87-594 WHITE - C�TY CLERK � PINK - F�NANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV -�OEPARYMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �� � _ uncil Resolution --� ;�� � Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of St. Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated March 10, 1987, marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 03/10/87 13-87-H 1015 St. Clair Ave. James W. Wellner BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time ( 60 days) to complete the work order pertaining to Electrical and affirm the order of a letter dated, January 5, 1987 . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Bryant' s Park Addition E 1/2 of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16 Blk 2 --------------------------------------- 03/10/87 15-87-H 661 Ohio St. John & Kay Eikeland BOi�RD i1CTION: Granted an extension of time (30 days) to complete the electrical work, affirming the order of a letter dated, March 5, 1987 . � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Dawson' s Addition to Saint Paul Lot 3 Blk 6 --------------------------------------- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ Agaitlst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B}� Approved by Ailavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — BY WHITE - C�7v CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �/ CANARV �-DEPAR�'MENT File NO. �� �+ �� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 03/10/87 16-87-H 1841 Laurel Ave. Leonard or Elsie Daniel BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time (60 days) to complete the work, affirming the order as per letter dated February 2, 1987 . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Washburn' s Rearrangement of Block 18, 2nd addition Merriam Park City of St. Paul E 23 Ft of Lot 9 and W 37 Ft of Lot 10 --------------------------------------------- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas p�eW Nays ,Q'� Plieeeie- �J Rettman Irl FBVO[ Scheibel Sonnen �__ Against BY Tedesco YYi1se++— APR 3 0 1987; Form pprove by Ci Att ey Adopted by Council: Date �, Certified Pa Council S tar BY B}� Approv y Mavor: Dat ; MAY - i 1987 Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Co ncil Bv - - — BY P°"� `��'..�' �F� �,e ; .4., - , f , . ��T�i�/ � -� ST. PAUL 80ARt� Q� APPEALS ANL7 �EV I El� 705A Citv Hall St. F�aul , Minnesota 55102 Minutes, Meeting of March 10, 1987 MEMBtk NKE5�N1": Ron Glassman, Chairman Rosi� Bostrom Glenn Gausman William Nite Harold Knutson JaviC Schult� Wil � iam riiton O"I HtkS NNF S�t�!'f: Pat t i sh, St. Pau i F i re t�revent i on Nope .4brams , St. t�au 1 r i re Pz-event i on 5herry �ackson, 5-r. F'a�.�I F i re Prevent i on Alvaro D. Sazzy, 5t. N�ul . Fire Nrevention Uick Li�pert, Housing Code James Yannerrelly, tiousina Code Joe Betz, Housin�� Code Carolyn 5heppard, Housing Cocle Mr. 8 Mrs. Leonard J. Uaniels Mr. & Mrs. Mike Long Kathryn Eikeland David Norton harlen Heichel R. J. Tansev ,� im wellner � � :' The meeting of the Board of Appeals 8� Review was called to order by Chairman Ron Glassman, at 1 :3Q �.m. in Room 707, City Hall , March 1J, 1987. Mr. Glassman welcomed the appeltants and explainec! the procedure, statin�� that what the h3oard does is recotn�nends act i on to C i tv Counc i 1 . Minutes of the Fpbruary 1Q, 198"l meeting were approved as submitted in writing. P.lice Bij,;ani end Maureen Fischer, from the St. Paul Rental Energy �fficiency Erz�orcement (SPREEE) attended the meeting to address fihe board on the SPP.EEE program, the board will be receiving numerous cases pertainin!a to tnis . Some ,years aqo, the State passed a law requirin� certain enerqy canservation standards that apply to re►�ta! policy. Enforcement was to be at state level , S ]nC� �t4�at t i me �the C i ty Cour�c i 1 has seen f i t to ask SPFtEE� to �nFor-ce the State Energy Stan�arcls. Inspections are clone because of tenants complaining. This prograrn is being handled in the hea��th departmerit, in the housing code section. SPREEE will not be a par�t of Certificate of Occu�ancy. Wl�en the auCit is made it is determined which of the stanCards being met wili have a �a,ybacl� period of ten years or less , eg; if the cost exceeds more than what wi1 ! be saved, then the item listed does not have to be done. ', Maureen Fischer, from SPRtEE who c�oes the ener�y audit, whether or not the price of fuet goes up or down, there are some items on tne list that will pay for itselfi. 