87-558 �NIKE - FINA CE RK
G I T Y O F s A I N T �A U L Council
BLUE - MAVOR FlIC NO.---_ ..����
ounc�l esolution � ----�
Presented �
} ��q�
Referred To � ���/ Committee: Date '�-�g " �
Out of Committee By Date
R1�SOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby
authorize and direct the proper City Officials to execute on behalf of
the City of Saint Paul a three and one-third (3-1/3) year lease
agreement commencing on April 15, 1987 and extending through August 14,
1990 between John Blomquist , Inc. (also referred to as Jebco
Properties, Inc.) and the City of Saint Paul for 2, 900 square feet
more-or-less located on the eighth floor of the Commerce Building at
8� Fourth Street to be used for the City-Wide Information Services
Consideration for the use of the space shall be $114,550.00 plus
additional rent for the second, third and fourth years which will
include a Cost of Living increase based on the Consumer Price Index
and Lessee ' s proportionate share of any increase in real estate taxes
exceeding the taxes paid in 1987. The City of Saint Paul will also be
responsible for electrical usage in the leased premises.
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas pfeW Nays
�1°"° In Favor
9eheilfeN �f
soo�e� �—_ Against Y v� �
Tedesco ���'
APR 2 3 1987 Form Approv d ity Attorney .
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Ya: ouncil Secr r BY
<<�� � � �
Bl' � _
�''�e � � � Approv Mayo o Su 'ssion to Council
A►ppr v d by Mavor: Date �
By - —
PU�l.l�HfD . ,.=:'7� :; ;:��7
F nce.�& Man " eTrien Services DEPARTM�NT °���-� ��. ;�N/°' _ �'781�
�?,ave Nelson CONTACT �e�"`�`� V'✓ a
� . ,
298-5317 PHONE , r
Februsry 19, i987 � DATE �/�i� �, e
ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RpUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Sianature) : �
Department Director 3 Director of Management%Mayor
2 Finance and Management Services Director � 4 City Clerk
Budget �irector : ,,� Valuations �
1 City Attorne,� , ,
Rationale) :
Execute�a t�hree and oner�i"rdyear lease agreement (�'MSj17) between the City of Saint Paul
and ;:�ebco Frop��ties, Inct on behalf of City-Wide Information Services at 82.Fourth Street,
8th Floor (Commerce Building). .
The rent is a base of $114,550.00 plus a cost of living increase and the City's share of
the tax increase over 1987 taxes for each year of the lease. Also, the City will pay for
its �electrieal usage. • '
ture not re-
_ Total Amount of "Transaction: quired if under � �
Funding Source:
01115 � $10,000)
Activity Number: s�,�� � �-; .
� .�._.� RECEIVED �,
aTTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) :
1) Council Resolution for s.ignature FEQ 2 � �9$7
2) Samp�:e copy of lease agreement
. . . . . .
x Yes No Council Resotution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No
,�x Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No I
Yes x No Insurance qttached:
� �.
Revised 12/84 ;
� � C��-�3�
::r - , .
LEASE AGREE�i� NO. ��4 �', y :• ��, . �
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THIS ''�i���.'�°��e this th ,;. da��t�f�:Fet��ar .19 `: , by �' ��
and between 30HN E. BLOT�QUIS IN . he n�f ed "Le��or��.
hereinafter called "L�ee" � ' " � '� �
� �1 °_..>' � .
WITNESSET�C�. �'�i��t Les , in�ons era��on t��he re�" ��td �
convenant� 1le�e�''n�after me , oned, does ereby demise, lease and
let un Lessee, and Lessee does hereby hire and take from the
Lessor e following described premises located in 8 4th St. , 9th
Floor (Co erce Building) , County of Ramsey, and State of
Minnesota n�nely:
That portion��f the premises located on the East side of the 8th
Floor consisti� of approximately 2,9g0 square feet, in accordance
with Exhibit "A �attached hereto and made a part hereof.
