88-2023 WHI�TE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICII P CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. v �D� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution ����� ��____._, Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date �!'��1�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #23995) for the transfer of a 2nd Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License currently held by Joseph Yankovec DBA Payne Avenue Auto Sales at 926 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Ilias Koliambetsos and Steven Bierwerth DBA S & I Used Auto Sales at the same adciress, with the following stipulation: The operators and/or owner of the used car facility shall continue to comply with the provisions of the "Special Conditions Use" permit #9603 issued to this use. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor Goswitz Rettman � s�he;�ei _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �p ' �EC+ 2 � �w Form Ap roved by 't Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - G �( Certified Pas e C nc Se t By �� Z7 `�' gy, tilpproved b Mayor ate n��• L I ICiW Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY -- s BY p!�'�Si�I ��C �' 1 1988 ..y,.�..,,. . �..- ...3f .�.pqF�'- .... .. .� ' ' ���o.� , ' TaiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIIvISTRATION llATE '' � / , INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW C;HECKLIST ppn Processed/Received by Li Enf Aud - Applican � ,(/ e Home Addres�� � i �� Rusiness b'ame �¢' �l�y%!"r Home Phone � � Business Address � �( Type of License(s) ��� Business Phone /���� � f � .� a �� Public Hearing Date p� c7 License I.D. 4{ � � at 9:00 a.m, in the Council hamb �rs, �v 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� _� � � � llate Notice Sent; I���rI,"� �n _''�,) Dealer 4P � �2�v to Applicant ��°���7� --� rederal I'irearms 4t N � Public Hearing (�=c��'� DATE II�SPECTIUN REVtEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D ,// �v � � oK Health Divn. � ' , ! P � ,�-� i Fire De t. � �� i ; I b l! � � Police Dept. //i�g I l� �� g � License Divn. �Jr � / � `� I Q K-. City Attorney � �� ��a � , o � Date Received: Site Plan ��' o�o � b � �/ To Council P.esearch (Z � �� Lease or Letter , � Dat from Landlord ��� � . . . � . . 7. . ..., .,-.�.-..,:. . �....�._ ..,,,�.�. .. { . -. . ... . . . - , . ' . � ' . 'KL �;':f'o-f�t�j . � . . . � . . 1��:� `:Y�. .h��.♦ � � . . . � . . '��B'� r . . .. CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOItMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: a� �qs : � . City of Saint Paul `�T"Oa ��� . � Department of Finance and Management Services • License and Pennit Division � 203 City Halt St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5056 APPLiCAT10N FOR LICENSE • CASH CHECK CIASS NO. New Renew aQ � oa Q'� ' Date ���� —' 19�11 Code No. Tttte of License From �/�'r 1 To ��— � 19� �d � /.� e�`�'`�� � ,00 �j � ApplicanUCompany Name ; '� s � �- 100 Business Name � ��� � O ' ,� 9'�� ��-�— � o � � Business Addtess � Phone No. 100 700 Ma' to Address Phone No. r ' t 00 .�Q�l,.,(�/ �C.� ManapaNOwnsr•Nams � too �'��? - .��9� °� ���i ; 100 A1an penG •Ho Addnss Pnon�Na ` 4pg8 Applicatlon Fee � � / ' R v the Sum of ? 