1 � . � . . ��1-�9� � t:A�,E Nta� !='�tjf�r RiY ANt='EALEG ANNtLLANI� ( 13-87-N 1U15 ST. Clair Ave. James W. Wellner ANPEARANCE James A. Wellner 5UB�EC-f Appeliant is appealing the requirement to provide at least one ( 1 ? recer?tacle in kitchen on a �e�arate 20 zmp. ClT"CUIt. The balance of the unit must be equally split between 7::wo (2} as re�uested i n a 1 et�er ctated Janaury 5, 15t3�7. �'RU�_F FD I I�IGS Mr. We 1 1 r}er stated tr�at sornet i me back he had a Truth & Hous i nc7 i ns�ect i ori a t so t=NA i ns;�ec�t- i on, ar�a �r�e��e was rio men��i�n ofi t���is violat�ior�. �ick Lippert , s�tated the r�asoi� for the inspection was beca�se of a � e�ter frem the tenarit, reques�ting the city to inspect the proper•ty, as the tenant has been biowing fuses. Mr. Lippert had a city inspect�r go to the hou�e. The report came back that tt�e wiring was ir�adequate. �u�gested to appellant that a 20 amp unit be installed in the ki�chen, and split the rest of the units on a separate circ��it. l30ARD ACTIUN Motion macie by Harald Knutson to deny the appeal recaardin� the e�lectrical wiring. Mr. Glassman suggested that it be recognized in the motion that the Electrical inspector had ��,,;::�_: said, that in all probability , it does not need new wiring. �- maybe something can be altered to get the wir�ng �ione, granting tt►e appellant 6Q days extens�ion to complete the work. Secanded by Dave 5cnutlz. MOTIUN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------ 15-87-H 6C�1 Ohio 5t. John or Kay Eikeland APP�A�ANCE Kay Eikeland SUB�EC7 A�pellan�t is ar�pea] ing the order to upgrade the existing Electrica) System, because of fiinancial hardship, needs to apply fnr financial assistance. aR�JCcE�J I NGS The ��.�i t d i nc� i s 8�:1 years o 1 d. -f�he i nspec i on was due to the fact one oF the tenants had filed a complaint. The a#�Pellant feels in orcler to brin,y the electrical up t� date, this wil �! cause a tinanciai hardship. Carolyn Sheppard, from Housing Code received a complaint and then went out tor the inspection. Upon checking the files , there had been an apt�eal filed in 1982 , regarding the electrical , anc� at that time the appellant was �iven 90 days to bring the code violation up to da�te. (. 2 � " - . �- ��_��� Ms. Eikeland stated that she was unable to get financing at that �. �tirne. The citv dia not follow with another inspecion at that time. Mo permit has been taken out to complete the werk. �iC�ARD AC�T'I ON Mo�t i on made b�i B i 1 I T i 1 ton ta deny the request for a var�iance per�taining t� electrica ! system, but granted an exter.sion of 3U days to complete tne work requirecl. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED U�IANIMOU5LY. ------------------------------------------------ 11-87-H 8�39 � . MarylanC Ave. 'fansey Co. Mar�ager R. �. Ta��sev AP��ARAl4(:E R. J. TdC15�y SUBJECT Appellant is appealing item #3 - from a deficiency list, dated December lU, 1986, pertainin�� to Laundrv Room-Provide one hour f i re ser�arat i on between 1 aunc+rv roorn and corr i dor. PROCEE(�INGS The ap��llant feels i� is a waste of money. as this room leads to a small hall way which has several doors which ars f i i�e rated doors . Hor�e Abrams , from Fire Prevention bureau stated the opening must be a one hour f i rec! rated cloor w i th a se 1 f c 1 os i r�g h i n4e. �'=�.� BOARJ AC7ION Motion made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a variance pertaining to fire separation between laundry room and �the corridor. Bi11 Tilton amended his motion to read, deny the variance. The appellan�t must close door to laundry room or incorpora�te the corridor with the laundry roorn by �utting a fire door near what seems to be the southern end of the corridor. S?