87-609 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BIUE - MAVOR File NO..��_ �0 � Council Resolution � Present d By �.����� �/� Referred To �1 l�J�l�LL�' Committee: Date �—���� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the pro�er City officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis whereby the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis agree to cooperate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps program, and whereby thP iour page Agreement is made a part hereof by reference and is or� �'ile in the office of the City Clerk. Funding - General Government Account 09090 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: �L � � Eugene Sc '11 er �i�� " � � Director, Finance and Management Services H-''" COUNC[LMEN Requested b Department oE: Yeas �,�� Nays � N"os'a [n Favor Rettman Scheibel ,� sor,oe� __ Against BY Ted��o wilson MAY "' �J �987 Form prove by C' y rney Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Vas n il S re BY B}• �� Approv by Mavor: Dat 'f°(AY 7 - 1987 Appro y Mayor for Sub 'ssi ouncil BY - - BY Pll����;i�D ��!;;�� 1 � 1987 Mayor-Personnel . � • • DEPARTMENT T ���y��� N� 4268 Vicki Patsehke CONTACT 298-4376 PHONE � March 25, 1987 DATE �e� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director Eity Clerk Budget Director �TraininQ and Development Manager � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The City of Saint Paul will enter into an Agreement with the City of Minneapolis for participation in the Twin Cit,}� Area Urban Corps p ogram. See attachment for purpose and rationale. ��1�� � �� � COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: APR 0 2 i987 City pays Minne�p�olis $24,000 per the adopted 1987 Urban Corps bud�YOp!g p�CE � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $24,000 quired if under $10,000) � Funding Source: 09090 Act i v i ty Number: 545 ,,,,_ RECENED '► ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : �pp R 0 1 1987 1. Counci 1 Resol uti on pFF10E OF THE �IRECTOR 2. Purp,ose and Rati onal e DEPARTMENT OF Ft�vANC£ 3. Two original 1987 Agreements between St. Paul and Minneapolis µ� ����T �� ' DEPARTMENT REVIEW , CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW / X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�� Yes �No Insurance Attached: ���3�J (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 i _ _.� _� -..s, + . . . � �� ` Q% !�! AGREFI�IENT FCR PARTICIPATIC[�i IN THE URBAN CCRPS PROGRAM BETWEEN TAE CITY C�' MINNEAPQLIS AND TAE CITY �' SAINT PAUL TAIS AGREk3�IENT, entered into this day of � Ig � bq and betaReen the City of Minneapolis (herein called "Urban Corps") and The (�ty of Saint Paul (herein called "Ag�ency"). WAEFtEAS, the above na.med Agency, a public orga.nization, desires to participate in tt� Twi.n City Aiea Urban Corps and in consideration for the assignment of Urba.n Corps student interns to tbe Agency, we do berebp agree to the folloqving tern�s and c�diti�s: 1. The Urba.n Corps shall have the right ,to approve or Yeject zequests for student-interas submitted by this Ag�ency upon forms pr�vided for that purpo5^e by the Urban Corps. 2. The Agency will acaept a stuc�nt as an intern by c:ompleting and signing the Assignment Section of a student's Urban Corps application fo�n. 3. The Agency sha.11 utilize such students as me.y be assigned to it in accordanc�e with the specifications set forth in its written request to the Urban Corps, and sball iam�ediately notify the Urba.n Corps of any cha.ng�e in nature of assignment, duties, supervisor or work loca.tia�n. 4. The A�ency shall provide such students as me�y be assigned to it �th a � safe plaae to work and With adequate =+espo�sible supervision. 5. The Urban CoYps sha.11 have the right to inspect the work being perfoz�med by such students as may be assigned to tbe Agency, and shall have the -right to interview such students and their supervisors. 6. The Urban Corps shall have the rlght to require such students as m�y be assigned to the Agency to attend such general or special meetings, or to appear at the Urba.n Corps offioe, individua.11y or as a group, as shall be neoessary for the proper functions of the pivgram. 