87-530 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ���. ��--3D CANARV - DEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File NO. o nc ' Resolution :_�---� Presented By � � � _� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#987g0) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Paddlewheels and Pulltabs) by The Church of St. Matthew for May 8, 1987, between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DfeW Nays � N"°S'a In Favor Rettman O Scheibel �,,,,,.�. __ A gai ns t BY Tedesco Wilson �PR � 2 �� Form Approved y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas ounc�l Se tar BY sy� � ' :� ; Approved Mayor for Submission to Council Appro y Ylavor. Dat — �` � y _ By ��i�a��� , • ' s�� , .,�.�'.��i.^'�.�:: �:i.' ,J �?:.r.. ..: _�.� ��%�i.ir,�'-:.�'.: .,;-��r��,.-- 1S ! "v✓ � , JiViSiO'i Or i„C�:dS� �i';D =: ,, * `�-"� ..y � :� �i•1IT xJrII,dIS'�':u1�C_' I'id�Ot'r:ATICN �4.,UI�:L �;;IT:: �.F?i�IC;��ICPI �"C�:Ti, ?Ti�-��' TO CC'1�;DLrCT G�'i:�?LI?'G SE:�IOi' I�: S'I'. Pl_UL � �. ::a:-:e c; �rCan��at�o•�_ L)7" j'�'1�/y"l� `r"lJ'3� �'1�� 1 S Ct LL( l'� - �T�/f�/�/,lji� C.%/����-lf 2. Ydcress tahere OrE anization's reF��ar mee�in�s are hel� �G7 7 /�� L L /� 6'�- 3. :�ay and ti�e of :�ee�i:�cs =��?� �E=1�f%E��!'/-� Y /%/9(:.N �1 C� �, C� /'�/'�') �:. �ddre�s wher•e Gamblir.p Session t,rill he held g G�[1 �.�.�L L �-�!� �. Is ap�?icant owner of property ;rher� Ja-:bli:�� Session T•rill be helc?�yes_ ! � .,.a r �• li iease:~., �•iL?O 7.S owr.er Of pro�erty ;�7r�.e Ga�t�lin� Sessior. ?�11�� �P �@��j^ ; - � 7. If leased, attac:� letter of permission to ccnduct Gar�blin� Se;ssion, s�_gned by lessor. --� �. i�lame of oificer ma_i;ing application �jL- ff{�-n6 �- ' — ( ��,�'-//�/L� j��-!�, 9. Address of officer making application ,�� '� �/i�� `� Date of birth �/s��� r! �._ ��y � 10. :;ame of nana€er wt:o will conduct Gambling Session %L(� /)�ut",..��.�,La �� �l. 1�ddress of �a.�ng°; f:3 /� �r'1`7�Lc%I� Ft-(/�-= . '?ate of c�rth �'��,�7 _�!�J ?2. In connection with what sver.t is this Gamblin� Session beir.g he�d? , �_� %���,�'/f�/��'1/.S ��-/� ��— S' T- ��,T7``���Gti "� �"f�id 1�<'_l,,� 13. �:ha,t t,y�;e of gar.iblin� device(s) will �e use '' �T• I a Paddle��reel ��.pboard � k?af?le �4. �ay, dates an� hours this applicat�on is `'or and number of sess�.cns. �� Da�r(s} /=� j 7ates .5^.. ;� �"r ° L � Holss 7 /j/�l - j���� T'o. of Ses s�ons � 1�. ��;ili prizes be aid in mone� r � P or me_chandise. (-���� �--�c..�. 15. Is tre �bplicant association orFanized uncier �he laws o° the State of ?linnesota? f`"�C- �., 1 i. �orr lor.g has Cr£anization been in existence? ���) y �/}k? �� � � i�. <�;nat is the p�,�ose of the Or€anization? 7 u -`�j �,( l���C)�E'_. T ! �f C1 c.{ j� � �-�-c. r � c�� r� r 5 �; �.