88-2037 . WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINR �NANCE ��u[��,`ll �jr /� � /�- CkNARV -�UEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L . � �D � BI.UE - MAVOR � File �O• 4 V1 � ' �,� ouncil Resolution � � Presented By erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Michael D. Williams , 2502 Stillw�ter �oa�, Maple- wood, Minnesota 55119 , made applica�cion to tne Depar�tment of Public Works for an official house number for �roperty c�escribed as Lot 45 , Block 12 , Burlington Heights , Division l , which house number is required in order to obtain builaing permits for new construction in the City of Saint Paul , pu�suant to Chapter 71 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ; and WHEREAS , Section 71 . 06 of the Code provides : No number shall be issued for property which does not abut upon a graded and surfaced street , or which does not have available for connection public sewer or water services . The director of public works after consultation with the city planning administrator may waive the requirements for graded street, sewer or water when it is determined that because of unique practical difficulties it is not feasible to install such public sewers , water or grade and surface the adjacent street , and that unimproved streets and lack of public sewer and water systems will not pose a threat to the public health and safety. WHEREAS , The director of public works notified Mr. Williams that his application for official house number was denied based on the fact that the subject property does not abut upon a graded and surfaced street , does not have available for connection public sewer or water services , and further that waivers from the ordinance requirement for the Highwood area would not be granted pending the completion of a study of the area conducted by the City with the assistance of the District One Community Council and which study may be completed by Spring of 1989 ; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form App d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By t#pproved by Mavor: Date Appr e by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - GTY CLERK PIN7C - FINAN�E COUIICII [//]' �y( C�NARV -aDEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL /J Q�:! BLUE - MAVOR File NO. u � � - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Mr. Williams appealed this decision of the public works director to the City Council , pursuant to section 71 .06 of the Code , and the Council referred the matter to its Committee on Housing and Economic Development ; and WHEREAS , A hearing was provided to Mr. Williams at the meeting of the Council ' s committee at which time the appellant was given an opportunity to present evidence, and the Committee submitted a recommendation to the City Council that the appeal be denied; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby find that the director did not commit any error and that the decision of the director of public works in this matter is affirmed for the reasons set forth above, including the testimony received at the hearing conducted by the Housing and Economic Development Committee as set forth in the taped proceedings and the extract of the Committee minutes which are all made a part of these proceedings ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall inail a copy of this resolution to Mr. Williams and to the director of public works. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dim6nd �� in Favor Goswitz . D Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson D�C 2 Z � Form Appro e by City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas- Council .e tar BY i � gy � Approved by vor: e 2 7 IC7� Approve y Mayor fo ubmission to Council B � �— BY Y -� ;-��� � 11988 �!�! � . �: l����� ,, . . �I� oi278 , n�pj�a�rrr . . - COi�TACT NA1rIE � '' � � DAT�� . , i ASSIGN NUI�BER FOR ROUTING ORDER:' (Sae reverse side.) ; � _ Department, Director � � Mayor (or Assistant) , � Finance and Zfanagement Servi�es Director „_ City Glerk , _ Budget Director _ _ City Attorneq _ ; TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: ( (Clip all :�.ocationa for signatuse.) � � �AT WILL BE AGHIEVED B� TAKING G�'IQN ON THE ATTlkG1�ED MATERIALS? �Purpose/Rationale) ; �Q,�� tS �,���e�.l 4;� J�jic�A�al ?iV.�l(�'a•w�' � �'r.�.« f� f/��- � ,y . .. . �t��f �(�' C•I � "'���'�". . .V� '.. . l�t�►�►��' ±d,�v:�.! 4l°� a�1��,�►�l h••�.