100 , %/% � ••3 ��-� -- ��• �D�..J ManaqeNOwner•City. a�.a ztv code � 100 Total 100 ! �icense Inspector % � By: \i�� Siqnature of Appiieant � Bond• ' Campany Name Poliey No. Expintion Oate � Insurance: Company Name Policy No. ExDiradon Oats � Minnesota State identification No. Social Security No . Vehicte tnformatfon: Ssrial Number lat�Numb�r Other. THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION �, THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Yow application for Ifcense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning , ordinance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zo�ing andlo�License Inspectors. �-� '� /7D D 1 $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS /� � � ��=�- `� � , � � -� � �i_�--i� � � ��, � ����aa3 �• , ' CI'I'Y OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTI�IiT C�' FIl�ANCE ARD MA11AGffi�llr SffitVICFS LICENSE ARD PET�T DIYLSIOA These statement forms are i�suad in d�aglicste. Pleas� ansMer all qusst3oas llil�y aad camplete�y. This applicstion ia thorough�y ebecked. ���Any lalsiricati� ni31 be csuse !or deaial. �� /VU U R �'^ 19 ��3 1. Applicstion for 1...iC Ct��"'-' --... _ _ eease (Permit) 2. Pame of applicsnt ` ' � � r 1��. �/�.,�`i, 3. If applicant is/hsa been a mnsried lemsZe, list maiden name ��/�J- b. Date of birth ��,,��/�x Age,� Plsce of birth �,Q�L(*,[" 5. Are you a citizen of the United States �_ Rativ�e _ Naturslized �_ 6- Are yau a registered voter ' Where Nc �v�rn� � i.c5. ��,ae� �# 7. Hcme e+ddress _1�07�=�1. ��� 7T�Q./U�t,� Si Aome telepino�e .7J '�'` o(o 8. Preaent busineas address C/�C. �/-��/rt1 . /�U BusitMSS t.�].�pboot 7 -O�,/O(,, 9. Inclnding yaur present busineia/employment, v6st bosiness/a�plvy�ent ha�e ycn followed for the past tive years. Buainess/mrploymeut Address _ �A��1��' e lF �/�C�/�m� t' �� �. . -- _,.. l0. .Married � If ans�rer is "yea", list nams and addreaa o�! spouse 11. Fiave yau ever been arrested !or an olfense that �a resultad in s coovicti�i� It ansMer is "yes", list dstea of arrests, rhere, charge�, comrictioo� aod senteeces. , Data of arrest 1.9 Where CAAF.CE coiwrcrrox s�r�ncE h ' I4- Dnte a: arrest 19 where CAARGr CONVICTIOiT SENTIIqCE n '/�. � � 12. List the names and addresses (if married, aame ot sponse also) ot all persons, corporations, partnerships, associstiona o�r organizationa W�ich in a�r Wsy bave: '� . T a. A rnortgage intereat in the ].icenaed premise. �-�5��� J�� ��k. b. A serurity interest in the licensed premiaes, licenae, or it�rnishings of the li censed premise, 5���- 5 i.�:'��Cc� , c. A prvmissory note tor tunds loaned !or tbe vperation o! the liceased premise or the purchase ot'the license, , .N f��� `� d. Financially cvntributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- se1P �1 �,--U 1�:�'�� . e. Arly other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itsel!', j�/D�l/� _ Attach a copy hereto of aay a�d all documents referred to in this a!lidsvit. 13• Give neimes aad addresses of two peraoas, reaidents of St. Paul, Minnesots, who can give intormation coacerning you. FAI� AD�3 ��V�°_�N �i C i`�J`e.t`ac�c1 �519 L A WS c�-►1 S�/�c.�.c-P �« s� �/�� �ss� /j 9�s ,�����i�� 1�+. Addreas of premises !or �+hich License or Permit is made Address ��.�o �4�'�11�'� �v�- Zone claasification � 15. Between rrhat cross streets � tY1 Which side ot street� -�-� 16. fta�ae under vhich this busineas �rill be conducted j— RNCS--Z lJlSe-� �U.� � SRIz_� 17. Bua i aess Lelephone n�ber ��] � — ��(��0 � Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, locstion, and square footage of the premises to be licensed �9. are oremises nex occupied \(�S What business �-��U G��Z H�� loag_ T— ,1 . r 20. Liat license w!zich you currently hold, or fonoer�y held, or m�► have an iatere � `.' � in NU Al� � . 21. Have aay of the licenses listed by yon in No. 20 ever been sevolaed. Yes�d=L/' . No �. I! anaxes ia yes , list dstes and rea�ona: — - 22. Do you have sn intereat of anyr type in a�► other busiaess or b�sine:s premiaes. I.