88-2035 WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COURCII G �D�( BLUE - MAVOR File NO• V �J - Coun il Resolution ��� � , _.� � . Presented By �ferred To � Committee: Date �a ` �� �° � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of St. Paul , 375 St. Anthony Ave. , St. Paul , MN 55103 concerning the lease and management of Belvidere Recreation Site and th� Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the terms and conditions of said A�reement, including the acknowledgement that Boys and Girls Club shall have no liability with respect to use of the center by third parties, and indemnification by each agency of their own use of the center, and �oys and Girls Club shall maintain Worker's Compensation and General Liabili�y/ and Property Damag� Insurance naming the City as a co-insured t��ereon a copy o•� said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Community Services ��g In Favor Goswitz � . Rettman O s�he;n�� __ Against Sonnen Wilson JAN 2 � 1989 Form A by City A cne Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Pas e nc'1 Se ar B � gy, � � � � Appr by Mayor for sio 1'o Council Approved � Mavo : � By �J�-�" P{�SNEB ��% :. 1989 . k�CElrr�D . , ��ae�-� � DEe 1 � 1�988 lU.° 012269 . PARKS and RECREATION D$pp��� . - - - � — � CONTACT NAME �' ' PHONE � '.� ece er , DATB ; . �. �ISSTGN NIIMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: ($ee reverse side.) I 1 Department Director 1r1a or ) �� ; _ Finance and Ztanageme�t Services Director � City Clerk s�istant .� � Budget Airector _ � City Attorney i i . : ,_]�_ (Glip all locations for signature.) i t�[iAT t�TILL BE AGHIBVED B� TARING ACTIAN ON THE ATTACHED PI�4TER.IALS? (Purpose/Rationale) 4 , � Boys and Girls Club will benefit from use of Belvidere Recreation Center. ; , � , RE�E� OE� p g � COST�BENEFIT BLJDGET�lRY AND PERSONN�, Il�IPACTS ANTICIPATED: ' RECEIVED ��� ( , �'�A , L��C 1. w 1988 �. El�AYOR'S CfFICE � FINAL4CING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CR�nITED: ' (Mapor's signature not required if urider $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: G0 Activity Number: , Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all at�tachments.) Councii Research Center j• Counsel Resolwtion ��� 1�I1988 Z,Copy of Agreement �" � ADMII�ISTRATIVE ,�ROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations„Procedures, or Budget Amendment r�quired? _Yes X No If yes, are they or�timetable attached? ; . « DEPARTME�IT REVIEW' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW . � �Yes No Couneil resolution rec�uired? Resctlution required? Yes �No X Yes _Na Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _Nn�/� �Yes _No Insurance attached? ' J , �o� . ,� ��'' � Community and Human Services Committee COMMITTEE REPORT January 19, 1989 Page Two . 6. (Continued) Laid over to February 1, 198£�, as per Jerry Segal's request. 7. Request of Stephen Andert to make a presentation concerning rollerskating and skateboarding restrictions in the skyways and on downtown sidewalks. Presentation made. Bill Wilson to meet further with Mr. Andert. . City Ca�t� �rgenda l�;�f�2�$�, Ite�►>����4�.: ,�.��e�olution = 88-2035 - "Authorizing proper City ,s�ficials to execute an agreement with the �oya and. Giz].S Club of Saint Paul for the lease a�d mnnagement of the Bel.videre Recreation site and approving the,terms and '�COnt�t�.t�onr of ssid ag�ee�eat: " (For referral to the Community and Human Servic¢s Cqmmittee.) Recommemt�� for appro�val on 3-0 vote. 9. Library assessment needs report, as per request of Kathy Stack, Director, Department of Community Services. Presentation made. 10. Potential ordinance draft by City Attorney's Office to address possible new rental registration program which would be violation-generated. (Council Fi1e No. 88-415, Ordinance No. i7560, has been rescinded.) Laid over to February 1, 1988--City Attorney to meet with Bill Wilson for language clarification. cc: ✓A1 Olson Ed Starr Members: � Janice Rettman, chair �. `} CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bill Wilson aii`[s.'ii� OFIt`ICE Or' TH� CITY COIINCIL Bob Long Date: January 19, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN �����pe=SOn Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, January 18, 1989, at 1:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes of January 4, 1989 meeting. Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. Attorney General's Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Violence Against Women Summary on recommendations and the Attorney General's Legislative Initiative. ATTORNEY GENERAL HUBERT H. HiJrII'HREY III WILL MAKE PRESENTATION. ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. Presentation made. Legislative package will be prepared. 3. City Council Agenda 10/13/88, Item No. 4: First Reading - 88-1651 - An ordinance amending Chapter 409.06 of the Legislative Code and restricting :the-�.issuance �of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages after drug conviction. (Laid over from December 14, 1988.