7. In accordanoe wi th the r�quirements of Federal a.nd Statie la�, work pe r�oxmed by such students as may be assigned to the Agency: a. Will be in the public interest; b. Will not result in the displaoement of employed worl�ers or i�a.ir existing contracts for servioes; c. Does not involve the oonstYUCtia�, c�eration or maintenanoe of so much of any facility as is used, or is to be used, for sectarian instruction or as a plaae for ieligious worship; and : _ . - . . �- �� !�a 9 d. Does not involv�e any pa.rtisan or non�artisaa political activity associated with a canc�idate, or contending faction or group in a.n election for public or party office. 8. The Agency sha.11 Yequire such students as may be assigned to it to submit time reports and follo�w such oth�er prooedures as may be established by the Urban Corps. 9. The Urba.n Corps shall ha.ve the right to remove a.ny students assigned to the Agency f rom said assignment and f rom the Agency at any time for any reason Without prior notic�e; and the Urban CoYps shall not be obligated to r+eplaoe said student. 10. The Agency shall have the rigbt to �mov+e any student assigned to said Agency at any time with prior notioe giv�n to the student and the Uz�aan Corps. 11. The Agency warrants tha.t it is in complia.nqe with the pxovisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352, ?8 Sta.t. 252), Minnesota. Statutes Section 181.59 and Minneapolis Code of Ordinance, Chapter 139 a.nd 141. 12. The Agency shall indemnify, protect a.nd hold haxmless th� Urban Corps from all claims, causes or actions which may result f ram the assignment of students to the Agency. 13. The Agency shall obta.in at its own expense Worker's Compensation insuranoe (or shall be self-insured under State Law) for such students as may be assigned to it unde r this Agreement. 14. The A�ency sha.11 pay to the Urba.n Corps 20%, or other peroentage figuze as agreed upon by identifying the peraentage figure on the studeat's Urban Corps applica.tion• form, of the gross c�mpensa.tion earned bp such students assigned and acaepted by the Agency under a Federal or State progam. The Urban Corps will bill the Agency, in accordanoe with bi-aPeekly payroll periods, for its proper shar� of the compensation of such students as may have been assigned to the Agency and perforn�ed work during said period. Student hourlp rates are set forth in Section 14(a) and 14(b) of this A�reement. a. Aourly compensation for students will be set at $5.75 per ha�ur for entering freshmen through reoeipt of a Ba.ch�elor's D�gree, and $6.75 per hour for gradua.te students or other agreed upon �urly compensation rates, or.other rates for Urba.n Corps student interns as esta.blished by the City of Minneapolis, through a salary ordinanve repla.cing current minimum rates. b. A graduate student is defined for purposes of this Agreement as one who has reaeived a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree or is enrolled in the fifth year of a five year program. . _ (,��� �a� 15. At the election of the Agency, the Urban Corps shall plaoe students to intern under a Stipend program. This option will be specified in the Assignment Form which the intiern's Agency supetvisor must sign before canmenoement of the int�rnship. The Stipend rate wtii.ch the Ag�ency shall pay the Urban Corps is $20.00 per w�ek for each v�eek the student works. 16. At the election of the Agency, the Urba.n Coxps shall plaoe intierns for whom the Agency will pay the intern's tota.l compensation. This option will be specified in the Assignrtient Foxm which the intern's Agency super�ri.sor must sign befoze c�mmenoement of the internship. Agency rates for said option are set forth in Sectian 16(a) of this Agr�ement. a. Agency rates for students will be set at $5.75 per hour for entering freshmen through zeceipt of a Bact�lor's Degree, and $6.75 per hour for graduate students or other agreed upon hourly cbmpensation rates. b. A graduatie student is defined for puxposes of this AgYeement as one who has reoeived a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree or is enrolled in the fifth year of a five y�ear program. _ 17. To comply with P.L. 99-272, the Agency shall pay to t1�e Urba.n Corps, for students ieceiving an hourly salary according to the rates specified in Section 14(a) a.nd 14(b), a.ad Section 16(a) a.nd 16(b), aa additional 1.5� or other peroentage figure as agreed upan by identifying the peroentage figure on the student's Urba.n Corps application form of the gross compensation earned by such students assigned to a.nd acoepted by the Agency after April 1, 1986. 