�� �tht (,R,1'' ! t 7'�.rs � �N f aF�� ` � � � ' . � • � '- , ; � , ; - i COST�BENEPIT, BUDGETARY. AND PERS�NNEL IMPACTS ��CIPATED: � � � i . , , � FINANCING �OORCE AND BUDGET ACTIV�TY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Maydr's sig:tature not requir�d if under $10�000.) , � Total Amount of Trans�ction: ; � Activity Number: ' � , , ; Funding'Source: ; � ATTACHMENTS: (List and number al� attachments.) i , �ouncif Researc� Center { D E C 0�� 1988 � �►DIiIiJISTRATIVB PROCLDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? ,Yes _No If yes, are they; or timetable attached? � DEPARTME�T REVIEW . CITY ATTQRNEY 'REVIEW j _Yes _10o Council xesolutionPrequired? �tesolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Iasurance required� Insurance sufficient� _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached� • , , (RETURN TO JEROME SEGAL AFTER ADOPTION) � � WMIYE - CITY CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUflC1I CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � t C� 7 BIUE - MAVOR . FI1C NO• � � Council Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Michael D. Williams , 2502 Stillwater Road, Maple- wood, Minnesota 55119, made application to the Department of Public Works for an official house number for property described as Lot 45, Block 12, Burlington Heights , Division 1 , which house number is required in order to obtain building permits for new construction in the City of Saint Paul , pursuant to Chapter 71 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS , Section 71 . 06 of the Code provides : No number shall be issued for property which does not abut upon a graded and surfaced street, or which does not have available for connection public sewer or water services. The director of public works after consultation with the city planning administrator may waive the requirements for graded street, sewer or water when it is determined that because of unique practical clifficulties it is not feasible to install such public sewers , water or grade and surface the adjacent street, and that unimproved streets and lack of public sewer and water systems will not pose a threat to the public health and safety. WHEREAS , The director of public works notified Mr. Williams that his application for official house number was denied based on the fact that the subject property does not abut upon a graded and surfaced street , does not have available for connection public sewer or water services , and further that waivers from the ordinance requirement for the Highwood area would not be granted pending the completion of a study of the area conducted by the City with the assistance of the District One Community Council and which study may be completed by Spring of 1989; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �.ong [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council WMITE - C�TV CLERK .. � . PINK - FINANCE G I TY� O F SA I NT PA U L . Council LG�,�. /�{d�� GANARV - OEPARTMENT � � Flle NO. v � • BLUE -MAYOR � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Mr. Williams appealed this decision of the public works director to the City Council , pursuant to section 71 .06 of the Code, and the Council referred the matter to its Committee on Housing and Economic Development ; and � WHEREAS , A hearing was provided to Mr. Williams at the meeting of the Council ' s committee at which time the appellant was given an opportunity to present evidence, and the Committee submitted a recommendation to the City Council that the appeal be denied; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council pf the City of Saint Paul does hereby find that the director did not commit any error and that the decision of the director - of public works in this matter is affirmed for the reasons set forth above, including the testimony received at the hearing conducted by the Housing and Economic Development Committee as set forth in the taped proceedings and the extract of the Committee minutes which are all made a part of these proceedings ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Mr. Williams and to the director of public works. 2. . � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimdnd " �� in Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen. Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � � - � �37 ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM RECEIVE� N OV 3 019$8 CiTY Cl.��K M E M O R A N D U M DATE : November 30, 1988 T0: Albert B. Olson City Clerk FROM: Edward P. Starr City Attorney I have received your letter of November 28 requesting a Resolu- tion implementing the City Council ' s action concerning the appeal of Michael Williams for a house number and/or waiver for Lot 45, Block 12 , Burlington Heights Division No. 1 . ,7erome J. Segal of our office has been assigned to prepare this matter by December 9 . Workload, vacation schedules or other problems may result in this deadline not being met, but if not, I have asked the assigned attorney to communicate with you in writing as to his or her progress with your request. If our proposed deadline does not meet your needs, please advise me or Jane McPeak and we will try to accommodate circumstances which require special consideration. EPS: jr SP '� ^ A .,,., n . r rh{ n T' <.