�Of1Cl�d by Rosie Bostrom. MO"fION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------- 14-87-H 592 Nortland Ave. Harlan Heichel APPEAF�AN(:E Har 1 an He i che 1 SUBJtC'f Appellant is appealing the 3 rooms on the second filoor- with c�oking stoves , which classify them as units, as opposed to sleeping rooms, also sharing of bath. PF�OCE�DINGS Appellant received a letter citing him for violations pertaining to sharing of bath, also the upper 3 units having stoves . Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated Mr. Heichel needs a variance on the sharing of ba�ths and allowing the stoves to r-�rri���n i r-, tr,� un 1 ts. F i re Prevent i an Bureau does not a�pose the variance with the condition thr�t the out5taridinq vio�iations firom a cieficiency letter dated December 8, 1986 be completed in 30 days . 3 � . � . �,����y� _ BUARU ACT I UN Mot i on rnaGe by Ron G 1 as 3man to gran� a var�i,�nce c�r7 ( tne u�s�tairs units to allow stoves in the units, a) so sharing of batns with the condition that these units be occupied by 1 person only per unit and the Apr�ellant must complete the violations From the deficiency list letter dated December 8, 1986, pertaining to F' ire Separation; Combustible Storage; Fire ExtinQUishers ; Donr Closures ; Dead Bolts. Seconded by Rosie iiostrom. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------ l6-87-H 1841 I_a��rel Ave. Leor�ard J. ar Elsie Daniel A!?�_.4kHNCE Leonard � . 8� E 1 s i e Dan i e 1 . SUl3�ECT P.l�pellant is appealiny item #1 Fire Separation; item #2 1= ire Separation, provide cornbustion air from the outside; item 3 8 i•tem 10 Electrical ; item #4 Light 8� Ventilation; Item # 8 Door Closures; itern �# 9 Oead Bolts; item # 12 Bathroom li�ht and ventilation; item #13 Rubbish Chutes; item 14 Fire Separation- basement as per 1 etter c�ated Februar�y 2, 1987. . PROCEtDINGS Ron Glassman informed the a�pellant of the letter received from the Merriam Par�c Community Councii . Ap�ellant feels all the violations are unnecessary and an invasion of h�is riaht t� own a home and have rental property. � ~�' . Pa� Fish, from Fire Prevention stated the first at.tempt to contact the owner was in March 1y82, this building has never been certified. 7he appellant lives in one of the units and four units are rented. Ms. Fish went through the building with the appellant to work ou�t options so as to bring the building up to code, so that a Certificate of Occupancy could be issued. BvARU ACTION Mo�tion made bv Bill Nite to deny the request for a variance pertaining to Item #1 Fire Separation-Wired glass; Ttem #3 Electrical ; Itern #8 Uoor Closures; item #9 Dead Bolts; Item #13 Rubbish Chute; Item ##14 Fire Separation, Basement; instead giving the appellant an extension of time for 60 days to complete the required work. Seconded by Rasie Bostrom. M�TION CARRIED tJNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------------------- 17-87-N 168� Randolph Ave. Mike 8 Heather Long APPEARANCE SUt3.1ECT Apt�ellant is appealing Item #6-Dead bolts ; from a letter clated February G, 1987. PROCEEDINGS Mr_ �ong would like to wait having to install ( t - deadbolt lock until these locks have to be replaced. 7he deadbolt locks which are presently in are not the ones required by code. 4 • �,�-��-J�� I'a�t t= ish, from Fire Nrevention state� that there is a lot of (� � liability, because this is life safety, and if the board allows the ap�ellant to wait until �the� have to be replacecl that would be like grantina a variance and the Fire Preven�tion Bureau will no�t go a2ong with that. BOARU ACTION Motion made by 8i11 Hite to denY the request, pertainin� to deadbolts. Seconcled by G? enn Gausmann. MOTIQN CRP.RIEO UNANIMOU5LY. ---------------------------------------------- ?�t-t�7-!-! 25� �� i nth S�. E. H i 1 da Sanaberq Trust�. Dwayne Jonnson APPEARA►�lCE NONE SUB�ECT Appellant is re�uesting a variance from St. I'aul �ec�i s I at i c:e Cocte, 34 . 