18. Saint Paul will provide $88,353.00 (Eighty-eight Thousand, Three Hundxed and Fifty-three Dollars) towards the personnel and administrative expense of tbe� Urban Corps program. 19. Sa.int Paul will pay to the Urban Corps $24,0�.00 (Z�aentp four Thousand Dollars) for administrative expenses. Saint Paul will pa.y sa.id amo�.mt in quarterly installments to the Urban Coips beginning April l, 198?. 20. Saint Paul will xeta.in $64,353.00 (Siaty-faur Thousa.ad, Thnee Aundred a.nd Fifty-three Dolla.rs) for personnel and administrative eapenses incurred by the Saint Pa.ul�amsey Caunty Urban CoYps offioe. 21. PerPormanoe uader this contract shall commence on Ja.nuary 1, 198? and teYmina.te on Deoember 31, 1987, unless amended in writing as mutually agreed upon by both the A�ency and the Urban Corps; h�arev�er, either party may tern�inate upon ninety (90) days written notioe. Should such right of termination be e�ercised, then only the pro-ra.ta portian of such installment coadng due hezein shall be pa.id or shall the �benainating party be liable for. __..._�_...�_..._„ _.�._.�..�._- �...�..�..... ,..-. � . . (��Z�c� 9 Based upon the statements and affirmations made by the Agency through the abov�e document, the Urban CoYps hereby agrees to the assignment of students to said Agency, in aocordanae wi�h said document and the applicable laws and re�ulations. TIiE CITY (&' SAINT PAITL TFiE CITY CF' MINNEAPCLIS � Mayor Mayor Attest: � ���Zu� Assistant City Clerk ' �O� r' r Director, Offioe of Personnel /�'� � �l/ � Cauntersigned: ; � ,� � i � c DiYector, rtment of nanae and�(��.�; Comptr�ller-Treasurer Mana.g�ement ,�_i.- Appr�ved as to Fo=m: Approved as to Legalitp: � Assista.nt City ttorney Assista.nt G`ity Attorney L.�� L te�� . • � �.�-�,o � «�� CITY OF SgINT P9.UL ���:'�i1 � OB'FICE OF THF CZTY COUiYCIL Cammi�tee �eport : ��. Man�.eme�t, & Pers�nnel Committee. APRIL 23, 1987 1. Presentation by Mayor Lati.mer regarding status of negotiations between the city of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Police Federation. Laid over one week. 2. Follow-up discussion on making the city's budget process more responsive to City Council needs. Laid aver - . 3. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 16, 1987. Ap�roved 4. Resolution amending the 198�5-1986 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the city of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation and adopting a new wage schedule pursuant to comparable worth studies (laid over from February 26) . Laid over for 1 week for substitute resalution. 5. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution and establishing the rate of pay for Operating Engineer _II. Approved with recommendation _t�o ass. 6. es�o�ution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution and establishing the rate of pay for Parks and Recreation Manager in Grade 23, Section I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ra.nges. Approved, recommend a roval 7. Reso ution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, Section I, Subsection D, by substituting a new Subsection D1, D2, and D3, . 1987 Standard Salary Ranges. Approved, recommend passage 8. Resolution amendiag the 1987 budget by adding $57,200 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Works Engineering Fund (upgrade of Pyramid computer - laid over from April 16). Approved/recommend passage 9. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $48,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Police - Administration Division. Avvroved, recommend assa e. 10. eso u on amending the 1987 budget by adding $70,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Police - Patrol Division. Approved/recommend passage 11. Resolution amending the 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 and 1987 CIB budgets by transferring $430,000 to the Raymond/Rasota Realignment project to finance increased cost for right-of-way. ��Froved/recommend passage 12. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $8,350 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Health Special Revenue Fund� (enforcement of the noise ordinance) . Approved/recommend passage CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SS102 � .�i. ��IITTEE REPORT . � f,' / � � ���C�', MAl3AGEMENT & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE a lP -._1 23, 1987 ,z 2 13. Resolut�.on �u,thariz�.a� an ��xeexaent. bs_t�e�t...��, .�,��Y o�,,,��,,j�q,t Pau3 aRd t&e. _.. ..�. . . • ".��t� ''�1't�reby thsy agrae to co�z.�e,� rate .;.,�,t . iCipation with �,t II�baa Corps _program. APProvedJ.i"�commen�pas�' • 14. Resolution authorizing an agreement between the city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey whereby they agree to cooperate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps program, and whereby the county will appropriate $6,185 and the city will appropriate $82,168 to the administration of this program. „gpDroved/recommend passage 15. Administrative Order: D-8351: Approval of payment to Scott, Foresman and Company for purchase of manuals. t.aid over one week. . . �� �a� � � s PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Agreement would continue the City of Saint Paul 's participation in the Urban Corps program with the City of Minneapolis. The joint participation between the two cities in the Urban Corps program began in 1970. The Agreement allows the City to: 1. Provide students enrolled in post-secondary educational institutions with an opportunity to participate firsthand in all aspects of City government. 2. Provide the City with the skills, enthusiasm, motivation, and creativity of the college population. 3. Provide students with the opportunity to earn money to continue their academic careers. 4. Attract into city government the young talent government requires. 5. Utilize Federal and State funds which provide up to 80� of the student-interns' salary. 6. Provide a central administrative office to screen in excess of 2,000 students each year from over 50 colleges. 7. Keep administrative costs to a minimum through the contractual arrangements with Ramsey County and the City of Minneapolis. 8. Display how local_units of government can work together in providing services to the communities they serve. � r---� RECEIVED (�� �'?-(v49 APR 18 1988 �� �° APp•'�OVED BY CITY COUNCIL ' . � - 11 l fi ,is 9 AGR� ��l�ARTICIPATICN IN TAE URBAN CCRPS PRO(�,AM c;r,c�' e�� ` BEPWEEN TAE CITY �' MINNEAPCLIS AND TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TAIS A(�tEDNIIIdT, enbered into this day of , 19 , by and between the City of Minneapolis (herein called "Urban O�rps") a.nd Ttie City of Saint Paul (herein called "A�ency"). WF�REAS, the above na.med Agency, a public organizatiai, desires to pa.rticipa.te in the �►in Citq Area Urban (brps and in consic3eration for the assignment of Urban Corps student-inteins to the Agency, �e do hereby agree to the follaving berms and conditians: l. The Urban Corps shall hav�e the right to approve or reject requests for student-interns submitted bq this Agency upon forms provided for tbat pa�rpose by the Urban Corps. 2. The Agency will acaept a student as an intern by oompleting and signing the Assignment Sectiaci of a student's Urbsn Oorps applica.tion fo=m. 3. The A�ency shall utilize such students as ma,y be assigned to it in e.coordanoe with the specifications set forth in its written request to th�e Urbsn Cozps, and shall i�ediately notify the Urban Corps of any change in nature of assignment, duties, supervisor or work location. 4. The Agency shall pravide such students as m�y be assigned to it with a safe plaoe to pork and with adequate responsible supervision. 5. The Urba.n Corps shall hav�e th�e Mght to inspect the work being perfoxmed by such students as may be assig�d to the Agency, and shall ba.ve the right to interview such students and their supervisors. 6. The Urban Cbrps shall have the right to require such students as may be assigned to the Agency to attend such general or special meetings, or to appear at the Urban O�rps offioe, individually or as a gro�up, as shall be neoessary for the proper functions of the program. 