• answer is "yes", list business, bnaixss address aad telephone nvmber.� 23. If business is incorporated, giv� da�e of incorporation �_19 � and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and mirnrtes o first meeting 24. List all officers of the carporation giving their names, oftice held, hame address, and home and busineas telephone n�bers: ��� �_ -- ..�_ 25. If busi�ss is partnership, list psrtner(s) addresa snd telepho� a�bers: x� �TE v�.,v:a� f rwe�.-I�h aaa�e�s�19 L�ws�-►, �a..Ro..z,Z-!�o�� � 26. Ia there an}rone elae who will have sa interest in this business oa� premiaes4 If answer is "qea", give name,�� address, telephot�e n�bers aad ia �at manner is tl�eir intereat: � 27. Are yan goin� to operate this business peraonal]y V�S iS no�t, Mho �ri11 opera�te it: T— A� Ham� address Z�el.Bo. �-�,�a,�3 . - . , . ' Are you going to have a Mansger or assistant in this business? If ans�+�er is "yes", give naa�e and ho:ne address and home telephoae number: , Name /VD Home address Tel.No. 29. Has a�yone yau have nsmed in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? It answ�r is "yes", list na�n� of person, dates oP arrest, wt�ere, charges, comric- tions snd sentence • � 3�• I .L�i AS Ko � ��ambefi5n5 understand this premise mey be in- spected by the police, fire, health and other city officials at a�r and alI tfines when the business is in aoeration. State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) ��a� C �.t� , ���ti h,���,��ing first duly swora, deposes and says upoa oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his si�sture aad lmars the contents thereoP, and thst the seme is true oP his oWa l�o�+ledge excrpt as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief aad as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. ' _ _ � Subscribed ar�d svora �a►�etax me / '- . � Il ,r � y Signature of Applicsat this � V day�of� � 9 r,� _ a. No -Public y �i1IIty� M�A�tesot8 � 'V � �� . . . ;�:.�<;:;y j '.. My co�iasion;��icpires \\\ .��.. ,\'�� 3 ,�. /vo• q � °v � � . /�C . ,. �. . ��a0�3 �` - CITY OF ST. PAUL f �r . DEPAR�iT � FIIqAACE A1QD MARAC� 3ffitYICFS ' LIC�El95E AAD PBRPIIT DNSSIOF Tluse ststemeat torma are iasued in d�glicste. Plesse aa�rer ali qv�estiooa tully �ad camplete�y. This applicstfon is thorougl�y cbecked. My falaitication vill be quse for denial. � /� / /� — Date //l' — �4 " 19 � 1. Application !or � /�l'ld' � �', _ l�Ki� • L_lG�t►I�E _(License) (Persit) 2. Name of appli cant ��,a.,.cy2�' P�Ji'� ��'� y �J��ilr�✓ /C7 i�t►✓ 3. If applicant is/has b�en a m�trried femsle, list msidea name _S"�rri p_ b. Date of birth =i�-Sy Age� place of birth �� �,�� �,,,,� . 5. Are you a citizen of the United States �� AatiTe _ lfataralized _ 6- Are you a registered voter ��_ Where �. AOOQ iad2'CSS S/ i' L.4�,7.CA r: C�' �i��L-YYI:n r� �! tl�Ope �„21G _ 8. Preserrt business address _C'l�' �L.c.�.�.C2 3r� Bnsiness tel�pbao� 7�7/ 9. Including yaur present business/employment, vhat bosiness/�lo�eat ha�t yan follorred for the past live y�ears. � Busir�eas�FSaPlo'Y�� Address � /"7 Lcs� C'C .. Sf�,o�C rr, ;,r..,� //l%�✓.��.%t/ �'�. '/..S'',�ia.�,' ���� __��..�.����...��.��... _ ' �'�'+r�"r:� i ��`l��it1..-�?�-cr- .. _- �' � �.f t Y 1't � 10. Married � If anaWer is "yes", list name and address o� spause ^ � � � 11. ?iave you ever been arrested for ew ottease that has resulted in s cao�i�tion! It aris�+�er ia "yes", Iist dates of srrests, rhere, chargas, coanictioos sud sentences. �te ot .�nst �9_ � N� �.