1.TERM AND � To have and to hold said premises without
any liability or obr igation on the part of said Lessor of making
any alterations, im vements or repairs of any kind on or about
the said premises e��� as provided herein in Exhibit "B", for
the term of 3-1/2 years�`' rom the 15th day of April , 1987
and continuing to and inc���ing the 14th day of August ,
199�, unless extended or soc�.� terminated as hereinafter
provided, for the purpose of C��,�ice space only.
Lessor hereby grants to Lesse� an option to let the subject
premises for a period of 3-1/3 years from and after the
expiration of the present term of this lease. In order to
exercise this option, Lessee must" ve Lessor written notice
9g days prior to the expiration of�xe present term of this
lease. The terms of the lease for t� option period shall
be identical to the terms of this lease except that Lessor
shall not be obligated for any further leasehold improvements,
there shall not be any additional optior�s, to renew, and the
rent shall be at a rate to be negotiated.
2. POSSESSION. Except as hereinafter provid�, Lessor shall
deliver possession of the leased premises in the cendition
required by this Lease on or before the date hereinabove
specified for commencement of the term, subject to unavoidable
delays beyond Lessor's control, but delivery of possessian prior
to such commencement date shall not affect the expiration date of
this Lease. Lessor shall have no responsibility or liability for
loss or damage to fixtures, facilities, or equipment installed or
left on the premises, unless caused by the negligence of LesSor,
its agent or employees. If said premises shall not be available
to Lessee for occupancy on the first day of said term, Lessor
shall not be liable to Lessee for damages but a pro rata part of
the rent shall be abated until the premises are ready for
occupancy. The taking of possession of the leased premises by
Lessee shall be conclusive evidence that the premises were in the
agreed upon condition at the commencement of the lease term,
unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties.
. , � . ���-���
3. FIXED RENT. Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor at Lessor's
office at The Empire Building, 5th and Robert Streets, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 551PJ1, or at such other places as Lessor may
hereafter from time to time designate in writing, without demand,
a Fixed Rent of $2,863.75 per month for each and every calendar
month of said term payable in advance. In the event of any
fractional months occurring during the term of this Lease,
Lessee shall pay rent on a pro rata basis calculated on the ratio
of the actual number of days of possession by Lessee to the total
days in the month in question. Fixed rent includes lessee's pro
rata share of the 1987 real estate taxes.
4. ADDITIONAL RENT. In addition to the Fixed Rent, Lessee
shall pay such additional rent as is set forth in the Addendum
attached hereto, as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by this
5. IITILITISS AND SERVICES. Lessor shall furnish without
additional cost to lessee during normal working hours, excluding
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays the following: a) heat and air-
conditioning, during the respective heating and air-conditioning
seasons, b) HVAC maintenance, c) elevator service, d) janitorial
service, which includes furnishing starters and ballasts
exclusive of main floor area, e) periodic window washing, and f)
public lavatories accessible from the corridor. Lessor shall pay
all sewer, water and special assessments that shall become due
and payable upon said real estate during the term of this lease.
All services provided under this paragraph shall conform to
governmental energy conservation regulations.
6.CARE OF PREMISES. Lessee agrees: (a) to keep the leased
premises in as good condition and repair as they were in at the
time that Less�e took possession of same, reasonable wear and
tear and damage from fire and other casualty for which insurance
is normally procurred excepted; (b) not to commit any nuisance or
waste on the leased premises, throw foreign substances in
plumbing facilities or waste any of the utilities furnished by
Lessor; (c) not to obstruct entries, halls, elevators, stairways,
lavatories or other common areas, nor use the same for anything
other than their intended purpose; (d) not to erect signs on or
about the leased premises without written permission of Lessor.
If Lessee shall fail to keep and preserve these premises in the
state of condition required by the provisions of this Lease, the
Lessor shall provide written notice to the Lessee of the alleged
infraction (s) and the Lessee shall have 5 days or some other
agreed upon period to correct the condition. Should Lessee fail
to correct the condition the Lessor may, at its option, put or
cause the same to be put in the condition and state of repair
agreed upon, and in such case, the Lessee, on demand, shall pay
the cost thereof. Lessee agrees that the use of the leased
premises and the common areas shall be subject to such Rules and
Regulation as may be reasonably promulgated by Lessor for the
comfort and convenience of the owners, occupants and visitors of
said building.