7. In acoordanoe with the requirements of F�ederal and State law, work performed bq such students as me.y be assigned to the Agency: e. Will be in th�e public inte�st; b. Will not result in the displaaement of emplc�ed worl�ers or impair eaisting contracts for servioes; c. Does not involv�e th�e construction, operation or maintsnanoe of so �ch of any facility as is used, or is to be used, for eectarian instniction or as a pla.oe for ieligious worship; and - . '' G� � 8���09 , d. Does not involwe any partisan or nan pa.rtisan political activity associated �vith a candidate, or contending faction or group in a.n election for public or party offioe. 8. The Agency shall require such students as may be assigned to it to submit time reports and follaw such other procedures as may be established by the Urban Corps. 9. The Urba.n Gbrps shall have th�e rlght to zemove any students assigned to tbe Agency from said assignment and from the Agency at any time for any reas� pithaut prior notioe; and the Urban Corps shall not be obligated to replaoe said student. 10. The Agency shall hav�e the right to remove any student assi�ed to said Agency at any time with pMor notioe given to the student and the Urba.n Gbrps. 11. The Agency warrants that it is in complianoe �vith the pr�visions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352, ?8 Stat. 252), l�innesota Statutes Section 181.59 and Minneapolis Code of Ordinanoe, Chapter 139 and 141. 12. The Agency shall indemnify, protect and hold ha�mless the Urban G�oYps from all claims, causes or actions which m�y zesult from the assignment of students to the Agency. 13. Tbe Agency shall obtain at its aqvn eapense Work�er's Oompensation insuranae (or shall be self-insured under Sta.te Law) for such students as me.y be assigned to it under this Agreement. 14. The Ag�ency shall pay to the Urban Oorps 20�, or other peroentage figure as agreed upon by identifying the peroentage figure on the student's Urba.n Gbrps application form, of the gross compensation earned by such students assigned and acoeptsd by the Agency under a Federal or Sta.te progam. Ttye Urban Cbips will bill the 9gency, in accordanoe With bi-�eekly payroll periods, for its proper share of the oompensation of such students as may hav�e been assigaed to the Agency and performed Work during said period. Student hourly rates are set forth in Section 14(a) and 14(b) of this Agreement. a. Aaurly c�mpensation for students �rill be set at $5.75 per hour for ente ring freshmen through reoeipt of a Bachelor's Degree, and $6.75 per hour for �raduate students or other agreed upon hourly � oompensation rates, or other rates for Urban Gbrps student interns as esta.blished by the City of Ninneapolis, through a sala.ry ordinanoe replacing current minimum rates. b. A gradua.�be student is defined for purposes of this Agreement as ane who has r+eoeived a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degzee or is enrolled in the fifth year of a fiv�e yea.r program. , . C�� 87- �o�r , . • 15. At the election of the Agency, the Urba,n Corps ehall plaoe students to inte rn under a Stipend program. This aption will be specified in the Assigoment Form which the intern's Agency supervisor must sign before c�oamenoement of the interriship. Tbe Stipend rate which the Agencq shall pay the Urba.n Cbrps is $20.00 per w�ek for each Week the student works. 16. At the election of the Agency, tY�e Urban Corps shall plaoe interns for whan the Ageacy will pay tt�e intem's total compensatian. This option will be specified in the Assignment Form which the intern's Agencq supervisor must sign before c�enaement of the inte rnship. Agency rates for said option are set forth in Section 16(a) of this Agreement. 8• AgencY rates for students will be set at $5.75 per hour for entering freshmen thraugh �oeipt of a Bachelor's Deg�e, and $6.75 per hour for gra,duate students or other a.greed upon hourly oompensation rates. � b. A gradua.te student is defined for purposes of this Agreement as one � who has reoeived a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degr+ee or is enr�lled f in the fifth year of a fiv�e y�ear program. � 17. To c�omply with P.L. 99-272, the Ag�ency sball pay to the Urban Cbrps, for � students neoeiving an hourly salary acoording to the rates specified in � Section 14(a) and 14(b), and Section 16(a) and 16(b), an additianal 1.5% ` or othe r pe roentage figune as agreed upon by identifying tbe peroentage � figure on the student's Urban Cbrps application form of the gross compensation earned by such students assigned to and acoepted by the � Ag�ency af te r Apri 1 1, 1986. 