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 4. City Council Agenda 10/20/88, Item No. 3: First Reading - 88-1674 - An ordinance amending Chapters 409 and 410 revising and updating various provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages and the conduct of licensed establishments. (Referred to Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from December 14, 1988.) Laid over for four (4) weeks or more, as determined by Kiki Sonnen. 5. City Council Agenda 10/27/88, Item No. 5: First Reading - 88-1721 - An ordinance amending Section 409.26(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to presumptive penalties for license violations. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from December 14, 1988.) Laid over for four (4) weeks or more, as determined by Kiki Sonnen. 6. City Council Agenda 11/22/88, Item No. 4: First Reading - 88-1826 - An ordinance amending Chapter 411 of the Legislative Code pertaining to entertainment. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to January 18, 1988 for the drafting of two amendments.) CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SA1NT PAUL., MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 S�46 � � � � l��-�o.�� AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and effective this day by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Boys and Girls Club of St. Paul, 375 St. Anthony Ave. , St. Paul, NIld. 55103, hereinafter referred to as "BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. " WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY is the owner of certain property known as Belvidere Recreation Site which is located within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, and said property is legally described in Exhibit A attached, hereinafter referred to as "CENTER;" WHEREAS, CITY desires to provide from and through the CENTER a comprehensive program of recreation, service, and opportunities for the West Side Community; WHEREAS, CITY has historically sponsored and promoted human services activities of the sort and nature which have helped and benefited the social, recreational. health, educational, and the general well-being of the residents of the West Side Community; and WHEREAS, CITY and BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB have determined that the residents of the West Side Community would experience an effective delivery of human services if BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB leased and managed the CENTER. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and reciprocal agreements and promises hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree and have agreed as follows: -1- . �, ��-aa3� 1. Leased Premises. CITY agrees to lease and BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB does hereby lease the CENTER, CENTER being more particularly described in Exhibit A appended hereto and made a part of this Agreement. CITY agrees to permit and hereby authorizes BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB to provide human services programs and activities therein, subject to the restriction stated herein. The CITY will continue to maintain and schedule use of the outdoor facilities beyond the physical building leased to BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB shall receive first priority after Parks and Recreation in scheduling outdoor facilities, before other permits are granted. The outdoor facilities or site being more particularly described in E�ibit A also. 2. Term of Lease. The term of this agreement shall be one year and commence on October 1, 1988. The BOYS AND GIRIS CLUB has the option to renew this lease for an extended period by giving written notice to the CITY 45 days prior to the expiration of the initial term. 3. IIse of Premises. The premises shall be used and occupied by the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB for the following purpose and for no other purpose without the prior written consent of CITY: To offer general recreation activities to meet the needs of the community served by Belvidere Recreation Center. (a) In accordance with its status as a part time recreation center when operated by the City, BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB operation shall meet or exceed those standards including: BOYS & GIRLS CLUB shall provide staff and volunteer assistance. The major focus shall be school age youth. -2- . � . �������� The hours shall be - SCHOOL YEAR: Tuesday-Friday 1:00-9:00 p.m. , and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SUNIlKER: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The program shall be conducted under the direction of a Board of Directors comprised of citizen members concerned with youth development in inner city areas, and by an Advisory Committee appointed by BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB comprised of residents and parents from the area served. (b) The parties acknowledge that third parties including Humboldt High School and West Side Baseball/Football may from time to time use the SITE and such use may not be in connection with a BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB sponsored activity and shall not conflict with the regularly scheduled program of the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. The CITY agrees that the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB shall have no liability with respect to such use at the SITE by third parties. 