNRrm ever been a dty empbY�? CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION VES NO 3. Dcesthis Pe��� Po�%s a skiH not nortnaM'POSSessetl M anY curtent citY emGluyee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a farpeted vendoR YES NO �Plein aU Yes answers on se0a��e sheet antl atqch W 9reen sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED �e$S,�fl]�',F3 +,�,��;��gs"at� :?s MAY191 DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUGGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE ACTNIIY NUMBER FINqNCIF1 INFORMATION (EYPW N) �� 4�Z MINLTTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing OfFcer STAFF PRESENT: OfFcer Paul Meffert, Police Department; Pat Fish, Fire Prevention; Chuck Votel, Code Enforcement The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or renair the buildine at 310 George Street West. If the owner fails to comp(v with the resolution. Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. No one appeared representing the properiy. Chuck Votel reported the building was condemned January 1998. Five summary abatement orders were issued to remove refuse, cut tall grass, and secure the buildings. Vacant building registration fees are due. The real estate taxes are unpaid in the amount of $1,806.27. The estimated market value of the property is $54,900. Code Enforcement officers estimate the cost to repair is $40,000; the cost to demolish, $6,000 to $7,000. The property owners have been notified of this meeting. The property is very deteriarated: bricks aze crumbling off the building, heating system has been partially removed, and the pipes are frozen. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. Pronertv Code Enforcement Appeal for 800 Third Street East, Alicia and William Olson. (Fire Preventionl (Rescheduled from 5-18-99 Property Code Enforcement meeting) William and Alicia Olson, owners, appeared. Mr. Olson stated the majority of the 90 items on the deficiency/correction list have been completed. They are requesting an additiona130 days to complete the entire list. They would like clarification on some of the items. Item 24: Unit #1 Mirror missing, 34.12. Ms. Fish explained that Code 34.12 reads that whatever is intended to be in the unit has to be maintained at a professional state of repair. Mr. Olson stated he will install a minor in the medicina cabinet. Item 10: Skylight Leaking Hallway Second Floor - Repair. It was raining all day when Ms. Fish went there, stated Ms. Olson. There is a leak in the roof from when they tried to remove ice. The roof is stained. The skylight is not leaking. Item 15: Holes in Stairwell Walls. Mr. Olson asked does this refer to a hole in the entryway concrete. Ms. Fish responded she does not recall that specific issue, but any hole in the sheet rock has to be repaired. This is a property maintenance issue and a fire separation issue. Mr. ��-��Z LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINTJTES OF 5-1&-99 Page 2 Olson stated there is no sheet rock there. It is all paneling, and there aze no holes. There was a hole in the entryway in the concrete, which has been patched. She will check it when she reinspects, said Ms. Fish. Items 35 and 38: Unit 1 carpet issues. Carpet has been ordered, and will be delivered within 6 weeks, stated Mr. Olson. Item 56: Unit #2 Smoke Detector Not Working, Gas Shutoff on Space Heater Must be Replaced. Mr. Olson stated Ms. Fish tried to check the detector, but she was unable to push the recessed red button on it. The tenant was toid that it would not be written up because it could not be checked. Mr. Olson asked could he install another smoke detector there. As for the space heater, he was told it is a new vaive. Ms. Fish responded she does not recall that conversation with the tenant because smoke detectors aze always cited if she cannot get them to test. On the last heating report submitted 7uly 1998, there was an indication that the gas shutoff needed to be replaced. The contractor noted that the space heater should be cleaned yearly. Ms. Olson responded the valve was replaced, and the space heater has been cleaned. Item 64: Unit #3 - Fire Extinguisher Needs Servicing. Mr. Olson stated al] units have been updated and serviced since then. Item 68: Unit #3 Bathroom Light N`ixture Needs Replacing. Mr. Olson stated the pull cord fixture is working now. Item 71: Unit #3 Shower outside Bathroom - Need Variance. Mr. Strathman stated the code reads there must be a shower or a bath, and it must provide privacy. Mr. Olson stated the shower has been there 50 years, and it does provide privacy. It was never cited before. Ms. Fish reported it is a private wall, built in the dining room, and about 5 feet high. The adjoining wall was built outside and does not go all the way to the ceiling. That does not constitute privacy. Mr. Strathman asked is there a bathtub. Mr. Olson responded no. Ms. Fish reported there have been