87-550 WMITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPAi7TMENT O BLUE - MAVOR - F11C NO. l C ncil Resolution � � Presented y r �� � � l7 �7 Referred To � Committee: Date �' 'Z b�a � Out of Committee By Date , en i y ounci op e ge ey esigna o ars in balance to finance one �Iditional police officer for a walking beat in the Sunmit- University neighborhood to reduce and/or deter street crime, and Wf�REAS, The Mayor; pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that ther� are available for appropriation revenues in eccess of those estimated in the 1987 bwdget; and Wf�REAS, The Mayor reco�s the following changes to the 1987 budget: Current Amended __Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------ ------------ 001 Ger�eral Fund �9890 Fur�d Balance, Unreserved .Des�ig nated 0 +21,646 21,646 Al1 Other Financing 113,519,338 0 113,519,338 ��I� P� 113,519,338 � +21,646 113,540,984 001 General Fund Police Department Patrol Division 04100 Patrol 04100-0111 Full Time Permanent 10,350,527 +18,404 10,368,931 041Q0 All Other Spending 589,368 . 0 589,368 Gener�l Government Accounts . . . . � 09001 Employee Insurance 09001-0431 Health & Ins�ity Share 4,566,700 +1,146 4,567,846 09013 PERA, Social Security & HRA Pension 09013-U4T1 PERA Basic Pension 966,661 +510 967,171 09013-0413 Social Security 3,356,569 +1,057 3,357,626 09020 Worker's Co sation 09020-0442 �emp To�-Temp Part-Perm Tot 375,000 +529 375,529 All Other Fun�3 Spending 93,314,513 0 93,314,513 ------------ ------------ ------------ 113,519,338 +21,646 113,540,984 NET CHANGE +21,646 RESOLVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget. Financing is Available Approval Recommended ----------------���� �---------------------- COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays �EO�� � [n Favor Police Departsnent Rettman � ��� ,_ Against BY Tedes�o wi�son Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 ;? 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Vas e y uncil , et BY gl. � r,;`, � : ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro y :Navor: D t — - — BY p�is�� r�A�� � 1987 ` J UE PARTMENT C'�='�`�� N� O s��1 . . � � � ,�� CONTACT � , PHONE . March 12, 1987 DATE �/�� Q, Qi , ASSIGN NU�BER FOR ROUTING OR�R (Clip, All Locations for Signature) : - � Department Director 5 Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services D�rector � 6 City. Clerk 2 Budget D'irector . , �i. City Attorney WHAT WILL 6� ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION tNl THE ATTAC+IED MATERIAIS? (Purpose/ The General Fund budget, Police Department and General Government 'A'�tc���s� Will be amended to include additional spending €or one(1) Police Off3cer for 3/4 of 1987(the remaining monthsj. The financing plan is Use of �und Balance, Unreserved Designated which Council identified while adopting the 1987 budget. The Police Officer position wi11 be placed in the Patrol Division for purposed of creating a walking beat in the Summit-Universit.y rieighborhood to reduce and/or deter street cri�me. C�OST/BENEFIT, BU�GETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEO: $21,646 of Fund Balance, Unreserved, Designated will be used to finance one(1) Police Officer salary 'and fringes for the remaining 3/4 of 1987. : � . ; - i �INANCING SOURCE P�ID BUDGET ACTIVITY �IUhBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ' ture r�ot re- Total Amou�t of 'Transaction: $21,646 quired if under � � � �10,00�) Futtding Source: 98�10 Fund Balance, Unreserved, Designated Activity Number: 0410U F'atrol and various General Government fringe benefit accounts ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al l Atta�cF�nents) : 1. Resolution � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RElIiEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution (�quired? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �_No Insurance Attached: . . (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � � Revised 12/84 ; _LC iccrvnt p � ;E, i�iANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE . �� a 1�`�`J� .� 16, I987 .:e 2 11. �tesa�utio�t s�nendin� tt�, 1,9.8�►ud,get�,,Fhy,add�,g ��7:,6'#'�"to t1�e Financiri�Plan � aitd ta>-Ch��eird�Plan for Pol:ice Department - Patrol D�`ision (laid Qver i�om Ap�3. Z) ...���.roved� 12. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $57,200 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Works Engineering Fund (upgrade of pyramid computer) . laid over to 4/23 13. Resolution releasing monies from CIB Special Contingency Fund for the Cleveland/ Highland traffic signal. anvroved 14. