88-2016 . . � � ������ UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE / Gj INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn rocessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud �' I � ApplicantT� �Q��,�I��,`,,,,� �y� , Home Address �..� �i l (S �v��• Rusiness Iv'ame �('j� Home Phone �{��"'�'� Business Address s(9� W • �o�.� I[,��..�Type of License(s) �lti �-�., �� 4"_-T Business Phone � � �' C �,�ftr4� �,�_�r � (`�1�L!' . (�11T�. , y=T Public Hearing Date � �Io�License I.D. 4� � ���(� B at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cham ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Cou thouse State Tax I.D. �C �j 3 ��`Z�� I�.� �� ���) �/� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� YI � to Applicant — I'ederal Fi.rearms 4� I� (� Public Hearing DATE II�'SPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D + �0� 5- � Health Divn. � ��I � ' � � � Fire Dept. j � � � I � � ; s i o I� � i Police Dept. (� I I 13 License Divn. l � ib� � � K � City Attorney � � l� a , Date Received: Site Plan �� �� To Council Research Z (,F Lease or Letter ate f rom Landlord ��I � CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: .�L__-:.aS� �. � " tl_ ' 7[�: �•..'tfi��1��'{� .. i� -r�-....� se � -• .s. - ' . _.. '.... -, .� r . _. . .. .y::.. . - . .��'.�:� ^a['�i-i'Y'.w'Qq-.+.P.. .•� . • � � City of Saint Paul � ������.,J� Department of Finance and Management Services ' . License and Pennit Division � . ������ , . .. � ' � 203 CRy Ha11 - St. Paul,Minnesota 55102-298-5056 - APPLICATION FOR UCENSE �-�.CASN CHECK CLASS NO. ,�;e,�F , New Renew . . ., � _ -_ - . _ . r � � � � ' � � . " : . . • Date 1� "' � Code No. Title of Ltcense . . : - From 19��0 �—� 1� _ . + • 1� �Gx��l�C/�e, �:� .' ^ � Appllean7ComPany Nam� , ` 100 ;:.. � 9 � °� �J ,��e.. . 100 - Business Name ,:. , • � . :.� ,00 � �. C�� ..� — ;- - . . BuslnnsAddnss �_-���/" _ 'S„5, ��O �. to0 � _ / .��� ��• �� 100 Mail to Address Phone No. . 100 Q� � ManaqeHOw •Nam� ' rJ�_ 100 7 /� •�°�'`f . 100 � �anayeHGwne►-HamAddresa Phon�No. ��.'_:� 4pgg Application Fee - . . ' - " � 2. 50 : o-t R eived he Sum of 100 ' �G�^� �� � �/�• ��3�� Li2�'-G�/ � • -�_ManaqerlOwnar.c�c�.siace a no co� 100 �<+�'- ,.;Total . 100 �: .^: : .. .. ' � _ . :. . . , , . . . Y�. . ' , '. - ,. ' . ` �-i� � - �f' . .. ��. � � . � ••• ' � :;�Licenae Inspector By: �qnatu�e of App�icant _ _+ r'C�nd� . . _ � � � ' . . � � � . . ..' .. �. ,{' . -. .�. . . � , ' Company Name . Policy No. Expiration Oate = (RSUf3�C@' . . . -" . Compaey Nam� PoHCy Na Eupintion Oate Y`Mtnnesota State Identlfication No. �����7d � Social Security No : s:,� . :�;. . .. . . . , . � :� Vehicte Information: � � S�ri�l Numb�r st� umb�r � . Other � �;;�. THiS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS iS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your application tor Ilcense wili either be granted or reiected sub�eet to the provisio�a oi the zoning �- ordinance and compietton of the inspections by the Hoalth, Fire,Zoniny andlor Licenss Inspectoro. $15.00 CHARGfi FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS ,��,� 9-� 8`� rnp � � . � - ��ao�� , - , . , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTI�AT � FIl�ARCE APD MABAG��"g�RU3C�S LIC�lQSE ARD P�EtMIT DIYI:IOl�' : ':=:�� , Theae ststement torms are iasued in d�plicste. Plcase aaseer all qnestions !tii],�y aad com�plctely. This applfcstioa ia thoroug�ly c�cked. Any fal�ification �rill be csuse for deaial. Date Septesnber 8, lg 88 1. Applicatiou tor G c rv Gas Station License (yfaas�) (permi,t) 2. Hame o! a li cant �� �P �a t / / �� ./1 FV'A/l Z rG. ) 3. If applicsnt is/haa bean a mnrried female, list maidea nam� 4. Date of birth 7/13/5 5 Age 3 3 pince of bir�h A 11 e qan, �Iz 5. Are you a citizen of the United Statee yes Nsti�+e _ Aaturalized _ 6. Are you a reg3stered voter ves Where North�ille, M.? ?. Home sddresa 116 8 8 Tho rnhi 11 Rd. Hame telephane 612 942-6244 A. Present business addreas 814 8 P i 11 s bury Ave, S Busiaess te — lephme 612 881-4483 9. Including your present busineas/employmeat, v�at bnsiaess/ea�loyment bave yon folloved for the past tive years, Business/F}Rplaymeat Addresa Total Petroleum, Inc. P.O. F3ox 500 Denver, CO 80201 10. Married yes It ans�rer is jrea", liat name and addzess ot apause Patricia J. Mast 11688 Thornhill Road Eden Prairie, :�V 55344 II. !�tave you ever been arrested for an ot2'ense that has resu].ted in a coQViction!No I! ans�rer is "yes", list dates of arrests, wl�ere, chargea, coirv�ictioas and sentences. • Date of arrest 19__ Where r CAAI?CE CONVZCZ'ION � Date o: arrest I9 Where CHARGr CDNV IC"�'iQi+ 5��� 12. List the names and addresses (it married, name o! spanse also) of all peraona, � cox�orations, partnerships, associations or organizationa wt�ich in a�r vUr have: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icenaed premise, � , b. A security interest in tbe licensed premises, licenae, or lbraishings of the licensed prtmise, / __ c. A prv�issory note for ltiulds loaned for the aperation o! th� licensed premise or the pnrchase ot'the license, �!�24`-�t� � d. Financially contzibut�d to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self /12(�t,� / e. Ar�y other interest eitl�er direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise � in the licensed premise or the license itaelf, _��'�c.�.-� Attach a copy hereto of aay and all decwnents nferred to in this aftidsvit. . Lease Attached 1?. Give namea aad a�ddresses oP tyre persona, resideats of St. Psul, Mianesats, who can give intormation concerning you. RAI� AD�FSS Ja�res P . Hill 1707 Tavlor, St. Paul, NIlV 55104 Scott Fisher 812 - 17th St., Newport, �I 55055 Z4. Addreas ot premises for �+hich License or Permit is made 568 W MaYyland Addreas 568 W yiarvland, �t. F3u1, tM1 55117 Zoae claasificatio� 15. Betxeen what croas streets Kent & Danforth Whi=h side of street South Side 16. Na�e under xhich this busineas wrill be conducted Total I7. Business telepho�e n�ber 612/489-9939 lQ. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, aad square Pootage of the pre�ises to be licensed Concrete Block 420 sq. ft. �9. �re oremises now occupied yes What business gas/c-store H� long . . �. � � ���°�� . 