complaints on this building that are ongoing. Fire Prevention has been through the property about every three months since 1994. She drove by the building last week and talked to Ms. Olson about trash in the yazd. The trash around the grocery store is a continuing probiem. Someone on the premises should be cleaning it on a daily basis. Dick Huss, 745 Third Street East, appeared and stated he lives across the street from this property. He has had ongoing problems with this building for 14 years: the baz that was there, the trash, the types of tenants in the building, and the store cause probiems. The owners do not live there. He tells his clients not to park in the street because of the people that loiter. There are three phones on the building that attract unsavory chazacters. That goes on ail night long. Mazk Murnane, 743 Third Street East, appeazed and stated the property has three pay phones. There is constant drug traffic. People come over to his properiy, loiter, break into his bualding, �°� ��Z I,EGISLATIVE HEARING MINLTTES OF 5-18-99 Page 3 ask Mr. Murnane to purchase crack, and then walk back to their base of operation at the pay phones. Any given time, there are people hollering and homs honking. The windows are continually being broken. People purchase items from the store and throw their trash in the neighborhood. Mr. Murnane supplied the store with a garbage can; however, it is not emptied on a regular basis. The building is located in a historic preservaUOn district; there are certain requirements for upkeep. This property is placazded with posters hanging from strings. Mr. Murnane had a discussion with the store owner about the loitering. The owner put up hand written signs, but it has not done much good. Mr. Murnane and Mr. Huss have had meetings with Council Member Lantry. 5t. Paul Police FORCE Unit has been aware of the problem. It has helged a little. As of tAday, there is still broken glass, holes in the concrete, trash, and four different kinds of paint on the building. Mr. Olson stated he has not met Mr. Murnane or Mr. Huss previously and would provide them with his phone numbers to contact him at any time. Mr. Olson has a contract on a pay phone. It is turned off between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The other phones are assigned to the tenant Adams Market. Mr. Olson had been assured they would be tumed off during those hours as well. If that is not the case, the phones will be removed. That would be a violation of the lease and the lease could be terminated. A week ago, it was requested that a11 the trash be removed from the basement. The tenants in the store removed the trash and placed it on the side of the building. There was a problem tenant in the building. When FORCE contacted Mr. Olson, arrangements were made for the tenant to move. Mr. Olson asked how many calls there were since April 15. Officer Paul Meffert responded three: two robberies and a fraud. Mr. Olson stated the problems have been reduced by removing the problem tenant. As for the different colored paint, the paint was purchased at the same place and time, and a painter was paid. Officer Paul Meffert stated there were 66 calls for service in 1998. This building has four units. FORCE considers about two calls per unit normal. There have been 22 calls for service this year. But the calls have gone down since April 15. There have been two narcotics investigations since 7anuary 1, 1998. Mr. Meffert accompanied Ms. Fish when she did the inspection. There was a dumpster on the side, and a mattress laying there. The people upstairs had been evicted, but the apartment door was open, and there was a smell of marijuana in it. Is there an on site manager, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Fish responded the building needs one. Mr. Strathman asked how much times the owners were given to make repairs. Ms. Fish responded the owners probably received the letter on Apri122. It will be reinspected May 26. Regazding the shower facilities, Mr. Strathman asked if the variance is denied, would the unit be habitable. Ms. Fish responded the owners wouid have to redo the bathroom and install it conectly. The plumbing is there; it is just a matter of rebuilding the walls. Mr. Olson responded it could be done in 30 days. �,�-��Z LEGISLATTVE HEARING MIlVUTES OF 5-18-99 Page 4 Mr. Strathman stated he is willing to grant an additiona130 days with respect to the repairs except for the trash pickup. He asked for comments. Ms. Fish responded she could reinspect to verify that the items were done. If that is true, then additional time could be given for the remaining items. Mr. Huss responded he can accept a 30 day extension if the owner can maintain a professional business situation. Mr. Mumane responded he has not called the police every time there was a problem. He is also concerned about graffiti on the signs. Gerry Strathman recommended the owner be given