4. Basic Rent. The yearly rental rate shall be one dollar ($1.00) payable on or before date of signing each year that this Agreement is in effect. 5. Additional Rent. The BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB shall pay all Additional Rent. Additional Rent means all amounts, other than Basic Rent provided for in Paragraph 4 above, which BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB is or may become obligated to pay under this paragraph or other provisions of this Lease. Additional Rent includes, but is not limited to, the following fees, costs and expenses: (a) all -3- � � ��-�-ao.� utilities, including water, electric, gas, telephone, sewage and garbage collection and disposal; and (b) costs for the repairs, improvements or alterations required to be made by the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB in paragraph 12 of this Lease up to and including the first $500.00 for each occurrence. The CITY must be notified and approve of any bid over $500.00 prior to its expenditure. The CITY shall then pay balances over $500.00. 6. Riqht of Entry. At all times during the term of this lease, the CITY shall have the right, by itself, its agents and employees to enter into and upon the leased premises during reasonable business hours for the purpose of examining and inspecting facility and program activities. 7. Insurance. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB at its sole expense, shall maintain the following insurance coverage: (a) Workers' Compensation Insurance with coverage not less than statutory limits and Employers Liability Insurance. (b) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance including blanket contractual liability coverage and personal liability coverage naming the CITY as co-insured with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall (1) name the City of Saint Paul, its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents as additional insured; (2) be primary with respect to LESSOR'S insurance or self-insurance program; (3) contain a standard cross liability endorsement, (4) not exclude explosion, collapse and underground -4- � � �d��'��' property damage, and (5) be written on an "Occurrence" Form policy basis. (c) Property Insurance including fire, extended coverage and all-risk insurance covering the demised premises and all property located therein belonging to CITY will be provided by CITY. 8. Indemnification. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB will indemnify and hold the CITY harmless from any and all claims of whatever kind that may arise from the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB use of the CENTER. The CITY will indemnify and hold the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB harmless from any and all claims of whatever kind that may arise from the CITY use of the CENTER. 9. Cancellation or Termination. This lease shall be subject to cancellation and termination by either party at any time during the term hereof by giving the other party notice in writing at least one hundred twenty (120) days in advance of the date when such termination shall become effective. 10. Notice. All notices herein provided to be given, or which may be given by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on CITY or BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, or when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB at the address stated on Page 1 and to the CITY, at the Division of Parks and Recreation, 300 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed by written notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. -5- ��i . , �� 11. Assiqnment and Sublettinc. BOYS AND GIRIS CLUB shall not assign nor sublet CENTER without the written consent of the CITY, which must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement to sublease CENTER. BOYS AND GIRIS CLUB may charge a reasonable fee, not to exceed cost to others. 12. Maintenance and Repairs. (a) General Maintenance. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible for all repairs, maintenance and upkeep of CENTER including but not limited to emergency repairs of any kind; routine maintenance and repair to keep CENTER in good repair, safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building and other life safety codes; and all repairs and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or structures at CENTER in good condition, including the exterior and interior of the building or structures; the roof or roofs; the heating and ventilating systems therein; and all electrical, plumbing, lighting, alarm, and mechanical systems including windows. The CITY shall replace electrical, plumbing, heating system, roofs, walkways and driveways whenever the same become inoperative or worn out beyond economical repair due to ordinary wear and tear or inoperable for any other cause beyond the reasonable control of BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. The CITY warrants that the CENTER is in good condition and repair and that the CENTER is in compliance with all applicable codes. -6- . �. ���°�� (b) Grass Cuttinq and Bno� Removal. The CITY shall be responsible for all grass cutting on the SITE. This shall not include weed control nor fertilization. This will be done on a scheduled basis as provided to part-time centers. CITY shall also be responsible for all perimeter snow and ice removal or sanding including driveway and blacktop strip immediately circling building. Snow removal shall take place after each accumulation of more than two (2) inches of snow. (c) Alterations. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB shall have the right to make such interior and exterior changes, additions or alterations that BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB may from time to time desire to make, provided that prior written approval of the Superintendent of the Division of Parks and Recreation for CITY is obtained. 13. Reys. CITY shall re-core locks and issue ten (10) keys to CENTER to BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB for their distribution to staff. 14. Citywide Proqrams. CITY will provide BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB opportunities for participation in citywide programs (See Attachment B-2) . 15. Reports. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB will be expected to use the following CITY forms and reports, and submit them to the Recreation Office according to the same schedule as other centers for activities related to the SITE: Attendance, Accident, Incident, Vandalism, School Use of Recreation Facilities, and Field Use Permit. See Exhibit C for form copies. -7- i �'�o� 16. Surrender ot Premises. The BOYS AND GIRIS CLUB at the expiration of said term, or any sooner termination of this lease, shall quit peacefully and surrender possession of said property and its appurtenances to CITY in as good order and condition as the property was delivered to the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, normal wear and tear expected 17. Compliance with Laws. The property described herein may be used for only the purpose stated herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB in the use of the property to comply with any and all laws, regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the use to which the property is proposed to be put. All parties shall abide by all such rules and regulations mutually agreed upon and established by either party or by governmental regulations current and future to insure safe, sanitary, fire and health protection to all persons. 18. Nondiscrimination. The BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, its personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with the land, that: (a) no person, on the ground of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, disability, marital status, status with respect to public assistance, or national origin or ancestry shall unlawfully be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities. (b) in connection with the construction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination shall be practiced in the selection of employees and contractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first- -8- . . ���04 �� tier sub-contractors, and by first-tier subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcontractors. (c) such discrimination shall not be practiced against the public in their access in and use of the facilities and services provided for as public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping, rest, and recreation) constructed or operated on the Leased Premises. 19. Contract Administrators. The Contract Administrator for the CITY is Jean Baumgartner or such other person designated in writing by the CITY. The Contract Administrator for the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB is Fred Urbanski or such other person designated in writing by the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. 