� �� � � �� —,��� � �i�- . �� Dste �f arrest - �� 19 Where CAARG�' /�/A- CJNVICTIOi7 '�`%✓ S�� �/� 12. List tht names and addresses (if married, name of spouse also) o! all peraona,• corporntions, partnerships, asaociations or a�ganizations wt�ich in aay �+$y have: �' a. A �aortgage interest in the 1lcerised pranise, �,,,�'L�., ,�Qc,�c,.�-t,. ' � �.�� �� �,-r,�c �-G � , p�.��- . b. A aecurity interest in the licensed preaisea, licenae, or St�raiahings of the licensed premise, c. A pramissory note !or funds loaned for t6e aperation o! the licenaed premiae or th�e pnrchaae o!'the license, ���_r d. Finaacially contributed to the purchase oY the premise or the license it- self r`� l� d��)'�� � � e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherxise i in the licensed premise or the licenae itself, �_ Attach a copy hereto o! anq artd all documents referred to in this attidavit. 1?. Give names and a�drasses oY two persons, resideata ot 3t. Psul, Mi:mesota, nho can give iatormstion coacerning you. - AAI� AD�3 .T�z� ' uu. � 70a ��_� �-'�-w.rv� � � � .�`� ,z 14. Addreas ot premises for ahSch License or Perait is ma�de .:, v-�, Addreas � �v--� Zone clsasificstion��� 15. Between rrhat croas streets �;,,�Kc ,��9� r►q�< e a�.l Whi_h aide of street /�'�/,,� 16. Na�ne under Whfch this bua3ness Will be condncted �' ,�r�,( .G' ��.S�,�Ufo J��l�,t 17. Bus i nes s Lelephoae manber �7/- O�1 l� lp. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, locstion, aad square Pootage ot the premises to be licensed � 19. ?re premises now occupied �/.�? �. _What business�'nT .,n�c�S�l� H� long�l`��';' � ��-ao�73 ^ k ,' 20. List license w!zich you currently hold, or former�y held, or me�► have an intere • . in ' l� 21. Have aay�f the licenses listed by you in No. 20 evrs been revoked. Yes No r/ . If anarer is "yes", list dstes aad reasona: - 22. Do you have an intereat of ar�r type ia a�r other bu�iness ar businesa pt�emises. If answer is "yes", list business, busineas address and telephoae num'ber. /I/( i �-� 23. If business is incorporated, giw date ot incorporation �� 19 � and attach capy of Articles of Incorporstion and miautes of firat meeting. 24. List all officers of the corporation giving their names, office held, hame addresz, and home and buainesa telephone aumbera: ,, i �_ ' � �� � 25. If buainess is partnership, list partner(s) address and telaphooe n�bers: � . 1'�ame , _�,� s �_ �� /�it„�r�drees /�O 7a:2 h��+<zn.,T Te1.Ao. �7���y K c71�pmbt'�'zcrS C�l1��'`"�� N, ._�_�� i 26. Is there anyone elae r�ho w3.I1 have sn i�rtereat in this b�simas o� premises4 If ans�rer is "yea", give name, hcme addreaa, telephaae nu�bers and in re�at maaner is their intereat: � 27. Are yo� goin�t to operate this bnsineas personal�y � it not, Mho �rill opesste it: N� Hane address Z�el.Bo. Are you going to have a t�iana�er or assistaat in this business? If ansWer is `. � "yes t�, give name and ho:ae address and ho�me telephone number: ` Na�ne � /-V� � ! _Home address . ,_ - �e1.No. .- , � 29. Has ar�yone you have asmed in questions 22 through 26 ever been srrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates oP arrest, where, cha.Tges, com►ic- tions and sentence > 30. I _- -. �� �,u,�c� understand this premise m4Y be in- s ec ed by the olice, fire, health and other city officials at ar�r and aIl P P times when the business is in operation. State of ytinnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) being iirst du�y sworn, deposes and says upon oat that he has read the Poregoing statement bearing his si�ature and lmars the contents thereoF, aad thst the ssme is true of his own lmo�+ladge excrpt as to those matters therein stated upon information and beliet aad a.s to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. � .. _ . . t'�� l Subscribed ar�d svora to befox;e. me ignature of Applicant this day 'of �,,,� - ... •.,.