87-565 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ��� i Re lut 'on :� Presented By � �-�� �Referred To U�S �' Q��— L Commi ttee: Date 3�O��^$� Oui of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby concur and approve of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Joyce Maddox to serve as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals. This term is concurrent with her term as a member of the Saint Paul Planning Commission. This term to expire January l, 1990 . COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � sor,�e� __ Against BY Teaes�o wi�son APR 2 � 1987 Form prove by ity orn Adopted by Council: Date C Certified s• b Counci , cr BY sy� . � p r i Approv y Mavor: Da _ APR L y {9S7 Approv Mayor for Sub io to Council By PUBIISHED r�AY � 1987 By • . CITY OB' SAINT PgUL j�,-�J<(�.� C�� - OF'B'IG'E OB' TH� CITY COIINCII. '...... . ..«........ n"••-�"�• �d�@ : April 24, 1987 � .. . y � COMM (TTEE REPORT T0 � Satnt Paui City Councit _ . F R 0 M : C o m m it t e e a n RULES �AND POLICY, April 24, 1987 - - - � - . __ -n . , C}� LLIR : Victor Tedesco � � a Agenda Item 2--Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of`�i�arren - William Hanson as Deputy Director for the Department o•f Planning and Economic Development, Division of Neighborhood Development. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. 9,�nda It�ta 3-�eso}u�� approving the appointment by the M�,�,,,�.�: � - _..� � ' M,�d�t�;�� as a member ��- �h� $�a���: Zonzng Appeals, . . ' whic'h =t�I1� expire Janua�y 1, 1#9�0 COA'Il�fITTEE RECOI�Il�IENDED APPROVAL. Agenda Item 4--Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of Gary Pear1 to the St. Paul Affirmartive Action Advisory Committee, which term will expire October 18, 1988. . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Agenda Item S--Resolution approving .the appointment by the Mayor of Gary Pearl to the court-ordered Affirmative Action Advisory Committee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. ' Agenda Item �6--An ordinance amending Chapter 370 of the Legislative Code entitled "Certificate of Competency" by providing for an appeal to the Council from the decisions of various Boards of Examiners. LAID OVER TO MAY 8 MEETING. Agenda It��r �7--Resolution requesting public, private and parochial schools to recruit students through civic and government classes for � appointment to appropriate city bodies €or undertaking of activities that will make St. Paul a more livable city for our young people. . COA'Il�fITTEE RECOIrII�1ENDED APPROVAL. ��� (continued) , C�y��,I, ' SEVENTfi FLOOR SAII`JT PAUL.MINNESOTA SS10Z $�. - .._.�.._..._�...__. _.___.__._.._.w..._,�_ _--.� ....__._��....�,.._.,_..�_ ._ .._ __ ...__.._ _______...�,�.,