20. Operations. The CITY will provide BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB with a copy of the Parks and Recreation Division Operating Procedures Manual and explain and train employees of BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB on use of forms and procedures to successfully operated CENTER. 21. Evaluation and Communication. The CITY and the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB shall communicate at least quarterly or more often as needed. The BOYS AND GIRIS CLUB shall submit a written quarterly summary of activities to the CITY for review. Together they will evaluate the effectiveness of services provided by BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB to the West Side Community. -9- . . �'�����3s IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL J� � C /� . � `�-( Assistan Ci y A torney Direc r, Depar ent o Finance an Management Services t���� ' it-� i� %' BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB � recto , Department of Community 1L(�- ��c,. Services Executive Director Contract Administrator , I B ar P e ent a:belcontract (#13) -10- . . �� ���� 2 . Dist� ict Programs Beyond local programs , som� programs are also offered on the District level - North , South , East , and West . The primary District programs are Junior Royalty Wind Coronations , one per District . Districts may also offer other special events . 3 . Citywide Programs � The service levels of programs are complemented by Citywide programs . These are in the form of Special Events and Tournaments . They include the following : EVENT SEASON Junior Royalty Coronation W�nter Speedskating Winter . Wrestling Tournament Spring Co-Rec Volleyball Tournament Spring ( 12th grade and under ) Track and Field Summer Tennis Tournament (Adult ) Summer Co-Rec Soft.ball Tournament Summer ( 12th grade and under ) 3rd of July Fireworks Summer 4th of July Celebratior�s Summer Cherokee Highland Langford Marydale Mounds . Big Wheel Contest Summer Day Camp Summer Valleyfair Trip Summer Twin City Marathon Fall - Page 6 - [X��i31T .� � ��30�3GRY S7. ��0�0.33 � � m c� �-- 5LD6 .��, m � � -- � m D --1 --� � � --i N �'1 ♦-» � J � t J H � � � N ; / u ' / .� � �� GC l � � , � � � � �,. �' �- ..._ � \ � � �- � � � � � � � � � �� � � � . , � K � \ �M,,. � � r .. - � t � � . � � � .� � � � ����� ����� � LOCATION ; 291 Bel vi dere & Woodbury �t�i$�T � � �■■■■■�■■������������������ , � ��■■�■������������■��� � , �� ���■■�■���������������� � ������■■������������������ � ����������������� �������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������,������������������ - �������������������������� �������������������������� - �����,������������������� - ������������������������ ���0����������,���r���� ������������������������� ��������������������������� 8�������������������������� � �������������������������� ■���e��������������������■ a������������������������■ _ iu����������������������■ _ _ ■�����������������������■ ■�����������������■ ■����■ - r�������������������■ ■����■ o���������o���������������■ o�����������������s�������■ ■������������������������■ o�������e��������������■■■■ e���������������■ ■e�������■ o��������������■ ■��������■ - o�������������������������■ ���������n�u��������������■ � N F� � J t �i-- )v O O � M- t� � � O a.� Z = W � N � � H � J � � � C � � H V � � M N Q � � 1L� � Z t Z W d v�+ � «" � � C7 �" _ . ¢ o~c a*'o O t ' d � Q 0 o r � oc � } W 1 � � � Q � � Z N � � � � � � 1 W � V Z G �' Z °D W ~ O W ' � � d S F� J � W O Z Z = C .-� H ~ 0 � H yJ V �.; � � F-- H W ti J = S H F < t O W t N H �+ C C Z � W � � t = � � � W O 1� Ov y � . :n � � ' ' i � n n � � ••� a•� N � �.r � C � � c r W � � � a„� � A r � � a � < � � R1 R7 '� � • /f N Z � ~ � � -� r -� c *1 N R1 C ' � H � r � a � - N ' H � � � � � H � � C _ � � n v ,,,� a �,,,, "i s : '''' o r*, 2 N O � 1 = � i�T1 � A � � � N � � 1 � O � � ? � 2 V � ' � � W � OD 1+'1 N ' e� 70 ? � O � � 01 �D � ? ' ? i 1 A ..� � N � v et !� � ? .r � � � : a ? ' s ` a -a � ' O N � � --+ t N e'r y S f�'I = a «» o o � � r � . y � � O = � ~ a ° r 7° c� o c, .� Z o0 "'� z -� � a� e� � � N � N INCIDENT REPORT `^ �°?��' o-� CENTER ` DATE Details of incident O-S , Police Action: How timely was �response Officers Name Badge No. Report No. What followup action are you taking? °EOPLE INVOLVED Name Address Phone A e Name Address Phone A e All staff on duty at time: Signature � � ,' � �� �� � ��� ' ��'��0.3�- Report Date CITY OF SAINT PAUL #2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES a:Accident DIVISION OF PARKS ANO RECREATION /cm PARTICIPANT/VISITOR ACCIDENT REPORT Name of Injured Person Address Age Phone � Name of Park/Recreation Facility Park/Rec. Facility Address/Phone No. Time and Date of Accident Describe Injury Medical Attention: Doctor Hospital Paramedics Other How did the accident occur? Please include as much detail as possible, (Use additional sheet if necessary. ) Witnesses to Accident ( Include Name, Address, Phone No. , Use additional sheet if necessary) Personnel on Duty at time of accident (Include name, address, phone number and job title) Person filing report Park/Rec. Facility Send To Parks and Recreation Administration Office 300 �Cit� Hall Annex �is�ribu ��on: AFiiteZ`]�-Ye1Tow- ec. � e; inTc -��dmin. Fi� �l�rd�ility File 0-12' - . �ev. 1979 ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION ��G�D��� / VANDALIS?