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by transferring $26,873 from Contingent Reserve to Communitq Services Department - Parks and Recreation Division - , Shade Tree Disease Control. approved 15. Resolution amending the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $378,000 from Short Line Sanitary trunk to Hawthome/Ruth �torm Sewer; and $293,703.71 from Saint Anthony Hill/Elfelt/Lafond; and _$89,069 from McAfee/ Arlington Relief Sewer to Phalen Creek Sanitarq Interceptor ($482,772.71) . approved 16. Resolution authorizi�g amending No. 3 to the lease agreement between the city of Saint Paul and Millstreet Investment for additional space located in the Hill Street Municipal Warehouse Complex. approved 17. .Resolution suthorizing execution of a 2-year lease agree�,eut between the city _ � of Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota for land owned by the state and located on the west side of I-35 between Granite and Cayuga for playground purposes. approved • 18. Resolution authorizing execution of grant agreement and contract between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the city of Saint Paul for � the CDBG Year RIII Program. approved 19. Resolution authorizing an agreement between the city of Saint Paul and Jebco Properties Inc. �rt behalf of Cftyw�dz Informa�ion S�rvices far rental of space in the Commerce Building (laid over from March 19) . approved 20. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Robins Zelle Larsoa and Raplan Law Firm whereby said firm will furnish attorneys to work in the Crimircal Division �f the City Attorney's Office without cost to the city. approved ,�:, CITY OF SAINT PAUL J ::e i`'��` , ' .r�''''_�1 ;:;�, sit.,ti OF�ZCE OF TH� CITY GOU�TCIL n . .te�: _ .i... �.. .� _ . — . :� .. . �ammi�te� Repart `.- � ` :- � .-- �._ F:i�anee, l�ana�eme�t & Personnel �ommittee. APRIL 16, 1987 1. Continuation of.discussion of the shift of seasonal swimming, Oxford Pool, and Municipal Stadium from the Special Fund budget to the General Fund budget. discussed 2. Presentation of the Comprehensive Financing Plan for Capital Improvements in the Division of Parks and Recreation. discussed 3. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 2, 1987. approved 4. Resolution establishing the titles and specifications for the new titles of City Planning Aide in Grade 22, Technical Group and City Planning Technician in Grade 29, Technical Group. approved 5. Resolution• establishing the rate of pay for the title of City Planning Aide in . Grade 22, Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, and for the title of City Planning Technician in Grade 29, Section I D 2, Technical Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, and that all incumbents of Planning Aide I class be moved into new �class of City _ . . �._,.. _ . __ _ Planning Aide. approved � � . 6. Ordinance amending Section 34 of the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations, and Manager of Facility Planning in the Unclassitied Service (duplicate ordinance submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel 7. Resolution amending the rate of pay for the titles of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Ma.nager of Facility Operations, and Ma.nager of Facility Planning in Grade 24, Section V, Subsection D of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (duplicate resolution submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel 8. Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classif ications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations and Manager of Facility Planning in the Unclassified Service. approved 9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutioa in establishing the rate of pay for classifications of Manager of Facility Ma�ntenance, Manager of Facility Operations and Manager of Facility Planning in Grade 24, . Section V, Unclassified positions. approved 10. Resolution establishing the position of Human Rights Program Analyst in the - Classified Service at Grade 47 of the Technical Bargaining Unit, Section I D 2 � of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and aboI.ishing the titles of Human Rights Analyst - Researcher and Affirmative Action Officer, and appointing John Huyen to position of Human Rights Program Analyst (laid over from April 2) . approved as amended CIT7[ HAI,L SEVENTH FLOOR SAL�tT PAUL,b1INNESOTA SSI02 .�..►s " � .