� _` r �-1{-t==. �,%� /c�/S �-� 19. Ofiicers of the Orgar.ization ' ' , � �Iame-Title Addr�ss �ate of b�rth � P1ary Leibi_ 47 �J. l�lyaming ' hiarjor�e Lorch 8330 Comstock bJay E. IGH � , Denn?s Chi.rhart .1052 Otta�-1a E � � � _ � . . � ��� . y �jc7 �Q: �yV2 nar.�,es Uf Oi°S.C81"S OT' 3rijT ot:-.er pers0::5 pal� fOT S?T'V�.CAS �i� �re Or�ariiza�?er_. Idame-Title address �ate of birth �l t! d.� E= . 21. In wrose custody will re�ords oi Or�anizatior.'s Gam'�lin�- Sessions re kept' ' i:S:R2 T�� �� vr_"C-,-�C.-�-(,.�L� :1Q�r?�S �J ��I ����LV �' /�'f,J �.' - 22. �t�ach a copy of you: Organization's membership roster and date each member joined. 23. Attach the Garihlin� Sessior. idana�er's bond. ��..;. it�3C� S COD�' �i ''i.;'_2 �epartment Of t�'i2 `�T'°SSll jr� lnternal �2V?i.11Z S@I'V'!C° ��n@ttl?'I: Oi� Grganization �xempt �rom Income '"ax", roT� 99n. (Chapter L.19.�� (i;. i 2>. httach a copy oi ner,artmer.t of the Treasur�,•� Inter^,al :�Trenue Se:�vice, ''�_cempt Or�an- ization Business Incone Tax", Forn 9°OT. (Chapter ��l°.01� (2). ) 20. ��ttacr. the annual report requ�red of cY.aritahle or�anizations by ::ynnesota Statutes, Section 309.53. (Cha.pter 1t19.�� �3). ) 27. I?ave �ou read and do you thorou�hlv understan�? the nrovisions o�' all lac.rs� ordinances anG re�-ulations �overninc� the c�e^ation of ^a�±hlinF� Sessions? �{ E:� `` ZG. :in3* chan� es desired by* t?:e applicant associatior. may c�e mace or.l,� ��r tn ;,r.e cor.spnt of ihe i.icense Corunittee. 29. ilas any person(s ) participating in tne operation of any of the �ambl,�r.�- sessior.s cov- er�d by this ?icense ever been convicted of a felony in t're State of '.:innesota or in any other State or rederal Gourt? Yes P1o�. If ansti�rer is "ye "��provide rames, addresses and birth-dates. � / - , - ( , � � ��-ti.e�.z-f��- G �,/� .�� , �;._ ..� �.Gu,c.�i ,,( � �� �`1 .J /'u�-�/�����-� �r�.c"��., -��..,; �Or�anization By ,.� � '"� � C',C. (Offic r � e� _ i � - � �:�;• � i � �; ' �:d -� �- �-- /l_C.-( v �_ � ..4�.-�. _ r ;ilana�er in c:az•�e o`' ramblin�- Se�sion j State o� :linneseta) ;SS County oi :?an.�ey ) RP" �tPnhQn ,�_ Adri an 6nd Theodore F. DeGra�•� Jr. beinP duly sworn sa,; that tr.ey a-,e the petit�oners in the above ar.�lication; that they have re.=d �::e fore�oing pet�tion and 'rnovT ihe conter.ts t::P,I'@Of j tl�at the same is �:'1E' of tY:eir o:ar� kr.o:•r"!ed,e. �ucscr`�bed and staorn to before ^�e t�:is 7nr1 '�3y ol Anril 19 87 �i��� , o, JUDITH A. HELSPER �f NOTA2Y PU6LIC-MINNESOTA � :;o r�� ?ublic, Co � , :�Iinnesota ��KOtA COUNiY ,, � COf17'115S1021 eXj�1Z'eS My commission expiras84�-�1� BuildinF; ^epari,:�ent �pproved Disaoproved by rire �enart�.:ent hoproved Disapproved by ?oiice �e�art�ent kpproved-�isapproved-oy