� .� � . ���-�5-�
7. UNLAWFUG USE. Lessee agrees not to commit or permit any
act to be performed on the premises or any omission to occur
which will be in violation of any statute, regulation or
ordinance of any governmental body or which will increase the
insurance rates on the building or which will be in violation of
any insurance policy carried on the premises by the Lessor. The
Lessee shall not disturb other occupants of the building by
making any undue or unseemly noise or otherwise and shall not do
or permit to be done in or about the leased premises anything
which will be dangerous to life or limb.
8. LESSOR'S ACC$SS. The Lessor, its employees and agents
shall have the right to enter the leased premises at all
reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, cleaning,
repairing, altering, or improving the premises or said building,
or to exhibit the premises to prospective tenants, purchasers or
9. ALTERATIONS. Lessee will not make any alterations,
additions, or improvements in or to the leased premises or add,
disturb or in any way change any plumbing or wiring herein
without the written consent of the Lessor as to the character of
the alterations, additions or improvements to be made, the manner
of doing the work and the persons to do the work.
10. ASSIGNMENT AND SOBLETTING. Lessee shall have the right to
sublet any portion of the leased premises for the purpose of
office space. .
11. DAMAGE BY F I RE OR OTHER CASIIALTY. I f f i re or other
casualty shall render the leased premises untenable, this Lease
shall terminate forthwith, and any prepayments of rent shall be
refunded by the Lessor pro rata: provided, however, that if the
leased nremises can be repaired within ninety (90) days fro:n the
date of such event, then at Lessor's option, by notice in writing
to Lessee, mailed within thirty (34J) days after such damage or
destruction, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect,
but the rent for the period during which the premises �ar.e
untenable shall be abated pro rata.
12. WAIVER OF SOBROGATION. Lessor and Lessee hereby mutually
waive as against each other any claim or cause of action for any
loss, cost, damage or expense as a result of the occurrence of
perils covered by the Minnesota Standard Fire Insurance Policy
and extended coverage endorsements.
13. EMINENT DO MAIN. If the leased premises are taken by any
public authority under the power or threat of eminent domain,
then the term of the Lease shall cease as of the day possession
shall be taken by such public authority, and Lessor shall make a
pro rata refund of any rent that may have been paid in advance.
All damages awarded for such taking shall belong to and be the
property of Lessor, irrespective of the basis upon which they are
. ' (�.�-�`7�
14. SURRENDER. On the last day of the term of this Lease or on
the last day of the extension period if any extension is made as
provided in Paragraph 1 of this lease or on any sooner
termination of this lease, Lessee shall peaceably surrender the lease3
premises in good condition and repair consistent with Lessee's
duty to make repairs as provided in Paragraph 6 hereof. On or
before the last day above referenced, Lessee shall at its
expense remove all of its equipment from the leased premises, and
any property not removed shall be deemed abandoned. All
alterations, additions and fixtures, other than Lessee's
equipment which have been made or installed by either Lessor or
Lessee upon the leased premises shall remain as Lessor's property
and shall be surrendered with the leased premises as a part
thereof. If the leased premises be not surrendered at the end of
the lease term, extension term or sooner termination
thereof, Lessee shall indemnify Lessor against loss or liability
resulting from delay by Lessee in so surrendering the premises,
including, without limitation, claims made by any succeeding
tenant founded on such delay. Lessee shall promptly surrender all
keys for the leased premises to Lessor at the place then fixed
for payment of rent and shall inform Lessor of combinations on
any locks and safes on the leased premises.
15. HOLDING OVER. In the event Lessee remains in possession
of the premises herein leased after the expiration of this lease
or it's extension period and without the execution of a new lease,
it shall be deemed to be occupying said premises as a tenant from
month-to-month, subject to all the conditions, provisions and
obligations of this lease insofar as the same can be applicable
to a month-to-month tenancy.
