87-588 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU�ICIl (^/ r CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. v � �� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution ,---� Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Counci.l of the Ci.ty of Sai.nt Paul t►ereby approves the appointment by the Mayor, of James C. Lombardi. as Labor Relations Di.rector, sai.d appoi.ntment to be effecti.ve immediately. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DfeW Nays �� � _ ONNEL OFFIC Rettman In Favor Scheibel Sonnen � __ Against �� Tedesco � APR3Q1987 Form Appr ed b 'ty t ney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Pas• ouncil c ta BY ss• Ap o by Mavor. te _� Y ` i �QR� APpro y Mayor for Submiss n t ouncil B Ptl�n���� _ :: :; 1�87 i Personnel� Office �p�'�pT � �� N° _ 0649'7 I , Rafael Visc,�sillas �,_, CQNTiAGT 4221 . PHOI�E � 4-17-87 DATE '' ����� ,, �r � I�SSIGPI NW!QER FOR ROUT�I�G ORDER (Caip Alli Locations for S.i�nat�ure) ; � Department Director � Director of ManagementJMayor � Finance and Mar�agement Services Director � 4 City Clerk � Budget Director. 2 City Attorney I�FIAT WILL Bf ACHIEV�D �Y TA�ING ACTLON Q�1 Tk1E ATTACHEQ M�TERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution a roves an a RECEIVED pp ppointment to the title of Labor Relations" Director. , . APR 2 01987 m� 1�� �\�' MAYOR'S OFFICE . � . �OST/BENEFIT,. BUOGETJ�RY AND PfRSONN�L I'Mf�I�CTS ANTICIPATED.: None directly. Previous�jr the title of Labor Relations Director and the incumbent were a� a higher grade. ; � ; _ �INANCING.SOURGE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY Nt�ER (�IARGEO OR CREDITED: (I�Qr's signa- ` .� ture not re- Total Anwunt of 'Tr�nsac:�:ion: quired i"f under " s10,00Q) Funding; Source: Activity Number: • ! i �TTAGHMENTS (L i st and Nuiaber Ai T A�ta�ta�aen�s);: 1 . Resolution ' 2. Copy for City Clerk _ � ; ., , . . i qEPARTMENT REVIEW� . CITY ATTORNEY REYT':EW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? , ' Resolution Required? Yes No � Yes No_ Insur�ance Required? Insur�nce 5ufficiant? Yes No ' Yes No Irrsur�nce Attiached: i � . � _, (SEE •REy�R.SE SIQE FOR IIVSTRUCTIDNS) . � ' ' Revised 12/84