20: , List license w!lich you currently hold, or former�y held, or mepr have an intere in NtP�20US y 2I. Have arry of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever beea xvoked. Yes_ N� �Y_. If ansver is "yes��, list dstes aad reasona: 22. Do you have aa interest of ar�r type ia arLy other businesa oz busiaess premiaea. I; ariswer is "yes", list business, busineae address aad telrptione �tumber.� No 23. If business is incorporated, give dete of incorporation 2/6 19 36 and at�ach capy of Articles of Incorporation and miautes of firat meetiag. 2�. List all officers of the corporation giving their names, office held, h�e address, and home and buainesa telephone numbers: 3Q3/?99-6601 Philippe Dunoyer, President - 2000 E 12th Ave., Denver, 00 80206 303/291-2085 . 3d3/771-2571 C. Gary Jones, Vice President - 5927 E Jamison Lane, Enalewood, CO 80112 303/2°1-2862 303/799-0?'93 Larrv C. Ross. Secretarv - 8749 E Otero Cr., EnQlewood, C�0 80112 303/291-2145 � 303/690-6137 R�nd Leeks, Treasurer - 14656 E Grand Ave., Aurora, CO 80115 303/291-2079 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) addreas and telephone a�bers: Name Address � Ztie1.Ao. - _ 26. Ia there a�rone else wiio will have an interest in this buainess ox� premiaes? Ir answer is "yes", give name, home addreas, teltphoc�e m�bers and in ahst manner is their i�.erest: No � 27. Are you goin�; to operate this business personal�y �_ it not, vho xill vperate it: P.O. Box SQO Aame Total Petroleuan, Inc. Hane address Denver, �0 80i01 �1,�}03/291-2000 . � • Are y�u going to have a Mana�er or assistaat in this business? It ansver is ' "yes", give naam and home address and home telrphone mimber: 1184 Mackubin #106 Name Robert Ristaw Home addressSt. Paul,''NIl�i 55117 T�e1.No612/489-4317 29. Has a�yone yau have named in ques�ions 22 thrau�h 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list aame of person, dates ot arrest, vhere, cha.•ges, com�ic- tions as�d sentence . No 30. I � understand this premise msy be in- spected by t pol e, fire, health and other city ofiicisls at ar�r aad aLL times When the business is in operation. State of A+linnesota) � ��V�)SS Couaty of &a�sey ) �Gc,t,c1 • G7,���¢� being first du�y srorn, deposes aad says upan oath tha he h ad the �'oregoing statement bearing his si�ature and 1maKS the conten�s thereo , aad that the same is true oP his mrn l�ovledge except as to those � matters therein stated upon information and belief aad as to those matters he be- lievts ttiem to be true. Subscribed ar�d ss+orn to beloxe me �j �i�/ Signa Applicant this �_dey of lQ OD ������� �J�G�� MARLENE J.WALSTEN ,��� , NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNES07 Notary Public County, Minnesota �� DAKOTA COUNTY �G�9c'''""`'� ires Feb.24.1991 MY Commias�on F.xP '�y co�ission expirea / : ����: _ �„� . � _ . : �„�..�,� �� F�E�N � , �, � ���'T �o. Q�02�4 ��� : �����, ' r Christine Rozek � �� � �.M�►�� �3-c�«� ��°: � so�,o — �*� �C�;inci l `Resear�h F i�ar��.& ., . ;. 298-5 56 .. . , o�: �":��. — : � : � _ _ , . : . , ; : _ ' Applic�tion `�or a Gas Sta+�ion to 3 Pumps l.icense:, 3 Add�tior�aal �t�nps and an Original Container; License. Notificatio.n Date: 12-5-88 t�earing Date: 12-2o-s8 � : ,�o�c�ov�.w a�c�� ��: a�a►wr�o co�+wroeioH. ; Gvic:sr�vicE�ori ; o��w o�rE art : vsr w+or�►�. > , ( �ow+o oa.