16. NON-PAYMENT OF R$NT:DEFAULTS. If any one or more of the
following occurs, (a) a rent payment from Lessee to Lessor shall
be and remain unpaid in whole or in part for more than ten (10)
days after same is due and payable; (b) Lessee shall violate or
default any of the other covenants, agreements, stipulations, or
conditions herein, and such violation or default shall continue
for a period of ten (lg) days after written notice from Lessor
of such violation or default; or (c) if Lessee shall be adjudged
bankrupt or file a petition in bankruptcy or for any arrangement
under the Bankruptcy Act or become insolvent or have appointed a
receiver of its property: then it shall be optional for Lessor to
declare this Lease forfeited and the said term ended, and to re-
enter said premises with or without process of law, using such
force as may be necessary to remove all persons or chattels
therefrom, and Lessor shall not be liable for damage by reason of
such re-entry or forfeiture. Notwithstanding re-entry by Lessor
or forfeiture or termination of this Lease, the liability of
Lessee for the rent provided for herein shall not be relinquished
or extinguished for the balance of the term of this Lease. Lessee
shall pay, in addition to the rentals and other sums agreed to be
paid hereundez, such additional sums as the court may adjudicate
reasonable as attorney's fees in any suit or action instituted by
Lessor to enforce the provisions of this Lease, or the collection
of the rentals due Lessor hereunder .
. � � � � �=�7-�3�
17. DEFAUGT OF LESSOR. Lessor shall not be deemed to be in
default under this lease until Lessee has given Lessor written
notice specifying the nature of the default and Lessor does not
cure such default within thirty (3(d) days after receipt of such
notice or within such reasonable time thereafter as may be
necessary to cure such default where such default is of such a
character as to reasonably require more than thirty (36) days to
18. COVENANTS TO HOLD HARMLESS. Except in the case of
negligence of Lessor, its agents or employees, Lessee agrees to
hold Lessor harmless for any liability for damages to any person
or property in or about the leased premises. Lessor shall not be
liable to Lessee, its agents, employees, representatives,
customers or invitees for any personal injury, death, or damage
to property caused by theft, burglary, water, gas, electricity,
fire or for any other cause occurring on or about the leased
premises except in the case of negligence of Lessor, its agents or
employees. All property kept, stor�d, or maintained in the leased
premises shall be so kept, stored, or maintained at the sole
risk of Lessee. Lessee agrees to pay all sums of mon�y in respect
of any labor, services, materials, supplies or equipment
furnished or alleged to have been furnished to Lzssee in or
about the leased premises, and Lessee shall not permit 3ny
mechanic's, materialmen's or other lien to be filed against the
leased premises. Lessor shall have the right to post and maintain
on the leased premises, notices of non-responsibility under the
laws of Minnesota.
19. SUBORDINATION. Lessee agrees that at Lessor's election,
this Lease shall be subordinate to any land lease, mortgages or
trust deeds now on or hereafter placed upon the leased premises
and to any and all advances to be made thereunder, and to the
interest thereon, and all renewals, replacements, and extensions
thereof. Lessee hereby appoints Lessor as it attorney-infact to
execute such documents as may be required to accomplish such
2B. GENERAL. This Lease do2s not create the relationship of
principal and agent or of partnership or of joint venture or of
any association between Lessor and Lessee, the sole relationship
between Lessor and Lessee being that of landlord and tenant. No
waiver of any default of Lessee hereunder shall be implied from
any omission by L�ssor to take any action on account of such
default if such default persists or is repeated, . and no express
waiver shall affect any default other than the default specified
in the express waiver and that only for the time and to the
extent therein stated. Each term and each provision of this Lease
performable by Lessee shall be construed to be both a convenant
and a condition. The marginal or topical headings of the several
paragraphs and clauses are for convenience only and do not
define, limit or construe the contents of such paragraphs or
clauses. All preliminary negotiations are merged into and
. ., . ����-s-�-�
incorporated in this Lease. This Lease can only be modified or
amended by an Agreement in writing signed by the parties hereto.
