' i solution
Presen ed By • ��Vi//� �
Referred To / � �— ''^ Committee: Date �— / ���
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby author-
ized and directed to execute an Agreement with the ROBINS ZELLE
LARSON & KAPLAN law firm whereby said firm will furnish attorneys
to work in the Criminal Division of the City Attorney' s office
without cost to the Cit , including Workers Compensation and
Unemployment Compenjsation�claims as may arise, but providing
for indemnificationJ by the City of any other civil claims that
should occur; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and
of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services.
COUNCILMEN Requested by rtment of:
Yeas pfeW Nays �,.�
'�'�°"�' � In Favor
Rettman �
Sonnen __ Agalpst BY
APR 2 3 1g87 Form roved y Cit A t ey
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Yass uncil Se B �
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App by Mavor: Dat _�_^� � ��$" Apprnved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY – — BY
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April 1 , 1987 �r;����� I ` •
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Council President Victor Tedesco �'-+ r�`��' �`.,.� �
Seventh Floor •3_,� �c� ��``\r`c�c}�`� I`'
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City Hall '��� � r'
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Dear Council President Tedesco: •�>> i � .,���.
Enclosed please find a Resolution providing for indemnification
of attorney interns assisgned to this office.
By way of background, the law firm of Robins Zelle Larson &
Kaplan some time ago approached this office with a proposal
that attorneys hired by them undergo an internship with the
Criminal Division of our office. It was their intent that
the attorney so assigned would develop their trial skills and
get a first-hand experience in the court room atmosphere that
is part and parcel of our day to day work. The law firm has
now proposed formalizing this relationship and has submitted
a contract to that end.
The contract would provide that the Robins firm would pay all
of the salary and fringe benefits of the interns and hold us
harmless for any Workers Compensation or Unemployment Compensation
claims as they arise. They would desire that the City indemnify
the firm for any other types of claims . The possibility of
such other claims is indeed remote and we have never experienced
any such claims as yet with our regular staff, but we understand
the Robins firm' s desire to protect itself. The claims that
they are asking us to indemnify them against would be such
things as gross attorney misconduct, etc. , leading to some
sort of a civil suit .
In view of the fact that the City is a beneficiary of the re-
lationship with Robins in the internship program, I have no
concern in recommending that the attached resolution be considered
and passed by the Council to satisfy the Robins firm' s concern
in this area.
Tha you fo o r kind consideration of this request.
Yo s tru
. AR
City Attorney
Encl .
cc : Mayor, Councilmembers , Gerald Hendrickson
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;e 2
11. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $21,646 to the Financing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Police Department - Patrol Division (laid over
from Apri2 2) . annroved
12. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $57,200 to the Einancing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Public Works Engineering Fund (upgrade of pyramid
computer) . laid over to 4/23
13. Resolution releasing monies from CIB Special Contingen�y Fund for the Cleveland/
Highland traffic signal. avuroved
14. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by transferring $26,873 from Contingent
I€eserve to Gommunity Sereices Department - Parks and Recreation Division -
Shade Tree Disease Control. approved
15. Resolution amending the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring
$378,000 from Short Line Sanitary trunk to Hawthorne/Ruth Storm Sewer; and
$293,703.71 from Saint Anthony Hill/Elfelt/Lafond; and .$89,069 from McAfee/
Arlington Relief Sewer to Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor ($482,772.71) .
16. Resolution authorizing amending No. 3 to the lease agreement between the city
of Saint Paul and Millstreet Investment for additional space located in the
Hill Street Municipal Warehouse Complex. approved
17. . _Resolution au,�horizing execution_ of a 2 year lease agreemenx between the city
of Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota for land owned by the state and located �
on the west side of I-35 between Granite and Cayuga for playground purposes.
approved •
18. Resolution authorizing execution of grant agreement and contract between the �
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the city of Saint Paul for
the CDBG Year %III Program. approved
19. Resolution authorizing an agreement between the city of Saint Paul and Jebco
Properties Iac:. � behalf �f Citywide Znfr�rmation Services� for rea�al. �f space
in the Commerce Building (laid over from March 19). approved
20. ��''dlit�o�irm wi1M+ � - . ,,;
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F:i�ance Mana�ement, 8� Persannel Committee.
APRIL 16, 1987
1. Continuation of discussion of the shift of seasonal swimming, Oxford Poo2, and
Municipal Stadium from the Special Fund budget to the General. Fun�d budget. discussed
2. Presentation of the Comprehensive Financing Plan for Capital Improvements in the
Division of Parks and Recreation. discussed
3. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 2, 1987. approved
4. Resolution establishing the titles and specifications for the new titles of City
Planning Aide in Grade 22, Technical Group and City Planning Technician i.n Grade
29, Technical Group. approved
5. Resolution• establishing the rate of pay for the title of City Planning Aide in .
Grade 22, Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution,
and for the title of City Planning Technician in Grade 29, Section I D 2,
Technical Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution,
. and that all__incumbents of Planning Aide I class be moved into new �class of City _
-- - - ---- _�.. ..._
Planning Aide. approved �
6. Ordinance amending Section 34 of the Civil Service Rules by establishing the
classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations,
and Manager of Facility Planning in the Unclassified Service (duplicate ordinance
submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel
7. Resolution amending the rate of pay for the titles of Manager of Facility
Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations, and Manager of FaciZity Planaing
in Grade 24, Section V, Subsection D of the Salary Plan and Ra.tes of Compensation
Resolution (duplicate resolution submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember .Scheibel
8. Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classif ications of
Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations and Manager of
Facility Planning in the Unclassif ied Service. approved
9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution in
establishing the rate of pay for classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance,
Manager of Facility Operations and Manager of Facility Planning in Grade 24,
Section V, Unclassified positions. approved
10. Resolution establishing the position of Human Rights Program Analyst in the �
Classified Service at Grade 47 of the Technical Bargaining Unit, Section I D 2
of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and abolishing the titles of
Human Rights Analyst - Researcher and Affirmative Action Officer, and appointing
John Huyen to position of Human Rights Program Analyst (laid over from April 2) .
approved as amended
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