�i AND PROPERTY LOSS REPORT (Report must be filled out immediately and proper office must be-notified. ) Date of incident: Approximate time: Facility: Address: Time police were notified (mandatory) Police report # Description of vandalism and property loss: (Use other side if necessary) Approximate dollar cost of vandalism: Approximate dollar cost of property loss: Was repair order called in? yes no Date: Were pictures taken? Names and addresses of witnesses: Additional information: (Use other side if necessary. ) Signed: Date: Date report was received: NOTE: THIS REPORT MUST BE TURNED IN IMMEDIATELY TO PROPER OFFICE -- -- _ -- ---- y . _ - ------ � -30 B �ITY AINT � �0�3� g�86 DIVISION OF �AttKS ANDPRECREATION � Monthly Report Contractual Services for Facility Rental RECREATION CENTER SCHOOL MONTH DAY/DATE WORK DONE TIME HOURS NWORKERS� C@S�SH�HR TOTAL � COPIES: Month ' s Total Credit Pink-Office - Month ' s Total Use - Goldenrod-Applicant Blue-Center Balance on Account = O-Z� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �(��O�`5 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVZSION OF PARKS AND RECREATION Facility Use Application ,*,,....*.*.*,..,...**.**..*****.*.�,.�****�***,***,�,*„�***,.,,,**,.,..*�.**,*.,***,**.,*., PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT FIRMLY WITH A BALL POINT PEN Cldss I Class II Class III Name of Organization Last Name First Name Middle initial Street Address City State Zip Date of Application Your Office Telephone # Your Home Phone # List the recreation center you wish to use: Specify program/activity: Space requested: Softball/Baseball Field ( ) Tennis Court ( ) Football/Soccer Field ( ) Hockey Rink( ) Meeting Roon( ) Gymnasium( ) Kitchen( ) Other Days/dates requested (be exact) : Between the hours of (be exact) : (If days and times vary for multiple useage, please attach detailed separate aheet.) Total rental time must include your set-up and take down time. At non-programming times (i.e., weekends), users will be assessed � hour additional time for staff preparation. This permit is for use of buildings and grounds only. Should you have equipment needs, you must contact and arranqe with the center Director for this well in advance. Charqes for services and equipment may be necessary with payment required at time of application. You may also wish to brinq your own equipment into the facility. Permission is requested to bring into the facility the followinq equipment: Approximately how many people do you expect to attend this activity7 RENTAL CHARGE WILL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHEDULE ON FILE AT THE RENTING FACILITY. rt*tr****,e**::***,t*w�***�trw*�**,r**r*r**,t*r,t,t�*,erww**�r**tr**,r****,r**r***,ttt*****,t�**,►,►�rtr*,t,t*k,t,r •_ .• . � � c�r � -. , . . , ISSUE DATE(MMIDp/YY) 11-3-87 PROOUCER ' THtS CERTIFIC/1TE IS ISSUED AS A INATTER OF INFORMATION ONIY AND CpNFERS '-' Anderson E'.IIC InC. NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIflCATE HOLDER.TMiS CERTIFlCI►TE ppEg NpT AIAEND, A$ Y� EXTENO OR ALTEH THE COVERAGE AFFOROED BY THE POLICtEg BELpyy, 6701 W 110th Street Bloomin�ton, MN 55438 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CLETfER Y A Scottadale Insurance Company COMPANY INSURED LETTER B ,� O 4�� c7 Union Gospel Miaeion ��ER Y C 435 E University Avenue SC. Patll� I`IIV SSLOL COMPANY p LETTER COMPANY E LETTER ' • • e THIS IS 70 CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW MAVE BEEN�SSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEO ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOOINDICATED. NOTWITMSTANDINd ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONOITION Of ANY CONTRACT OR OTMER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH TMIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PEfiTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BV THE POIICIES OESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS,AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. CO TypE OF INSURA��CE LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANOS LTR POLICY NUMBER �'Cv EFFECTwE PO��CV ExviRpt�a. OATE iMA/lpp/W) pAtE(MlWppiYl} � H GENERAL LIABIIITY PCCVRRENCE �'+GREGA7� C06�PREHENSIVE fOR1.� GL,S 113286 2-4-a� 2_4_88 aoDi�v iruuav 5 $ . PREMISES/OPERATIO!�S UNUE FiGRUUND PROPEHTV EkP�USION 8 COLLAPSE HAZAHD � O�MAGE S $ PRODUCTS/COMPLE7E0 G�ERATIONS — CONTqACTUAL s�a PD �':OEPENOENT COhTRFC�:�R$ � COMBINED 5 1 f 0�0 $1��00 RRqAp FORA1 PROPERi'/ �AMAGE — -' `-- �Ef'$ONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJUHY $ • Professional AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY y�i.