87-610 WMITE - C�TV �LERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANqRV - OEPARTMENT File NO. �� ��a BLUE - MAVOR Quncil Resolution ;-��-=--� , � � , Presente By _ Referred To �!1����� Committee: Date ������ Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , an Agreement between the City and the County of Ramsey whereby the City and County agree to cooperate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program, and whereby the County will appropriate $6,185.00 (Six Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-five Dollars) and the City will appropriate $82,168.00 (Eighty-two Thousand One Hundred and Sixtu-eight Dollars) to the administration of this program all in accordance with the adopted Budget of the City of Saint Paul as approved by the City Council : Activity No: 09090 APPROVED AS TU FUNDING: � � Eugene chiller G � Director, Finance and Management Services ,�,v-a COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas r,�� Nays � N"°S'a [n Favor Rettman � . Scheibel Sonnen __ AgalOSt BY Tedesco Wilson MAY - 5 1981 F'orm A ove y City tt ey Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Pa. •e nc�l S cr t BY � By Approv A�favor. Date _ � — ��1 Appr d by Mayor for Subm' ion o ay _ _ s ��;a���;yEp �r9 AY 1 � 1987 Mayor-Personnel • ' DEPARTMENT � �"J—�OlD Np 426? Vicki Patschke ' CONTACT 298-4376 PHONE March 25, 1987 DATE 1 e�� �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk Budget Director ,Y Training and Development Manager � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEUED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The City of Saint Paul will ent�r into ?n A�rP�mPnt with the County of Ramsey for participation in the Twin Citv Area Urban C�r�s program. Purpose and rationale is attached. A� APR - 3 �g�7 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ���� The total administrative cost to the City will be $88,353.00. We anticipate Ramsey County to contribute 7% or $6,185.00 to this cost. ��"1 ���1 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- � ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 09090 _ Act i v i ty N umber: 'i'°' RECE�V� �~ ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : "APR 0 1 1987 _ 1. Contracts - 2 OFFlCE OF THE u;�E�' DEPAR1MENfi r' "�`�A� 2. Counci 1 Resol uti on �Np MAtvACEME+�i �ERYI�ES 3. Purpose/Rationale DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW / X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Y�s No ,�/� Yes X No Insurance Attached: �� (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . , . . �- �� ��o , . � AGREEl4IENT TAIS AGRED�IENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 by a.nd betw�een the CITY �' SAINT PAUL, he�inafter referred to as the "City", and RAMSEY CCQNTY, by a.nd through its Board of Canmissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "County", both acting pursuant to the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59: WITNESSE'fA: WAEREAS, the objectives of the program are: 1. To provide the GYty and County with the skills, motivatio�, c�ativity, and enthusiasm of college students. 2. To pr�vide the college student with a valuable work experienoe in local gov+ernment and at the same time egpose her/him to some of tY� realistic, pragraa.tic problems in City and Caunty government. 3. To creatie a liaison betaveen local gov�ernment and the academic couemmity, thereby enabling both to utilize mo�+e fully the resouroes of the oth�er. NCJW, TAEREFCRE, by routual ag�ement of the parties hereto, the folla�ving agreement is entered into and made effective as follo�avs: 1. An Urba.n Corps Intern Work Program shall be carried on under the supervision of a.n Urba.n Corps Coon�inator, whose duties sha].1 be as folloovs: a. Introduoe and describe the operational prooedures of the In�bern Program to the vari�s City and Coa�nty departments. b. To demelop within the City and Camty depa.rtments meaningful internships. c. To be nesponsible for the training and orientation of the intezn's di rect supe rvisor. d. To necruit a.nd plaoe worth�vhile interns fran the var�Laus colleges under the Urban Corps. 2. The Urban Corps Cvordinator shall work under the supervision of the �rsonnel Offiae of Sa.int Paul. 3. Offioe spaoe for the Sa.int Paul Ramsey County Coortlinator will be provided by the City. 4. The total administrative c�ost of the tasks and purposes set fortb are estimated to be $88,353.