87-539 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINAN�E GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �� ��3 CANARV - OEPA�7TMENT File NO. • BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil eso ution \\ ��_� / Presented By � ` ��'' � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the City Council having conducted a public hearing on the proposed increase to the cigarette license fees with notice to existing licensees as required by law, the Council does hereby increase the license fees for cigarette licenses from $12.00 to $35.00 effective for all licenses issued from and after the date of the adoption of this resolution. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DfeW Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel G so��e� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 2 t987 Form Approved by City orney Certified Pas e ounc.il retar BY By \ � � � : �� : Appr e Mavor. Date _ %`� � �- � Approved by Mayor or ubmissio to Council BY - — BY ptl�tlS��D �➢;�Y 1 1987 . �_ ��-�3� �= � - • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���� �:'`�T� �"; DEPAR7MENT OF FINANCE AND 1vIANAGEMENT SERVICES �� �j==�;��;; ° DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �; �� � Room z03, Cits• Hall �4 �� • $aint Paul, Minnesota 551U2 � "M�uc.w� George Latimer Mayor March 23, 1987 Pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 471.707, Section 1 , License F'ee Notice, I am hereby notifying you that on April 2'L, 1987 a public hearing wil.l be held before the Saint Paul City Counci]. regardin�; t.h� inr_rease in the Cigarettc:. znd Vending Machine license fee:: �or 1987. This hearing will Ue held in the Saint Paul City Counc.i.l Chambers, t:hird floor of. the City and County Courthouse at 10:00 a.m. At this hearing, in accordanr_e with Saint I'aul Legisl.ative Co3�_ 3'.0. 16, € License fees, the License Inspectur. will make a r.ecommendation Cl�at t'r:e � fees be increased as follows: f Foodstuff Vencling Machine ' -- i 1986 I?ee 19i37 ree $10.75 $11.75 f Foodstuff Vending Machi�ne O��eraLOr. 1986 Fee 198' Fee $54.25 $58.5U Cigarett'e 1986 Fee 1987 Fee $12.00 $35.00 Sincerely, ���G.«�..V..�_ Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lp . .. ..._. ._�rr' ��, �/�''�`3 �' M E M O R A N D U M TO: St. Paul City Council RE: Cigarette Vending Machine License Fees DATE: April 22, 1987 The following is a sample of cities that currently license cigarette vending machines. City Cost of License Mendota Heights 12. 00/Machine South St. Paul 12. 00/Machine Minneapolis 25. 00/Location regardless of number of machines Bloomington 12.00/Machine Fridley 12. 00/Machine Anoka 25.00/Machine Cottage Grove 20. 00/Location regardless of number of machines Little Canada 12.00/Machine Under Minnesota law, a city can charge no more than its costs incurred to issue a license and inspect a vending machine. This rule was enunciated by the Minnesota Supreme Court in the case of Barron v. City of Minneapolis, 212 Minn. 566 ( 1942) . ��- �?-�3 ,9� VENDING MACHINES AND CIGARETTE PUACHASES BY MINOAS Only 2 Out Of 10 Teenagers Smoke Only 1 out Of 10 Teenage Smokers Purchase Cigarettes Over 97 Per Cent Of Teenage Smokers Do Not Buy From Vending Machines Most Cigarette Vending Machines Are Lacated In Establishments Where Minors Are Not Admitted Compiled From Major Research Studies And Published By National Automatic Merchandising Association 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606 i ��Z�S�� I SMOK�NG HABIT$ OF MINO�tS * Onlq two out of 10 high school se�iors smoke cig;arettes regularlp, 13.8X smoke a half-a-pack-a-dap or more and 7e3z a pack-$-day or more. * 61.2X of high school seniors believe smoking one or more packa of . cigarettes per d�y is a �reat risk and 71X disapprove o� geople 18 �qaars of age and older �ho smoke one or more pecke of c�garettes a „ 9 * Onlp 22� of aeniors report that most or �11 of their friende �moke. * Studies conducted over the past tweaty �ears demonstrate conclusively that vending machines play virtually no role in teenage smoking or purchaae of cigarettes bq teenagers, (Most teenage smokers do not '; purchase cigarettes and of �hose that do, less than 2.SX purchase ' cigar�ttes from vending machines. ) � ; (based on atudies: Dru s and American Hi h School Students; 1975 - 1983, � Ue So Depart�nent of ea t an uman erv c�s. u c ea t ervi ce; � Teena e Smokin 9 Ue So Department of Health, Education and Welfare, u c ea t ervice Pubo Noo (NIH) 76-931f Teen-Age Ci�arette Pur- chaein and Smokin Habits in the Us So A. � 1�53, erti TrIar e�ng roup, nc. 8i3OF 10 MACHINE".� LOCATED WHERE MINORS'.�E NOT AL� ; . Bars, Cocktail Lounges 31X OTHER �.00ATIONS � ; Industrial Plants 27� Restaurants 13X ' ; Offices 12X Service Stations, Govern- � ment-Militarg, Retai� Hotels/Motels 4X Stoses� Transportation Terminals, Recreation- Universit3.es/Colleges 3.5X Bowling Centers, Misc. 9o5X .�._.. � TOTAL 77.5X TOTAL 22.SX Source: N A M A nationwide c3.garette machine placement st�dy representing 590 vending com�anies operating in virtuallq everq state. Conducted, March, 1986. VENDING'S SHARE OF CIGARETT� MARKET . * Approximately 7X of the total annual dFymestic cigarette sale8 of 29eS billion packs 3.s trgnsacted through vending machineso . (Sources: N_ A M _A Operatins. Ratio Reportt V T Census of the Industry; Amarican Autc�ma c erc an�3 ser oe��In3uatr eneus,t o acco n ustry ro e Compiled by: National Automatic Merchandising Associ.ationa 3.1586 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 346-0370