87-551 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �J �+/,/ CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO• �• -v ✓` / BIUE - MAVOR Council esolution --�-�� Presen ed By , � Referred To �� � �� "�' � � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�REAS, A Tree Trimmer II FTE was inadvertently dropped from the Parks & Recreation Division 1987 budget due to confusion about status quo staffing levels when the Stump Removal Program was separated from the Shade Tree Control Program, and The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1987 General Fund Budget: TRAi�SF'ER FROM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out -26,873 Current A�rxled Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER T0: Community Services Department Parks & R+ecreation Division 03195 Shade Tree Disease Control 03195-0111-33178 Full Time Certified 466,677 +26,873 493,550 03195 Al1 Other�Spending 329,885 � 0 329,885 ------------ ------------ ------------ 796,562 +26,873 823,435 1�'r CHAI�CE 0 RESOLVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget. Financing is Availabl Approval Recomanended � ��_ ____�L _� __ _�_ ��I'/��____=—� COUNCILMEN �, � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew '�1°"°' [n Favor Conanunit Serv' tm�ent Rettman S+heibeb �- Sonnen _ Agalnst BY Tedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 3 1987 Form Approv d y City Attorney Certified Yas Co cil Sec BY By ' � A�pprov Mavor: Date �f'i� � ? ��7 App d Mayor for Su ss' to �puncil PU�I{SNED �;i,�. ;' ,� i��l � /��-� ' Communi ty: ser�i ces �'''" ���N� Q��4�! _ DE PARtMENT . _ _ Karen Cas€ay �� ' CONTACT ; ,� 7433 PHONE �anuarv 12, 1987 DAT� r��� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RQUTING ORDER (Clip A11 Locations €or Sia�ature),: �Depar`tment Director . � • Q.�,�'` � Finance and Management Services Director � :� Ctty Clerk- ; � Budget .Di rector . �G�:=-�.r,(Y�,,,,,,t- t�.�-a.r�v,�.Am.. City Attor,.ney -� ; �HAT WILL BE ACHIE1iED $Y TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED Ml4TERIALS? (Purpose! 1 tionale) { To correct the 1987 BUdget for Activity 03195 to e .a full -time position t,hat was cut in error. �'�� One Tree Trimmer II FTE is being restored to the Shade Tree Disease Control�l3��i�� MAR �01987 e�'��� � �`a'' �`I�l/4���� QFF �OST/BENEFIT, BUDC�,IARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: '�� To restore a �ree �rimmer II Pdsition cut in the 198T Budget in error . $�6,873 is be�ng transferred from Contingent Reserv� General to the Shade Tree Disease Control Ac�ivity in the Parks & Recreation Division of Community Services Department. ' One FTE is beinu restox�ed to the same gctivity. . • • �INANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMB�R CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- , ture no:t re- - . Total Amou�t of"Transaction: $26�8�3 quired if under �10,000) . Fund.i rFg �ource::. 0 O 1 G e n e r a 1 F u n d , Contingent Reserve General (09060) i Activity Number: 03195 �Shade Tree Di sease� Control. �� , '``������ ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachmen�ts) : 1 -Council Resolution RECE��. �AR;Z7.�] ..__ - - � 2. :Mema, !-�5-87 Piram to BLees - '� ` 3. Contingent Reserve General Status Report. MAR 1 8 �9B �����RN�Y � O�FICE OF THE DIRECTOR . �FPARTMENT Of FlTVANCE ; , AND MANqG�MENT SERy DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RfVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolutfon Required? Yes No Yes �C No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �Wo Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , � .' �� ���-v1'�1 ' ^ F'•• 1�R • ��•O+e ��:,:� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����� i�i'�DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ������ ���� January 2 , �JIAYDR'S HFt�rk. T0: ' G�eg Blees, BudgeL Director i FROM• obert P. Piram, Superintendent Division ot Parlcs and Recreation SUBJDC`I`: R�toration of Tree Trimmer II Position to 1987 Budget Attached is a resolution restoring $26,973 and 1.0 FPE Tree Trimmer II to the 1987 Shade Tree Disease Control Budget (U3195). This action is needed to conduct tree removal and trimming operations in the City. The pc�sition was inadvertently dropped fro�n the 1987 Budget due to confusion about funding and staffing levels when we separated the Stump Removal program from the Shade Tree Control budget in 1987. As you are aware, it appeared that we had added an FTE to the budget in 1987. However, this was the result of City Council actions in the 19$6 budget that transferred funds for a Tree Trimmer II (into tk�e services line item) but did not make corresponding changes in the authorization of FTEs. The FTE authorization was never changed in the 1986 budget to reflect the additional funds for this Tree Trimmer II. The action being requested in 'r�is council resolution brings us to the staff compl�nt used in 1986 to do tree removal, tree maintenance and stump remQVal. JB:TTII . � � " ����Ji , . � � COUNCIL AD�PTID 1987 BUDGET �RAL CONTINGENT RESF.RVE (09060-0537) as of March 11, 1987 Council Changes/Transfers Adopte� ------------���__���----- 1987 Council Budget File Date Amount Availuble ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ------------- Beginning Balance 206,000 Civic Organization Partnership Program 87-76 1/22 (5,106) Police Assessment Center pending (22,000) Ck forcl Pool/Munic Stadium Support 87-84 1/22 (49,689) CIS Temp. Relocation Moving Expenses pending (32,634) Tree Trinm�er II FTE pending (26,873) Er�ding Balance 206,000 (136,302) 69,698 ----------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------ ------------- pending - Pendinq action by the Finance Co�►ittee or identified but not yet submitted by the department. � withdrawn - R�equest withdrawn before council action ON�S/jeanetta 700/GRESRV87 3/11/87 " a`1111D1. tcnr�xt � �i � �ANCE, MANAGEMEN� �& �PERSONNEL COMMITTEE , ��Q ���`�� -i1 16, 1987 ;e 2 ll. Resolution amending the 198Z budget by adding $21,646 to the Financing Plan- - --_ -. and to the Spending Plan for Police Department - Patrol Division (laid over from April 2) . avnroved 12. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $57,200 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Works Engineering Fund (upgrade of pyramid computer) . laid over to 4/23 13. Resolution releasing monies from CIB Special Contingency Fund for the Cleveland/ Highland traffic signal. avvroved 14. 8esolution. amending the, 19$7 bud�et by transfe�ring $Z6,873 fram:�Contingent Rese�tve to� Commuait.y Services Department - Parks �nd Recreatian Division - ��5'8ade Tree�Diseas€ Control. approved r 15. Resolution amending the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $378,000 from Short Line Sanitary trunk to Hawthorne/Ruth Storm Sewer; and � $293,703.71 from Saint Anthony Hill/Elfelt/Lafond; and $89,069 from McAfee/ Arlington Relief Sewer to Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor ($482,772.71) . approved : 16. Resolution authorizing amending No. 3 to the lease agreement between the city of Saint Paul and Millstreet Investment for additional space located in the _ , Hill Street Municipal Warehouse Complex. approved . 17. . .Resolution au�horizing execution. of a 2-year �ease agree�nt between the city __ of Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota for land owned by the state and located - on the west side of I-35 between Granite and Cayuga for playground purposes. approved • 18. Resolution authorizing execution of grant agreement and contract between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the city of Saint Paul for the CDBG Year %III Program. approved _ _ ._ 19.' Resolution authorizing an agreement between the city- of Saint Paul and Jebco_. _... ________ �,_.._ .�__ _ Properties Isrr. o� behalf of Cityw�tde Infurmation Services fo� rental of .space in the Commerce Building (laid over from March 19) . approved `20. Resolution authorizing an agreemeni with -Robins Zelle Larson and Raplan Law Firm whereby said firm will furnish attorneys to work in the Criminal Divisioa of the City Attorney's Office without cost to the city. approved ,n,, CITY OF S�.INT PAUL ,�—t� . �:"_:� ,: :s��a��. OB'B'ICE OF TH1�, CITY COWCIL �:<in nt.�d, . . . ' ' �� -� ��'n --'''. � . ..' . ... Cammitte� Re art '���� , : :- . , , ,_ F . .. �:i�ance l�an.a�eme�t. & Persannel Cammittee. _ � APRIL 16, 1987 1. Continuation of discussion of the shift of seasonal swimming, Oxfard Pool, and Municipal Stadium from the Special Fund budget to the General Fund budget. discussed 2. Presentation of the Comprehen$ive Financing Plan for Capital Improvements in the Division of Parks and Recreation. discussed 3. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 2, 1987. approved 4. Resolution estab�.ishing the titles and specifications for the new titles of Citq Planning Aide in Grade 22, Technical Group and City Planning Technician in Grade 29, Technical Group. approved 5. Resolution• establishing the rate of pay for the title of City Planning Aide in . � Grade 22, Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, and for the title of City Planning Technician in Grade 29, Section I D 2, Technical Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, and .that all incumbents of Planning Aide I class be moved into new �class of City _ _ -. �.-_ -- - - - _--- a__ , Planning Aide. approved 6. Ordinance amending Section 34 of the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager uf Facility Operations, and Manager of Facility Planning in the Unclassified Service (duplicate ordinance submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel 7. Resolution amending the rate of pay for the titles of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations, and Manager of Facility Planning in Grade 24, Section V, Subsection D of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation • Resolution (duplicate resolution submitted). withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel $. Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations and Ma.nager of Facility Planning in the Unclassified Service. •approved • 9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution in establishing the rate of pay for classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations and Manager of Facility Planning in Grade 24, Section V, Unclassified positions. approved 10. Resolution establishing the position of Human Rights Program Analyst in the • Classified Service at Grade 47 of the Technical Bargaining Unit, Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and abolishing the titles of Human Rights Analyst - Researcher and Affirmative Action Officer, and appointing John Huyen to position of Human Rights Program Analyst (laid over from April 2) . avproved as amended CITy HpLL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSI02 °�'°° - _ _ -- _ _ i - _._.._____.._.__...._..--•�---^^-,_