an extension of 30 days to complete all the corrections with the excep6on of any items having to do with cleaning and trash. This extension is based on the owner's representation that the majority of the repairs have been made. The meeting was adjoumed at 1Q:52 a.m. rtn �� `k`tZ NOTES OF THE PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Aearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Mike Urmann, Fire Prevention The meeting was called to order at 132 p.m. 2124 and 2130 Como Avenue Bob Andrews, W. F. and H. H. Andrews Co., 529 Seventh Street South, Minneapolis, appeazed and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. The doors are wood. They aze the original doors for the building, which was built in 1935. Gerry Strathman asked were there other issues with this building. Mike Urmann responded there are five outstanding violations. Mr. Andrews stated they are being taken care of. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non conforming doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with conforming fire rated doors. 2076 Como Avenue Gordon Broberg, owner, appeared and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. This property was built in 1960. These are original doors, and Mr. Broberg has no plans to replace them because they are in good shape. The building is in good condition, there is brick on the outside, and plastered inside. Any outstanding orders, Gerry Strathman asked. Mike Urmann responded there are five outstanding work orders. Mr. Broberg responded they have been fixed. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non conforming doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 1899 Selbv Avenue Bob Schweich, Maintenance manager for CVC Investments, appeazed and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. These are original doors with paneling, and in good shape. The properiy was built in 1910. There were 10 items cited, all of which—except for the doors--are being taken care of. Gerry Strathman granted a vaziance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. �� ��k2 PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEET`ING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 2 1761 En2lewood Avenue Kirili Bartashevitch, owner, appeared and stated he is appealing having to replace the present doors with fire rated doors. The property was built in 1947. The doors aze original. Gerry Strathman asked was the building in good shape. The same as the previous addresses, answered Mike Urmann. Gerry Strathman granted a variance on the non confornung doors with the following conditions: 1) the building must otherwise be in compliance, 2) when the non confornung doors need to be replaced, they will be replaced with confornung fire rated doors. 384 and 388 Laurel Avenue Laurel March for 384 Laurel Partnership, appeazed and stated she would like an extension in order to spread out the financial burden of replacing the doors. When she replaces the doors, she would also like to do the trim. They are original doors, but not of good quality as the previous addresses. Fire rated doors are about $400 each. Gerry Strathman granted the appeal for an 18 month extension to replace all the non confornung doors. 1401-1403 Midwav Parkwav (Laid over from 5-4-99) Matthew Mazks, owner, appeazed and stated the electrical situation is bad. Five contractors looked at it. Three of them said they would not do it. One may fix the house. He wants to replace two of the four sub services with the main service and three new boxes. This contractor did not think the other side needed to be fixed. All the other items are basically scraping and painting, and vazious window issues. Mike Urmann responded if the contractor would supply Fire Prevention with documentation that the electrical meets standards and codes, then Fire Prevention will accept that. The deficiency/correction list was reviewed as follows: 1) Re-landscape yard in Front by Driveway - Mr. Marks is waiting for clement weather in order to do this. 2) Repaint Exterior Trim Where Fiaking - He can do this in two ways: Install aluminum siding or scrape and paint. Scraping and painting will be $2,500 and installing siding will be $4,500. The painting will be done in two weeks and the aluminum in about a month. 3) Repair and Seal Window Trim Upper Window West Center Side of Building - Storm windows have been ordered. It may take two weeks for them to azrive. 