All provisions hereof shall be binding upon the heirs, successors
and assigns of each party hereto. Any notice required to be
served in writing hereunder shall be delivered personally or sent
by registered mail to Lessee at the address of the leased
premises and to the Lessor at the address then fixed for payment
of rent. Any and all indebtedness owing by the Lessee to the
Lessor pursuant to the terms of this Lease which remains unpaid
for a period of thirty (30) days after it first becomes due and
payable shall bear interest from and after the lapse of such
thirty (30) day period at the rate of fifteen per cent (15$) per
21. INSIIRANCE REQOIRgMENT. Lessor shall maintain and issue
certification of insurance to the lessee during the term of this
lease and upon the leased premises certain insurance coverage
which is described as follows:
less than the statutory limits and EMPLOYERS
LIABILITY INSURANCE with limits of not less than:
blanket contractual liability coverage and personal
liability coverage with a combined single limit of
not less than: $ 6P1�, B6Q PER OCCURRENCE
$l, P1gP1, 0g0 AGGREGATE
Such insurance shall (1) name the City of Saint
Paul its elected an appointed officers as
additional insureds; (2) be primary with respect
to any Lessee's insurance or self-insurance
program; and (3) contain a Standard Cross
Liability Endorsement.
(c) PROPERTY INSURANCE including fire, extended
coverage and all-risk insurance covering the
demised premises and all property located herein
belonging to LESSOR, in an amount equal to 90°s of
the full replacement and reconstruction cost of the
� . ; � � �r-��.��
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Lease the day and year first above written.
In the ��ence of LESSOR:
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In the presence of � �LESS�: �
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Addendum to Lease for space on the 8th Floor, Commerce Building, St. Paul, MN,
dated February 17, 1987, by and between John E. Blomquist, Inc. (Lessor) and
the City of St. Paul (Lessee) .
Lessor shall provide and install new carpeting, wall covering, mini blinds
and paint walls within the leased premises. Lessee shall have the rights to
select the type, color, and material of the carpet, mini blinds, wall coverings
and paint.
- Beginning the second year of the lease, in addition to the fixed rent provided
for in Article l�3 of the Lease, the Lessee shall pay, as additional rent, a
Cost of Living Increase based on the increase in the National Consumer Price
. Index.
a. "National Consumer Index" shall mean the Monthly Consumer Price Index for
All Urban Consumers, New Series, all items (1967=100) as published by the
United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, each year
for the month of March;
b. "Base Index" shall mean the National Consumer Price Index for March 1987;
c. "Comparison Index" shall mean the National Consumer Price Index for each
March, during the term, following the date of this lease;
d. "Percentage of Change" shall mean the Comparison Index less the Base Index
quantity divided by the Base Index.
In the event the Comparison Index for any one year differs from the Base Index,
then the rent specified in this lease ( Annually) shall be
increased for the lease year immediately following the Comparison Index year,
in the amount determined by the Percentage of Change. This percentage increase
shall not exceed 57 for only one lease year.
Included in the fixed rent from April 15, 1987 to December 31, 1987, is the
Lessee's pro rata share of the real estate taxes. Commencing on January 1, 1988
and each calendar year thereafter Lessee shall pay as additional rent its pro
rata share of any increase in real estate taxes over and above that amount
payable in 1987 for the Lessor's building.
Lessee's proportionate share of any increase shall be based upon the percentage
of the number of square feet in Lessee's demised premises to the total number
of square feet in the entire building.
. . . ,� " ��_�:7✓ v
ARTICLE 3 cont.)
Additional rent payable hereunder shall be calculated in the same manner as
soon as possible after January 1 of each year.
One-twelfth of the additional rent payable as a result of these real estate
tax increases, if any, shall be payable monthly together with the fixed rent.
Any increases shall be for a full twelve month period except in the final year
of the lease, in which case the additional rent payable shall be spread over
the remaining months of the lease and in equal fractional parts.
The Lessee shall pay as additional rent the exact monthly electricity charge .
for the leased premises. Either the Lessor or Lessee may initiate at any time
an audit and, if necessary, a recalculation of additional rent based on changes
in Lessee's electricity consumption or change in Lessor's electricity costs.