18. Sa,int Pa.ul will provide $88,353.00 (Eighty-eight Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty-three Dolla.rs) tawards the personnel and administrativ� eapense of the Urba.n Corps p�gra,m. � 19. Saint Paul will pay to ti�e prban (brps $24�ppp.00 (�enty-four Thousand � Dollars) for administrativ�e egpenses. Saint Paul �vill p�y sa,id amount in quarterly insta.11ments to the Urban Corps beginning ApMl 1, 1987. 20. Saint Paul will ietain $64,353.00 (Siaty-four Thousand, Th�e Aund�d and Fifty-three Dolla.rs) for personnel and administrative eapenses incurYed by the Saint Paul-Ramsey Co�,wty Urban C�� offioe. 21• F�rfo�noe under this contract shall commenae on January 1, 1987 a.nd 'be�inate on Ueoember 31, 1987, unless amended in writing as mutually agreed upon by both the Agency a.nd the Urban Corps; t�►ever, either P�i"tY �Y tierminate upon ninety (90) days wM tten notioe. Should such � right of termina,tion be exe rcised, then only the pro-rata portion of such installment coming due henein shall be paid or shall the terminating party be liable for. � �� �� ° eF S� -��q � Based upo� the statiements and affirmations m�de by the Agency th�ugh the abov�e � document, the Urban Corps heneb� ag�es to the assignment of students to said Agency, in acoordanoe With said document and the applicable laws and regulations. TAE CITY C�' SAINT PAUL THE CITY �' NINNEAPCLIS � _ � � �N I�ayor Attest: � � � / �� Assis t le rk ;� < : f3�A• l/. Diiector, Offioe of Personnel Co�intersigned: Di recto Depa rtne t of Finan d rol e r-T asurer Manag�ement Approved as to Fonn: Appr�v�ed as to Legality: .r � 6�i��-- Ass stant City At rney As stant ty rney f i -* V I.T Y �F �A I N T i'A u �. File N�1. �'^,.7-�?a ry_______ �� �.� � Council Resolution , , . �.�'��� ,�� �.,t� By JRefe�red To �) N A'I�C�-' Committee: Date ����'�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the �Sroper City officers are authorized and directed to execute, an behalf of�the City of Saint Paul , an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis whereby the City � of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis agree to cooperate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps program, and whereby the four page Agreement is made a part hereof by reference and is oci �i 1 e i n the off i ce of the Ci ty C1 erk. - Funding - General Government Account 09090 � APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: . • � � � ugene Sc er � Director, Finance and Management Services K�'" � COUNC[LMEN Requested Depactment of: Yeas ^„� Nays � N��:�� [n Favor iiKtmsn �� $eh�ib�l � By : ����, Against T�d� . . W���� M�Y —`J ��87 Form ov by C' t mey Adopted by Council: Date � Certitied P�s n il S ey . Ey Approv y Mavor: Dat 'f°1AY 7 — ��87 Appro y Mayor for Sub ssi ouncil ey By p�,�;;;�� ��':�Y 1 � 1987 . � � s 1 ^o� � ��V� j. � . . �j�' PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � This Agreement would continue the City of Saint Paul 's participation in the Urban Corps program with the City of Minneapolis. The �oint participation between the two cities in the Urban Corps program began in 1970. The Agreement allows the City to: 1. Provide students enrolled in post-secondary educational institutions with an opportunity to participate firsthand in all aspects of City government. 2. Provide the City with the skills, enthusiasm, motivation, and creativity of the college population. 3. Provide students with the opportunity to earn money to continue their academic careers. 4. Attract into city government the young talent government requires. 5. Utilize Federal and State funds which provide up to 80% of the student-interns' salary. 6. Provide a central administrative office to screen in excess of 2,000 students each year from over 50 colleges. 7. Keep administrative costs to a minimum through the contractual arrangements with Ramsey County and the City of Minneapolis. 8. Display how local_units of government can work together in providing services to the cortmunities they serve. �