5) Reseal Stucco by Back Entry West Side and East Side - The stone work behind it looks good. The reason the stucco was put on was so that it would look like the back of the house, which has deteriorating foundation work. Mr. Marks would like Fire Prevention to tell him if he needs to put stucco over it again. �t�- ��2 PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 3 6) Repaint Gazage and Gutters Where Paint is flaking - Mr. Marks needs more time to accomplish this. 7) Remove Excess 1�ash Inside of Trash - This has been done. 8) Reseal Corner of Garage on Southeast Comer - This is a 3 space gazage. There are four tresses. They are three inches low on one side, and one wall is starting to lean out. The nails aze slowly separating. Both corners need to be jacked up and a 4 X 4 installed. Mr. Marks has been told that it is a two day job, but it may take a couple of weeks for his contractor to get to it. 9) Repair Stair on East Side of Building Front Entry and Repair or Replace Handrail - This is sUll a wetness problem. Mr. Marks could build something out of wood temporarily; however, the tenant says she does not use those stairs and asked him not to shovel them. He would like to do this project himself. 10) Repair Window F�ame on Back Center Basement Window - This has been ordered. 11) Install Key Box Outside Rear Entries - Mr. Mazks has not done this because he lost it. He can do it within two weeks. 12) Install Address Numbers Visible From Street - Mr. Marks is still waiting for the person to do the asphalt so Mr. Marks can do the stone pillars, and then the numbers can be installed on those pillazs. Mike Urmann stated this is a safety issue; firefighters need to be able to find the building. Mr. Marks responded he will install something temporarily. 13. Post Certificate of Occupancy Owner Information to be Visible from Front Exterior - Mr. Marks does not have one yet. 14. Paint Flaking Areas on Basement Ceiling or Sheet rock - Mr. Mazks needs to do the electrical first. Otherwise, he will have to take it down again. 15. Need One Hour Separation in Furnace Rooms or Sprinkler Installed - He was told that he will not be able to afford it. Apparently, the water supply is not likely to be good. As for the one hour separation, Mr. Mazks will install sheet rock or concrete board. Mike Urmann responded that is adequate. The other aIternative is to provide hard wire smoke detecfion that is interconnected through the building. 16. Repair Outside Railing on East Front Steps - This is part of #9. 17. Need Evacuation Plans Given to Tenants - This is done. 18. Need Fire Extinguisher - What does he need to buy, asked Mr. Mazks. Mr. Urmann responded he gave him information at the Apri120 meeting. Mr. Marks stated he will buy extinguishers on his home. 20. Remove Storage Under Stairs in East Basement Area - He would like to sheet rock it in or use Durock. This may be done in two weeks. 21. Remove Wood Burning Stove From Garage - Gerry Strathman asked has this been done. The stove is gone, responded Mr. Mazks. 22. Remove Combustibles From F�rnace Rooms - The wood couch is stili there, but he will remove that today. 23. Need RH-1 Test Done on Boffers (2) - Mr. Marks never got this far down on the list; however, this just involves calling someone and paying the money. 24. Cover all Exposed Electrical Boxes in Basement and Hallways - Mr. Marks asked could he cover them ar is that considered part of the electrical. Consider that part of the electrical, responded Mr. Strathman. °�� 4�Z PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING NOTES OF 5-18-99 Page 4 25. Need Smoke Detector �davit Sent to Fire Prevention - It was not received, stated Mr. Urmann. Mr. Mazks responded he will provide it; he thought he had sent it in. 30. Repair poor Closures on Apartments to Latch - This has not been done because it is unoccupied right now. It will not be occupied until the electrical work is done. 34. Replace Carpet in $allway East Rear Entry - Mr. Marks did not get to this yet. He asked could plastic be installed over it. Mr. Urmann responded he did not know, but they could discuss it later. 40. Clean Kitchen 1403 Lower Unit - This has been done. Mr. Strathman stated he understands there is a lot of work to do; however, he is concemed about the electrical. He asked were there other issues-other than the electrical-that Fire Prevention is particulazly concerned about. Mr. Urmann responded the electrical is the primary one. Gerry Strathman laid this matter over to the June 15 Property Code Enforcement meeting. He would like Fire Prevention to reinspect the property to give Mr. Strathman assurance that progress is being made, and they see the building coming into compliance. If things are progressing, then Mr. Strathman would be willing to grant additional time to get things done. If the report is not favorable from Fire Prevention, there may not be a layover to June 15. 1430 EngIewood Avenue No one appeared representing the property. Gerry Strathman stated the appeal reads that the owner would like 30 days to fix the 8 deficiencies. Mike Urmann reported he has tried unsuccessfully to make contact with the owner William Marquazdt. Fire Prevention is willing to give Mr. Mazquardt time to deal with his problem. Gerry Strathman denied the appeal. If Fire Prevention wants to grant additional time, that is up to them. The meeting was adjourned at 2:04 p.m. rrn