� -- �!IY AUTO . b.VN�i i%`�q PEP$pAI S �!L OWIIED AUTO$IP°�. PASS: 9Y.�1� I -I ..1 tJ1YfJFD AUfUi ' `i Ttiat:1 .A,or - �'I�' . PAS:� / xi l'.0�7thfi '�j � �i)AU f US - �� . ,,. N�OPERTV r-- 1 ,� �`�NRI[f) aU10� p�MAGE g ; i ,.1NAl�f I I,tElq II'r --- --- F 9� S PU 1 � _� <.O�aOWED --�--- •--�_---` --_ � , �_a o3b 0-25 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF CITY FACILITIES It is the policy of the City of St. Paul to encourage the use of it's facilities on as broad a basis as possible, consistent with their primary recreational purpose end necessary rules of the City. 1. Applications are available at all Park and Recreation facilities and must be signed by the Director of the requested facility for preliminary approval. • 2. *Application must be submitted 14 days in advance of date to be used. 3. No meeting shall be held in a City facility for the purpose of advancing ary doctrine or theory subversive to the constitution or laws of the United States or State of Minnesota or the purpose of advocating social or political change by violence. 4. City of St. Paul reserves first claim to the use of its own property. Cancellations may be ordered by City authorities with or without due notice. Permission to use facilities is granted with this understanding. 5. Independent School District #625 has top priority in the use of facilities after recreational activities have been given prim� consideration. 6. Facility permits are not transferab?e nor may space be sublet to any other group. 7. Only the facilities as specified in the permit shall be used. 8. Holders of permits may cancel them by giving the Division of Parks and Recreation notice at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the date to be cancelled. For Saturday and Sunday cancellations, seventy-two (72) hours are required. 9. Keys are not issued to individuals or community groups. City personnel will open the facilities and remain to lock up after the groups have departed. 10. Facilities are not to be used for storage of equipment by Non-Division of Parks and Recreation groups without approval of Director and authorization of Superintendent. 11. Competent adult supervision must be maintained at all times. 12. Occupancy beyond the closing hour stated on the permit will entail additional charges. 13. The person, persons, or organization making application for the use of facilities shall agree to indemnify the City for any damage to property by any person or persons partici- pating in or attending the activity. In such instances the City will invoice the using organization for all repair, replacement, and for labor costs. 14. The need for special stage set-ups, stage lighting, or use of equipment such as public address systems, projectors, tables, chairs, etc. , and the personnel to operate will necessitate additional fees. These arrangements are to be made with the Director of ' the facility at time of permit application. � 1.5. Use of general recreational and athletic equipment and supplies will not be permitted, unless requested and previously approved by the director at the facility. 16. Permit users wili be responsible for setting up and returning rooms and eyuipment to the same location and arrangement they were in prior to usage. This must be completed within the times designated on the permit. 17. Permit holder will be billed for damage or lost equipment or for damage of any type to the building or grounds. 18. Additional charges will be assessed if groups using facilities or grounds fail to leave the property reasonably clean. 19. Smoking is restricted and is only permitted in certain designated areas assigned by the director. The individuals making arrangements for use of the facility will be responsible . for enforcement of this regulation. 20. Gambling in any form is prohibited unless proper license is obtained. 21. The use of alcoholic beverages (3.2 beer enly) is a��owed by obtaining authorization from the Division of Parks and Recreation and then obtaining a temporary on-sale 3.2 beer license from the License Inspector. Hours for license is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 22. Food and beverages may be served and consumed in such areas as are approved by the director of the facility. 23. *Payment is �ue at time of application. If unantici�ated charges are incurred, they will be deducted from deposit. 24. If facility is used for�Snftball Tournament, an approved sanction form must accompany application foi,m. 25. �Use of fields, two (2) hours or more, will necessitate rental of building. 26. *Rental of building is for minir.�rim q� f�ur (4) hours. 27. Rental charge schedule is attached. Checks are to be made payable to City of St. Paul -� �tiREOUIP,E!•1Ei1T5 FOR REGULAR 01�-GOING r'11`7DI�R l4EEKDAY U�ERS I�IAY V:;RY SLIGHTLY ON THESE STARRED ITEI•:�:.