�/ �L z -`. .e� . 1� ! t � { f - t. k}'{ � ;, F 1 �f b : . { 9 �'� �'� �e 1� ` � � 1� �' x � t � r��� . �.�".. 4 j. Y _ '� . A x � � a 1, i. � ,,t+ � � f �� a�' �`: � � �, ° :i� ., .t �� +�«���� 'r� YG��iS �s h f ' � _ � '; 1. / t 3� � t S' /� � � f ,�:v -L �z ^f '� ,� � x � � ���� �� { j_< . .� � � � r ��` ; i � � �� I 1` � ,,�,� t � 1 ,'r�� ! j . V � i 1 � � � ����� 1P ���� 1h �R T +} _ �i y � . . �E � tF_�7`f�� _ � l t ' � � ��"�}��� �Y / �� Y�^ r. i: -/,. :-1 X � cl� ..K � \ \ � � � 2 { �� !�� .. T� � 1 9 . I �. ';� j i• �.. ,�, 1 l `� �` _ . �� � c� - ����� ��, # �.� i �` i -��� .. t ,�,. Y 4; ��. i 't � r��: ) ; �Y � �i� ,' S � c � � # .d �', 1���.�t n 3 � 4 1' �' F �i ..[' 1 y K�% � .; ... �. . :� . . 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F.t ,..n7 ^TM . .. . . �`.. .,,f�`.. . y e. ..�°. .. + I . , ,%�,�--_""`� �'i�'` �U-� / . . � �,r�i !/ . , ,- . ,(� d ,��, ��- — C� �-�9��� � RECE�VED rli�n�l D, w�ll��,s SEP 2 31988 2502 Stillwater Road CITY CLER�( Maplewood, NllV 55119 Mr. Albert Olson, City Clerk 316 City Hall St. Paul, NllV 55102 RE: Denial of request for House N�nnber and/or Waiver for Lot 45, Block 12, �zrlington Heights, Division 1 Dear Mr. Olson: I wish to appe 1 this decision and therefore request a hearing before the City Counc�l. I am requesting a waiver so that I may lx�ild a house on this lot. Sincerely, 1 -� � chael D. Williams � _ . � - �'�- � o�� � ✓�� . - � , _ ; . . E . - : . , . - Notrember 3. 1988 _ � _ , • . r . t�lr. Michael Williams, . _ ' ' � - 2502 Stillwater Avenue . ' - � hiaplewood� i�tinnesota 55119 , � � Dear Sirs " Th� City is in receipt of ,your letter dated October� l8, 1988 reguesting a hearing on a zoning variance at the same time as consideration is � given to your earliQr request for a �hous� number for Lot 45► Slock � , 12,` Burlington Heights Division. _ � After discussing the issue� the City Council directed me to respond - - to you and sugges� that proper application b� made.for a zoning variance � at the Zoning Office. on the llth Floor, City Hall Annex and Chat a - determin�tiqn on your r`equest for ahouse number �aill not be considered . , � until after; ttte zoning vairiance is decided. _ , i Yery truly yours, _ ; _ _ � , ; . � Aibert B. Olson � • � City Clerk , : . _ . _ '. � . _ . ABO:th ': � cc: Council �r William Wilsonr � Chair.,m Hbusi &" Economic Development Cte. ; . , _ � Donald E. Nygaard, Director, Public`Works' , _ .Zoning Staff : . . . - � .� . . , I � � ��� � � . �-���-�' ��''� ; _ . . ..; � � '' �'�`�+ , �, ` `?,\ � R��EIVED 0 CT 2 01988 �iTY CLERK October 18 , 1988 Michael D. Williams 2502 Stillwater Road Maplewood, MN 55119 Mr. Albert Olson, City Clerk 316 City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 • RE: Chapter 65 .411 Subd. 2 (5) and (6) Zoning Code- River Corridor as it applies to Lot 45, Block 12, Burlington Heights , Division 1 Dear Mr. Olson: I wish to obtain a variance on the above zoning code ordinances and am requesting a hearing on this matter. I have also requested a hearing to appeal the denial of request for a house number on this same property. I request that these hearings take place at the same time to better coordinate and expedite these matters. Si cerely , , %� .��,.�,�,/�� l�:L��L / Y'� ichael D. Williams ��- aJ37 � ` Members: " . Bili Wilson, chair CITY OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond sttt1119[1i . ' ttlt I li 11; OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen � Date: November 9, 1988 WILLIAM L. WILSON . MARK VOERDING �o����an Committee Report L��B►at�oe A3de To: Saint Paul City Council From : Housing and Economic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair ' 1. Approval of Minutes - APPROVED 2. Presentation - "Year of the Cities" NO CAI�Il�IITI'EE ACTION REQUIRED 3. Economic Development Strategy Update NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUTRFn . Appeal of Michael D. Williams on the denial of a request for House Ntunber and/or waiver�for Lot 45, Block 12, Burlington Heights, Division 1 CO�M�IITTEE.RECO�TDED DIIVIAL OF TEIE APPEAL AND WAIVER REQUEST (3-0) . 5. Enterprise Zone Application for St. Paul Stamp Works, Inc. COMMITTEE RECONIl'�ENDED APPROVAL (3-0) - 6. Revenue Bonds for St. Paul Stamp Works, Inc. COMMITTEE RECO�VDED APPROVAL (3-0) 7. Resolution - Fmergency Fund Service, Inc. , $1,400,000 Revenue Bond Issue COMMITTEE RECOMNIIIVDED DISAPPROVAL (2-1) . � RECEIVED j ��� �p 1��� �-.; � �ITY CLE�K. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 s�sa �