- .�' No Public,, Rams •,Connty, Minnesota ,�::� �r'" _ *4y co�n3.ssion�acp'fres . . - ��-�e�3 S�L�fi �r_U 1: C!�Y: COU��Gli, P tTBL l� ��:A..R!�T� �0 LZ��: ���cE►vE� . �����V�� A1'P�.Z�A�Za�T d�co � 1988 > . CITY CL�K�C ____, � �- � = �� �i0. Dear Property Owner: L 23995 .. 4 Transfer of a Second Hand Motor Vehicle Dealer license currently held by Joseph Yankovic DBA Payne Avenue Auto PU'��SE Sales� at 926 Payne Avenue to: ?F r I Tli:as Koliambetsos and ,Steven Bierwerth DBA S �, I Used P ��� Auto Sales ���,���L� 926 Payne Avenue _., December 20, 1988 9:fl0 a.a. � i��' �R �!�C CitT Cauac::,L C�aabers, 3rd �Ioar C+c7 Eal� - Cau:-,. causz By Licsase aad ?��3.c Di�sion, De�ar—e=t oi _==aacs aad I r �ag�eat Serricas, 3aa� Z03 Cit� ral? - Cour� ?.�usa, �IO'L'►_C:,. S�TT s�:.t �z�.t, w;,�,a<a� zns—�oss � - Z'I�� daca �p be c�aa;e3 r•z'i.thout t�e conszuc �a/or �ow?edga oz c�e Licens� ar� Pe�T� Division. I� is suga=st=d t�at pou c.:?? t�e C?c� Clerti' s Of:�c_ ac ??8-423L i; �ou =�sa con�r�.ar=Q�. _. oN�11M � , o���wr+�►tm ane oorn�c 4I'�� - Mr. J. archedi '�R�� �#'�EET No. 0��1� : �* �+ ��� ��,���►m � � . _ � — — i R k Nu�e�t r� �.���_= 3 «�«� . . r�'°r� . ROUTNis euoaEr ox�croA • . � 2 Caunci'� Research , , , o�: i : . .... �. '-,. . qTY ATTORNEY .. �. � " � ' . . . : . . . . � . - . _ . . .. . , ; ��. . ... . � . . _. . ` , � ApplTCa ion for the trar�sfer of a 2nd Hand Dea1er Nbtor Vehici� License. '' � . � Noti fi c� tion Date: 12-5±-88 W�rf ng Qate: 1�-20-88 i _ ��;(�PW�.(�)oY Heject(R)l . CO��ARCH AEPOIRo-. ` - � -PIANNMd(i OOMMIBBION � cML 9ERVK:E COWIBBION` , DATE IN DATE OIf� , AWLLVST .. ����� PFiOfElq. . . . �� , � mMq C01�88K3q� 18D 82S BCIIOOL BOARD�� . .. - . . . .. � � � � � � � . .. . .STAfF�. . _ .. .. � . qWiTE9 COMMIBBION � � � COMVLEIE AS.IB�. -ADD'L iFIFO.AO�ED* _�A DL�O� _�.•{�� . . q6'TRICf 00{��. *EIfPLANATION: � .. . . . . � .- t � -�� &1Pf+ORTE WNIQt�L�tXJGL OdRCTNE4 i � . � . � . � . � � �� . . . � � � � . 1 � �' . . .. . � � . .. . . : . . . . . . . . . { . .. . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . . . . , . . . . . . . --�- . i .. . � � � . _ . . � . '�' � . � . . . , .. .. � . � � - . . }� . . i: . .N-.-.� ���.,', ' .. .. ' .... . . ". I. ' . - �... . . �.. ; � . . .'. . .. . ' . ,. . � _ ' .- _ . .. . ,_ ..,. . . .. ... . . . .-._ wrtu►rwa Mo�.�r,� twno.w�.v�.wr»►e,�n+r): . . _ � Ilias K liambetsos and S�teven Bierwerth DBA S. & I Used A�to Sa1es reques.t that the Second Hand De.aler Nbtor Vehi.cle Licensg current]y iss�ed o Joseph Y�nkovic DBA Payne:_Avenue Auto Sales at 926: :Payne Ave, . be,tran �erred to them at the same address. _ . _ . : . � , i � i, ; � . .N,a�c�►,aw wo��� r�..��: , . . . _ � , , . . + All fee and application� have been submitted. A13 required divisions - � Zaning, Fire, Pol�ce and: License - have giver�' their approvals. 10-day � notices have been sent. f , , : , 001�1fMhIR.'WAMk�nd T Whan)i ,. .. , . � _ { S. If Coun il approva'� is gnven, ilias Ko1iambetsos and Steve� 8ierwerth ?' wili be 1,icensed to sell; used care at 926 Pa�ne Avenue. � ' = 4 ; _ . �: � , . , _.:. . � � _ : , ,u:�tar�s:: � - r�os , . , t�ts . _ . . ,: { : . . Co�nci! Rese�x�h ��nter-� I. f L� O'�:;IJHC) ` � . , � , _ � NIfTGRY/P�EDEq1'E: � . . . . � . . .. . . -. . � � � � � i��. � . . . . .. .. . . . � : . .. . � . . � � . . . . . . -� .. . . .. . . . . . .. . � . � . . . � . . . � .. "� �t' . . . � . . . . . �� � � � . � . - � . � .. . . � . � . . . .. . , . � � . .. , � � . . . . . . . ie . . .. l.liA�I�ESS E , � � . � �