The Lessee shall also pay the cost of new electric lamps and Lessor shall at
its own expense install all replacement electric lamps due to failure of any
In the sence of LESSOR:
. . �� ItS � � ��
In the presence of SEE: �
I t �'`
Its �
i.'11111.G 1Ct.�'V1Cl '
-i1 16, 1987
.0 2
11. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $21,646 to the Financing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Police Department - Patrol Division (laid over
from April 2) . a�nroved
12. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $57,200 to the Financing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Public Works Engineering Fund (upgrade of pyramid
computer) . laid over to 4/23
13. Resolution releasing monies from CIB Special Contingency Fund for the C1eveland/
Highland traffic signal. avuroved
14. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by transferring $26,873 from Contingent
Reserve to Community Services Department - Parks and Recreation Division -
Shade Tree Disease Control. approved
15. Resolution amending the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring
$378,000 from Short Line Sanitary trunk to Hawthorne/Ruth Storm Sewer; and
$293,703.71 from Saint Anthony Hill/Elfelt/Lafond; and $89,069 from McAfee/
Arlington Relief Sewer to Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor ($482,772.71) .
16. Resolution authorizing amending No. 3 to the lease agreement between the city
of Saint Paul and Millstreet Investment for additional space located in the
Hill Street Municipal Warehouse Complex. approved .
17.. . Resolution a�thorizing execution of a 2-year lease agreement between the city - �
of Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota for land owned by the state and located
on the west side of I-35 between Granite and Cayuga for playground purposes.
approved •
18. Resolution authorizing execution of grant agreement and contract between the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the city of Sa:�nt Paul for
the CDBG Year XIII Program. approved .
. ,y ,. . ... on beha�+��.�it�etweeif'�L'�'f'`e''"`�y �i-Saiat Pa��� Jebea ��
19. �plut�� �+ oa�i.,zia an�
e �,ss �c !���ty+�.r�e Ix,�ormationa8e�vicea �or.�..�ett��°of space
-�:amm�� (laid av�r. x.._. 1.9)• a o -
� . ..,� .. - .
20. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Robins �elle Larson and Kaplan Law
Firm whereby said firm will furnish attorneqs to work in the Criminal Division
of the City Attorney's Office without cost to the city. approved
.>'"Y„ • . +.�a V::_..,-�
:�iii'iii:�i�i ' OFFIC� OF THF CITY COUYCIL '' '"'
-- _ �-�
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Cammittee �epart �: � ' :- � �=
�:i�.an,e�a Mana�eme�t & Persannel Committee. _ �
APRIL 16, 1987
1. Continuation of discussion of the shift of seasonal swimming, Oxford Pool, and
Municipal Stadium from the Special Fund budget to the General Fund budget. discussed .
2. Presentation of the Comprehensive Financi.ng Plan for Capital Improvements in the
Division of Parks and Recreation. discussed
3. �pproval of minutes from meeting held April 2, 1987. approved
4. Resolution establishing the titles and specifications for the new titles of City
Planning Aide in Grade 22, Technical Group and City Planning Technician in Grade
29, Technical Group. approved -
5. Resolution• establishing the rate of pay for the title of City Planning Aide in .
Grade 22, Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution,
and for the title of City Planning Technician in Grade 29, Section I D 2,
Technical Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution,
_ ._and_that all incumbents of Planni�g Aide I cl.ass be-moved into new �class of City
Elanning Aide. approved � } .
6. Ordinance amending Section 34 of the Civil Service Rules by establishing the
classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations,
and Manager of Facility Planning in the Unclassified Service (duplicate ordinance
submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel
7. Resolution ameading the rate of pay for the titles of Manager of Facility
Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations, and Manager of Facility Planning
in Grade 24, Section V, Subsection D of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation
Resolution (duplicate resolution submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel
8. Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classifications of
Manager of Facility Ma.intenance, Manager of Faci.lity Operations and Manager of
Facility Planning in the Unclassif ied Service. approved
9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution in
establishing the rate of pay for classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance,
Manager of Facility Operations and Manager of Facility Planning in Grade 24,
Section V, Unclassified positions. approved
10. Resolution establishing the position of Human Rights Program Analyst in the �
Classified Service at Grade 47 of the Technical Bargaining Unit, Section I D 2
of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and abolishing the titles of
Human Rights Analyst - Researcher and Affirmative Action Officer, and appointing
John Huyen to position of Human Rights Program Analyst (laid over from April 2) .
apvroved as amended
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