� (Eighty-eight Tha�usand, Three Aundred and Fifty-thtee Dollars). Of this amount, the Caunty sba.11 pay $6,I85.00 (Sia Thausa.nd Che Aundred and Eighty-five Dollars), and the City shall pay $82,168.00 (Eighty-two Thousand, One Hundred and Siatp-eight Dollars). . . . ��7 �,o . . . . . . The County will pay said amount to the City beginning Januarp I, 1987, based on qua rberly billings issued by the City. At the end af each contract yea r, the City shall prepaze a financial report indicating the total administra.tive costs of the s�YViaes pr�vided unde r this agreement. Should the total cost to the City be less than that stated abov�e, the City shall return to the County 5� of the unspent sum at the expirati.on of the agreement. Should the total costs to the City be more tha.n tha.t stated above, the Cvunty shall pay the City 5� of the sum in eaaess of the total sta.ted abov+e. � 5. This Agreement she.11 tierminate Deoember 31, 1987. Ao�awever, either p�arCy may te nnina.be the Agreement prior to tba.t time upon ninety days written notioe. Shaald such right of te rn�ination be exe rcised, then only tl�e pro-rata, portio� of such installment c�ming due her�in shall be pe�id or shall the terminating party be liable for. IN WITNESS WF�EC�, the pa.rties have caused this Agree�nt to be e�ecuted t.6e day a.nd year first above written. TAE CQ]NTY C�' RAMSEY Chai rnre.n of the Boa rcl of Cammissiane rs Attest: Chief Clerk - Countp Baard Appr�v�ed as to Fonn and Execution: TAE CITY C� SAINT PAUL � Assista.nt County Attorney yor Approv+ed as to Form: � � � Direct , Departmen� of Finanae d �� `" Manage nt Se rvioes .�,y'� Assista.nt Ci Attorney � _i Direc , 'oe of Aersannsl � ' �'` �-�/D , PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Agreement would continue the City and County's joint participation in the Urban Corps program. The joint participation in the administration of the program between the City and the County began in 1970. The Agreement allows the City to: 1. Display how local units of government can work together in providing services to the communities they serve. 2. Reduce administrative costs for the City of Saint Paul . 3. Provide a central administrative office to screen college students interested in interning with the City and/or County. '��IITTEE REPORT :�A.VC�, .�Ai3AGEMENT '& PERSONNEL COMMITTEE �'' d'7�G�D ril 23, 1987 � �e 2 13. Resolution authorizing an agreement between the city of Saint Paul and tbe city of Mianeapolis whereby they agree to coQperate in the participation with the Twin City Urban Corps program. Approved/recommend passage :. 14. Re�ta�a6�e�#pm`�u�thoriz�Lng an ag�`�ement het�reea_:��c�fty �cf�Sat�au;� •sitd the cou� �v�;,.�emsey w�ereby � agree �v-y��a�perate in the :p�.ticipation with �e._Tw3a t�:�q Area Urban Corps program, aad whereby the c�o�ntp wf�l appropriete . .,.. �6��i'u�!IIi�"��ae iK a���priate $82,16�"�'��`��e -e�dministra-t#.on of this �r , ... �: �,.., end _assa e P g . 15. Administrative Order: D-8351: Approval of paymeat to Scott, Foresman and Company for purchase of manuals. T.ai d over on�,week. LtN L_Ie✓1`� _ � • � �� � .. . �M��, Rh'► CITY OF SAIITT PAUL ���� ;'s �i iiiiiid OB'F'IC� OB' THF CZTY COUYCTL Cammi�tee Report �aanc�, Mana�eme�t�, & .Persannel �ammittee. APRIL 23, 1987 1. Presentation by Mayor Latimer regarding status of negotiations between the city of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Police Federation. Laid over one week. 2. Follow-up discussion on making the city's budget process more responsive to City Council needs. Laid c�.uer _ � 3. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 16, 1987. ���roved 4. Resolution amending the 198�5-1986 Collective Bargaiaing Agreement between the city of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation and adopting a new wage schedule pursuant to comparable worth studies (laid over from February 26) . Laid over for 1 week for substitute resnlution. 5. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution and establishing the rate of pay for Operating Engineer.Il. Approved with recommendation �to p�ass. 6. es�u ion amending the Salary Plan and Ra.tes of Compensation Resolution and establishing the rate of pay for Parks and Recreation Manager in Grade 23, Section I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges. Approved, recommend a roval 7. Reso ution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, Section I, Subsection D, by substituting a new Subsection D1, D2, and D3, 1987 Standard Salary Ranges. Approved, recommend passage 8. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $57,200 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Works Engineering Fund (uggrade of Pyramid computer - laid over from April 16). Approved/recommend passage 9. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $48,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Police - Administration Division. Aporoved, ,recommead assa e. 10. eso u ion amending the 1987 budget by adding $70,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Police - Patrol Division. Approved/reco�end assa e 11. Resolution amending the 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 and I987 CIB budgets by transferring $430,000 to the Raymond/Rasota Realignment project to finance increased cost for right-of-way. ��Froved/recommend passage 12. Resolution amending the 1987 budget bq adding $8,350 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Health Special Revenue Fund (enforcement of the noise ordinance) . Approved/recommend passage CTTY HALL SEVENT$FLOOR SAINT PALJi,. ,IRiIl�iNESOTA SS102 �+� . � �- ��- 6 io a,,� ' ' RECEIVED APR 18 1988 A��� CITY CLERK TffiS AGRE�IT, m�de and entened into this J � day of�C.�a-�� , 19� by and betw�een the CITY C� SAINT PAUL, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and RAMSEY CQ)NTY, by and through its Board of Gomrtdssioners, hereinafter referred to as the "Caunty", both acting pursua.nt to tbe provision of Minnesota. Statuties, Section 471.59: WIZTTESSETA: NAEREAS, the objectiv�es of the progra.m are: 1. To pr�vide the City and Camty with the skills, motivati�, creativity, and enthusiasm of oollege students. 2. To provide the college student with a valuable work experienae in local gaweznment and at the sa.me time eapose her/him to �me of the nealistic, prag�.tic problems in City and Caunty government. 3. To creabe a liaison betaeen local gavernment and the academic oommunity, thereby enabling both to utilize more fully the resouroes of th�e otber. N(�V, TI�i.EF�tE, by mutual agYeement of the pe�rties hereto, tYye follaWing agreement is entiered into and me.de effective as follcAVS: 1. An Urban Corps Inte rn Work Pr�gram shall be ca rried on unde r the -supervisian of an Urban CoYps Coordinator, whoee duties shall be as follavs: a. Introduoe and describe the operational prooedures of the Intern Progra.m to the various GYty a.nd County departments. b. To develop within the Citq and Caunty departments meaningful internships. c. To be responsible for the training and orientatio�n of the inteYn's direct supervisor. d. To recruit a.nd plaoe worthwhile intierns fram the variaus colleges under the Urban Corps. 2. The Urba.n Corps Uoordinator shall pork under the supervisi� of t?ye Aersaunel Offiae of Saint Paul. 3. Clffioe spaoe for the Sa.int Paul�amsey County Qoordinator will be provided by the City. 4. The tota.l administrative oost of the ta.sks and purposes set forth are estimated to be $88,353.00 (Eighty-eight Thausand, Thiee Aundred a.nd Fifty-three Dollars). Of this amon�nt, the County sh�.11 p�y $6,185.00 (Six Thwsand Che AundYed and Eighty-five Dollars), and ttye City sha.11 pe.y $82,168.00 (Eighty-tavo Thousand, Qie Hundred and Sisty-eight Dollars). �. ;6. � . , ��� �i D � The Oounty will gay said amount to the GYty beginning Ja.nuary 1, 1987, based on quarberly billings issued by the City. At the end � each contract year, the City shall prepane a fina.ncial report indicating tt�e total adadnistrative oosts of the servic�es provided uncier this agreement. Shauld the tota.l cost to the City be less than that sta.ted abrnre, the City shall return to the County 5� of the unspent sum at the expiration of the agYeement. Should the tota.l c�sts to the City be more the�n that sta.ted above, the Caunty sba.11 pay the City 5� of the sum in eaoess of the tota.l stated abov�e. 5. This Agreement shall ter�dnate Ueoember 31, 1987. Ao�ever, either p�rty may teiminabe th�e Agreement prior to that time upon ninety da.ys written notioe. Shauld such right of teYmination be eaercised, then only the pro-rata. portic►n of such installment coming due herein sball be paid or shall the terminating party be liable for. IN WITNESS W�E�', the parties hav�e caused this Agreement to be e�ecuted tbe day and year first above written. TAE CQJNTY CF' RAI�SEY �-•-�—� Cha r� of the Boa.rd o Cartmissianers Attest: n���cc.,uc.c�2�• �`��,, �'!7-�'�' T _ �,� � � �j�,, � C�i Clerk - Caunty Board s 7� � Z � Approved as to Form and E�ecution: T� CITY C�' SAINT PAUL la - � �� _ , � As stant Caunty Attorney yor Appr�ved as to Form: ' � Direct , Departmen� of Finanoe d �; -�1 ` Manage nt Se zvi oe s �,Y a ' Assistant Ci Attorney Funds are available ' � � Code 40301 020144 �6,/8� Direc , oe of Persannel Budgeting & Accounting By �,c�n-d.a� �Ze.La�'r> 9�6�87 � ---, ' Resolution � � �' �� ' ' B�.�a o: � '� � amse Counf Gomrnlssioners � � f � Prls�fftld By Coti1"!'S�'nnar Sal verda p�� October 5, 1987 N0. 87-6 5 _ Attsntto�: � sud;�c 4 �ccouncia;; Albert B. Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul RESOLVED, That the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby approves an agteement between the City of St. Paul and Ramsey County for participation in the Urban Corps program; and Be it Further RESOLVED, That the two ( 2) page aqreement, on file with the Chief Clerk, is made a part hereof by ceference; and ee It Further RESOLVED, That the Chair and Chief Clerk are authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of Ramsey County. � /� U�-- . . o� �. �►� °� - o