�.�o�+ �o a�s�oa.e�o � _ BfAFF. � . �. . GMIiTB1��N i � � CAMPLE7E AS i3 � � AqDL MF0.ADDED+ . � RETD 70 OONTA�'f. �. . . . � � . �; � _ . . � _'f+OR ADD'C 11'IFO. . _FEE08110K ADOED t.. � �-D�C�4E7CENCL ... . � . � . . � _ � . . ' � . .. *EXPUN�TION: . . .. � � BUPPOrtf�MMICli COINCL 0l,I�CTIVE4 � . - � � � . -� . � � �� � . . . - . . - �L�7.�J�[.�.w Q i � � � ' � - � : ; . : On l��'�S 8 ; /��"� � , � � � �� _ ��g : l� : . . � . �� �� : ..,�.�.,�,�.�,►��,�.�.,�.��: , _ , : _ _ � : Total Petroleum Inc: DBA 'Tota1 requests Councij appr al of its application ' �� ; :for t�e.:�tao��:l'icenses at 568 W. Maryland. ` ` � : . � ;.. � , : . .:.�.+a�tc�arue.n.w. ' �ar. < . . 4 :; ; ; . � All f�es a�d :application have been subm�tted� A11 required depar�+ts - Zoning, H��1-th, Fi re,� Po�i ce and Li censa:n #�ave given tlae�r ap�rovai . _ 9` ! , ; _ , „- .;c�c,�s:tw�r.we.g.,�,a so w�: _ . .: � .. . . i If Council ap�roval is g�ve�, Tota� Petroleum Inc. wi�1 ape�^ate th� ' � � business at 56S W. Maryl�rtd. ' : , . E � .,. ; - ,-_;. : - ;, � ;; - - � . . _ ��w►n�.:. �, , rnos , ao�s , _ ! C�unc � E�e����:.���;� �Y;�ter , , . . . a:, ,; . . . _ �'� (� ��88 �. _ � _ : �..�,f�: NOTE: This station was previously operated ` , 3 � , _ . '�.eok.rwe� ; : _ ; , � � _ �;t�RY .R�CAQA�A?10M/�lM�li'�Pi A1.S: " s-' � STAIfFt10LDERS,(L�9t) P08fIlON t+,—.�) 'i �MIILL TES11FY4(Y!N),>. HI►710qALE(S�mnri�Win Mqmow�ls) / � '�MtsvVa� ��P�� ��. � � . F1R3T YEAR(Stmt Date). � - . '�ND VEl1A NOTE3: .- . t. OPERATNO OIIDGETc � REVENUES(�ENERATED . � 1, � ....................:...................._ ..a.... , , . � . , , EXAEN$ES: . = . - Salariea/Fri�e Benefi�........................................................ _ . _ E4��t�............... .:.�..... .:...... .:...::i ......... . � . , _ . , . .. �PP�g.............. ... .. ... ... ..... , Corriracds for Service............. ........ , . . : Other _ . PROFi7'(1�) ................................................................................ , , _ , . : FUNDIfIfi 80URCE FOR ANY L08S(Name end Amount) CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT BtlDOET: � DESKK�iN COSTS ' _ ACQINSITION OOS7'S >:- , ., CANSTRUCIId�I COSTS ....._......................................................... ; TflTAL......................:......................................... souACE oF Funowci p�arne�d anounc> �aCT oN euna�: AMQUMT CURREMiLY QUD6ETED......:.......:........................:::.... .,,, .. . . AIAOUtiT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDOET ... _ . , ., _. ,: ,. SOURCE OF AI�UNT QMfR 8l1DQET........................................ ` ' - .''..- - PROPERTY TAXE$Pa�111ER/4TED iLOST) ......... � MAPLEIAENTA7TON RESPON�BILITY: . �pr�t�� av�on FuN�n� BUDOET ACTNITY N R 8 TITLE ` ' ACTIVITY MANAGER ` lIOW PERFOiiMANCE WILL BE MEASURED?: MiOORAM 08JEC71VE3: PROGRAY II�ICATORS • 1ST YR. 2MD YR: EYALUAiION RESPO�N.RY: , . . . . . PERSOr� oEPr. _ wioNE No. REPORT TD CO(�ICiL dF oArE . F/NiT pIGRTERLY