1 1 , per�a i n i ng to shar i ng of ba�.ns. E�►�OCEED?l�iGS Pat F i sh, from F i re f�revent i on stated that the F i re l�e�artmer�t has no prob 1 em w i th the Board gran�t i r�g the appe 1 1 ant a variance, with the condition that all other items on the clefici �ncy iist are cornpletec� in 3Q davs. SvARD ACTION Motion made by Rosie Bostrom granting a variance on �^� �� tne sharin� of baths , with the condition that all other items on .'"�-; �_"� a Ueficiency lis�t dated February 11 , 19$7 are completed. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOrION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------------------- �4-87-H 195 University Ave. R � N Corporation James E. LaFave APPEAf�ANC�. James E. LaFave SUBJECT Appellan�t is appealing Item 11 , from a deficiency list letter dated November 14, 19t37, pertaining to Automatic Fire Extinguisher 5ystem, as the cost would be excessive. PRUCFEC�iI��GS James E . LaFave stated that the rea ! issue here is the c��st of hooking up the water. The cost ta hook up to the wdter 1ine is $8,U00. Mr. LaFave is talking about a spray booth whicl� is in a separate building, the choices are dry chemical or tne water sprinkler. The dry chemical bid was �3,600. Total cost fnr the two �laces to be hooked u� with the sprinkler system will cost close to �20,000. This is a storage space in the basernen�t. � ` 5 - . �-�1_ J��� _ Sherry Jacksc�n, fr�m t= i re Prevent i on Bureau state� tt7�t tt-�e k�����v � , shop in question is within the building and not a separa�e buildinc7. Ms . Jackson has talked to two �odyshop owners regarding the fact that there is a problem with the buildup of peat in the duct work causing fires. This is definitely a ha?ard. Cl�emical SYstem is adequate. Glenn Gausman, s�ta�ted that he has done some investigating about tnese paint arrester filters , these are filters that ao at ttie end of the booth. Mr. Gausman s-tated that most ofi the fires are caused by paini� laying in the filters and ignitinq by sporitaneous combus�t i on. BOARD ACYIU�! Motion macte ay Gleen Gausman to deny the waiver reyarding the Sprinkler 5ystem. Seconctecl by !3i ) 1 7ilton. MUTION CARkIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------------------- 05-87-H 1tt59 University Ave. Haroid Slawik Properties S. Mark Vaught This case was wi�:ndrawn, because the Fire Dzpartment and the Appellant have �een working together to solve the code violations. t: _ ---------------------------------------------- l2-87-H 1682 St. Clair Ave. Donald Patrick Kane APPEARANCE Donald P. Kane SUBJECT A{�pellant is requesting an extension ofi time to October 1 , 1987 on the reyuirernent that all wall5, foundation and Floors be insulated to R-11 , because money required to finance the corrections will not be available till after June 1 , 1987. F�ROCEEDINGS Mr. Kane has insulated some of the walts to R-11 . The new addition has been insulated. The old walls that are to be insulated would require that holes be put in the siding and have insulation blown into the walts . In order to patch up these hole inside and out than *he house will hr�ve to f�e painted. J�hn Betz, from Housing Code ofi=ice stated that rnost of the violations on the list, the housing code office would have no problem if the Soard would grant the appellant a variance, but �r'r ��i�;1 t'1� tl��t ttlz wa! 1 s that are n�t i nsu 1 ated be i n�u 1 ated to R-11 . ; 6 . � , o� �7-���� � C�UARD ACTION Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant a variance on the insulation walis and give the appellant an extension of time to complete all the other items from a deficiency list letter dated, October 24 , 1987. Seconded by Rosie Bostrom. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM(7USLY. ------------------------------------------ 19-87-H 1U37 Western Ave N. Brian 8runette TI�i s case nas bee�� 1 a i d over to th� Apr i 1 1 4, 19F37 mee*�i ng. Meetina ad.iourned at 3 :45 p.m. �"'s� 4 7 - i i� } f . , . i� �/ . � . • �-''� I 1St 3�q-�'�? ~ �( � �' 2nd � (�,- �7 .-ir ��- � 3rd ,��- �Q- ;r � ' ; � - Adopted ./�,a%;� i--;' � - Yeas ` Nays DREW - ' NICOSIA " " � �J � % ��f�= � , R�'�'T'MAN . SCHEIBEL SONNEN ' WILSON i � � MR. PREgIDENT TEDESCO ; . i � � R .�..,_.__ . __ __.__.....�.�_.__�.. , _-�- , ��....�..._.,._,.___.�..,.._.�_.._ . ....._._.�_ ,._..w.._._._..,,..,